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Everything posted by miladinoski

  1. WOW AMAZING IT'S RELEASED! https://www.google.com/search2001.html THE FAQ: https://www.google.com/search2001faq.html
  2. Hmm, I think the best thing to do is to PM Bufallo_Help and ask him that question, though I don't believe that is possible. And btw, why possibly would you want to leave Xisto?
  3. Reinstall? Windows??I don't run Windows? on my PC and never will. Oh, see you in another post then
  4. He is using AdobeŽ Photoshop (CS3 i suppose) on WindowsŽ Vista . And the second last one isn't done yet, because as it says
  5. I agree with Echo_of_Thunder, there should be more things that we should love instead of hate, but because this thread is for things we hate, like for an example, I hate:- Some classes at school like Music, Art, French language, - because I think some of them aren't neccessary and some of them I know too damn well they aren't deserved to be studied (at least by me).- Hardheaded fools - who don't want to understand something even if a proof is given to them, they'll stay with their own hardcore wrong opinion- Rain - gosh how I hate rain! I love summer!- Noise - when someone makes a lot of noise when I sleep- Sleep - why do we have to sleep? I'd like to have the ability not to sleep and be fresh and healthy.
  6. Ummm, I'm 16 years old and I skipped class when I was 13, but only because I thought it was fun and it'll make me more popular among my friends. I was highly stupid those days, I wouldn't think of anything other than to hang out with my friends (which made a very, very good use of me, to write their homeworks, to tell me to do something and then make fun of me, you guess how it goes). Because of those days I skipped school, I had serious trouble with my parents (but not with my teachers, because they were good ) and they urged me to leave those friends, and find new ones. I did that, but because my characther is asocial, it was hard for me to fit in a new friendlyness and I currently stopped going outside, partly stopped talking with my friends, I did only 1 homework for a friend 'till now, but it's because he doesn't have money/knowledge to make a paper about something - he must search the web, and he isn't capable of that.Let's get back to the point - I never skip school, 1 year ago in high-school I skipped only 1 day throught the whole year and only because I had to go somewhere. Skipping school is bad
  7. The PS3 really sucked (and still sucks) because of the high price. I don't like it at all, and I would get either a Wii or a PS2 and although I won't get the great graphics with them, I'll get more fun for less money and still be entertained.High graphics just isn't my thing.
  8. Well I read somewhere (I don't know where exactly) that he chose it for no apparent reason. There is some highly interesting trivia on Wikipedia: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  9. Hey, hey, hey, hold on there you!! What are you trying to say??? SM is a spammer??? BLASPHEMY! How could that happen??? I'm reporting this to the allmighty god Saint_Michael who will punish you as you deserved. jk
  10. And if you hate posting you can also buy credits via PayPal, which makes Xisto even better if you don't want to bother with posting!
  11. When Live.com was created at the time of the creation of this topic, it sucked badly. After 1 year of the creation of this topic, after some look improvements, it still sucks. Remember the time when vista came out? Well, if you searched for Bad Vista (FSF's campaing against Vista and it's DRM) on other searhes it returned the BadVista.org official website as the first result, but if you searched for the same result on MS's Live? What do you guess? BadVista wasn't even in the top 10 results, I can't remember how deep under it was. That's all I have to say about MS's Live.com .
  12. Great to see you back to Xisto free webhosting without ads Hope you'll have great time and fun in here! BTW, you have a really old joining date, I wonder when was your last visit here?
  13. Like the previous 2 posters said, your site opens up perfectly fine at me. The problem is that you have been IP banned (which occured to me for no apparent reason when I first created my account). Just go to https://support.xisto.com/ and submit a ticket, or use the live chat function (which will work faster ofcourse).
  14. Eh, I think you should choose a Linux based server because they are more reliable, secure and offer more features than a Windows hosting - and for some reason, even though it's better than the Windows one, it's a lot cheaper in most cases. You should go with Windows hosting if you have ASP.net coding skills or want a more user-friendly enviroment, but I don't recommend you do so... Oh, and if you aren't sure about with which hoster you should start, (except Xisto ) you should definitively try Dreamhost - because their offer is amazing! I don't have the money to buy hosting ('cause I'm too young) but when I turn 18 I would definitively buy a hosting from those guys
  15. We in Macedonia say: Те сакам or Те - I сакам - love you
  16. miladinoski

