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Everything posted by Baniboy

  1. Well, it was definately april fool's but since you mentioned the law thing... I don't think it's illegal to permit gay porn on a private company. It's not discriminating people, it's bordering content. If they didn't provide service to gay customers or didn't hire people because of sexuality, it would be discrimination. Sure this is 'kind of' discrimination, but it's a joke... I wouldn't want to notice or comment on this but given the track record of united states supreme court and government, it has WAAAY BIGGER sexual discrimination stuff to deal with (like its states' laws) than trying to "not tolerate" gender discrimination in a small web host. just sayin'...
  2. Well... it was funny when I read it at first, but I think it's quite natural of a web hosting provider to dictate what kind of content can be on its servers. Heck, some will take you offline if your site is using up the bandwidth that YOU PAID FOR. (overselling bull****)One thing about being able to host porn still remains as a mystery to me. If I'm not mistaken, xisto permits streaming. Even if we assume the site wouldn't have video streaming, bandwidth usage would still be huge because of the large amount of graphical content being downloaded.Also, you could've copied the whole thread, anwiii. Anyway, I don't think this is BH's "fault". I'm not implying that you think it is BH's idea, but with the "-BuffaloHELP" stuff and not quoting the whole text and just that one line plus your history with BH kinda makes it seem that way. Decisions about the hosting are, after all, made by Shree himself?BTW, I tried to search for the board rules (while I was searching for your source), but it leads me to the main page... now that's funny.
  3. Well, you can also add it with the following as well: <link rel="shortcut icon" href="http://domain.com/filepath/favicon.ico" /> Actually I thought that if you upload the favicon.ico file to your domain root, it'd be automatically loaded, not sure tho. You can also use a more sophisticated program to create your icons than an online editor. I use GIMP to create the image and save to .ico, I think Photoshop can do this too (I remember it needed an add-on earlier, not sure how it's done now).
  4. a quest for wisdom through spam

    1. Xarex


      Figured out that code that kept messing up.. the banner code.

      <a href='#' onClick=myLink()>


      Just had to send the page somewhere. Thanks for your suggestions and help.. it put me back on the right track.

  5. We have gathered here to honor our dear friend who is no longer with us. It have helped us in many ways and been there for us in tough times. Rest in peace, trap17, we'll miss you.

    1. anwiii


      aren't you a little late for the funeral?

    2. web_designer


      oh this is hurt... but excuse me i thought he is still struggling in the hospital!!!

  6. Happy Birthday! :) I hope you don't run out of juice. Would've made you a virtual cake but too busy atm. :(

  7. Technically, pet ownership IS slavery due to the fact that the pets don't have the chance to CHOOSE whether they leave or stay with their owner. Having a book as your own moral guide... I don't have a problem with it (well, unless you don't cherry pick the teachings, I wouldn't like one promoting slavery, stoning people to death on sabbath and murdering infidels, but if you cherry pick the ones that you feel you're okay with, I don't care). But when you use a BOOK to tell OTHERS what they are justified to do or not do, you have gone too far. That is wrong in every way possible. You can't use gods or souls as a rational argument/backup for anything. Especially if they're mentioned in a fiction book that is inconsistent with reality. Now, I give you one more chance to tell me why other animals' life is less important than, for example, your life. You can derive why one shouldn't generally steal, lie, cheat or kill without using any supernatural elements. If the bible told that stealing was wrong but killing was fine, would you be okay with it? Morals don't come from books. Morals come from within, based on what one feels about certain action/thingy. However, by manipulating one's mind and changing the models you can change how one feels about certain action, thus changing their "morals". And by asking you to eat dog I specifically meant one of your OWN puppies/dogs. Or just killing one of them for no reason.
  8. Instead of claiming that something can't be done, you should research if it has already been done instead of writing 2 lines of nonsense about how they can't do it.As I already said, in a city, you don't have to drive 50 km to Walmart, which results in the fact that you don't have to go and buy a ton of groceries once a week/month, instead you can simply buy a little bit while you come back from work. I walk past one grocery store when I get out of the subway on my way home. I could make a quick stop on my way and get out of the metro and visit one of the 2 shopping centers on my way. With a bus stop every 500 m, I don't see a problem with carrying my stuff home. And I live 10 km from the city center. If one is able to walk 500-1000 meters but is too lazy to do so and uses their car instead, I would say stop breathing my air.
  9. Not everyone is blond in Scandinavia. And when you meld them together you get something in between. From my own experience I can say that the Finnish, Swedish and Russian are wrong.
  10. Happy birthday!

