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Everything posted by triplebtalk

  1. Well, I am continueing my download as I was one of the 2.5 million to start the download in time . My problem is how big the download is and the fact that if Windows 7 is really bad, it might be difficult to remove. Can anyone tell me if it is stable enough to dual boot? I will write a review once the download and installation is complete.
  2. Thankyou for this tutorial. I thought that you had to submit your RSS to Yahoo or something, is this the case. I have tried several times to start an RSS feed but it always seems to fail half way, if I could PM you the files, would you look at them and tell me what I am doing wrong?
  3. I am sorry iof you take offence at this, but you really should not name this tutorial "How To Make A Simple Grass In Blender", you should name it "How To Make A Green Flat Square In Blender". This tutorial is the biggest peice of rubbish I have ever seen and it seems to make no sense why even a newb would need it, making a planne is one of the most simple parts of Blender.
  4. Let's just say if you drink a can of Coke, you have overdone your sugar level for the day. If you eat a burger and a salad at Macca's (Mickey Dee's for you Americans ) will give you enough sugar for the whole day (and a lot of fat). Basically anything that is sweet and nice tastes has way to much sugar. The actual amount is 6 tablespoons or 28-35 grams, this is the MAXIMUM amount, there is no such thing as an "average:.
  5. I'm sorry but online dating does not work. I have never tried it but I know quite a few people who have met really bad people through online dating services. In fact, three of those people where on RSVP (Australia's Biggest Dating Site) and had horriffic experiences. One of them was stalked so severely that she had to move out of the area and change her name. Another had a date that tried to force her into having sex, luckily she was VERY highly skilled in Karate, and lets just say, that guy won't be able to have kids any more . My other friend was lied to, and when it came to be the date, it was a lesbian who turned up. My friend was so embarrassed, she could never go back into that club again.My conclusion, online dating doesn't work, you don't know who you are talking to and it can prove VERY dangerous.
  6. I am going to guess that you are getting a "Code 39" Error... I had the same issue and I worked out how to fix it. Please remmember that this is for Vista only. To solve the error, follow the following instructions:a.) Close all programs (including programs in your tray like MSN or Yahoo Messenger)b.) Click on Start and type in Regedit. Click on it and allow it to run as Adminc.) Navigate your way through the following: i) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE ii) SYSTEM iii)CurrentControlSet iv) Control v) Class vi) {4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}d.) This registry folder contains the DVD/CD information. i) UpperFilters ii) UpperFilters.bak iii) LowerFilters.bak iv) LowerFilterse.) If you can see any of the above keys, right click and delete them.f.) When you have deleted the keys, close regedit and restart your Computer.g.) It should now be fixed, to make sure, go to "My Computer" and you should now see the drive.
  7. Absolutely NO association *SHIFTY EYES*

  8. Nah, Adobe had a recent lisencing issue and I was instructed to uninstall and then reinstall it. I so far have not been able to uninstall it properly. I will purposely delete the Windows and make sure I format securely, then I will reinstall all my programs and hope for the best
  9. Don't worry, it was CCLeaner and I have never had any problems with it. I am going to have to bbackup my files and reinstall
  10. I might have a disorder or something but I LOVE PUBLIC SPEAKING. when I got into my High School the first thing I did was join the Debating Team. Whenever I have the oppurtunity I wiull stand up, it doesn't matter what I am talking about, if I don't know what to talk about I will just make something up. Once I was in a debate and I forgot what we were talking aboput and I just start randomly rebutting, not very proffesional, but extremely fun .
  11. Hmm... It is very difficult to find and destroy each and every one of the keys. I guess I could try my Registry Cleaner which might find the unused Registry Keys. If this does not work, the new question here will be: Does anyone know how to format Windows Vista?
  12. Lol, in fact it is really just "free publiucity"... I bet that everyone wonders what the codename signifys now...
  13. I tried it and it failed. I am not able to uninstall any of the files except Acrobat and I ended up deleting all the files in the Adobe folder, stupidly. I forgot about registry keys and now I cannot re install it... It is a nightmare.
  14. Haha, I love that I agreed without knowing what you were talking about ... He will probably ban you all for doing this so listen well cos' I will say this once and one time only.The name "TriplebTalk" (hereon reffered to as "Company") was wilfully lent to a cause which may break several rules of the forum (actually it is probably FINE with the forum, but let me sound like a lawyer for a few moments at least). The Company had absolutely no participation in creating this thread and will not be held responsible for any expressions of banning towards Saint_Michael (hereon known as SM). The Company will allow his name to be used but in no way does he support the ideas or words of other members.Glad I got that out of the way ...VIVA LA REVOLUTION :P :D
  15. Or you could go: margin: autoI think that this method is ridiculous and it seems never to make sense to go into adjusting percentages etc.
  16. Absolutely appalled. Apple has no rights to search this man's inboxa as he has only said the codename. Honestly, how would a code name like "Asteroid" give away anything about the product (unless Apple was being literal, be careful the Appleroid® is going to hit the earth )... Shock horror, Apples wastes it time again, and really who cares if they know Apple's next product, only 12% of people will actually buy it. (BTW I don't hate Apple at all... What, I am serious )
  17. Little bit of advice buddy. Don't copy and paste without citing the owner and using Quote Brackets. This was all copied from Raymond.CC Blog. Just thought I should bring this to your attention. Also I have noticed ALOT of your posts are nuisance, let me put it this way, if you don't have anything useful to say, DON'T say it.