    A Cheap Joke

    Eh, no need to be anxious, I suppose she (the president) got your joke and understood that you were kidding.And also I think your mom over-reacted. Don't worry, be happy!
  17. My first computer (I still keep it around and it works) was with the following configuration: Pentium II 366 MHz 64 MBs of RAM S3 Savage 3D graphics card with 8 MBs (I think so) CD-ROM and CD-RW (bought later on) HDD 6 GB and 30 GBs added later on Windows 98SE Belinea 15'' monitor Keep in mind that this computer was bought for my brother @ 1998 (ofcourse I used it too) and I used it for 5-6 years, when I bought another PC and this laptop I got on gift from my brother. Also keep in mind that I'm 16 I have a problem from 4 months ago on this computer, Windows doesn't detect the mouse (it's not to the mouse - it's the OS problem it says I need to reinstall it over the old one (without reformating) - I tried that, but no avail, it didn't fix the problem and I don't want to format it because I have loads of games controled by the keyboard my little cousins play when they come to visit, and I also don't have the all the drivers and don't want to hunt them. There is another problem, 'till 2 years ago MDK2, some later Carmaggedon relase and other great games which should be playable on it froze everytime I ran them, then I reformated it for some reason, and they worked PERFECTLY even on high settings and I was really really amazed, BUT I don't know the reason why after another reformat (because I caught a virus) the situation in reappeared and no good games worked ( That hurts me a lot 'cause I consider myself computer savvy and I still can't get why I can't get them working even after reinstalling the latest graphics drivers and all that
  18. Ummm, first of all I'm almost 16 years old - I am not a gamer (I hate FPS video games) I only play some games like Wesnoth and some flash games on the internet, but I have friends which are gamers and are really into this gaming thing. Yes, I do think violent games have at least small impact on every kid that plays that game and I believe that in 99% of the cases they won't imitate the things they see/play on them, but (there always is a but(t)) gaming also makes kids more interested in computers, more communicative with other gamers from around the world (as you said) and it strengthens up the reflexes (at least in my opinion). I want to talk about the problems in my country (R. of Macedonia) with them. Piracy is very VEERY wide in it and kids can get all the latest games in prices as low as 100 denars (1.80 euros) or if they have the chance/internet - grab it from the web and pirate it. The parents are really terribly educated about software - "have you said I should buy a program?" - and they can't afford to buy the original games to their kids or control their PCs with technical methods (locking up the internet etc etc) they do that only with physical ones eg locking up the rooms, not letting them in etc... 'cause kids are really smarter than their parents over here. So, my point was, everyone can grab Warcraft, CS and others and play online thus losing valuable time which they could replace by more valuable means - reading books, studying, hanging out, or if they are really that attached to their PCs (like me ) they should learn programming languages, study foreign languages, read news, install new programs to expand their knowledge, install other OSs so they won't be computer-stupid for other more savvy users (like I am) and so on... I never gamed FPSs, I hate them, and I don't believe that I will ever do that in the future. Thanks
  19. Eh, what are you trying to say??? That a time beyond not sitting in front of the computer actually exists?? You can't be from around here son...
  20. I won't try Google's Chrome until it comes for Linux (which the only OS I use - though yesterday https://www.codeweavers.com/about/blogs/jwhite/2008/9/15/fire-drills-and-proving-a-point CodeWeavers released a free-as-in-beer binaries of Chromium on top of Wine for Linux and Apple's Macs) and thats the time when I'll try it and review it
  21. OMG, I am part of the 98% and I wanted to be special (thus part of the 2% people) :)
  22. Yes, this is happening for me a long time now, but I refrained from submitting it because I thought I was the only one that was affected from this. Nevertheless you need to fix this because this could possibly be your crasher bug this last week.
  23. Haha Dagoth, that was stupid, you have no idea how much pain IE is to web-page makers and how much bigger pain are the people who use it constantly (and as I said people who KNOW about other browsers and still use it). IE is a pain, people who make sites which only work on IE are a pain (what about other platforms which cannot run IE, huh?) and Microsoft is a pain by not making it more standards compatible. I suggest for you to read this excelent website which explains how IE makes problems (it's not mine), and you can see ALL THE BUGS which IE makes and breaks the web-page rendering and makes the site unusable and ugly. Here it is: http://www.howtocreate.co.uk/wrongWithIE/ Please just read it and test everything that is shown on the left-hand side. Maybe you'll say IE is the most web-page compatible browser, and you'll be right on that one, but not knowing that people make IE only sites because IE is the most used browser (which is because it's integrated to the most popular OS). I wouldn't mind people using IE if it was standards compatible and didn't break the page rendering on all of the valid html pages, but it isn't. If you have time please read that site and tell me your experiences with it. I don't get you on this one, I was trying to say that yes there is a Pocket IE which is included with every Windows Mobile enabled smartphone and there are alternatives like Opera Mobile... If you don't like using other browsers than IE - thats OK, but spreading lies about how IE is good or how other browsers are bad is not ok.
  24. Yes, I can totally agree with this. I recommended this site to my tech savvy friend (who has always said "I know about that one, it's about {...} and that really pissed me off ) and he said how he never heard about this site and is really thankfull for me recommending it to him - his previous hoster was ixWebHosting which offered old versions of PHP and mySQL which had really big loopholes in them and were exploited and phishing pages were put on them, so by that "he" broke the ToS (no matter how many times he sent mails to them requesting an upgrade of the services) and his hosting was closed. I don't know if he made an account on this page, but I think he will in the future as he was very pleased by what Xisto offered for free.
  25. Hmmm, I don't know if I can classify myself as a whiner. I do usualy whine some days the whole friggin' day, and that happens when my day started bad for some reason or I am just not in the mood. I can't say I am a whiner, but I can say most of the days I am a positive person always hoping for the best and wishing the best no matter what happens. On the contrary as I said when I am not in the mood I am very negative, nothing pleases me and I feel like the world is a stupid place (maybe it is) and I am getting suicidal like a stupid friggin' emo (I hate emos BTW)!!! Yeah, it displeases me when I see a whiner, but sometimes I'd like to get from their angle no matter how they are wrong about something and I try to understand them and hopefully help them resolve any problem they have or just give support in those moments.
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