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Everything posted by rvalkass

  1. It would appear there have been some problems with the server. There is already a discussion about it here. I assume Support are working to fix the problem, and your account should be working again soon. Thank you for your patience.
  2. Cinelerra is an excellent video editor, with quite a few advanced features, and it is available completely free: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ It is rated very highly, although does have a little bit of a learning curve to get round when you first use it. There are, however, plenty of tutorials out there to help you get used to it. There are also tutorials on all of the advanced effects.
  3. When I'm on the Internet, I treat everyone as they treat me. If someone is polite to me then I will treat them with the same respect, regardless of age. If someone is rude to me then I'm likely to be less polite back, or to just ignore them Feeling that I've been disrespectful doesn't enter my mind; if I treat people as they treat me then they cannot complain. A great power to us all, but one that some people are determined to remove. Those people get no respect from me. I'm all for freedom of expression, but at least do it vaguely intelligently; just swearing and insulting people is not a reasoned debate, but a cop-out when you haven't got a real argument.
  4. You can't access your Xisto database from elsewhere, but I don't think there is anything stopping your Xisto account from updating your local database.You would need a PHP script that would go through your entire database, create a SQL command to copy it all, and then run that SQL on your local machine. To do that, you need to change one thing in the standard code to connect to the database. To connect to your database, change the server 'localhost' to 'your_ip:port'. Obviously you will need to find out your IP address, and what port your MySQL server is running on. You should then be able to run commands on your local database from your hosting account.However, copying the entire database would be very slow and server intensive. What would be better would be to copy only changed rows. I have no idea what your database structure is, so I can't offer more advice apart from adding a new field to every table that stores the time the row was last updated. Then, only copy rows updated in the last day or whatever.
  5. Topic is resolved.Please PM any moderator to continue this discussion. Until then, this topic is closed.
  6. It would appear there is content on your site: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ In your application you put the following: Which subdomain did you fill out on the form which actually created your account?
  7. I presume you mean CSS? CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets, and they determine the look and position of HTML elements on screen. Such things as colour, width, height, fonts, etc. I suggest you search for some CSS tutorials to learn how CSS works, and makes your templates much easier to work with.
  8. SVN with Trac is a pretty good choice. That way you'll get source code control, issue tracking, bug control, timelines, even a wiki, all set up for you.
  9. There is no limit on file size, apart from the amount of hosting space you have, as tricky77puzzle has said.As for file types, I believe you can upload any file type as long as it is legal. For example, a music file of your own creation would be OK, but not if it was copyrighted and you didn't have permission.
  10. What language is the forum being written in? You can't really ask for developers without saying what language you want them to write code in! Do you have the full text of the original licence? What licence are you releasing your version of the forum software under? How big is the current codebase? Do you have good source code control set up (SVN)?
  11. HP have excellent Linux support through HPLIP, written by HP themselves. My HP all-in-one worked out of the box after I installed HPLIP, and I therefore highly recommend HP for use with Linux. Their LaserJet printers are highly rated across the web, and the few I have used have been reliable and good quality. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  12. Whatever collation you are using for the database, or a setting in phpBB, is preventing the little heart characters from saving in the database. Personally, I wouldn't be trying to put symbols into topic titles, but I suggest you read up on the phpBB help on getting UTF-8 support working.
  13. Change permissions on the file config/counter/sess.txt so that the script has write access to it. Use the CHMOD feature of either the cPanel file manager, or your FTP client, to change the permissions to 0777.
  14. There are loads of ways to make a template for your site, depending on what sort of template you are looking for. You can go from a simple HTML/CSS page with PHP just used to add dynamic content, to a full-blown template engine, such as Smarty or the one included in the Zend Framework. Or, you can go for something between the two, sort of writing your own mini template engine specifically for your site. Until you know which you want to do, it is very hard to recommend tutorials. Store in the database a list of themes, along with the information that allows you to load each one (the path to a CSS file for example). Then, along with your user data, store the user's preference for a theme. Then, in your template, look up what theme the user wants, and load the relevant files. Font, alignment, images and all page layout factors are controlled by CSS. Hiding buttons and features would use PHP and some sort of permissions system to determine who has access to which parts of the site.
