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Everything posted by contactskn

  1. Dear friends this short note is really very good. And if I am not mistaken according to me its touching also. Who ever is the writer of these lines is an emotional person. And have good understanding of human relations.
  2. Dear friends in India as I am an Indian, Malalyalam is the toughest language. If I am not wrong Tamil is the easiest one. I am basically a Malayali that's why I know that how tough and difficult this language is. As the alphabets are more than the other Indian languages and many of them looks like the same for a non Malayali.
  3. I love Nikon and Kodak. I own a Kodak and am fully satisfied with its performance. My friend who is in the print media field and he is having a Nikon which is some times used by me also. So I know the performance of Nikon is also ultimate.
  4. Dear friends its really a cool idea. But as it is only for US people so if they can extend it to other countries also then I think it would be a cool site to be visited by most of the internet users. By the way that is only my view. It may be differed by others. What ever it is, the idea is cool and new. Even I have heard of such a site for the first time.
  5. Dear friend you have really found a cool link. But what should be call it ultimately a joke or some thing else. What ever it is cool and entertaining. But do you know to actually fulfill what need it is there.
  6. You are absolutely correct dear friend. Each and every religion is promoting the same good human behaviors, There are no religion as such which will be supporting or promoting evil deeds etc. Ultimate aim of each and every religion is to show the followers the correct path and divine path through which one can know the existence of God(The superpower.).
  7. Dear friend welcome to Xisto you are at the right place. The plus here is that for the quality posts made by you, you will get earnings in the form of My Cents. So please concentrate on the quality of the posts and keep Xisto the best forum on Net.
  8. Dear friends with me it goes like this ... I have gone for a movie in a theater long long ago. I think about 4 years. But I agree with you as this is the problem faced by many. But now I love to watch movie in my Home Theater system. With the invent of new techniques like LCD and DVD players etc. you can get ultimate feel at home also.
  9. Dear friends I would like to be with "Michael Jackson", As I am one of his fans. But I know it is impossible in this life any more.The second person whom I would like to meet is the writer of Harry Potter.
  10. Good one such comparisons helps a lot in taking decisions and so comparisons should be used for decision making. But the matter here is how trust worthy is these comparisons, are they really based on actual research and surveys or not it is most important.
  11. Welcome dear friend to Xisto I hope you will get your TLD very soon. Be careful while posting. As its the most clean forum I have ever seen so try to maintain it.
  12. Congratulations dear friend and enjoy the new TLD.
  13. Dear friends I think for international acceptance of your web site your web site name should be in English only as it is the widely used language internationally. If the URL's are going to be in local languages then the visitors will be consisting of corresponding language speaking people only.
  14. I don't know as I tried once for it for my site and applied for it. But they rejected the application, as my site was registered for only three months then. But after then till now I didn't tried for it. And now I want to try for it but observing on the pages traffic to understand and find out the most popular pages so that I could apply the ads on those pages.
  15. Dear friends I came to know from my friend that there is a site which is named some thing like abcd....zabc....z...com which claims that they are providing the longest mail ID ever. I have also read some somewhere about it.
  16. Dear friends I would like to be an elephant as it is said that elephant is one of the most intelligent animal. Moreover the royal state and look of an elephant appeals me a lot. So my preference is to be an elephant.
  17. Thank you very much dear friends for such an informative and educative response for my query. With the help of this I have got the intial direction regarding copyright of the matters of any site etc. Thanks for the help.
  18. Hi friends recently I heard about LED TV?s in Samsung. I just know one thing and that is it is a newer technology than LCD and have better picture quality etc. Is here anybody who knows the details about this new technology and if so please explain it. Thank you all in advance.
  19. Hi friends I am facing a lot of problems with my old AC and would like to change it very soon. Which is the best brand to be used right now in India? Your suggestions will be very fruitful for me. Thanking you all in advance.
  20. Dear friends my company is planning to buy a single line contact Scanner. And that?s why I would like to know from all you friends which are the best brand in this category and the most important is we are looking for a 42 inch wide scanner. Thanking you all for your suggestions in advance.
  21. Dear friends I would like to know which is your favorite dance form and why, Are you trained in the specified dance form or you just enjoy to watch the same. Please let me know the same so that we could be able to know about different types of dance forms of different countries. Thanking you in advance.
  22. Dear friends I would like to display the temperature and other related information of any selected city in my website. Is this possible for free then please give the link or process to accomplish the same. Thanking you all in advance.
  23. Dear friends I am planning of buying a new laptop. So I would like your suggestions regarding this matter. Which is the best brand right now to be bought and why. I would like to have the suggestions on the basis of quality, capacity and looks. Thanking you all in advance.
  24. Hi friends I am really fed up of spam entries in my forum. I have installed PHPBB two times in my site but I don?t know how these spammers come to know about it and just enter thousands of vulgar and dirty posts within two or three days. Here I would like to know how these spammers come to know about our installation of forum software on our websites. Is there any way to stop them? Moreover I would like to know which is forum software which attracts the least spammers. Please answer in detail dear friends.
  25. Hi friends here I would like to share a site with you which is just a collection of free web TV channels links. I hope all of you will enjoy it as much as I did. The URL for that site is as follows ? http://www.sooryaonline.co.tv/
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