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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. I said I tried it while logged off, how can the forum know if I have > 100 posts when I'm a guest? And yordan said he asked his friend to do it, it maybe even had a different IP address.
  2. It's a shame, that they've done something, a clean up or maybe it was just a glitch of some kind.. I also usually never trust those kind of services 100% thats why I usually try to keep my signatures, avatars in my images subdomain, but sometimes I even just upload them into a forum if it's possible.
  3. Yes, I was wondering about that too, I also registered for fun I guess and it seems that there is nothing different to see, I browsed the forum logged off in different places and all it shows is google ads and link to Xisto - Web Hosting So maybe it's really not active yet?
  4. Well, don't know about the posts, I think they are there since I've joined Xisto, I just don't know maybe it's because they are getting moved to the archive? and myCents doesn't understand that? Even though I don't know if Xisto topics are being moved to an archive automatically..Well, myEarnings got updated and I lost 15$, it now shows myEarnings without the 15$ I had before and some myCents, but the good thing is that it only shows it in the forum, but in Xisto Client Panel it show a normal Account Credit Balance as it has to be, so I just hope it won't get updated there? :|
  5. I just read on Xisto forums that it's better to write a support ticket in the Xisto Client Panel that they would know about the losses of myCents, so I guess I'll write one if myEarnings will decrease from the Xisto panel..
  6. Yeah, what's going on? In the beginning I've lost 8$ (myEarnings) and noone really answered the question why and for what reason? I even forgot about that, now I see that I have -15$, is the system going crazy or what? :SI think it's a little to much of my earnings to not worry about ;(I also see that some other members are on a lot NEGATIVE myCENTS !!!
  7. Quatrux

    C++ & Vista

    What are you talking about C++ 4.5? Are you talking about Borland?
  8. Mine also says only Kontera and Yahoo, bet Yahoo ones are marked as (Unsupported) ...
  9. Quatrux

