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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. Lemmings! I remember I played it so much with my Amiga 1200 years ago! it was really an addictive game and I also played different versions of it, which was similar to lemmings, but a little different, can't remember the game names, lemmings was/is one of the best puzzle games.. I also remember another great game Pushover, which was also very addictive, here more info about it: http://hol.abime.net/1180 the link is a bit different now to get lemmings: http://www.abandonia.com/en/search_abandonia/lemmings then the posted in the first page, so wanted to update a bit
  2. If you plan to only use your wireless router for yourself and want it to work at your home, just use a simple router which wouldn't be very powerful, but if you want it to be visible even for your neighbours, then all you need is to get a more powerful wireless router, but it also depends, for example if you're living in a house which has simple walls from wood or blocks, then the signal will go through without any problems, but if the walls are with fixtures (I guess in English you call those things this way, metal in walls, reinforced concrete) then the signal won't go so far as the electromagnetic waves abates a little, same for cell phones and etc.So firstly you need to know what kind of walls you have and then you need to choose a wireless router with the power you want the network to work, I mean the distance.. as I know cell phones has more "power" than a regular router if speaking about electromagnetic waves..
  3. I used to use email clients all the time for most of my email accounts, the best one I've ever used was YAM (Yet Another Mail client/Mailer) which was really comfortable and had everything you need, but it wasn't for Windows, on Windows I tried the Bat, then Thunderbird, but having 2 mozilla engines in your memory if you are using Firefox too was just to "stupid".. email clients were good, because you could keep your mail at your computer which has much more space than an ordinary email account, the days web mails offered ~60 MB and it was much faster to read them on your computer with an email client than always browsing a web mail and trying to organise everything..GMail now with nowadays connections and browsers are so much faster and comfortable !!!Since GMail got so much better and now the web interface can be used for most other emails which has POP support/feature, I don't need any email client, I just use GMail and put all my email accounts there and filter them as I want, I can access it anywhere I want, on any computer which has Internet connection, even on a mobile phone which has Opera mini and some kind of connection, Wifi or Gprs..
  4. I just saw this topic, Happy Holidays to everyone on the forum :mellow:Heh, xboxrulz, your list includes even my language, yeah, google translate is cool! even though sometimes it does not translate as it "should", but it does most of the work good.
  5. My friend used this device and he said that it is really a good one to have and use, more comfortable than Nokia E71 or Blackberry Bold, but the main bad thing about Xperia X1 is that by default it can be a little slow while using it, so this is really a problem especially if you add more things to it, even though I didn't use it and don't really plan to do so, because I don't travel to much, so I think those kind of devices is for people who spend less time at home.
  6. Do you have java installed on your system? from sun.com? It supports everything, what it doesn't support is bad coding habits.. Anyway, I just tried Opera 10 Preview and it's really cool, http://acid3.acidtests.org/ passes on 100/100 so I think it'll be a great version of Opera.. but I sometimes just wonder, what the hell they are optimizing that it gets so much faster, javascript? css "engine" why couldn't they do that 3 years ago? :]
  7. Which plan did you order? If you're using more Databases than your plan lets you, then I think it might be some restriction in the programming of the whole thing, so I guess you need to write a Support ticket and you'll get your problems solved soon enough..The problem with Logic Plan is that it gives by default only 1 mysql DB or you can get more for 0.99$ as I remember, thats why I choose the Logic PRO plan, even though it costs 5.95$ a month, but it has ~100 mysql DB and it's much cheaper than using Logic plan with extra addons unless you only need mysql DB..Try writing a "Submit ticket" in the Xisto client panel to fix the problem for you.
  8. Atomic0,The amount of required myEarnings is taken from your account every month automatically, even though I don't know what happens if you don't have the required amount, I guess you got to minus? -1.99$ :PAll the Invoices is in the Xisto client panel which you can print.