  11. By the ego problem I meant that one's ego is too big to drive a car that doesn't have 100 horsepowers and takes 20 seconds to reach 100km/h. People want more performance for more money, while in a city, you don't need high performance and the ability to drive long distances anyway. A better solution would be not using personal cars in a city anyway, but centralize the city enough for public transportation to work properly.
  12. Sorry, I have been away for a long time. Found some time to be on now.So are you using frames or tables now? Anyway, the index.htm is wrong. It's supposed to be a PHP file, so rename the file to index.php.I don't know how using frames affects the WordPress code, but I do smell some trouble with that.EDIT: I'm also not sure what happens when you have nested WordPress roots. What I meant by changing the URL was that you did it through the settings menu, not change actual file structure. Not sure if this is what you meant by the "instructions", tho.
  13. The very definition of an even number is that you can divide it by two and retrieve a whole number (/ integer). 0/2 = 0, the value is true, making 0 an even number.If you wonder why you can't divide by zero, it's because the closer the number by which you're dividing is to zero, the closer the result gets to infinite, making for example 2/0 = infinite. Because infinite can't be used in regular math, you can't divide by zero.
  14. I'm winning

    1. Baniboy


      Nah, too busy banging 7 gram rocks and finishing them because that's how I roll.

    2. anwiii


      i'm curious. in another year, are you going to change your name from "baniboy" to "baniman"?

    3. Baniboy


      Either way, I'll still be winning. Maybe I'll just change my name to BaniWinning.

