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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. I tried to use Vista some time ago with my new laptop, but it was bit of a pain, I don't know why, but I just installed Windows XP back and used Vista transformation pack without the to much addons by third parties, which aren't to good.. So using XP I'm more happier, I can control it, because I know how to do it, on Vista everything what I used works, but on XP everything works to, the only disadvantage in my opinion it's DirectX10 that we can't have on XP? :PSo to play newest games, you need to use Vista, what about playing those on a Virtual machine? slow?
  2. aren't most of that spam just bots? because I doubt somebody would do it manually every time, unless he doesn't know what to do..
  3. I used to try it out once in a while, but personally for me, it usually was annoying, because usually I know for what I'm searching and those suggestions aren't relevant for me, but for things like just browsing to spend your time, like browsing youtube when you don't know what to do, same as reading wikipedia.. you can use this google feature, to kill your time by searching for what you're suggested
  4. On some boars I saw that the warning system can be seen by all the members of the forum and I don't really remember, but I think everyone could warn, except for guests? Well it depends on the module of the warning system and how it's set, different settings, different systems :rolleyes:I think I saw it on vBulletin
  5. Yeah, it really looks better now, the simplicity is just perfect
  6. Heh, wow, I see it too now.. thats abstract art for you, but I believe, using Vyoma technique, I also could get people to see a rabbit in that picture, seriously :rolleyes:Just that I'm not so artistic..
  7. So firstly, you should think of, what kind of language you would want to create, a programming language which could be compiled and executed as an .exe file or a scripting language, which would need an interpretor like yourlanguage.exe myscript.mylanguageextension which would give you a result of somekind, there lots of ways to achieve what you want..Personally, I suggest to do something with an existing language that people would say, oh it's that guy who created a calculator with visual basic!
  8. I like this picture, it's really artistic, as if it was scanned from a real painted picture, well done
  9. I agree, I can't seem to see anything too, no guardian Angel, just something artistic, I tried even to look from far, but nothing changed.. so maybe I thought, Sellaman has linked to a wrong image of his? or maybe we don't know how an angel really looks like.
  10. Well, why would you want to create another language without any skills? I guess just use the ones which are available, because most of them are really good and I don't think we need another one, here is a list if programming/scripting languages in my opinion which are really great: ASM, C,C++, Lisp, PHP, Python, Ruby, Java, Perl and maybe even ASP.NET, C#, Visual Basic and so on!But if you would want to create your own language, when you usually would need to write it using ASM or C, C++, but of course it's your choice
  11. If you want a good suggestion: please avoid doing this kind of things, why wouldn't you let people to right click with mouse and wouldn't allow them to copy the whole content? I know that you don't want to show them your html source, don't want your content to be stolen and used elsewhere, but if you don't want that, when keep it for yourself I guess, why would you want to publish it then?I know that when the first websites appeared, they were quite simple, just simple html tags, people wouldn't even care about somebody looking at the source, maybe they should have done something in the beginning by thinking that the future of html will be much more complicated and people will have their own design, but as I said, stay with my suggestion about not worrying about this kind of things, if the browser can show the source, that means that the guy who is using the browser also can see the source one or another way!Be happy, that noone can take your server side scripting/programming code like asp, php..
  12. To tell the truth, I usually get annoyed by those kind of things, you read an article and when you move a mouse you get that stupid stuff, which I don't even want to read though, usually I just hover on them by accident to move my mouse somewhere else when trying to scroll or trying to change a tab, why would you want that? I always thought it was an Ad or something like information about the word/keyword
  13. Never noticed this topic before, strange. Those are quite well done sigs saint micheal, I like most of them, only the last one could be a bit better I guess, somehow for me it's a bit as if I glue a picture on a picture without doing anything :PWell done, even though some time ago
  14. I used to use an email client at my home computer and was using gmail account with POP3 and SMPT services, but for some time now I moved only to the Web version, because it's really really well written and easy to use, not like it was before, even though nothing to much didn't change.. When I was using an email client with POP3, being not home I still sometimes logged in through a browser to check my emails or to write some, for example being in University or at a place where I can find a computer which has an Internet connection :)Gmail is really good! the web version and all the features it offers.