  9. I agree, me too don't need so much space on the Internet, not for hosting, but for email services like GMail, I also rarely use that much space, usually in email it's only texts or documents in the attachments and of course some university works in zip or rar, sometimes pictures, but that's usually not 2 GB
  10. What are you talking about that Opera doesn't run javascript? and whats the difference of Flash in Firefox and Opera? it's using the same plugin :PIt runs Java and Javascript really well, just that on every different browser there may be some difficulties, because browsers like IE doesn't use standards and some things only works on IE, because it's a custom feature, but if you are experienced you can do a lot and make your website compatible on most of the browsers.In my opinion, Webkit and Opera engine fallows the web standards best, I guess same for Firefox now ;]
  11. I think it's a nice idea, but it wouldn't be so usable, as when you think how would it really see the differences in the light when I push some keys which aren't seen, maybe it's clean and portable, but I would rather use a simple keyboard and as somebody said here, I also want to fell that I touch the keyboard, get a response and etc. but for example, how can it know if I press and hold the button and let it go, the physics I know is that it will be really sensitive to my fingers..
  12. Just to add and make it simple, I know I've read in some topics and there was an image, but you don't really need to have a domain if you don't want one or don't have one, you can simply use your old subdomain like this: Go to Xisto client panel, login and go to Order.. then choose a plan and after that choose the third option "I will update my nameservers on an existing domain Or I will register a new domain." You'll get two blank fields, like this: |...| . |..| <- in the first one write username/subdomain you're using and in the second one write Xisto.com or Xisto.com, that it would look like this: |username| . |Xisto.com| and you'll be able to upgrade to credit system v3 without any downtime.. So in the place you thought you wanted to write .com or .net you write .trap17.com creating an image to show this would be 10 times easier to understand..
  13. Of course, Photoshop is the industry standard for Editing/Creating images with a variety of features, which is usually used, so if you have the money to buy it, then it really is one of the best things you can get, but if you're just a simple home user and want to create some graphics, choosing Gimp or Paint.NET is even better, because it's free, if those tools has to much features for you and all you want is just cut selections or similar, go with Irfanview
  14. Anyway, if somebody would really want to trace you, it can be done by your IP.. Personal information on Internet is "fun", like you work in some place or company, get an email from some company to do something, by using google you might find information about the guy if you know his full name, as usually they give in such emails, from different forums discussions or where he is registered on some service you can see his profile and etc. once you wrote something like this, it's on the archive of the Internet forever..But I doubt Xisto will use this information for anything, a lot of services on the Internet requires your address as you agree to disclaimer and terms of conditions, do you ever read them? But you usually always check the checkbox or push the agree button.
  15. Personally, I like to have a username.astahost.com account and a top level domain over my subdomain, I mean using Addon domain, it feels like I have more control over it, even though maybe it doesn't really matter.
  16. You didn't read my post? As I said choose the third option: "I will update my nameservers on an existing domain Or I will register a new domain." and you'll see two blank form fields like www. |...| . |...| so in the first field write your username, in the second one Xisto.com so that it would look like this: www. |username| . |Xisto.com| Xisto.com can be replaced with Xisto.com if you use their forum and are moving from Xisto.. To make it more clear, where you imagine you need to write .com or .net you write .astahost.com !!!
  17. Yes in the Xisto Panel, you need to go to Order section and select a plan you want to use (Don't worry, everything is automatic and you won't have any downtime for your current account)Select lets say: "Logic Plan - $1.95 / mo. - FREE SETUP!" and click to continue and choose: "I will update my nameservers on an existing domain Or I will register a new domain."Write your current username you're using on Xisto for your account, I mean the subdomain and in the extension area you need to write Xisto.com, so it looks like this:username | .astahost.comand choose any options you want and order your plan and make sure you have enough myEarnings to up keep your account.. OF course, if you're using a top level domain, write it instead.To suggest you something, if you need more stuff you can choose Logic PRO - $5.95 / month, because it offers much more addon domains, mysql databases, ftp accounts and so on, the Logic plan only gives few of those.
  18. Err, I'm lost here.. have you ever been here? https://support.xisto.com/clientarea.php If you registered there (You have myCents so I guess you did) and you should have ordered a Hosting Plan (As I think you did? in the Order section) so in that Xisto panel go to My Products & Services.. You can see how much you have to pay every month if you have ordered something.. "1.99$ - 5.95$" means that: Logic Plan - $1.95 / month Logic PRO - $5.95 / month also there are other even more expensive Hosting plans to choose from..