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  15. When I reply with a quote, please notice that I'm replying to what you said in the quote tags. I wasn't talking to you when I wrote about cars. I also didn't comment on nuclear power plants. The only part specifically directed to you was when I replied to the quoted text. Most of the people that own cars live in a city, so I wasn't talking about the people that live in the middle of nowhere and need to drive > 50 km to the nearest Walmart. So yes it is an ego issue in some cases. @Iniyila: Yea as I said, not a lot of money is put in battery research for cars. If you research the times when a lot of money is invested in scientific research for product development (like NASA stuff or the like) you'll find that money is what it needs.
  16. I think there is a little too much playing with words and assumptions here... Atheist is non-theism. Theism in itself is not classified as religion, it's belief in a deity, religion is a specific belief in a deity. And even if it was, atheism would be as much a religion as not-mountain biking is a hobby. Atheism describes one position and one position only, and that is non-theism, or lack of belief in a deity. The more religious people argue over this, the more moronic their arguments get. You (probably... and hopefully) don't believe that I have a retarded monkey in my room that makes me Latte every morning. You have been to my room and there is no sign of monkeys not to even mention retarded ones. You don't believe me because I can't justify my position, but you don't say that it's impossible, so are you holding a belief? Not believing in something doesn't equal to believing it doesn't exist. Now those the the meanings of the words. After clearing that out, let's talk about the real issue. The real issue is religious people trying to point their fingers at atheists and tell them it's a religion because they don't have good arguments to play with. They don't worship animals, sheepdog. Treating a living being like you would like yourself to be treated is called empathy, and you don't need Jeesus or the bible to figure this out on your own. So how do you feel about using your puppies as food? No? Also, using the bible as some kind of an absolute science reference book isn't very smart.
  17. Hmmm, then there seems to be something wrong with the Javascript. Make sure you have Javascript enabled in your browser. If that doesn't work then download another copy of WordPress and replace the wp-admin folder in your installation by the wp-admin folder of the new download.
  18. Yes I know you want to keep it static, so that's why I was only suggesting to do it to your news section. Because if you're going to post frequently, it's better to let WordPress do it instead of creating static pages. About the tables thing... well, content inside tables doesn't show up until ALL of the content inside it is loaded. Also, I have heard tables slow the page down. Someone viewing your website on a cellphone might not like it that much. There are, of course, other reasons. Mainly I think it's a trend. Users won't probably care or notice, but see how when ks loads the main page? You have to wait for it to load each table's (the forums list) content before it shows it. Well, you can't notice it normally, but I use my phone to browse here and I do notice it. And tables are (for me, atleast) harder to understand and visualize instead of a div structure. But, if you have a lot of nested divs it'll be hard to understand that as well so I guess it doesn't matter if you don't put tables in tables or something like that. IF you do want to change it, however, I have posted a tutorial on this. Though I'm not sure if it's that good because I didn't explain things separately, but just put the code and explained it in CSS comments. LINK About your posting problem, I have no idea. Try going to the "HTML" tab in the posting window and see if WordPress has added anything that alters the color.
  19. I'm not sure if I understood correctly. But if you want to use the WordPress database with your current layout you can simply turn it into a WordPress half-theme. Just open theme files of another WordPress theme, then you can simply copy-paste some of the WordPress php (ie. the ones of the articles, if that's what you want) code to your layout. The code will be easy to figure out as it'll have functions like e_articles_date(xxxxx) or such (also remember to copy the php code from the header.php to get the meta and title tags from wp). After you've turned your layout into a WordPress theme, make another copy of the earlier theme folder (from which you got the code) and place it renamed in the same wp-content/themes folder. Then copy your own modified layout/theme (index.php and style.css) to the renamed folder, replacing the existing index and css files. Navigate to your WP admin panel and activate the new theme. Then go to the WordPress settings->('General') and set a new path for your news pages (like yourdomain.com/news) in the "Site address (URL)" textbox. If you want to use some of the WordPress for something else and some of the articles for your news page, I don't know. I guess you could have 2 WordPress installations for each but I wouldn't recommend it's too complicated. And, for embedding WordPress I guess you'd have to do so many file includes (to load the wp core and connect to database) that by then you could just make a half-theme. Also, you shouldn't use tables for your layout. EDIT: I just found something that might help. Just remember that after you load the core through the header you have to write out the php to get the posts as well.
  20. Lately I've been quite shocked by what's happening to my site. Every time I visit analytics, I see the traffic is going up. It's not that I have a problem with increasing traffic, but it's weird. I just don't know where it's coming from. I'm not promoting my site anywhere nor am I doing any SEO. This is creepy. Another thing that is creepy is that I get traffic from referring links, through hotmail inboxes?! Somebody is e-mailing my site around or something? Or are they emailing my site to the spambots so they can automate spamming my comment sections? What is this? And also, my hosting server is apparently located in "Walnut, United States" or in middle of the Atlantic ocean? Enough of that, the visitors that come to my site through their windows live inbox stay for an approximately 5 minutes, which makes this even more creepy than it already is, because a bot wouldn't stay that long. It's the second biggest source of traffic I have to my site with 105 visits a month, google being the first with 317 visits a month. Both sources are going up for practically no reason at all. I'm not building links or anything, what is this? Is google analytics to be trusted?
