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Hosting Account Cancellation Request
Transcendum replied to Transcendum's topic in Web Hosting Support
Oh sorry, didn't know that . Ok, I went to do it, and it all went smoothly. Thank you so much for your kind words . You can bet that I'm staying, because like I said this is one hell of a great forum. I just didn't want to take up the hosting space, that's all. Cheers. -
Hello everyone,First of all, I'd like to say that during my breif period of hosting here at Xisto, and during the time I spent on its forum, I can honestly say that this is the unparalleled best free hosting service there is. It's been a real pleasure .But since I've already made arrangements for paid hosting as part of a business deal, I'm not going to be using the hosting services here anymore. And so I thought I'd notify the admins about this, so that they could take appropriate action, perhaps by deleting my account and reallocating its space or something.Again, thank you so much for such a wonderful service and for the excellent support .Good bye.Transcendum
This Is The Best Free Webhosting! This is better than the best.
Transcendum replied to iGuest's topic in General Discussion
Well, I have to say that I've never trusted anyone who offers something that costs money and effort for free. Yes, even if it's done in good faith. Because, realistically, at some point or another, offers like that will HAVE TO either discontinue their services or ask for money in return. That's the way the world works, and there's no denying that. Anyway, I tried to poke around a bit to find out why they're offering free hosting, and I found that in their FAQ: Why do you offer freehosting? We want to give our customers professional webhosting services and technical support. Hmmm... Not the most satisying answer if you ask me. If I had to guess, the reason they're offering free hosting is that they want people to purchase domain names from them... now THAT I can understand, and I think of it as good business sense. Doteasy.com has been doing that for years, and they've been doing it very nicely. Unfortunately, Freewebdot.com doesn't state this as the reason, which I think is a bad business move... I think a company should ALWAYS be honest with their customers, and expect their customers to be mature enough to know that nothing comes for free. Anyway, I did join them to find out the extent of their services, and to make sure whether I can use my own domain names, or I have to register one through them. First of all, their registration form is really not that good. They require that you provide two lines of mailing address AND a fax number. That's either a stretch or bad programming. Secondly, they require Billing Information right off the bat, even though I never agreed to purchase anything through them. And for some reason, they kept refusing my phone number, even though it was perfectly valid. I thought about using a fake number, but then decided it obviously wasn't worth the trouble. Bottom line is, I seriously don't think this offer is worth it. They don't seem to offer cPanel (or any other type of control panel for that matter)... the sign-up process was problematic right off that bat... the offer itself IS too good to be true, since even if they make money out of domain name registrations, it doesn't justify the expenses of hosting... and finally, there are many hosting providers that are far better than this one is... I find the hosting services offered by Xisto corp., both the free and the paid, are basically the best I've ever seen online for such measle fees. Cheers. ----- Well, if he does, I'll sure stand against him ... lol. But thanks for the review anyway, ganeshn11. Cheers. -
The same way you knew it BEFORE you got hosted . Simply go to the homepage of the forum, i.e. http://forums.xisto.com/index.php and you'll find it there. Although I couldn't understand exactly what you meant by that, there's a misconception here that I'd like to correct... When you apply for a hosting package (either one, I think), not only enough points are deducted from you, but your point counter is RESET to 3 as well, regardless of how many points you had before you got your hosting package. This is necessary to make sure the point counter works correctly on countdown mode after you become hosted. But if you're asking how many points you need in order to UPGRADE your hosting package, then I'm afraid I don't know . I'm sure someone will answer your question soon enough, though . Cheers.
Whew.... this time, there's A LOT to talk about... First of all, it's obvious from the username AND from the few posts that's been made so far by this user that he/she is simply here to advertise his/her Website. Of course, this is totally unethical, and, quite frankly, stupid. Second of all, the first sentence I read when I visited that Website was this... Of course, anyone who spent two days on any "online business"-related forum knows that this is a flat-out lie. There are MANY Websites that offer the exact same service (e.g. HostBidder.com)... the difference of course is usually how many posts a person has to make in order to get that free domain name. Thirdly, at the very bottom of the site, the copyright notice shows that the Website has been online since some time in 2006. A quick WHOIS search revealed that the MYSHOST.com domain has been registered since july 2005, but was updated in January 2006, which I assume was when that Website actually started its offer. Now I wonder, in the short four/five months since January, how could all the following happen (which is another quote from the Website's homepage)... Ah, ain't that lovely! First, that Website's owner was (is?!) too much of an amateur to offer such a service TOTALLY FOR FREE, in the first place. And if that wasn't enough, we're supposed to believe that he/she managed to attract enough traffic to the Website in those past 4-5 months to do all those things the owner wrote on his/her Website. But if ALL THAT wasn't enough for you, just take a look at the Website itself... it's HIGHLY unprofessional, almost completely untrustworthy, and the visual style itself borders on being appalling! Well, I really don't know what I bothered to write all this since anyone who visits that website will probably get the same impression. Heck, I might even join to get a free domain name. But I think that would be a VERY stupid move... dealing with an entity that's so obviously NON business-oriented can really cause trouble. The least of which might be losing the free domain name one might get! Cheers. I think it's probably something from your side, ganeshn11, since it worked just fine for me . And oh, by the way, if anyone's interested, you might want to take a quick look at the forum. It's practically empty. There's only ONE post, made by the administrator him/herself. AND there are only two registered users, one of them if, naturally, the admin. My first guess would be that this forum has been up for less than a week. So how is it possible that on the homepage of the Website it says that many people have abused the free domain name offer? Did the owner DELETE then RECREATE the whole forum? Right, THAT's professional!! Cheers.