  15. That painting is really amazing, the first time I saw it it was soooo artistic, well done and when I just read that you spend about 20 hours creating it, I got a little amazed, all day doing one thing or you didn't do everything at once? :rolleyes:To add, I also would like to see some more work of your!
  16. Looks quite nice and simple, it's a signature I guess, but it's just a nice looking font with some effects on it, thats why it really can be much smaller, so scaling it would be a nice idea.
  17. No, that's not what I meant Darasen.. :rolleyes:What I meant wasn't really direct, have you ever seen a cartoon Dilbert? If you did, maybe you could get the point, it's just was some form of a joke though.
  18. Personally when I'm bored and don't even feel to study or do some programming or something like that and am really bored, I usually watch a movie or some show on my computer, it really is relaxing you don't need to do anything at all. I don't really watch TV, because usually it does not show anything interesting.
  19. I did that, I moved from logic simple plan to logic PRO and didn't have any downtime and didn't loose any files or databases! I don't know how to do that yourself, but I just wrote a submit ticket and somebody did that for me quite fast.
  20. I agree, for me it's also not the space what matters, 10 GB is really a lot! 500 MB I guess would be enough for most of us, but what is much better about this plan is that as I said, more than 1 mysql database, more of subdomains and more than 1 addon domain and etc.
  21. Yeah, I noticed that there are lots of spam for some time now, which is quite annoying, because you go to the topic of thinking to read something and you get some links or porno images which sucks, a waste of time and life :rolleyes:I believe Xisto forums got into some kind of bot spamming list or something like that, there are services like: "get your site announcement listed on 1500 forums online Today by posting only once"even though as I know those kind of sites are usually very fast banned from google and I believe other search engines..So I could suggest, why don't Xisto forums install some anti spam software for IPB or maybe even a registration, change the captcha or ask some random math question before registering and maybe the spam will go off? just my two cents.
  22. The car video didn't load for me too, it was removed from youtube, due to some copyright, at least it says so on youtube.. Well, I guess photoshop is a better version of Paint, even though that's not true, for different graphics you need to use different tools, for this case different software, if people with talent using a paint program can do things like that, imagine what talented people can do with Photoshop, Gimp and similar tools, imagine what those kind of people can do with software which can render, Cinema 4D and etc.Most of you play games, from where do you think graphics appear? A lot of whom, even though I don't know, played old games, everything was drawn by designers, artists using some software.. Even though I doubt MS Paint is as good as Deluxe Paint, which was really a superb program some time ago and most of stuff was created with it, even Cinema 4D is quite old, but I don't remember any games with those kind of graphics rendered in the old days, except for pictures..I think it's the same as some people can draw/paint on paper some can't, so some people can draw on computers, some can't even imagine how it's possible to put a pixel with a pixel and get something I never could understand designers/artists how the hell they can do that, it's really a talent.
  23. Quatrux

    New Here!

    Welcome to Xisto forums Ivory
  24. making an OS full of holes, making viruses for it and creating expensive anti virus software is also a big business :rolleyes:making SPAM and creating/paying for SPAM proof systems and etc. is also a business in my opinion, even though a lot of that now are just made by freelancers, even though I read a topic that there is something similar like "SPAM mafia" people who have some hackers, which later ratchet-wheel the company, if it doesn't pay, those "hackers" make their servers send SPAM and their servers being BANNED by different other companies, heh :PSo I guess there's nothing good created by people who are into business, Microsoft makes software which is hard to understand in some places/occasions, that you would need to hire an engineer or some other people to fix it or to make it work, sometimes even that support fro Microsoft site seems to be to difficult or to big to understand, I usually close their support links found on google by searching for something..
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