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Everything posted by Baniboy

  1. You can always use redirects to redirect from the other domains to another one. Not exactly search engine friendly, but gets the job done.
  2. I have done that with no problems at all.Check that you have done everything correctly. Everything in the wp-config.php file should be identical with the other one(That includes db name, user, password etc) except the table prefix.You can optionally try two installs with different database users and table prefixes. Or you can install them on 2 different databases, if you happen to have a spare one.If even that doesn't work, well I don't know what will...
  3. No you didn't waste your time! Never say that! AGAIN!!!Let's take a look at what you've learned:How to work with your local server.How to install, use wordpress and how to install plug-ins and themes to it.Small pieces of information you've learned, for example when you asked me what server-side scripts mean and stuff like that.I wouldn't call all this a waste of time?!"Now what?", you say. Well, you're smart and quick learner, so why don't you study XHTML and CSS. Then move to Javascript and after that to PHP. When you have a basic knowledge of these, you can do many things. *Like make a whole site about me, how great I am and how helpful I've been to everyone, and how everyone should worship me... hey you! outta my dream! ahhh...*
  4. Persian, Azerian, Finnish, English and Swedish. And after I've finished this year, I'll have to choose one extra foreign language(I'll choose Spanish I think..),I'm rather good with languages, I know most of the languages above to say what I want to say without stopping to make up the sentence first except Azerian and Swedish (I hate swedish, but we have to learn it around here).
  5. The idea of this topic is to post a screenshot of your own desktop. I just wanna see how you've organized your desktops and what kind of background colors you use. AND, I have nothing else to post about so yeah...Here's my desktop(ubuntu):I've added a few widgets(like the system monitor and calendar). I have a separate windows list on the left, a taskbar at the bottom containing some shortcuts(I just make it scroll out of the screen to the left or right when I don't need it) and then the default gnome taskbar containing a few extra things. And there's also my beautiful background image I got from a site they were offering free wallpapers on. I'm using the "overglossed" window theme.Looking forward to see your desktops!
  6. I wouldn't be so sure, from his statements saying Jesus was in Africa and stuff.. I don't think he/she has seen a christian before. :PAnyway, I would like to debate you on some points, but I'm already doing that on another topic with a couple members, I can't handle two Besides religion is boring.
  7. I'm running ubuntu 9.04, running Shiretoko web browser (it's a way of forcing firefox 3.5 to install on ubuntu, since it refuses to upgrade from firefox 3.0.11). My secondary browser is firefox 3.0.11. So yeah, I'm rockin this "contest". I bet you don't have the same browser as an alternative, do ya?! HA !
  8. 1. You'll have to define what you exactly mean by "killing". After all, non-physical beings can't kill stuff? So you mean god not helping children out and chilling with a cup of coffee on the balcony instead? Well how you can define that killing? If you see someone dying on the street(uhmm.. I know, very unlikely but whatever) and you could help him, but you do not, then is it a murder? You're trying to appeal to people's sympathy, wrong way to start a debate. 2. Why don't you verify those claims before embarrassing yourself on a public forum? Bible wasn't written in Africa, nor it was written in English. It was translated into English later. 3. You're right on this one, but I don't think people communicate with god(well, if you can call praying a way of communication). In the form of humans? And why can't lucifer be the devil even if it's not in the form of human. 4. Free will is an illusion. That's why, nothing can happen to something if it doesn't exist. 5. I don't get why the fact that they are only chemical reactions makes them less amazing? 6. Well, obviously, he's all-powerful so why not? 7. Because we have only have dug to the depth of about 13 kilometers? And how it has to be inside earth? Can't it be a "it'snotapartofthisreality"-thing like heaven and stuff? You love your children and still don't want them to party 24/7. This argument is stupid, try to copypaste better ones off the net, man. "Free will"(you know, the one that doesn't exist), doesn't change the rules life. Of course you can choose both ways, but the consequences are different. And the point is...? Maybe not, but you can still wish and think so, can't you? Like this post of yours doesn't deserve to be on the face of internet, yet it still does. Go study some abiogenesis principles and come back to this discussion later. Why you're attacking christianity only? Most of other religions do this too. But by definition, we have a "soul" which survives the death of our brains. And don't get me wrong, I'm an atheist, but your post was so stupid that I just had to reply!
