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Everything posted by Baniboy

  1. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't call your entire post a quickly given opinion. Harlot, I said that norms and habits that are unjustifiable crumble before me for a reason. It's because they are not justifiable. You are using subjective opinions of the general society to make a rational argument? Prove the opinions first. And yes, values are just opinions. Nothing objective about them, never was, never will. Even if they hold societies together. Suppose someone does, what then? I happen to know many people that think life in itself is pointless. They don't commit suicide, simply because they enjoy living. When somebody no longer enjoys their life enough to be willing to live anymore, why should anybody have any control over them regarding their own life? Because somebody else might feel bad about it? Is the bad feeling of others more important than the person's will and/or suffering? I can swear you told me you would try to use logic as much as possible. I know you're not Socrates, but you could at least try So you think empathy and guilt haven't got much part in the soup? Is your value of peacefulness the only thing keeping you from killing someone? what do you think morals are based on? You won't kill someone else because you think it's wrong? Morals are just fraction of the story. Morals are a shortcut, a shell. A a tool to control. Unlike empathy and guilt themselves, morals can be taught, after which they control why we feel empathy and guilt. This is why they are holding societies together. A simple set of rules without justifications makes everyone feel much safer when there is something absolute like right or wrong (or a magical sky daddy) to refer to whenever they come across a problem. Synthetic morals and values are for kids. To date, the only moral theory I've found intelligent and rational enough to be used is consequentialism. And that's because it leaves the thought process to you, doesn't make absolute claims and is based on the simplest thing human beings are craving for; pleasure. Thus, making it very down to earth, practical and often rational. As long as you don't think WHY one action is better than the other without taking subjective experience of pleasure into account, otherwise you're back in the good-bad thing again. Anyway, even this is problematic. That is why I prefer to not use this method either, unless it's a routine decision I have to make. Our species has survived because we are constructed to live. Whether or not life has a purpose is irrelevant. We enjoy living, we want to avoid death. If there is some insane person (as you define it) that somehow has different opinions, why is he responsible to take care of your society? After all, they never CHOSE to be born, they were never given the chance to engage in your society or to not do so. It's not their responsibility anymore if they want to leave and do no more good to the society. Why could they be forced into doing something they don't want to? Anyway, I just read the ending paragraph. I tried to search for key arguments here and there in your post. I couldn't read the whole thing post but you did clear up some of the stuff you said earlier in the end. A year ago I might have sat down and reply to your every argument, but it seems I have a life nowadays. To save you from being patient and comparing the values, I can tell you where using logic ends in... It's "meh, whatever". Truth can't be found. From my point of view it's a matter of preference. But I think one shouldn't be able to control others based on the societies preference when it's about someone controlling their own life without harming others. Even at the expense of someone else feeling bad because of it. Okay, now that sounds contradicting. But there are other things that are done and people get hurt because of them and nobody seems to have a problem with them. Not saying it's right, but this is a matter of preference, as I already said. Nothing comes without a sacrifice. It's like free speech, just a more bloody version. Now, I wrote this at night so there may be some sentences cut in half without continuation. I apologize if there are any. Anwiii, I'll reply to you later. It's getting pretty late here.
  2. Just thought this would a fun watch for you people. I really liked the turtle one.http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  3. Haha tell me about it. One of my ticket has been ignored for 1 week and one for 4 days. My domain is going to expire soon and the auto renew isn't working. This is just great. Xisto - Honesty rocks! Truth rules! Oh and we will let your domain expire by not responding to you. And anwiii, why don't you just make them all .php files instead of using that technique which is for age old html websites where the owner didn't want to change all the page extensions to .php?
  4. Somebody come rescue me in the chatroom. There's some weird *BLEEP* going on in there. Or maybe I'm just hallucinating.

    1. anwiii


      what was going on? i am in there now though. nobody is here to curse at so i am leaving :)

  5. Hmmm... I was just about to post about how going to your onlinecheapo blog returned a 403 (forbidden) in apache but I see you fixed that. I used to have this problem once, I think I solved it by re-uploading my files back to the server after clearing everything up. Not much of a fix, but meh... I still think it's your .htaccess, though. Because the wordpress blog has its own htaccess file, which is apparently working. The main site of yours isn't. Try to access the control panel of whatever system it is you're using, if you are using one. Look for an automatically generated htaccess file (in your cpanel) that should be in your root directory and create a new .htaccess by copying the contents of that. Also, check your index.php file (in root directory) for php code that forces a download. Link to such code: https://davidwalsh.name/php-force-download That might or not be what you're looking for. Anyway, check if any such header qualities are being passed. I'm not into this aspect of PHP so you may need someone else to explain to you what the code actually means. From what I understood, check for this kind of code as well: header("Content-type: application/force-download"); header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream'); Look for that not in the theme file index.php, but the one that is in your root directory (the one that requests for the theme index.php to be loaded). Tho I still don't believe it's in your PHP code, tho. Oh, and you have a slight error in your webpage: http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fonlinecheapo.com&charset=%28detect+automatically%29&doctype=Inline&group=0&ss=1
  6. hmmm.. so why the hell isn't the chat working?