Firefox Or IE (New Version): Which One Is Better? Which one is better?
Transcendum replied to html_man's topic in Software
Ugghhh.... Come on, m^e, you don't have to rub it in my face... lol. But I suppose you're right. This is probably a RAM-related issue. And admittedly, the add-ons and extensions have a role to play in this. But I don't think this is a totally bad thing... it's just a start. Sooner or later, I hope, these issues can be solved, possibly by over-the-board standardization between Mozilla and the extension-creators. Absolutely true. But no matter what the cause of this situation is, the bottom line is that IE has a definite edge over FireFox, as long as we're talking about Windows OSes. loooool... yeah right... that seems very likely . Cheers. -
Firefox Or IE (New Version): Which One Is Better? Which one is better?
Transcendum replied to html_man's topic in Software
You know, this is exactly what I love about Xisto's forums... the people here are mature enough to have their own opinions, and not simply follow what others say and swim with the tide. In another forum, the same question was asked, but in a different way... the thread subject was "What Makes FireFox SO MUCH Better Than IE?"... Well, at first, I ignored the thread completely, seeing that everyone was simply on a crusade of bashing Microsoft. Don't get me wrong, I think Microsoft deserves every bit of bashing anyone can master... but if you don't know what you're bashing about, then that's stupid. Finally, I got fed up with all the nonesensical, zero-value posts, and decides to throw in my 2 cents... I'll copy what I wrote there since it's very closely related to this thread, and it'll show my basic opinion about this subject... Actually, I think the thread started with a presumtuous question in the first place. I mean, when the subject of this thread reads "What Makes FireFox so much better than IE?", the poster is already stating that FireFox is a quantum-leap better than IE. And here is where I beg to differ... There's no doubt FireFox is MUCH safer than IE, in terms of security, spyware protection, and (to some extent) stability. And the Tabbed Browsing, RSS Feeds built-in support, and extensions put way ahead of IE when it comes to features. BUT... FireFox has many problems as well. It's been repeatedly reported that tabbed browsing can crash FireFox... it's actually a big discussion subject on CNet right now. Plus, FireFox is a total memory hog. After only 15 minutes of running on my computer, I find it takes about 40-60 MB of RAM. That's A LOT, considering IE only takes 20 at most. Add to that the fact that FireFox takes normally around 16 seconds to start up in the first place, AND that it tends to dramatically slow down if it runs for a while without restarting it. So does that mean FireFox is worse than IE? Well, I don't think so. I think FireFox is a great browser, with tons of potential. But at its current state, it needs a significant amount of work, before I can honestly say that it's (and I quote from the original thread starter) so much better than IE. And with the upcoming IE7, I believe the competition might get a little more heated. Yes, Microsoft's product have mostly been behind many other products in terms of security, and the word goes that IE7 has its major problems even in its BETA stage. But until Mozilla gets to work on the downfalls of FireFox, I cannot say with a clear conscience that IE is out of the competition. I didn't mention any of the other promising browsers (e.g. Opera, Avant, etc.) because this thread seems to focus on FireFox and IE, and I didn't want to go off-topic. Cheers. -
Actually, HostBidder.com's rules about domain name registration have changed... Now, you can register as many domain names as you'd like, as long as you have enough points, without the need to get their hosting package. So basically now, if for example you think Xisto's hosting package is superiour (which I think it is), you can simply join HostBidder.com solely for domain names . Cheers.
I have a suggestion for you, cherri, until a Moderator or an Admin sends you the e-mail again . Why don't you simply Safe List or White List Xisto.com instead of turning the Spam detector off altogether? This way you'll make sure that you receive any future e-mail from Xisto AND still get spam protection . Cheers.
Up until now, the best place I found for people wanting to get FREE domain names is HostBidder.com. But when I say free, I mean that you don't have to pay actual money for it. But you do have to post in the forum until you accumulate enough points to get the domain name of your choice. It doesn't take all that long though to accumulate the points required. Cheers.