  9. What link? I don't see any links in my post? Anyway, here's the link that was never there.
  10. power and determination indeed, since I don't remember anyone having made a "homemade fission reactor" :(You reminded me of the times when radioactivity entered into the science field. Hah, it was crazy! They were selling people radioactive water and radioactive cups for better health! I saw a document on the subject, it was hilarious lol(caused many cancer cases tho, that's sad and not hilarious). They had some kind of box in shoe stores where people could put their feet inside and could see their own bones with x-rays! obviously not so healthy Ahh... the good old days where gamma rays were considered healthy...
  11. Wrong and wrong again. "Europeans in the 16th century"... If I remember correctly, the old testament wasn't written in Europe nor in the 16th century.Sorry to disappoint you again but your god seems to forget about the things he created all the time. Like, where's Australia? Well, the writer seems to have skipped a few geography lessons or he/she is dumb on purpose! I found your "four corners": God apparently forgot to tell about the other nations/kingdoms/areas/whatever. Again, if you don't use scientific method to prove things and just assume like Israelites did, you end up having four corners and what not against modern science in your book. I don't wanna offend you or anything but... Do you even own a map?! Where's Australia? Antarctica? Where? Huh? Even if all this somehow magically were to be true, you can't see the whole earth from a top of a mountain, so give up already. NEXT! Oh, so now you're blaming me for actually examining the document, instead you want me to blindly believe everything written there. Then you say I'm not acknowledging the information that is there. Let me tell you something: Let's assume you have a biology book, everything in it seems to be as it should. You're reading a chapter about monkeys and suddenly you notice that the book claims that monkeys have 2 butt holes. Would you throw the whole book away? Or would you just pick a word and start explaining how it can also mean another thing like truefusion seems to be doing all the time?(no offense tf, but it's really annoying when you do it) I was talking about the resurrection, not the reliability. And no, I wouldn't love to do that, it'd be as stupid if I started examining "alice in wonderland". A waste of time. In fact, I'm only replying to this topic because I don't want to leave a debate open, this is getting all boring and stupid with all the "forgotten continents"... Back to the point, I don't accept eye-witnesses as empirical evidence. And when I see a big flaw in my biology book, I throw it away. Which I have done with carm.org. Yes! I dismiss stupid article where they claim that because so many people saw Jesus after his death, he must've resurrected. Happy now? Just as many people have seen Elvis after his death doesn't prove that he's still alive, many people seeing Jesus after his death doesn't prove anything. It's kinda ironic too because somewhere there it also says that eyewitnesses don't count as empirical evidence. I'm not saying they are false, but I'm saying that they don't count as evidence. A man that has spent many years studying the subject is either a) Lying and brainwashing, leaving the "bad parts" of the bible out. Hasn't studied the subject or has, but is just ignorant. Aww, sorry I thought it was god's word so it applies everywhere? So now you agree that it's written by men and with their mindset AND knowledge. How delightful. So are you an agnostic now? So why they didn't? The first documentations we have are 7 years after Jesus' death... This doesn't prove anything as we can't possibly all of the documents but still. I'm done with your post. Next I'll reply to truefusion but not yet since I have to go play some drums and practice for my math test. Have a nice day.
  12. It's nice how you've planted links to your blog in your post It's a good start, but I suggest you put one or 2 in your sig, much more effective.I think the "interesting news" is pretty good and could earn you some $ if you really put your. You should just purchase the logic pro package from xisto with a custom domain. Then export it from blogger and import to wordpress.It can be a blog of your personal interests, or you can write about what you've read online and comment the news on your own site. Trackback replying to another site is also a good way to earn you visitors.
  13. Yea you're probably right. But if someone wants to ask/talk about something, I'll answer. I write this stuff because I don't have much to post about nowadays. Almost all my posts are short(like this). In fact, I'm purposely making my post longer by rambling like this. However the last 2 topics I've written about fusion and fission have become a little shorter than I expected them to be, so i think I'll add more stuff to them later. I'll just check the TOS for the copyrights question. Thanks for reading and replying!