    C++ Time

    I think you can try to search google, but I didn't do much of C++ and didn't test this, but if on Windows OS, you can use timeGetTime(); I guess..you need to include as I remember <windows.h> or something like that and use timeGetTime(); which will return time in milliseconds. I think it's very usable using C++ and DirectX on Windows, on a simple console applications I never really used any functions to get time.
  10. Seems really a great offer, there are some things I still don't get:1) When registering with Kontera, what will it show? my Site URL in the Ads? So as I understand it's only Kontera and not things like Google Ads? :mellow:2) I forgot the second question, but I guess it's something with Google ads or some other company Ads Or is Kontera something like Google Ads?
  11. You would need to use a SQL Query with LIKE, for example: SELECT name, age FROM table WHERE name LIKE %SearchString1% OR age LIKE %SearchString2%; It depends what you want to search, age or name or anything, so I guess you could search mysql docs for LIKE statement and use it.
  12. Opera on Windows or Linux? Why didn't I ever have any problems with Opera flash plugin or java? It never crashed for me on Windows though and always worked..
  13. Wow, when you're into pointers a bit, the last 2 posts are really very clear to understanding them even more than before..
  14. Happy NEW YEAR everyone!!! 2009 is almost here for me
  15. I have and sometimes use Google Chrome as it's using Webkit and I think is the best browser using Webkit on Windows, but for main browsing I still prefer Opera as it has much more features and I just am used to it and the speed different isn't so superb different that I would need to move to Google chrome, my Internet connection isn't so superb fast that I would really see a difference.Of course when browsing it feels faster, but it's light and I guess if they continue to update it with more features it may be getting slower and slower so they also will need to optimize.
  16. I remember I once wanted to do so, we were writing a service for users and for a user we always wanted to create a subdomain as it's more reliable for search engines then example.com/user/service but I never found a way to do it as simply as it could be by just using PHP, as I remember you need to have permissions to use Apache httpd.conf or something like that and edit it.. Another way is to fake a subdomain using mode rewrite to make anything.example.com work and anything could be written, but for that you need to edit httpd.conf even though I never understood how, maybe after 4 years there are more resources on google to find out Anyway, you would need more permissions to do that, if you're using a simple hosting, I doubt you could simply access httpd.conf and I don't know if it could be done by just using .htaccess as it also requires to do something with DNS after you create a directory.. You would need to have a server Just did a quick search and found another interesting method to do it using PHP, by connecting to CPanel if you're using it and making PHP create the subdomain through CPanel subdomains, of course I don't know if the script works, but it's really logical and I think you need to be careful to include it in your scripts, you need to write your CPanel username and password and the script will use those and make a request as if you would do it through CPanel! Here is the script: subdomainform.php<html><head><title>create a subdomain</title></head><body><form name="form1" method="post" action="addsubdomain.php"><h1>create Sub Domains</h1>Sub Domain Name : <input type="text" name="subdomain"><br /><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit"></form></body></html> ==============================addsubdomain.php=============================<?phpini_set('display_errors', 1);$host = "domainname.com"; // your domain name without the www$port = 2082;$path = "/frontend/x/subdomain/doadddomain.html?domain=".$_POST['subdomain']."&rootdomain=".$host; //or .dll, etc. for authnet, etc.// these lines are changed$cpaneluser = "username";$cpanelpass = "pass";$authstr = "$cpaneluser:$cpanelpass";//****************************// Setup the Auth String$pass = base64_encode($authstr);$fp = fsockopen($host, $port, $errno, $errstr, $timeout = 30);if(!$fp){//error tell usecho "$errstr ($errno)n";}else{//send the server requestfputs($fp, "POST $path HTTP/1.1rn");fputs($fp, "Host: $hostrn");fputs($fp, "Authorization: Basic $pass rn");fputs($fp, "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencodedrn");fputs($fp, "Content-length: ".strlen($poststring)."rn");fputs($fp, "Connection: closernrn");fputs($fp, $poststring . "rnrn");//*************************************// Remove this to stop it from displaying the output fron the CPanel//*************************************//loop through the response from the server/*while(!feof($fp)) {echo fgets($fp, 4096);}*/while(!feof($fp)) { fgets($fp, 4096); }//close fp - we are done with itfclose($fp);}
  17. Even though Joomla is "slow" a lot of professionals are using it for most of the things and make profit out of it by creating custom webshops, custom websites and etc. Even though a lot of whom moved to creating something of their own with Zend framework which is quite easy and making profit out of it by creating products for the web..I used joomla and it's really powerful, but for a simple CMS it's really to powerful and to "slow", I also used Drupal, I liked it, but still never really used it to much until I finished my own CMS which I usually always use.. and know where is what, but I also am using Zend framework which has some really great features which helps a lot even though I don't really like all that structure as it's so much OOP
  18. yeah, this is the basic way we usually use pointers and they are not so hard as sometimes it may look, but still if you do programming and you're a newbie, those pointers usually can make you a headache and errors in your code especially if you're moving from another language which is not so low level or even from assembly where everything is usually global :mellow:Can somebody explain then, why sometimes in some codes we use pointers to pointers? what's the purpose anyway to do that? and is it reliable? like * * a = * b; and etc. even though I know how it works and in the lectures of C way back they taught us these kind of things, but I never really ever used it and in the exams they usually put this kind of things to make you a headache to write the answer about the result
  19. On Windows I usually used the default one given by Windows to defragment my partitions, but on Windows Vista the defragmenting tool really sucks, I don't know if it's possible, but for a simple user it doesn't give any options at all, just does something, so I downloaded Defraggler and installed it, seems quite nice, will use it and hope it really is much better!
  20. the right input type for the text field for html forms is <input type="text" name="{name}" value="" /> here is a simple reference: http://www.w3schools.com/TAGS/tag_input.asp
  21. I prefer anything over IE, so if I would need to choose Firefox or IE, I would really go with Firefox! and I would use some tweaking tools to make IE a little bit more secure and use it only to test webpages, how it works with IE7 or IE6 if I have MultipleIEs installed. IE is really a browser which isn't worth to much, but if you don't do anything on web, just read CNN or something like that, IE7 is really much better than IE6 for that matter
  22. Same here, even though I usually post more on Xisto, the myCENTs didn't update for about 2-3 days, but yesterday on my time, everything was transfered and none problems accrued \o/
  23. If you want to do some web programming, so if you learn HTML, CSS, Javascript and say PHP and MySQL, then I suggest to use some kind of IDE like PHP Designer 2008, even though some time it was free IDE,but it got so big and comfortable that is one of the best IDE for PHP and became a paid product, but it's quite cheap for Students, here is a like to it and it's features: http://www.mpsoftware.dk/phpdesigner.php Dreamweaver is good, but it's expensive for a simple user, but it is more like a WYSIWYG editor, I never used it though to much, but I heard a lot of good reviews about it from people who use it like pro.. Frontpage sucks, it creates superb sucky html code, which can be optimized by a person much better, some time ago, in my job when some people create some layout with HTML using frontpage it uses about 40kb, when I optimized it I got ~10kb and some CSS code For people wanting the IDE or text editors to be free: Eclipse, Notepad++ and/or Notepad2
  24. For me butter is much taster than margarine with bread or long loaf, even though it;s more expensive than margarine, another bad thing about butter is that it's very hard to cut it and paste it on your bread while it's cold or just taken from refrigerator and margarine is much easier to paste on bread, thats another reason most of people choose to use margarine.. As I know it's isn't healthy to cook with butter nor with margarine, because there are some kind of reactions thats why it's better to use oil for cooking.. also with butter popcorn and macaroni and spaghetti tastes 100 times better than with margarine.In my country we have "fat mixture", which is soft like margarine, but tastes more like butter and is cheaper than butter and looks like butter
  25. Well, the test isn't 100% to tell if you're a psychopath, because then you read the story, you can logically think why she did it, the motive is so clear, if you answered incorrectly that means that you don't have a logical thinking or you just couldn't think of such a terrible thing and if you answered correctly than it means that you just told the logical answer to the story, because the answer was in the story, but yeah in some way it can tell that you're a psycho, but also it says that you have a little bit of some analytical thinking, so maybe most of serial killers have analytical/logical thinking? :)Those tests usually are fun
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