    1. anwiii


      oh. it's giving that error code again. remember when it would act up like this before? you had to keep trying to enter. eventually it wold let you in :)

    2. Baniboy


      This is a different type of error, it says that there are too many users in the chatroom, so I was suspecting shree had set the maximum useers to 0 or something.

    3. Baniboy


      oh well, it's giving the usual error again. Anyway, I had some free time so I thought of hanging out there for a bit. Didn't work...

  7. Happy birthday!

  8. I feel like killing someone.

    1. Baniboy


      I checked but all I found was pedobear.

    2. Darkyo13
    3. anwiii


      stop playing with pedobear and grab the ak

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  9. Yea well the party is canceled since the world didn't start ending. At least not in my time zone.We need a zombie apocalypse, that would be way cooler than some lame-*bottom* rapture.
  10. I'm talking about someone who has predicted the date of the end of the world two times now, and has failed. I'm not talking religion or you now. Kinda bored with that really.
  11. Dear sutra members and spammers. I am informing you of another chance point your finger at stupid people and laugh till the dawn. Yes... I'm talking about the "rapture" that is supposed to happen tomorrow (21st). Apparently, the world will start ending (hehe) on that day. I know that the 2012 prophesy is most delicious one as we'll get to laugh hard at some really stupid that are being taken seriously by some <add stupid people here>. But in the mean time, we may enjoy the journey.End of the world weather forecast in Helsinki: +12 C at 9:00, topping at 15:00 with +17 C. I think I'm going to drink my coffee on the balcony tomorrow morning and watch the world burn down. Apocalypse BBQ at my house at 3 pm. It may seem a bit too cold, but I assure you that when the sun shines, you'll feel warm enough.Afterparty on 22nd. Bring your own cups.
  12. So your mind is full of crap and spam? interesting...

  13. nahahahahahahahaha!

    1. anwiii


      are you crying?

    2. web_designer


      yeah i think so...:) from boring of course since he comes here any finds nobody..i really hope to catch you bani and talk to you...miss the old days...

  14. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Hmmm... Here's their own site I don't have time to comment on this... I will leave this to you, have fun roasting the pharmaceutical companies.
  15. Happy Birthday!

  16. Picking my courses for the next year. I hate this so much....



      I already did. I think I chose two or three math classes.

    2. anwiii


      picking course was the fun part.....

    3. DodgyPhil


      Aaw man, being 17 is rubbish haha :D

  17. Personally I think that the captchas should have either only lower-case or upper-case letters. It's frustrating when you don't know the size. Otherwise, you can always use the audio option on many captchas I've seen. That should make the job relatively easy.
  18. Sorry to break it to you like this, but that has happened before and nothing is preventing it from happening again. Not saying Osama isn't dead or anything... just pointing out that your government has lied about pretty big stuff before. But yes claiming someone has been killed and then saying that they dumped him into sea is pretty... hmm... can't find words for this... *BLEEP*ty. The guy who thought up that one probably isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer. But because there is no proof for (as in dead body proof) or against, I'm not speculating. As, for killing leaders of organizations, usually someone way worse is next on the line to take their place. I suggest you take a wikileaks tour. If a government hasn't proven that it's honest, I don't know why people should put in faith and believe without any evidence.
  19. There aren't many things supporting that a pink elephant isn't sitting on my desk either, doesn't mean that I should think it is true. I'm not making a negative claim. At least this time. I'm saying that if you want to claim that life holds a special purpose, show it. Well, could you do that, please? The sperm and egg argument is kind of weak. Show me that life is something more than a bunch of chemical reactions taking place. That is exactly my take on this topic.
  20. It's easy. The div you want to float should be first in the code. After that, you apply the property and value, like "float: left;". The clear property (practically the only value used with it is "both") is used to tell that an object does not allow any floated elements on its sides. This is often used for the footer so it appears after all the other floated stuff in a layout.
  21. (a+B)² = a²+2ab+b²

    1. web_designer


      yeah bani...missed you you young man :)

    2. deadmad7


      dam... i learnt that in like middle school :o

    3. Baniboy


      so did I... nnoooooooooooooooooooo didn't do so well.