P2P is NOT illegal. This is a major misconception that people have, especially due to the media crap that's been going around. And even more than that, it annoys me too much that people do something that they know is illegal... and if that's not enough, they tell everyone about their favourite tool to do this thing which they believe is illegal . P2P is a way for people all around the world to share "things"... that's the concept. If I want everybody to download my pictures, my homemade movies, my OWN music album, my stories, or even my temporary Internet files, there's nothing illegal about that. But if I use P2P to download block-buster movies, the new Shakira album, or a version of Microsoft's Windows XP, then that IS illegal. To sum it up, P2P in itself is a great thing... it's what people do with it that alters its image. I hope that clarified things a bit . Cheers.
A Word About The "FREE HOSTING" System
Transcendum replied to miCRoSCoPiC^eaRthLinG's topic in Web Hosting Support
For some reason, I've never come across the thread which miCRoSCoPiC^eaRthLinG mentioned... perhaps it's because I haven't been coming here all that often, due to many preoccupations -- which is a shame, really, since I'm simply in love with this forum and many of the people here. And probably if I had seen it, I wouldn't have given it much thought. Talk about dream hosts, free offers, get rich quick, and things like that always annoys me so much that I find it safer to just leave the discussion rather than to start flaming. I could understand such thinking and mentality coming from the younger generation. And by younger, I mean people under 15 years of age. But when I find teenagers and grown-ups still thinking in this manner, I think it's too much! You'd think that people'd understand - from their everyday lives - that nothing comes for free... if something could be free, we would've never seen hunger or limited resources anywhere in the world, would we? But free is a tricky word. And on the Internet, people should really keep in mind that it means one thing, and one thing only: FREE = Doesn't Cost Actual Money! That's all. It doesn't mean that it's a gift... you still have to give something in return, even if it's not money. Like miCRoSCoPiC^eaRthLinG said, what you give in return could be the toleration of Ads, the spending of time to examine an occasional offer, or it could be the participation in a community like this one right here. And that's not really all that bad, is it? I mean, in the so-called "real life", you have to give something in order to take something. So why should it be any different on the Internet? I know that what I said doesn't directly relate to what infuriated miCRoSCoPiC^eaRthLinG on the other thread, but it IS related to it somehow. It's too bad I've been reading for 6 hours; I'm not making much sense . So I'll go now before I start hallucinating, but I'll come back again when I'm a little more alert so that I can make a coherent sentence or two . Cheers. -
Well, Sid... Modifying the Google AdSense code is a MAJOR No-No! Many a Website has been eternally banned from the program for doing that. But in reality, that's not such a bad thing... after all, the slight non-compliance of the AdSense code is highly unlikely to affect your overall Website performance or SE Ranking in anyway. Plus, Google provides many decent configurations for their AdSense code, so it's not really that much of a hassle . Cheers.
Which Search Engine Do You Use The Most?
Transcendum replied to prolifik's topic in Computer Networks
Well, I hadn't joined in this thread before, because I thought that there was nothing much I'd contribute. But a question which I saw on another forum caught my attention and made me think about this a bit. It wasn't exactly about which search engine I use the most, but it was in the same vein... only from a little different perspective. The question was... And my answer was the following... Hmmmm... that depends... how long am I going to live? But seriously now... SEs are experiencing some major improvements these days, that it's almost impossible to imagine which is going to outdo the others. For example... Google is, in my opinion, the undisputed king of SEs. Its database is HUGE, its implementation relies on an Artifical-Intelligence programming language, and its spiders are extremely effecient. Yahoo! on the other hand is making great strides... and the Yahoo! Answers seems to be a big hit nowadays. But MSN Search is NOT standing still. There's talk that Microsoft is going to use a VERY advanced technique called "Neural Networking", which should, theoritically at least, change the way we do searches forever. Now, that's ONLY the major 3 SEs around.... who knows what other SEs might spring up soon?! So I don't know about sticking to a single SE till the end of my days. My theory is "Go with what works best!" So for now, I'll go with Google. Cheers. -
Like a lot of people, I used a lot of P2P software. Basically, I've tried them all except for the Spyware-infested ones. I even used Morpheus and Kazaa, despite their enormous amount of Adware. And my personal favourite has been Shareaza since the first time I used it. It basically has everything you could EVER wish for in a P2P program. It connects to the two best networks (i.e. Gnutella2 and eDonkey), it support BitTorrent downloads, it handles most every other extension for P2P downloading (e.g. Azuerus Links, Magnet Links, etc.) It's a little hard to configure for novices, but the help files available on the Website make it a breeze to set up everything.