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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. For me, the CPanel is set to rvlightblue, I was always using it, as it was faster, due to almost no images needs to be loaded, so I didn't notice any theme change or something like that using CPanel on Xisto. Moreover, I am also experiencing mysql failures and stuff, usually my blog just changes skins to the default one and gives some connection errors while ajax is active.. But as it been said, it happens once and again, not always.About phpMyAdmin, I have a link to it, but the version isn't the latest one, but close to it and I don't see some features of it, like when you select the table and choose Operations.. maybe it is just configured like that.
  2. I agree with wutske, personally I did read and tried different stuff to secure my Windows, never did I have any virus or something, only some spyware.. Most of that stuff comes from browsing porno or other stupid websites with IE, clicking on stupid files and links, using stupid cracks and other stupid files which might do something to you, opening attachments or using a stupid Firewall.. I think I have extra security, because I don't really even need a Firewall, but I still use it for outbound sending, because I am connected to the Internet through my brothers computer next room who is using Linux, but the bad thing that I am "under a rooter" or whatever you call it, I need to be in passive mode, so this in some kind of way sucks, but I am used to it.. In addition, a lot of other guys without a lot of computer knowledge, maybe they get a virus or something similar, they simply reinstall their windows installation once a month, I rarely reinstall something and windows doesn't seem to slowdown every week as it used to be earlier. ;]
  3. I saw these kind of services online, where people could even choose from much more browsers, but this kind of sucks, that you need to wait so long, so I don't think that it is very useful, a bit useful, but anyway if you're designing a site, you usually need to see the changes quite fast and not wait 2000 minutes or even more than 30 minutes and even more than 1 minute.. So usually the best way is to run somekind of a virtual machine and use an existing image if it exists, so this is my opinion about these kind of services.. if it would respond in several seconds, than it might be useful, now it can be done for fun..
  4. I am using Gimp, but as I usually need simple stuff, so it is enough for me.. and now, when there are so much documentary, tutorials and other support for it, it is really easy to use it, the first days I was using it, several years ago, there weren't so much good/real tutorials about all the stuff and people weren't so supportive on different #gimp irc channels on different servers, now everything changed into a good way! Also, if you know some scripting languages, it is easy for me to write some script if you want to make the same operation for more than one image and etc. I only used Photoshop trial versions, so don't really know what it is capable to do, but personally, one graphic designer told me, that he prefers using Photoshop as it has more features and can do much more and etc. I believe him, but Gimp is really a good and FREE alternative, usually simple people don't need all those features in Photoshop, some people are happy using software like IrfanView to scale their images or to create thumbnails
  5. Even though it might be funny, but now I thought, how else could you tell people about this? ;D If they mean swim through the ocean, so maybe you would need to get a boat or yacht or get into some cruise ship! but it also made me laugh
  6. I am using Skype quite a lot and I really like it, I prefer it over other IM to chat.. Anyway, what I wanted to say, that in my country, everyone has a Skype account, but not many people use Aim, Yahoo, MSN or Jabber.. Everyone were using IRC, which as I know is also quite secure, but with time everyone left IRC and moved to Skype and Web portals similar to myspace or orkut.. So only hardcore computer users is online on IRC on that server or totally stupid kids which likes to flood and etc. What am I trying to say, that it is strange for me, how in different countries different services/protocols are used, for example Gadu-Gadu only popular in Poland :)Currently on Skype, there are over 8 million people online, the numbers drop or get higher depending if it is Day or Night, Morning or Evening, Weekend or Weekday Of course, I don't know how much people are online on other IM like MSN and etc. Furthermore, on its security, I read that it is quite secure, but the only insecurity is due to it is using p2p, some newspapers wrote about it that people who has much faster connection, it is used much more, due to it is peer to peer connection, so file sharing is quite fast among people who are connected.Also, Skype3 version introduced so called Extras, which lets you to do different stuff, like Play Chess and other games and more other stuff, something like simple Plugins, but I noticed that those games are just Flash Games on Skype. ;]
  7. I just noticed some errors on my sites, about php and mysql:"Warning Error: (mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)) in file siteFunctions.php on line 75""MySQL Failure: Database connection error: "Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2) (localhost)"But sometimes there is an error and sometimes/usually there isn't, so thought to bring this to this topic I noticed it only Today.Strange, but my Wordpress Template/Skin changed to default one, I didn't do anything
  8. I also thought that it was April Fool's Day Thing, but seems it isn't.. Well, personally for me, it is quite hard to get that kind of amount by just replying to posts or creating new ones, due to in one week you will just loose 7 credits and a 7 credits post is quite big, so to get that kind of amount of credits in my opinion would require to write a lot of different articles and tutorials and discuss on hot debates, if I were still at school and had lots of time, I would do it, but personally now I would rather buy a domain for 10$ or even a bit less.. Even though for some years I have two domains from hostbidder for free, just for posting on the forum. ;]Furthermore, if this service will get popular, the free domains, it might bring more SPAM to the forums, so Moderators will need to do more cleaning, but I think they are doing it a lot too. What might be very good, that more topics and posts will appear and there will be more topics and etc. to reply too for people who just want hosting.