  14. This is a topic intended for those interested in physics/science/whateveryouwannacallit. Nuclear fission is the opposite of nuclear fusion, where chemicals fuse together to make a heavier chemical element. In fission, energy is released by the chemical elements becoming unstable and braking into lighter elements. For fission to occur, we need isotopes like 235Uranium(the super-script "235" is the mass of the atom). Then a free neutron. After we have those, here's how it works: The neutron collides with the nucleus of the isotope. The Uranium 235 absorbs the slow moving neutron. The neutron can also be a fast one. Uranium can do both, some elements can't. Elements able to break apart by colliding with a slow neutron are called fissile. The nucleus becomes unstable and breaks apart into multiple atoms. Energy is released, photons(in the form of gamma rays) and kinetic energy(thermal). The amount of energy released is calculated with this calculation: E=mc2 If the nucleus also releases free neutron(s) as a fission product, the process is self-sustaining as the new neutrons can collide with other isotopes. Now let's take a closer look at what happened and why.In the last chapter, I told you about the electrostatic and nuclear force/strong interaction. They play a role in this nuclear reaction as well. The reason why heavier nuclei are easier brake apart is because the nucleus is so big that the binding forces don't apply in longer distances, so the nucleus isn't as tight as for example Helium's nucleus. What's happening is the electrostatic forces are ripping the nucleus apart. This obviously doesn't happen because the nuclear force is still keeping them in place. Like this:(excuse me graphic skillz, me do it in 10 minute ) Note: this is a fictional nucleus. Just to make sure no smart*** points out that the nucleus in the picture should contain neutrons. I know. The is also another type of fission, radioactive decay. This is when the elements decay by themselves because they are unstable. This is what I ripped off wikipedia (hehe): For some pictures and examples of fission(and fusion), search wikipedia. /offtopic: The content I have published here, do I give my copyrights to Xisto? For example, can I copy paste some of my own articles/tutorials to my own site, if I write them here first? Thanks for reading.
  15. That is very unhealthy. When you only one "massive" meal a day, your blood sugar percentage goes high. This is the time you feel kinda "happy", after that, the blood sugar percentage suddenly drops. This is very unhealthy AND makes you dizzy. And because you're student, I suggest you eat at least 3 or more meals a day to keep your blood sugar at normal rates and be able to study and work stably, not going on a "sugar rush" after lunch and suddenly feeling not-so-good after that. And yes, what you're doing is very close to eating disorder. Maybe someone more educated about nutrition should comment about that one. But anyway, eating one meal a day doesn't seem very healthy, and it's not what you'd exactly call "normal" either.
  16. They all look great, I voted for rvalkass, because it looked smooth and blue is my favorite color Here's my review of the sigs: In the 2nd place of my review, there's truefusion's sig, I like the color and I like the twisting, the only thing I didn't get in the design were the five sided things behind/next to "tf". But nice sig anyway. 3rd place is shared by Tramposch and Saint Spammer Michael. I didn't like how hard edged the charecter in the middle was in tramposch's sig. And SM is on 3rd place because we all know that SM is gonna make multiple accounts and cheat in the competition with them. I didn't like the dusty look very much anyway... sorry SM, I know you can do better than that! 4/5th place is Nameless_ because there wasn't anything particularly nice visual effect in your sig, to me it only seemed like combining 2 images and texture background, then adding a white glow at the bottom. Sex sells, but I think this competition was more about the visual effects, not sexy pictures. The other reason was that you were against strong competitors, your sig was nice too, of course.
  17. Don't destroy your audience by moving into tk domain. The banner is ugly and takes way too much space. I don't know about others, but when I see a .tk domain, I tend to not take that site seriously and leave! But that's just my opinion. And it costs only 10 $ WITH TAXES. not 14 in any means. Correct me anyone if I'm wrong.
  18. This is a bit off topic but...If you want your site to look "alive" then you should add images to your posts too. It might also be a good idea to mention the source of the article even if you wrote it yourself based on another article.I'm not seeing any gigantic empty space between your posts, so I can't really comment on that. Just wait till your adsense shows up, and you'll see.It might take several months to get indexed by google, but that's not important. You should tell people about your site and get some returning visitors.Good luck