  18. Thanks. I have another pretty bad question, How do I start in safemode on Vista? Sorry it is so NEWB but I always have troubles doing so.
  19. Happy Birthday to you. I have a birthday tip for you: If you want to save money this year, write a card like this:Dear Echo_of_Thunder,Happy 47th birthday. I hope you enjoy this very special day and have a greatyear. :PBirthday WishesTriplebTalkP.S. Don't spend it all at once Ok, now you need to put the card into an envelope, make sure you put nothing into the envelope other than the card (thats right, NO money). Now seal the envelope and make a small slit in the corner of the card and when you recieve your card you will read it and think the postman stole it .Hope you like the money saving tip from me... Happy Birthday
  20. Yeah, that is exactly what I meant but I am using EasyPHP and I can't find the file you specify. I am using Vista and I need to give it Admin control to be able to put a file in the testing servers folder. What would the variation be for EasyPHP or should it be the same?
  21. Well I have experience with many operating systems and I will offer my views on both: Windows Vista: I personally love this operating system and I have never had a problem with it. The main problem with Vista is the annoying program compatibility messages that they ask you. Another small issue is the over use of warning messages, I know they are good for security, but it annoys me when all I want to do is put a file into my testing server and I have to agree to an "Elevated Action". What I like about VIsta is the new interface. I know that it is easy to install on Ubuntu, but I really like the functionality of Vista's interface. One issue I have with the interface is the semi-transparent sidebar, it pops up when you accidentally click the icon in the time bar (or whatever it is called). What I know is that Vista is not as bad as people make it out to be. The main issue that affects me when ever I have 5 Adobe CS3 programs open, is that everything slows down. I know that in Windows XP I can open up 7-8 Adobe CS3 programs at once before it starts to slow down. Otherwise I really enjoy the experience with this hardware heavy operating system. Ubuntu 8.1: This is definitely my favourite Linux distribution and the easiest one to use. Not only does this operating system go VERY fast, it also can run Windows programs through the Windows Emulator WineHQ, I can run Illustrator and all my other favourite programs through Linux and have absolutely no need for Windows. Other than all the lovely things about Ubuntu, I have problems with the installation of files, I am really sick of Compiling, Installing and then Adding the Program. Another issue is the difficulty of the interface that I can sometimes find VERY annoying to use. The Menu Bar at the top of each page is annoying to use and it would be nicer to have a similar menu bar to that of the Windows bar. Other than the fact of the installation and interface, I love Ubuntu because it is VERY easy to use and I have never had a single issue with it, the program is secure and very virus safe. So out of either of those I would definitely say that neither of them win. This "war of the operating system's" is pointless because each operating system is completely different and each one does something unique. I would say that it is noce to have Windows for the worldwide compatibility, but it is also nice to have Ubuntu because it is so interesting to use.
  22. Ok, I don't really know if I put this in the right place but I know that it is a Vista related problem so her I go.I need to uninstall Adobe CS3 Master Collection and I keep getting an error half way through saying that all the Adobe CS3 Master Suite components cannot be uninstalled and then telling me to restart and try again. I do this and I get the same error. I really need to uninstall so any help is appreciated
  23. Haha, I have self-taught myself 5 programming languages and I am currently self-teaching myself French. I love being able to teach yourself how to do things and the internet helps me with that heaps. Another thing I enjoy learning is useless facts, they are so interesting and I know I will never use them. As for using online resources, I use w3schools.com all the time, I also use vectortuts, psdtuts.com, nettuts.com, tizag.com and a couple of other less important sites. Whenever I try and start learning something I always make sure that I am not doing anything else because I know that you take more information in if you are not multi-tasking (actually for me it doesn't make a difference, but I read it on a useless facts website so why should I doubt it ). I learnt how to mix music, vocals and other, useful things that I use for my online radio station and I taught them all to myself via the internet.To round that all up, I think that self-teaching is the way to go... Sadly I still go to school, but I want to get a journalism degree so who cares
  24. I don't use ASP.NET for a reason - it is expensive. I know the basics of it and I know that "big" corporations don't "love" ASP, in fact I have seen many websites that are very popular using PHP. Think about myspace.com, yahoo.com, wikipedia.org, flickr.com, digg.com and sourceforge.net, ALL of them use PHP. I like PHP as a language better and I do know basic ASP I just do not find it useful. It is also semi impossible to find cheap ASP hosting , I don't know of any good sites. So for now PHP and mySQL suit me perfectly and ASP looks like a dull spot in the past.
  25. Definitely Hotmail for me. I have a gMail account and I cannot stand it. The interface is ugly and messages are annoying to try and display. Even with a dialup connection you can still view Windows Live Mail without to much of a fuss. I think it still has Classic View Support, you could also try getting the Windows Live Mail software, which gives you a hotmail desktop client.
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