  9. It is always good to validate your html pages for such mistakes and correct them, due to different browser "fix" those kind of errors quite differently, so this is no surprise, even quite funny. In the early days of browsers, you could have changed how the browser will show the html, at least on AWeb, you could make it show the code Strict, so all those errors would ruin the page, then normal as I remember where errors like that are being fixed and some kind other option more, maybe advanced? where the browser tries to output the html with trying to correct all the mistakes, but this kind of things isn't necessary Today though.. Most of browsers have their own integrated "best" html parser.And making your pages work for xHTML Strict Doctype isn't necessary too, for your site and in general making the doctype Transitional is practically the best choice (by the way it is not traditional, but Transitional), you don't win anything and you're not cooler if your pages validate as strict, unless you're running a real xml full of stuff site with a lot of x and other x stuff :ph34r:Today, it is really easy to validate your pages, especially with all those add-ons, extensions and widgets for most browsers, you just need to click or etc. to see the errors and don't need to always use the online validator and people who say that validating isn't necessary, due to google doesn't validate are wrong in my opinion, google made their pages to work on most cross browsers saving as much bandwidth as possible, sometimes some validation errors might exist, but personally, it is not recommended unless you know what you're doing or you want it to be that way, google is no standard for something, simple people like you work there, just maybe with more knowledge about their profession and usually I notice, that people who don't validate, with time if they get into webdesign or web technical programming they start to check their pages there and there, so in conclusion, people coding with such errors maybe called novice but personally I noticed that at such language as html, with time you make less and less mistakes, of course sometimes you don't close some tag, but you will notice it with time.
  10. I didn't get fooled by google or gmail at that day, but I got fooled by Apex DC, I went to their website apexdc.net and saw that a new version of this application is available, so I downloaded it and thought I have the new version, but this was just a prank.. I didn't get, thought it was a bug or something, when I went to the news and saw the date it was released On April 1st, so I got pranked by them..
  11. Well, it depends what kind of software you want to create, for bigger and more serious applications for windows or for Linux or any other OS, I would use C++ with ASM there ant there, but if you plan to make your programs smaller and want to do it faster, when you can go with Java, even though I never liked it because it is slower and etc. Furthermore, knowing only a language such as C, C++ isn't all, for creating something you usually need to learn something more or of course you can always use the Console to get your input and output So it really depends what you want to do, knowing both Java and C++ won't hurt, all you need is practice, using Java you will have less headache, but..
  12. In fact, you can run ASP.NET on Linux using Apache, for some time there is a project called Mono, which works on Linux and Windows, this is old news though, you don't need only Windows and IIS to run ASP, you can find a lot about it on google.
  13. Can you give the url to that website? What kind of animations you're using? We need more info.
  14. Well, this Discovery of yours was available for some time now and personally, I was using Opera which had this feature for a long time, but I like the Opera browser method much more, because when you want to check spell you usually just choose it from menu, because not always I want my words to be spell checked in the textarea, due to I post on forums not only in English language, but in other languages too, so using Firefox with that feature on sometimes is annoying. ;)I always am thinking, why couldn't browsers use a built-in textarea which would have its own undo button and similar options? Due to sometimes it is really useful and those javascript ones sometimes is slow and they aren't available on every site.
  15. My first language was ARexx, it is a scripting language, even though I was a kid at that time and it was quite hard for me, then I tried basic, programming on Amiga computer with blitz basic, but after some time I quit. Anyway, I think that Pascal is a very good language for educational stuff, it is easy to understand and it can give you the first programming knowledge.. Pascal was my first serious programming language, we needed to learn it in school and were using custom GUI Free Pascal, in fact it is very good for doing mathematical stuff, I needed to learn it for my 12th form IT exam, but never moved to OOP, I mean Delphi. But at that time I also had a lot of knowledge about PHP and currently in the University we started to learn simple C and when knowing Pascal and PHP, C is really very easy, even though some people say that C is a language for beginners, but it is quite low level programming language and serious things can be done with it, so I disagree.. But of course, if you want to you can start from anything.Nice tutorial, will try to see the part 2 about for and while loops, because usually that is the main thing, most of beginners doesn't understand loops or how they work.