  19. SOOOOO, After some time of the first part of this series, here comes the second. The reason I wrote this so late is that I went on a vacation for like 20 days, and the started the school. So I was busy and couldn't hang out at trap(also the fault of the stupid uptime Xisto seems to have nowadays, I couldn't access the site after 20:00).So, for all the newer members or the ones that last time missed(or just weren't interested in that topic), I suggest you read the first part now, and come back here later. Click here to read the first partYou didn't read the first part, did you? GO READ THREAD NUMBER ONE FIRST! AND I MEAN IT THIS TIME! :lol:So, the subject of this physics thread is about Nuclear reaction. There are two types of these: * Fusion, where multiple atoms fuse together and form a heavier atom. * Fission, where one heavy atom becomes unstable and divides into multiple lighter atomsFirst, we'll look at the most common one, fusion.This nuclear reaction occurs mostly in stars, such as in our solar system's star, the sun. I will now tell you the basic principles of fusion.Fusion isn't possible, if the particles don't have enough kinetic energy (speed, in short terms). Why? Well, as you probably learned in your physics and/or chemistry lessons, there is an electrostatic force between atomic particles. So if we for example have 2 atoms at a normal state, they don't fuse, because the protons have all positive electrostatic charge and they repel each other. There is another force involved in this as well, there's always nuclear force, which only kicks in if the nuclei are close enough to each other.In the last chapter, we learned that heat(in every day term)/thermal energy is motion. Temperature of an object is the amount of thermal energy it has as a whole(this is because the thermal energy rate can vary within an object, "hot spots").So, the hotter the particles are, the faster they move. If we get the temperature high enough, the kinetic energy can overcome the electrostatic force. After electrostatic force has been overcome, nuclear force kicks in. Nuclear force is much stronger than the electrostatic force, but doesn't work if the nuclei aren't close enough to each other.Unlike nuclear fission, nuclear fusion binds energy, it doesn't release it. There obviously are exceptions! Well, the story is kinda complicated, so I'll go through this quick.In fusion, you need enough energy to fuse them. But the reaction also releases energy. The amount of released energy is more than the amount of energy you need to apply for nuclei to fuse. This applies for all elements from Hydrogen (1) to Iron (13), actually iron is sharing the place with nickel too, but let's not bother to think about it now. After iron and nickel, fusing chemical elements will require more energy than the reaction will release, so these reactions aren't self-sustaining.Most of you probably remember that fusion means fusing Hydrogen into Helium, but this is obviously not the case, all heavier chemical elements are the product of fusion.Fusion also isn't only protons bumping into each other and bind, there are neutrons, positrons, radiation all the other cool stuff involved also.I've decided that I'll talk about fission in another topic since I feel it needs it's own thread.
  20. Very interesting. Although I'm not a Christian or believe in any deity, it was an interesting read. The whole history of religions and their influences is quite interesting.Here where I live (Finland) most of the people(about 80 % I think) belong to the "evankelisluterilainen" church which basically should mean evangelic lutheric or something like that translated in English? Anyway, thanks for bothering to write that.
  21. I can't believe I have missed this topic? OMG :lol:Congratulations, Alex. I'm sure you'll be a great mod. Everything worth saying have been said so I'll just wish you luck.And I'm sure FSM also accepts your new job, may his noodly appendage help you uncover the spam *hint: the spam that SM is posting /*
  22. What do you mean 9 hours?When I first tried playing an MP3, it asked me to install a codec(it also showed a button to click for the install), so I did it and it took like under one minute with 1mbps connection. Looks like you've been downloading and installing the wrong stuff, rob.I simply don't use windows anymore, and it's easy since I don't play computer games, so there's no need for winblows.
  23. I'm afraid I'll have to pass this offer...Taking in consideration that I barely boot into windows anymore(only to print stuff and other things like that, my stupid printer hasn't got a Linux driver...) and I don't think it's going be that fast(like faster than Linux I mean...), so no, I'm not gonna buy the operating system, the only thing that worries me is that I'll probably have to when I buy a new laptop in the next four/five years. So unless building your own laptop becomes as easy as building your own desktop computer, I'll have to buy more winblows not-so-operating "system" with my new computer. Uhh.. the monopoly sucks...
  24. It is a load of crap, why? because somebody failed their physics exam! Coldness isn't generated by energy, cold is the lack of energy. You can't "feel" electromagnetic fields. Maybe you were feeling something else? Like people staring at you thinking if they should call an ambulance? Everybody thinks they are a scientific person, but your claim makes you look like the most unscientific person in the world. Energy balls containing coldness... what the hell...
  25. Safari is a good one on mac, tho it has a windows version as well. On windows I prefer to use Firefox, when it crashes and I can't even terminate the process in task manager, I use Opera. I hate google chrome! Don't get me wrong, it might be safe to visit websites, but your privacy is attacked by google. Here in Europe, Firefox is the most popular browser(I remember reading it somewhere, but don't know where. I can confirm that with google analytics anyway.) I usually run linux for my everyday tasks like browsing and stuff like that. I have to say, I'm slowly starting to lean on the linux side for usability (I know you might not agree, but I just feel more comfortable with linux). As for the safest browser, SM is wrong!!!! You all are! BWAHAHAHAHAAA Let me introduce you to the safest browser on earth: Lynx Why? because it only deals with the text, doesn't know what to do with cookies, javascript, any styling, anything that you might use for doing harm. It doesn't even display images! HAH!
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