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Everything posted by rvalkass

  1. No offense to the sales staff, but they often don't have total knowledge of the product; they've read the brochure and advertising material, and thats it. For most people, thats fine. They can tell you the basic features, the price and things like that, but when you get into detail, they tend to get a bit lost. Many are also on commission for each sale, so take what they say with a pinch of salt.
  2. Look into using the MySQL COUNT function. This allows you to count the number of rows returned by a query. For example: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `books` WHERE `category` = 1 Not having your database structure available, I can't really be any more precise than that. For more information, consult the MySQL manual: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/counting-rows.html
  3. Topic is resolved.Please PM any moderator to continue this discussion. Until then, this topic is closed.
  4. I am using Drupal 6 to power my latest website, Simple Linux. I haven't done the theme yet (the site hasn't been up long) and that is the next area of development I am hoping to move into. If I manage to make a successful attempt at it then I will do my best to document it on here.
  5. Topic is resolved.Please PM any moderator to continue this discussion. Until then, this topic is closed.
  6. Your best source of information is going to be university websites. For example, the university I have applied to (I'm in the UK) gives information on scholarships, the admissions process and about being an international student. If you're considering the UK then I suggest you get hold of a copy of one of the University Guides. They list all the universities along with loads of information about them, so you can compare them and work out which ones you might want to apply to. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ UCAS (the University and College Admissions Service) deal with UK university applications, and they have plenty of information for foreign students here which should tell you everything you need to know about universities in the UK.
  7. Did anyone really expect them not to make a PlayStation 4? I agree they need to make it a lot cheaper though. Yes, its got a Blu-Ray drive and all that, and is good value for what it is, but it is just prohibitively expensive for most of the market. The Wii is much more reasonably priced, although games across all the consoles are ridiculously expensive. Another soul gained by the power of the penguins!
  8. Most CMSs will allow you to do that, or make a plugin/script/module/whatever available that lets you do that. Take a look at OpenSourceCMS - you get a list of all CMSs, along with their features, and demos of the main site and the admin panel for each one. Try them out and pick out the one you like. Remember, they're all free so you can't really lose out by trying them!
  9. The problem lies either with your PC or your Internet connection, as I can see your website fine - it appears to be a message saying the site is under construction...? Try clearing your browser's cache, resetting your router, and contacting your ISP to see if they have cached the page.
  10. Just make sure you delete it from your hosting account - or at least take it out of the public directories. Rememer, if anyone downloads it they will have all of the code for your website, including configuration files, which can include passwords.
  11. Plenty of people give up smoking using their will power alone, and plenty of people can't give up cannabis using their will power alone. The UK government, for example, is certain that you can't get addicted to it, but a large number of people believe that you can get addicted to the chemical tetrahydrocannabinol, or the effects of it. If you become addicted to the chemical, then surely that is further evidence that it is a 'physical' addiction rather than a 'mental' one? I disagree with alcohol and cigarettes causing more problems in society. Cigarettes, now we have a smoking ban in the UK, mean that if people want to smoke themselves to death in their own home then they can, without killing me in the process. The main social problem of smokers creating a horrible atmosphere for other people has gone. Alcohol is becoming an increasing problem, and the related problems of drink driving, drunk and disorderly behaviour, things like that. However, cannabis often drives people to commit all sorts of other crimes to fund their addiction. You very rarely hear of people breaking into a house to fund their next pint of beer, but all too often they are funding an illegal drug habit. Whether it is a strong addiction, and they will do whatever it takes to keep it up, or a desensitisation to crime after taking illegal drugs, I'm not sure, but that is a much bigger problem.
  12. I am generating myself a backup now, and I will let you know how downloading it goes. That will help us establish whether its a problem with the server or with your ISP or something. If you don't want to use an FTP client, have you tried using cPanel to just download a home drectory backup (rather than a full backup)? That will give you all of your files, but not include MySQL databases or email stuff (although you can download those separately). Alternatively, try using Net2FTP. Log in to your FTP account, select all the folders and files, then hit the download button. That will let you download a ZIP archive of all your files. I've never used it for a full site backup though, so I'm not sure what sort of speed you will get out of it.
  13. You were posting in the Internet section, which requires moderator approval for posts. I have therefore approved one of your topics so that it is now visible.
  14. Topic is resolved.Please PM any moderator to continue this discussion. Until then, this topic is closed.
  15. Topic is resolved.Please PM any moderator to continue this discussion. Until then, this topic is closed.
  16. You would be able to make a good looking website, but a website is much more than how it looks. Take Google for example - not flashy or full of graphics in any way; it is the service that is provided that is important. As long as the design and interface for your website are usable and not too painful for your eyes, it is the functionality and content that will draw people into your site. So, just with design, could you make a good looking website? Yes. A good website? Probably not. A successful one? Nope.