  16. As xboxrulz said, it is one of the most funniest things I heard this week too Personally, I don't even care about that article, people nowadays can write a lot of *BLEEP* ;-] like that guy in some-kind of topic, who said that all Linux users are pirates and Linux needs Windows to Load Anyway, hahahahahahahahaha ;)When I use Windows, I never had a virus, only some spyware.. Most of that crap comes from stupid websites when browsing with IE, which I don't use, cracks and other illegal stuff and files you don't know about, like email attachments.. I don't use any of those and feel safe.. I don't even have a normal Antivirus, just ClamWin open source/free Antivirus, which in my opinion, doesn't do anything.
  17. Another solution would be to use a Class for those kind of things, usually if you want other variables work in other function, you create a Class, so the basic example is: class MyClass { var $var1 = ''; function myFunction1() { $this->var1 = 'Value'; } function myFunction2() { return $this->var1; }}$MyClass = new MyClass;echo $MyClass->myFunction2(); // Value So you can access and manage all the variables using $this->var1; In fact, sometimes using a Class is very comfortable, to play with functions
  18. Well, then I could add that most of normal home users likes to play video games and new games really need a lot of computer resources if you want to play on Maximum everything, but that also includes not only CPU, but RAM and GFX Card. Personally, I agree with you, that the CPU doesn't matter as they were advertising it as earlier and it isn't something new.. Laptops are sold with less RAM, that they would be much cheaper, usually people add a lot of extra RAM into the laptop which is really logical. And furthermore, a lot of programmers or whatever you call them, lieks to say "we have a lot of MHz and RAM that that doesn't matter" and some really slow stuff is being used.. Maybe there is some truth in those words, but still, I don't like them, I encourage/say that people still need to use asm code in their programs, it isn't hard once you learn it in a year or two
  19. Nice tutorial, it is very clear, well for me at least, but when reading it I think it is clear for a newbie or novice php programmer too. I could suggest to later in another of your tutorials to add some information, that you can use your own defined constants in the functions and don't need to pass them into the functions, also about the global $var; command or any other, static and similar, due to people usually drop functions they can't use something from outside, even though it is possible and is quite easy. Nice job
  20. Nice Widget for Opera, as I am also an Opera user, I didn't really look into those widgets, didn't even thought that they can do such things, when I first tried them.. For such things I were using Edit CSS on Firefox and Web Developer, to see how CSS changes in real time, very comfortable.. but this widget lacks, or maybe I just didn't found how to change it, is the example field is to small..
  21. Well, as I try to avoid products from Microsoft, I never used Virtual PC, it wasn't free, but as it is free now, I still am used to VMware Player to do some stuff, besides google is full of tutorials and other resources about VMware and about the Virtual PC, the tutorials and different resources are "not so good" but this isn't a very big issue though, just a notice. ;P
  22. PNG transparency works on IE, but the difference is how you make the transparency, if you do it with an alpha channel, which usually is offered by Gimp, Photoshop and etc. but on older software, like Deluxe Paint, you can make an 8 bit transparent PNG image with the transparency similar to gif, the image takes less space and works fine with most of the browsers. Anyway, if you don't need transparent images, still I prefer to use PNG over Gif, also I try to avoid transparency, but sometimes you can't live without it.
  23. If you just want to do an image, and it is wider than 32x32 than I suggest to use PNG, but if you want to create a Gif Animation, when you can achieve it by using Gimp with the animation package, or how it is called. Also remember that Gif images are 8 bit, you can't have more than 256 colours, the same thing can be done with PNG images, if you want it to be smaller in size (Kbytes) than save it as 8bit, due to than you add more unneeded colours, the image takes more space on your hard drive.
  24. I think I will use it, as I am not really into javascript, I currently use something similar, but if you are posting it here, when I think your Object is much better, the only thing I am willing to know, if it is works under all these browsers? Opera, Firefox, IE and Safari, Konqueror?
  25. This is one of those guys who likes to speak having no knowledge about the subject and in fact, he has a very limited knowledge about software and hardware.. which is really funny, due to his imagination is so wide, that the dark holes (things he doesn't know) is filled up with his imagination and "logical" stuff.. Today, when a lot of people can buy a computer and use it, and everything is made that even "stupid" people can use it without any experts makes people even more "stupid", but who cares about that. The main thing is that maybe someday he will "understand" and will find his post with google or on archive.org and will think that he was a LOL I still laugh on IRC #phphelp channels when people say that PHP is a better language than HTML!
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