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Everything posted by Baniboy

  1. just finished installing the wireless, i'm surfing through air now... MUAHAHAHAHA! /evilvoice

    1. web_designer
    2. deadmad7


      about half a decade late...

    3. Baniboy


      well, i didn't need a router before, so i'm only about 5 days late

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  2. It means it can contain anything as long as you stick to the rules.
  3. pump ab das bier!

    1. Baniboy


      rammstein has made a beer song? :o

    2. rob86


      No they made a Du Hast song.

    3. Baniboy
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  4. I'm pissed, beware my wrath

    1. mahesh2k


      i just wish that guy is not theist else he's toast

    2. anwiii


      bani pissed? that's too much information....

    3. Baniboy


      no I already toasted one last friday... well i'm not pissed anymore

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  5. i'm playing life's ping pong

    1. rob86


      I think I'm playing frogger

    2. deadmad7


      I wanna play life's Halo :(

    3. chini13
  6. Well, it looks good otherwise but there are some technical things I would like you to concentrate on in your design. It would be better if you aligned the elements in a vertically 'peaceful' way. By that I mean move the header contents to be vertically aligned with the rest of the content. Move the logo and sub-header to the right a little bit and move the elements on the right a little bit to the left. This is because of the human mind. Anyway, you'll realize that most people will find it more pleasing that way. I found your 3 boxes in the content area a bit confusing with 2 side by side little boxes of advertisements and statistics. You should consider realigning them so that they are aligned vertically correctly with the main content area box.The "you are here" -box, well if you're going to put a breadcrumb trail there then people are used to that kind of stuff and you don't need the extra text to explain what the trail is. Ignore this unless that's there just to tell where the trail is going to be.If you separate your advertisement from the content you're going to have less people clicking on it. You have to make it look like the ads are a part of the content. So don't wrap them with gray boxes (I'm talking about the "Advertise Your Link Here" -box).The graphics are good although I would reconsider using that orange color you use for your box borders.Btw I know it might be hard to accept criticism from people after you've worked hard and someone comes to tell you that you've done something wrong so...
  7. Create a new ad-hoc wireless network with your wireless network manager in your PC/Mac/whatever, then connect to the created network with your phone using Wifi. This is all assuming your phone supports Wlan, and I assume this because smartphones have wifi and you wouldn't want to browse the internet with your phone unless you have a smartphone anyway. I would suggest buying a router as well instead of using your laptop's Wifi transmitter to connect your phone to the internet. However I use the same trick to connect my N900 to the internet. I enable Wifi on my laptop and connect my phone to the ad-hoc connection.And talking about ad-hocs, Ad-hoc is a wireless computer-computer network without the use of wireless routers. The downside of this is of course that you can't use the internet on the other device when you have turned off the device that is 'hosting' the wireless network.If you didn't mean this, but how to enable internet when your phone doesn't support Wifi, then disgard this post.
  8. 99% of teenagers would cry if they saw Justin Bieber standing on top of a skyscraper about to jump. If you are the 1% sitting there with popcorn and 3D glasses, screaming "DO A BACKFLIP!", copy and paste this as your status.

    1. anwiii


      me...i wouldn't be yelling jump. i would be too busy eating my popcorn!

    2. Adell


      I wouldn't yell "do a backflip", I'd shout "make sure to dive face first, okay?"

    3. Guest


      hehe... i would totally bring a camera! get some mid-air shots!

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  9. happy birthday, get your bottom back here and start posting :)

  10. Hey, hang on a second! I think phpBB is getting a little more bashing here than it actually deserves. :DThe thing I noticed with the software when I was using it was that it was very flexible and required a lot of work. It's like those Linux distributions where you practically have to do everything manually. So phpBB is software which needs some serious modding after installation. It's for the people that like to have everything tuned and know how to do it. Even with pre-made mods you have to tinker a lot of core and play with SQL queries to make them work (it's not a one-click installation similar to CMS). When you have a ready, modded forum platform, you have to update it by reading the release notes and applying the updates manually because the update will ruin your setup otherwise. Another problem is also that heavy modification might result in many security holes and bugs in your forum. So it's kind of give and take, if you're pro and have a lot of time and knowledge to tune things without screwing up your installation, go for it. (unless you're uncomfortable with the software otherwise)The impression I get from SMF is that it's more out-of-the-box kind of thing. And this is truly an "impression", because I haven't extensively worked with it. If the developer/nerd community isn't maintaining it well, you're sitting on a time bomb, you'll have to eventually switch to other software, and that change might cost you a lot of time and money and even be impossible (switching and keeping the posts, threads and userbase) if the software you were using is heavily outdated.Now coming back to YOU and your problem, livepcportal, if you're using a CMS, I think there are plug-ins that integrate forums to your CMS. The quality is of course dependent on the flexibility of the CMS to be used with forum-addons. But if you don't need stuff like mood mods, status messages and other not-so-necessary things on your forum, they actually might be good enough. So before installing a lot of stuff and messing things up, I suggest looking into this option, too. I think it'd be more convenient to manage the whole site from one cPanel. Another problem with this is that if your community grows, you might start needing more, like a chatroom, status messages and friendlists. So you have to ask yourself what is the site you're building. Is it a community site, where the forum is the heart of the site or is it going to be a simple channel through which users might randomly ask something about your site or talk about its content? And importing the plug-in forum content over to real forum software might be a pain or impossible, so choose carefully.
  11. The plug I mentioned is the same as the one on your regular headphone, you know, the one you plug in to your computer to talk to girls and you don't want your mom to hear. Just get the wire with both ends the same, then connect your audio output to your microphone input (the green and pink holes somewhere in your box).
  12. Yes, you need a wire with a 3.5 mm audio plug on both ends. You plug the other end to the microphone input in your computer and you're done. Another option is of course to send the audio file, but that would just ruin all the fun, wouldn't it?Another option which I haven't tried on other platforms than Linux is configuring your stereo output to be your skype mic input.
  13. My site is estimated to be worth $818.20 USD. Does this seem weird?!?!?! it also says i'm making $19 monthly, which i didn't know myself...