  19. No Lancer, every month you need to pay for your hosting account (even though thats done automatically), for the plan you have ordered in the xisto client panel.. So it is usually 1.99$ - 5.95$So if you have $20 of myEarnings and lets say you pay every month 5.95$ so you can be offline for 3 months and some days.. until your Earnings will be near $0... myEarnings are the same as real money for "Paid" hosting, just that you earn them by posting here on Xisto or Xisto or on both of the forums.. You can do anything you like with those Earnings as it is real money in Xisto corporation or at least in their hosting client panel..
  20. I agree, that it's quite interesting to know how much cents are still pending, because usually I just post and get an email that I got 1$ of myEarnings, but if it's hard to accomplish, the pending thing, then I wouldn't really be stressed, it's good the way it is and I think it might be even better to know how much you'll get, but the bad thing about it is:If you wrote something and your topic was deleted or post removed, the pending value also needs to be updated, so I guess if it only updates every 4-24 hours, then the way it's written now is much better? Even though I don't really know how the system works exactly, because sometimes when I'm lucky it updates after 10 minutes
  21. Yes, I can confirm that the old guys got a lot more myEarnings, same for me, when I registered with the new system I got something like 38$ I don't even remember, but with those I needed to order a logic plan which cost ~6$ and later pay for a month for it, also another ~6$ and as I see the current number of myEarnings growing, those 38$ given for the old guys, I doubt that that sum is for all the previous posts, because for a 1000 normal posts it should be much more, so I guess there was some kind of algorithm, besides when changing system most of guys had credits to stay for at least 60 days, so thats is for ~2 months, some less some more, but that also counts.
  22. I don't know, but if I remember right, for 10$ you can get a domain name here? I remember in some posts reading something like this, but I'm not sure if it's true anymore, so I guess 999 myCENTs is ~10$ or 9.99$ :rolleyes:So I guess you need to pay 10$ every year or every month for a top level domain here? of myEarnings? ;]
  23. When you post, you get myCents and only when you get 100 cents it gets converted to your Earnings as dollars as it was said above, but the main reason behind this is that usually the cents updates every 4 or 24 hours and in that time period forum moderators can clean up your posts, so it also stops people who just came to spam, they don't get MyEarnings so fast..So it's the same thing, just that earnings is lets say dollars and cents are cents which grows to earnings when you have more of them.. And yeah, every month you need to have myEarnings to pay for your hosting plan.
  24. By why google advertise you mean, that google advertise it self? it's own products? Well, it really logical, if you think that everybody knows google and all their products you are wrong, most of people knows google search and not all people know google mail or google maps until they don't see and advertisement.. it works..Of course, most of use young people knows a lot of google products, but usually where do you find out about them? on their blog, on different forums or even though friends and chatting, it;s not something you always knew..Why coca-cola advertise them self if everyone knows what it is? Just look how much money Adidas, Nike, puma spends for advertisement.. and it works. I usually buy in the shop something I know is more seen or advertised, but not always.Google is making lots of money from google adsense and google adwords and all those ads, even though, because of the current crisis I read that they lost about 40% shares so it's hard for them, also lots of people or other companies likes to sue google for some stupid things, so I think these 1 or 2 years will be a little tougher for them than the previous ones.
  25. To tell the truth, on PHP it really doesn't matter if you write set_time_limit(0); or set_time_limit (0); it will still work, also it doesn't matter if you'll give an integer or string as on C or C++, giving ('0') or (0) will work the same, but of course the best practice is to write everything strictly!Why did khalilov get errors like "Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in C:\wamp\www\Game\lolz2.php on line 2" I don't know, maybe he used some stupid charset ant those weren't spaces at all, sometimes it happens that when you copy paste some text into your php editor or IDE, you get errors, you remove the spaces or tabs and write your own, the errors are gone.. it's because of different charsets and something like that, the code should work, but as I understand he does everything by copy paste and etc. so thats usually the problem why he has problems.
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