  17. That link works for me, and shows the login box. If it won't accept your username and password then it still hasn't been reset properly. Contact either Xisto - Support or BuffaloHELP and ask them to take a look.
  18. There is now some official advice on the recent problems: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/59072-official-cant-access-my-cpanel-supports-from-admins/
  19. I need my password resetting too, please. Thanks for all the help BH. Notice from BuffaloHELP: Sent new password.
  20. That site it working perfectly fine for me. The problem might be your ISP being slightly behind the rest of the world in updating their list of domain names.
  21. You have two choices. The first one is to look at the user-agent being used by the browser. Googlebot's is "Googlebot", and the other search engines use a similar sort of thing. Use the help pages on each search engine's site to find out the user-agent used by their bot, then just don't count their hits (or mark them in the database as bots). However, bear in mind that people can change their user-agent to whatever they want, so this method will not be 100% reliable (although I can't see why someone would set their user-agent to a search bot...) The second choice is to use DNS lookups. Use the IP address of the visitor, do a reverse DNS lookup to get the host name. If it is a search engine's domain then it is likely to be a search bot. Google has more instructions here: https://support.google.com/webmasters/
  22. One of the main flaws with the Big Bang theory is that you start with energy, and that energy must have come from somewhere. From a Christian perspective, God caused it all and created the Universe. However, if we accept that perspective, God must have come from somewhere. The usual answer is that God has always existed, and always will. Well, if the property of permanent existence can be applied to God, why can't it be applied to energy? If God always existed, then why couldn't energy have always existed? If God came into existence, apparently from nothing (i.e. God has no creator) then why does energy (and hence the Universe) need a creator to explain its existence? You've explained my point better than I managed to As you rightly say, the Bible implies God is outside of the human perspective of time. But then why can't the same be said of the energy which caused the Big Bang? Taking the puppet analogy one step further, I agree that the puppet cannot control the puppet master, but the puppet master himself must have been created? I agree that I am assuming God must have been created for Him to exist, but only because the same argument is being used to disprove the Big Bang. You are assuming that energy must have been created in order to exist. If the property of existence without creation can be applied to God, why not to energy? Does there have to be an objective meaning though, other than to fulfil your own subjective meaning?
  23. However, they certainly don't say it will end in the same way, with the same consequences. The First Law of Thermodynamics actually states: So, the Big Bang is entirely possible if energy was supplied to it. This energy may have come from a Big Crunch ("bouncing Universe" theory) or from an as-yet unknown source. I agree, there is no concrete answer as to how the energy got there. However, I can pose a similar question to yourself: What created God? He can't always have existed, otherwise that same argument could be applied to energy, and He can't have just suddenly appeared. The equation dE = c2dm (more often quoted as E=mc2) is often misunderstood, but proves energy and mass are one and the same. Nuclear reactions, on a regular basis, convert energy into mass and vice versa. So we are not exactly having luck as the process occurs millions of times every second... The explosion which was the Big Bang, and the explosions caused by explosives are very different. The Big Bang can be thought of as pressure - there was no 'explosion' as such, but lots of energy and matter flying outwards after being incredibly densely compacted into an infinitessimally small dot. Explosives usually work by releasing large quantities of combustible gas through a chemical reaction, resulting in lots of fire and loud noise. I think I've shown it is possible to create matter out of energy, so we do exist. I've discussed this here (shameless plug for my forum ) and we would welcome your input to the discussion. The magnetic poles will flip, yes, but who said anything about a mass extinction?!? The poles flip every few thousand years, and there is still plenty of life around to tell the tale. Just to clarify: I don't mean to cause any offence, I am genuinely interested in why people believe what they do, and what opinions/arguments they have against what I believe.
  24. It depends on exactly what you want. Why do you need a perfect replica of the database on your local machine? If it is as a backup, then I suggest getting hold of a PHP script to make automatic backups for you every so often. If it is to work on the database, then it doesn't need to be up-to-the-minute. If it is to run queries on the data or something, then why can't you use one database on Xisto?
  25. It would appear our data is back, and sites are back online. However, parked and addon domains are not yet working, along with FTP access or cPanel. Restoring a single MySQL dump of one or two small tables doesn't take long. Restoring lots of data, like these forums, takes much longer. Restoring an entire server is a daunting prospect, and is a task that cannot be completed without a lot of careful planning. Events like this are rare, and the server admins are doing their best to get everything up and running as quickly and safely as possible.
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