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Everything posted by Baniboy

  1. Most of those are true but some of them are just stupid, like "guys hate gays" wtf??? I don't know anyone who hates gays. Also, the weakest point of a guy is not knee, you know where it is so don't type crap about the weakest point being knee. Some of those can apply to someone, but it some of those just can't be true. Guys can keep secrets and guys best friend doesn't know everything about him, believe me.
  2. Why???!! WHY??!! I guess I'm a psychopath then, muahahahhahahahahaaaa!Bad news, I hope I don't see a hot chick in any funerals then, I might just kill my little brother hahahahahaaaa. Now really this isn't accurate, I'm not a killer... or am I??!!Maybe I just don't remember, I stamped on a lots of ants when I was little and I always kill every annoying bug I see... HELP!! i'M a MURDERER!!!! :P
  3. First I should tell you about the grade system thingy or what the hell you wanna call it:1-6th grade is in it's own school, we don't change classrooms and we have pretty much the same teacher except for some lessons like art and stuff. 7-9th grades are in it's own school separate from the 1-6th. We change classrooms for every lesson. a lesson can last 1-2 hrs. The schedule is different for every day, someday it might be 10-14 and someday 8-16 I'm not gonna bother to say am and pm so I'll let you lazy guys do some little thinking. We have 4 periods in a year and the schedule changes for every period. In 2 periods we have english as foreign language and in other 2 periods swedish(I just hate it!!). We have our own lockers. We eat lunch in school at 11 or 12 it depends on the day, we don't bring our own lunch, we eat the lunch that is in school unlike in the most countries and we don't have to pay for it. We have 2 computer rooms or what ever you want to call and a school library.and so on, I'm too bored to explain what comes after that.Oh, and I'm from Finland by the way!
  4. If you don't like to eat meat then what ever! Other people have all the rights to eat meat. You don't have to act facism!And the thing you people said about the "we don't need animals, we can get all we need from plants". Its just a lie and you know it, there was a test where 16 veggies where put to eat meat for 6 weeks and the test showed that their physical performance was 21 % better in the end of 6 weeks. HAH! The brain mass of human kind has increased because of meat, admit it; meat is a better way of getting your protein AND iron and other nutrients than vegetables. Now the veggies want to stop the evolution of human kind? come on guys?? the growing process is faster when you eat meat, some vegetables that contain a lot of protein like beans are slower to digest. Thats all I had to say.
  5. It's very embarrasing, I usually change the chanel or I'm like hey let's what other movies are on right now... Kissing scenes are pretty much ok but sex scenes not. Every good movie has sex scenes in it, what can I do, sex sells. I watch movies like that in when my family isn't at home.Once I was watching this comedy movie with my girlfriend and then comes the sex scene, just imagine my situation! I think parents must feel as much uncomfortable as us? They wouldn't like us to watch that kind of thing but they know it's "ok" by the moral nowadays.
  6. Hah, chrome is crap, there will be never chanse that in chrome you would be able to block ads or something else, since google owns most of the ads on the net. And when you agree with the license you give google the right to monitor every word you have typed on chrome even if you don't press enter. I don't know if the license has been changed but still... I compared them:chrome: fast+ no adblock- google acting like some kind of big brother- one window takes 100mb RAM-FF: adblock and other add-ons+ open source, important: people can find bugs and get them fixed.+Winner: Mozilla FirefoxEnd of the story
  7. One word: Cellphone, yea that's right, cellphone. Just make your phone ring when you have to start doing something, and when it rings, don't think like "I'll play this game to the end then I start working", start doing it right away.This works great for me, when I start doing something I don't stop before getting it finished.This is easy way, if you have an old model phone, then do it with computer, but it shouldn't be something you notice when you look at it, but hear it when the time is right.Good luck with it, just be organized!
  8. I see your problem, I made a plan for you:Lose weight. Do sports, jogging, ride a bicycle or something. All about dating is the first impression, no matter how good guy you are, if you don't make the good impression she won't want to get to know you. This sound a bit like all women care about is your look, it's not like that but it still is a part of impression. Thats why it's so important.I undrestand that when you're dating a woman all you think is that will she be suitable for you for the rest of your life, when you should be thinking do you like her, whatever you do think but don't be too picky. If you think her clothes aren't looking good on her don't think "I can't live with her for the rest of my life". Go to a bar, you don't think you'll find a woman that you would like there but you never know, maybe there's a female just in the same situation like you who is looking for a man. Don't look too hard, don't think of finding a lifetime companion, think about the moment itself, do you feel comfortable?Be self-confident when you go to a date, say yourself "I'm the man, I'm the man" or something like that.Hope I was helpful, good luck with dating!
  9. A. It's not bastardizing of English language, it's a way of typing things faster when you don't just have the time.B. Don't be a hardass, chill out dude. Please, don't be a boring person!C. There isn't anything wrong with "bastardizing" English. I think they should be on international use, it would make books and stuff much lighter, hah!
  10. I've got a kingston 4 gb usb stick and another 16gb kingston, I use them to transfer my images and files, homework etc. I also got a 32gb memory card for my camcorder.
  11. I agree with Saint Michael, they should be archived and also not shown in the "Similar topics"-box on the bottom of the topics. But Still viewable by google and other search engines. Well that's what I think, I'm waiting for more replies!
  12. Today, I'm critisizing Xisto forums. Do we really need the topics made in year 2004-2006? I mean, they are dead topics and no-one posts on them anymore. I need replies. And I don't mean the tutorials and other helpful topics.Thank youEDIT: Please vote on the poll. Merry Xmas to everyone!