  21. If you don't protect your blog/website, you're going to have a lot of blog comment spam. Sometimes I've seen bloggers that don't even know it's spam and think that they are actual comments Anyway, most of it is posted by spambots. They comment on the blog and get linkbacks to whatever site they desire. There is obvious spam, like comments that contain gibberish or other strongly non-related content such as links to porn sites (oh well, unless you're running a porn blog). Then there are spam comments that contain things like "hey, I love this article" or "I love your blog I subscribed to you" or more sophisticated *BLEEP* such as, "you really know how to bring a point across and I completely agree with you on the state of this situation". SPAM SPAM SPAM! Now, some people don't understand that these are spam comments. Basically my own guideline is that if the comment has nothing to do with the article I posted, I'll remove it, even if it's something like "I really love your blog bla bla bla". For me this is easy to determine, because I post web design tutorials, and I don't write a personal blog or things like that. But I get a lot of spam, like 20 spam comments a day. And it's not only spambot spam either, there are real people spamming too, just commenting on articles for linkbacks without reading the articles. You can prevent spam comments by using certain WordPress plugins (and I'm talking about WordPress specifically here because that is what I'm familiar with). Here's the soup I recommend: 1. Your first line of defense is a simple captcha-like protection. It's the Math Comment Spam Protection. Basically adds a math question to the commenting function that every guest commenter has to solve. This kills many spambots. 2. Your second line of defense is Akismet, which is based on a reputation system. If spambots or people survive the math question (oh well, it would be sad if people didn't survive it), Akismet will check its database to see if they are spam or not. Akismet in itself is so effective you wouldn't really even need the Math Comment Spam Protection, but I ask you to reconsider this because: Akismet makes mistakes. When you have the math protection on, most of the spam is filtered out. This results in Akismet not blocking much comments, just the ones that got through. When there is less Akismet analyzed spam, you can easily check through your spam comments section to see if there are any non-spam comments. If you didn't have a first line of defense, you'd have to look through 100+ spam comments a month to see if Akismet has false negatives. 3. Your third line of defense is, of course, YOU. Check your spam queue and don't delete all spam right away. I have not implemented the Math Comments Spam Protection on my own site yet because well... I'm lazy. What do you use?
  22. Do you have crazy moments? And I don't mean the times you are high or drunk.Have you done stuff that you wouldn't in your right mind ever do? What did you do? Were the consequences good or not?What do you think is the cause of these crazy/stupid moments? The fact that for a moment you didn't think about your ego and what people would think of you? Did something else inspire you to do it? Where did the courage come from? For me it's when I realize it's the last chance, I don't know why.So, since I started this thread, I should share some of mine:1. Personally I have done some stuff that I wouldn't take back. For example, once, half of our class' boys (me included) dressed up as girls (with make-up and all that crap) and we held a beauty queen contest It was stupid and fun!2. This is more recent: I joined our school's choir. I had a problem with singing so I went to talk to the music teacher. She tested my ability to sing notes high or low and told me that my problem was quite usual (the problem being that I can sing high and low, but I can't sing in the middle). She told me I sang the right notes very well (which I had no idea of) and that if I wanted to learn to sing properly the only thing I could do was to sing and practice. Then she told me that the only chance to get guided assistance for free was by joining the choir. Mostly I didn't want to do it because I'm not a singer person, I have a bad voice and joining the choir itself was embarrassing enough for me, but then I realized it was my last chance to get rid of my inability to sing anyway. And it would only cause sacrificing two 15 minute breaks per week. The choir time hasn't yet come, but I have to say, I'm afraid now. I'm probably and the worst 'singer' in the group, but we'll see how this turns out.There are other more embarrassing things I've done that I won't post here tho.Share yours!
  23. Well, using a file manager for browsing pictures is so 2000 anyway, sheepdog! Here is a list of applications you can use. I would go for Picasa if I were you. Irfanview is great for batch-conversion and the rest of the list is unfamiliar to me. The page title is Gwenview alternatives because Gwenview is a Linux program to do manage pictures. So I was searching for windows alternatives to that. Usually it would be me searching for Linux alternatives to Windows software but this is what it has come to.
  24. The reason I differentiate between practical problems and the theoretical position where there is something that makes suicide wrong is because I was waiting for replies such as the one from anwiii that states that life has a purpose or similar things. It would be more interesting to debate as well instead of discussing on the 1001 cases of suicide and analyzing them one by one. (I shouldn't have mentioned law in my first post, instead I should've asked why it is wrong/right). There are people who believe suicide is wrong just because suicide is wrong, without thinking about things such as the circumstances where someone wants to kill himself or herself.The core question is are you a sane person if you want to kill yourself? Sane and insane are pretty much normal and abnormal (abnormal in a destructive or non-productive way). That's just the way it is. So normal human nature is that humans don't want to kill themselves. Due to the feelings that it gives us. We enjoy life. So let's take an example that someone doesn't enjoy life and wants to end it. Do others have the right to force him/her to live. Or do others have the right to force him/her to enjoy life again? This is the problem. Even if I'm not crazy in the traditional meaning of it, I am not perceived as mentally balanced if I want to kill myself. And I used myself as an example because it's an easy pronoun to work with. Tired of typing "him/her" or "person" all the time...With my 14-year-old example I wanted to make you think about a situation where attempting suicide would be allowed to happen. Something like how alcohol is legal but is controlled by the government. Also, one thing I would like to talk about is euthanasia or more accurately being able to kill yourself if you can't end the suffering anyway. With euthanasia I have a problem with who has to do it. Suppose euthanasia is allowed? If a judge allows it, that's practically a murder. Pulling the plug when someone is in coma is also practical murder if you value life as something more than a combination of chemical processes. I do not think that others should be able to control if you live or don't. But we are forced to do that anyway. However with mental depression, I know that humans are very adaptable. You can't stay depressed forever (with the exceptions of certain cases). I do believe that time heals (= hides) everything, tho I don't have anything else to prove it than with my own experiences.Regarding euthanasia I would recommend watching a Spanish film called "The Sea Inside". Contains a lot of useless drama but still an interesting, thought-producing watch.As for the reason for me to make this thread is a) web_designer and anwiii asked me to make this after we talked about suicide in the chatroom and b ) I'm trying to a achieve a direction of discussion here that I won't comment on now. We'll have to wait and see where this conversation goes. However I want web_designer to reply post here as well because she wanted me to make this thread. She'll either post here or I'll debate her position without seeing her reply! :DAnwiii probably didn't reply to me because my replies have started to suck recently when it comes to structuring. I really don't know why but lately I haven't been very good in typing posts that make sense. I promise I'll look at my posts later on to check if I make sense. What I was asking you, anwiii, was that prove me life has a purpose to complete your argument. You failed to do that in your first post.
  25. bashing the authorities feels good...

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