  15. Simply add the code to send the emails after the code which updates the database. That way, after the database is updated, the emails will be sent. Presumably you mean you want to send out a daily/weekly/monthly list of what has changed? You would need to store the time each news item was last edited in the database. Then write a script that looks for news items edited in the last day/week/month and send out an email with a list of them in it. To make your script run daily/weekly/monthly, look at cron jobs. Google has plenty of tutorials on getting them working, along with tutorials here on Xisto.
  16. Happy 4thBirthday! Many happy returns, and lets hope the birthdays carry on for years to come Member No.: 7,593 Class of 2005
  17. By "the other thing" I guess you mean the IMAP server? If you are running this on your local machine, then no, you probably don't. You will need to search around for an IMAP server you can run on Windows XP, and then download, install and configure it. However, if you are running this on your hosting at Xisto, you can use the IMAP server for Xisto (details in the Readme). That will allow you to manage your email accounts on Xisto. As for the PHP extensions, you will need to create a PHP file and put the following into it: <?phpphpinfo();?> Open that file in your browser and it will tell you which extensions you have. If you are missing one then you will need to download and install it as per the instructions provided with the extension.
  18. The information is on the transfer page: Basically, credits in your bank won't get used up for your hosting, so you can guarantee they will be available to give away in contests/competitions.
  19. Does this still happen if you use the normal (not the legacy) file manager? How about with an FTP client? How long has this been happening?
  20. Ah, but a US gallon isn't equal to an imperial gallon: Then of course there are two US gallons (liquid and dry) and even then, there are sometimes different definitions of a gallon for different substances.
  21. I turned 17 a while ago, and have passed my driving test Over the summer I was hoping to get a job to earn some money for University, but the costs at the moment mean that what I would be earning would just cover the cost of the car, fuel and insurance to get to work - making the whole thing pointless! The best that I can recommend is to get a small, cheap car that is as economical as possible. Who cares if it doesn't look cool or anything? If it is more economical on fuel and cheaper to repair then you will have more money to spend/save. 9.51 USD per gallon actually over here in the UK:P
  22. Welcome to Xisto The hosting and community are both excellent, and I'm sure you'll enjoy your time here. The hosting is just as good as paid hosting, except you're paying with posts rather than cash Anywhere marked as having (No post count). I think they're all in the Real World section of the forums.
  23. The information from the validator says the following: It states that the text/html MIME type can be used for XML (XHTML) documents, as long as you put the XML declaration shown on the third bullet point at the top of your document.
  24. You can only keep your concentration for around 40 minutes on one subject. After that, you lose concentration and don't take in what you are trying to learn/revise. The best method I have found is to work in half-hour chunks, with half-hour to one hour breaks between (depending on how much studying you need to to). Try to alternate subjects for each half-hour, but obviously put your focus on whatever exam you have next, and revise that subject more than the others.Keep some sort of schedule. Write down what you are going to revise when, and stick to it. Having it written down like that should stop you forgetting, or saying "just 10 more minutes on the PC, then I'll revise..." Plan ahead, and stick to your revision plan.Remember to take another look at what you revised the previous day. For example, if you revise some Economics on the Monday night, take another look at what you revised on the Tuesday morning. That will help it stay in your mind. You only need to read over it for a couple of minutes, but it will help it stick in. Do the same for revision you do in the morning - take another look in the evening.As for the best methods for revising, that depends mainly on you and how you learn. Personally, I find working through past exam papers the best way to revise. That way I know exactly the sort of questions I'm going to be asked, the spaces I'll have to answer them, etc. Also, looking at the mark schemes gives you an idea of exactly what is expected on each answer. I'm not sure how easy it is to get hold of past exam papers is Australia (the UK exam boards put them on the Internet for us ) but if you ask your teachers then they should be able to help you out.Good luck for your exams
  25. If you have a network, you must have some form of router anyway, unless it is just a network between two PCs? A good router with inbuilt firewall will stop a large number of attacks. For anti-virus software, check out this topic. For firewall software, try the following: NetDefender (Download the Setup, not the Source) Norton Internet Security Norton 360 Comodo Firewall
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