  13. Butter is a dairy product so it's animal fat, containing the bad LDL colesterol. Margarine has fat from plants AND a little animal fat, less bad colesterols and more the good ones. So margarine is healthier, I haven't met anyone in my life that spreads butter on bread. But in cooking/baking butter is popular because it tastes better. I think it's just too greasy for spreading on bread, I use margarine that's low on animal fat. I think the animal fat is needed for the structure of margarine or something and of course, taste. I mix butter and olive oil when I make scrambled eggs, tastes great!
  14. hmm.. Interesting and by the way, chinee is delivered. I don't usually have pizza delivered to our house because we always have some leftovers or something in the fridge. The reason I eat piza is because it tastes good and I'm hungry. An by the way, chinese for 3 people costs around 23 euros here in finland, I don't know how much that is in dollars... The chinese restaurant is in our neighborhood so I have just to pick it up.
  15. Why were we born? For you people I have bothered today to share my wisdom:to breed. yeah that's why !LIVE WITH IT!
  16. Always when something bad happens, people just want to blame someone. I'm not saying if someone is guilty or not, but it isn't google earth's fault, you can use papermaps as well. And the idea of monitoring what people do is ridiculous, AGAINST THE PRIVACY OF PEOPLE. PERIOD! The terrorists can just go online, they don't even have to download and install anything, you just fill the fields and it shows the way on map. And like I said, they can just look up a regular map where they want to go. Or they can use GPS navigator, damn you don't need to use even a computer for that. The point is that they would have done it anyway, I'm not gonna say get over it, but accept it.
  17. I don't like visual/wysiwyg editors, no matter what the heck I do, my result will be something bethween ridiculous and pathetic. I like to code all myself, the css, xhtml and the php by hand. And I also recommend them for a beginner, cuz you won't learn much with just drag and dropping, it sounds a little too good to be true. Maybe the nerds come up with a new web programming language where all you do is to talk in the microfone and the editor will wright the code down for ya! Now that would be cool! Either way, I would go with crimson editor, it's simple to use.
  18. I ment like if you have a e-mail account provided my popular service like yahoo, let's name it "myemail@yahoo.com" then with alittle programming you would have the form to be sent to your myemail@yahoo.com
  19. I wonder if there is a way to get the forms directly to your normal email account, like the one in msn or yahoo or gmail etc. It would be quite handy, don't you think?
  20. Not actually, which web server you suggest? For now I've just moved my php files on the net and tried them out.
  21. Thankyou xpress, you know what I do: screw everything up with something too confusing even I don't undrestand myself. I'll try a web server and create an account on there. I'll tell if it worked out fine. Thanks for the help
  22. Well in this month when I started transforming my unready xhtml files into php and making mail function by POST since I figured out "GET" is an insecure way of transforming information of other people. I got problem, it's in finnish but I have explained the stuff in English in the comment lines. And one more thing, I'm newbie so don't laugh too much if there is somehitng wrong with the simplest thing, please! Here's the form: <form action="skriptit/sivupalauteskripti.php" method="post"> <b>Nimi:</b> <br> <input type="text" name="nimi"> <br> <!-- This is the name input text area --> <b>Sähköposti:</b> <br> <input type="text" name="sposti"> <br> <!-- This is e-mail input --> <b>Palaute:</b> <br><textarea name="palaute"> <!-- Another text area for comments --> </textarea> <br> <input type="submit" value="Lähetä palaute"> <!-- The submit button --> </form> And the php script: <?php//I don't know how to explain this on English, you should get what this does after a few looks :D "nimi" is the name and "arvo" is value, I think something is wrong with them but I don't know what!foreach($_POST as $nimi => $arvo) { $palaute .= $nimi . ": " . $arvo . "\n";}//Send the comment to email by php "mail" function$viesti = mail("my-email@myemail.com", "Palaute", $palaute);//$viesti is true when email is sent succesfullyif($viesti) { //when sent succesfully, it redirects to the thank you page header("Location: ../kiitos.php");} else { //If not, it will redirect to the error page header("Location: ../virhe.php");}?>Edit: I would also like to know if I can do this in another way without the spam bots picking out my e-mail address Notice from truefusion: Use code bbcode, or others, for code.
  23. I know one very similar so I thought I could right this here:sit properly on a comfortable surface (not too soft)concentrate to feel your own pulse without touching any vainswhen you feel/hear the pulse (usually you hear it behind your ears and feel on the chest) count with the rythm of your pulse: one-two one-two-three-four one-two one-two one-two-three-four one-two one-two one-two-three-four and so on.in the first "one-two" breathe inthen hold your breathe during "one-two-three-four"then breathe out during the next "one-two"then breathe in again during another "one-two"then start holding your breathe again during one two three and four and breathe out andthen in again and so on as long as you want.
  24. Any code editor will do. I prefer crimson editor, I don't know if it's good for C but I like the simple interface. You can also use notepad++ (both crimson editor and notepad++ are freeware) or you can use paid software, wich I don't recommend because you'll probably find them worse than freeware. And you can find a lot of tutorials in basically any language you want, I found C tutorial in finnish so you should be able to find swedish too. Just use google/other search engines to find a tutorial where things are explained from top to bottom and easy to read.
  25. Bluebear, you're just so lucky you're next to the golf stream, here in Finland it's just beginning to get cold and soon my breath will freeze when I go outside the house. And I also (surprise surprise) hate winter, and it lasts for like 4 months here, it's just so boring when I can't go outside jogging or riding my bicycle, I suppose I could go skiing but I just suck at it. And the exams are killing me too, since it's the end of this term. The only way of staying alive is managing till christmas so I get 2 weeks off. Don't worry about the hair, people don't look at it all the time, I use hooded top, and use the hood of it, I'm called the "hoodman" in the school.
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