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  22. Well, it's not really the special advantages of DIV, but rather the disadvantages of tables. Having one (or possibly two) layers of tables is still okay and doesn't result in much difference, but when some people have tables in tables in tables in tables and all that in another table... well, you get the idea. That slows the loading down because there are so many different tags. Another thing is that if you have even one table inside another table, it is more difficult (for me at least), to understand the code. You loose track of which row and which cell is in which cell and which row. Regarding the user experience: tables don't usually become visible until all of the content in them (with the exception of images, I think) is loaded and interpreted. You can notice this if you for example visit Xisto homepage on a mobile phone which doesn't load the pages very fast. Wrapping the WHOLE page in a table tag will make it so that the visitor has no idea that the page is actually loading until it has loaded completely since there's no visible progress. This might then result in the potential visitor leaving because he thinks that the page isn't loading. There are people who say that using tables results in huge files compared to divs. Through my own experience, I don't find this true. You don't reduce file size significantly by replacing every table cell with a div... Anyway, regarding DIVs, I have seen people have divs in divs in divs in divs in divs in divs and so on... Even I do have that on my website (which is wrong by the way). Anyway, the main point is to keep the HTML as simple and plain as possible. Don't add elements you don't need. For example, if you are making a navigation bar, you don't have to wrap it in a div, you can simply set ul { display:block; } that will make the ul element act like a box element (a div) and you can avoid using a div there. HTML should only contain the markup, not the styling. This makes editing easier in my opinion. Styling is done in CSS and when the CSS file is loaded for the first time, the browser automatically has all the styling information it needs for the future web pages of that website as well so it doesn't have to load the styling again when you navigate to another page. This reduces the bandwidth usage of both the visitor and the host, and also makes the browsing a little faster for the visitor if they choose to continue browsing that website. Having a separate CSS file for styling also allows you to group styling logically for easier understanding. For example, you can group all typography-related things together and all background-related things together. What I like to do is to write out the styling for elements in their natural hierarchy in the HTML and I can simply search by order when I need something. Doing that also allows me to use less space as using two different place to declare background color and font size separately requires me to type the element selector twice. You also say you want optimization techniques. I'm not sure which type of optimization you're talking about, but I have written an article on making your web pages run load faster, I don't know if that helps you at all, but I'm going to take advantage and shamelessly advertise. Link: How to make a web page load faster What a good question to ask in this nearly deserted and spam-filled forum. I couldn't believe my eyes when I actually saw a topic I could reply to.
  23. Jeez... I was talking about city distances, not ones that take 90 minutes with public transport. And the traffic issue can easily be dealt with if the buses are given their own lane on crowded roads. That would mean that personal cars driving on that lane would get a ticket. Anyway, about public transport costing more, I have to disagree, where (in my case) I'd have to pay more for fuel than pay 44 a month for a public transport ticket (meaning that I can use it for a month on every form of public transport in my city). Me being a student, I get a 50 % discount and I only have to pay 22 . I have to say that because Finland only has 5.4 million residents, the public transport would be cheaper and there would be more public vehicles if there were more residents. I wouldn't like to say this about anyone's opinion, but that's a very primitive way to think about and judge people.
  24. I think there is a semantics problem here. When you say "universe", it automatically contains everything (I think). So there can't be multiple everythings... Just correcting the words here. Correct me if I'm wrong. Anyway, just to add my two cents, I think this kind of discussion is pretty useless. More emphasis should be put on how to prove or disprove the existence of other *whatever*-verses. Moving on... I could perhaps consider the possibility of universe and anti-universe but this reasoning for its possibility is flawed. Antimatter exist in this 'universe' too and is detectable. What I do find interest to discuss about however is other dimensions, which is kind of close to this topic. The current standard model (regarding particle physics) that contains the four (three) interactions (electroweak, nuclear and gravity) isn't very handy. That's why the hunt is on for a grand unified theory (GUT), which would explain all interactions and unite the ones that we have now. Many of the GUT hypothesis' require extra dimensions. At least one required a "shadow-like" dimension or something, it's hard to explain because the terms were in Finnish and I can't translate them to English that well. Perhaps Rvalkass should come here and correct my mistakes lol, he would be better at explaining this.
  25. She/he's a religious person and she noticed we were talking about porn so they came here to post irrelevant crap and discriminative opinions about it. That should answer your question. PS. now we know what the hell the "sutra" at the end of the board's name actually means haha
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