    1. Baniboy


      :D yea they are... but it's for sale in case anyone is willing to pay $800 :D
    2. deadmad7


      awww man... i only have $799.99... i can't buy it :(

    3. Baniboy


      well you can have it for that amount of money too...

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  14. As a free testing platform, it's easy to use http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, though the largest database size allowed is 1 MB or it was the last time I tried it.
  15. Svchost.exe is a Microsoft Windows integrated executable which is used to launch DLLs (they can't launch themselves). You shouldn't remove the executable. However, svchost might get infected and be used as a backdoor to remotely control your computer and other evil stuff. So you might want to scan the executable with multiple malware-scanning software. You can find more info about the executable behind this link: http://www.liutilities.com/windows-process/svchost-exe/
  16. be back tuesday/wednesday... but who cares i'm the only one online

    1. web_designer


      i care bani :(...but sorry for being kinda busy these days...i have some serious things to do i will talk to you soon...young man...

    2. chini13


      :P but u find me :( ..don't say that
  17. You can find that here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, scroll down to the part where it describes mail server configuration.
  18. Well, if I'm not wrong (which is quite possible...), what you need is a mail server. I'm not an expert in mail servers so I can't suggest you one, but what you do after you've installed a mail server is that you go to php.ini file (in one of your wampserver folders, I guess), and configure the stmp settings so that it uses the mail server. If you're using Microsoft Outlook I guess you can just configure the stmp settings to match and let it run.
  19. Well, I haven't run a python script on any other platform than Linux, but I do know how to run it in Windows, too. Not sure about mac, but since it's Unix you might want to try my method. Open up command line and run the following: python path/to/your/script/here.pyBasically, I have after a small research that you launch the python interpreter just as you do in Linux, that is, by typing "python" in terminal and executing. In the above code you execute the file with the program "python". That's it. I don't know about your restart problems but it might be that it restarts the shell as it says. Not necessarily python. Maybe it deletes the session the variables and functions. You might want to try if the variables are still working after restart. BTW, I used your code in my terminal and it ran normally.
  20. pretending to use the force to open automatic doors

    1. rob86


      Open sesame..

    2. web_designer
    3. deadmad7


      i hope someone sees you when it doesn't work hahaa

  21. Thanks for making the topic. So, here are my stats. I think I'm also going to share some more information as well since I'm not making any money off my site and I'm glad if I can help some newbies out there. (all the information is from the last 30 days) Tutoriary.com I got 244 visits from 219 different visitors (unique visitors) in the last 30 days. Most of them came through Google (~75 %), the most popular search through which they arrived is "gimp round button", but apparently it wasn't very helpful and people left my site immediately. The longest visit through Google search was with "gimp vertical navigation bar", it lasted 25 minutes and the visitor continued to 6 other pages during visit. 90 % of people arriving through Google left immediately, which is somewhat understandable because you don't always find what you're searching for. 90 % of my visitors are new visitors, which is also natural since the majority come through search engines. The most popular articles are the ones about GIMP graphics. This is because people search for them more than HTML and other tutorials. The ones coming to my site through links do take a look at the non-graphic-related ones too. Although I have to admit the quality of all of my tutorials has been going down. I stopped writing them months ago. Now I'm on vacation and thinking of starting again. The most popular article on my site is this: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, one of the first articles I published. I'm not promoting my site in any way, other than that link you see in my signature. I used to be active in 2 web design -related forums and I had a signature link there also, sometimes I bumped into a question that had been answered on my site and linked to my own articles. I didn't use social networking and other stuff like that. My visitor count was two times the one today, and most of the people arrived through referring links. The main idea behind my site was to share some of my knowledge about web graphics, coding websites and other helpful information about maintaining sites, software and so on. I'm not satisfied with my site, I think I have to pull myself together and change the look, publish tutorials and freebies and promote the site. One of the options I can think of is that I help this sutra disaster too, by publishing mini-tuts here and then shamelessly pointing to my own site, "here you can find more", but I'm not sure if I want to do those things, or if that is even following the rules.
  22. Well nowadays school, facebook, wasting time for the sake of it (ascending order) take up most of my time.Lately I've been visiting the chat in the evenings but there is nobody there anyways. Sometimes I catch up with chini there. It's dead (the chatroom, not chini), but it was fun as long as it lasted, I'll miss Xisto...The only thing that could keep this thing from falling apart now is a new idea. I do see that people need a fresh start, a blank paper, but you can still build that on the existing things.There aren't many topics to discuss about, but I do happen to have an idea. Apart from that, I see that most of the time people arrive to the forums through google when their search involves something technical/computer-related issua or topic. I'm not saying let's go all spam the forums with educational junk, but if you have something to ask about that is likely to be answered here (for example PHP questions, other website-building questions, programming, etc.), it could be a good idea to post your problem/question here (of course after you've checked that the topic hasn't already been discussed).oh yeah and a new name change probably won't help (hint hint)As for me, I wasn't super-active even in the old days... earned my bucks by generating debates and occasional commenting on random threads. I'm not good at any particular thing so I can't help with PHP even if I know it, neither python, graphics (not very creative), nothing.My point is, next time you bump into something interesting, a problem, a question and so on, you could help the forum by posting about that, especially if it involves technical stuff. But I don't live as I preach, so who am I to tell you what to do...
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