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Everything posted by minimcmonkey

  1. If you've tried windows 7 RC youll see its quite an improvemtn both visually and in terms of performance. it still uses a lot more memory than XP, but its better than vista!It has some faults - bugs etc.I think it might be worth waiting for a while, once its been on general release for long enough microsoft will know about a lot of the faults and release a service pack. SP1 has improved vista, and I see no reason why windows 7 shouldnt be a reasonably okay operating system...
  2. I think my first system would have been a computer, when I was 3. But I didnt see it as something that could be used for gaming. So im going to have to say a gameboy pocket ...
  3. Hi, what kind of system is everyone using? Im using and a load of other non essential stuff... What about everyone else? Could a moderator change the name of this to "What kind of System is everyone running?" sorry, typo :S Notice from truefusion: Lists such as these are to be quoted; hence topics like these should be avoided.
  4. The password you have set is a bios pasword rather than a startup password. It prevents people makinf changed top your bios settings. Setting a startup password varies, check your motherboard manual or search via google/other search engine.
  5. Bios passwords are easily circumvented by taking the hard drive out and putting it in another computer, or by starting the computer with the biois jumper in the reset position. Windows passwords are no challenge for anyone with experience!
  6. Well there is the blink tag. It was removed from IE6 because of how annoying it is. It lives on in browsers lie firefox. I would recommend not using it! Most web users hate it, its a good way to make people dislike your website!
  7. I always make sure I test in plenty of browsers. I have every browser I could find installed for testing and test in every resolution I can (including multiple displays and different window sizes) I put a lot of time in to checking compatibility. Does everyone else consider it such a bit thing?
  8. Now that is asking for trouble! Javascript can cause damage... Although SMS sounds quite useful!
  9. Looks fine there.Fairly simple, but text flows nicely (apart from next to images). Hard to say how it could be improved really. You could make it more useful by adding in anouther column for information next to the main content. You might be able to improve it a bit by changing the way its surrounded by grey.If it were Me, I would loose the grey at the sides (maybe have a thin border of it - would work nicely with the grey bad under navigation) and add an information bar at one side.Definately better that the one live at the moment - in firefox its barely readable, and an eyesore even if you disregard the text being everywhere!Im not sure how that site would look in browsers other than the one you captured that image from 0 be sure to test properly
  10. Im not sure whats happening in other places, but in the UK everywhere has to use pins. Everone enters their pin number to make a purchase, so signature forgery isnt a problem, but someone looking over your shoulder is. Ive always thought its a bit of a stupid system, it wouldnt be difficult for someone to look over your shoulder, and take your card when your not looking.
  11. As much as im tempted to say "Thew best things in life clearly aren't free, I had to pay for my PC" Im going to have to agree. I would definately give up my technology which I spend my life using to keep my friendships. Although even friendship is becoming somewhat expensive now...
  12. It will be hard to find anything to do all that which will be fully customisable ad intergratable into your current website.I have always found that its difficult to put in an effective login system after finishing the design of a site, buut thats just me.Search around on google, there are hundereds of scripts for things like ratings (althgough they are easy to make even for people with virtually no knowledge of PHP)There are login scripts out there. But if you want it exactly the way you want, your best bet is to do it yourself....Alternatively, you could use a content management system. A good one will have everything you want, but you will have to remake your website to a certain extent...
  13. Its a nice layout, but as people have said, it uses very little space. I personally dont like pages where you focus on only part of the page. Im not really sure how you could change the design to use more space without a big redesign.Its very effective, uses a good colour scheme, and the navigation is also quite effective from a user friendlyness point of view.You could consider stretching the page down so the content reaches the bootom of the page, and pad out the sides with a texture (the grey colour fading to the black) so that the same layout would use up more space.... Im not sure how that would look, just an idea.
  14. I dont think that in 1000 years time the world will look anything like any movies predict.Although some things we see in movies may have been made possible by then, so there will be some things.In the future, computer technology may stop advancing. There will be a time when physics will stop the advances in certain technology. I wonder if some things will never be possible (teleportation, time travel etc) We acccept that matter cannot be created or destroyed, but im sure 500 years ago no one expected machines which could make millions o decisions in fractions of a second!Technology has made made many aspects of life easier, and will probably carry on to do so for a long time.There are concerns like energy - We cant expect to see huge advances in much if we cant make enough energy.But I cant see how we can imagine what will happen.I doubt that 500 years ago people could possibly imagine anything like what the world is now. And I doubt that much that people predict will be accurate.....
  15. I'm cureently using a windows mobile smartphone, and use it for a lot of things. I use it regularly for: Making and recieving calls Text and picture messaging The internet (generallyvia wifi) instant messaging and emails multimedia viewing and editing microsoft office documents callendar address book (my contact list holds a lot of information about contacts which I use a lot) task list some games (solitaire when im bored is really all) the camera (when im stuck without a good camera) youtube google maps Im sure I could carry on listing things forever....
  16. I get charged ?3 per MB, which is too much for everyday browsing, although I use my phone on wifi a lot so I can browse.I try to avoid using my network provided mobile internet because I use pay as you go, and its easy to burn all your credit, and find that you dont have enough credit to make a call to get home. But it can be useful for checking things while moving.Most networks now have a contract for unlimited data, which is useful if you use your phone a lot. Especially if you use mobile applications likeyoutube and google maps as they exchange huge amounts of data durin general use.
  17. I definately could! Although I use my phone a lot, I could if I wanted to, quite easily.I use to argue with people who went on about how great their phone is and say "Its just a phone, it makes phone calls" But I must admit, i use mine for a lot now. I am virtually always armed with my smartphone, and a spare phone, just incase. Although my spare ohone rarely leaves my pocket, I use my smartphone for everything... Calls, texts, the internet, instant messaging, emails, camera (when I dont have one with me, even though I cant stand how phones are overtaking much much higher quility cameras), microsoft office, Sometimes I listen to music (i have always hated the way people treat their phone as an MP3 player, but since getting a smartphone with windows media player, and some other media software, i quite like it), callendar, address book. Sometimes, I must admit, ive even been known to play solitaire on my phone.........but as much as I use my phone a lot, for everyday purposes, I could easily go a week without it. More...
  18. Im in the UK and pretty much unafraid of swine flu.I know people who have had it. They live fairly close to me. It doesnt bother me. Its not much different (and no more dangerous than) ordinary flu.I am physically fit, and have a good diet - I see no reason to panic.If the government start rolling out vaccines they will give the vaccines first to the areas which need it most (that certainly wont be where I am) I dont think there is much of a chance of them imunising the population of the UK with a dangerous vaccine - there are riggorous tests carried out! Of course its still possible. But, im moronic enough to say that if everyones being vaccinated, we're all in the same boat. Why not?
  19. I dont think "ex-criminal" has to be a bad impression. if someone admits what they did was wrong and changes their ways, no they havent undome what they did, but they've done the next best thing! Why not learn from someone elses mistakes? I think its good that willmark is able to admit to being wrong and try to help people to learn while trying to gain knowledge.
  20. If you think you can rely on your browser to keep you safe on the internet, think again.While browsers do their best to keep things out of your system, and keep whats on your system in etc. you need other software (a decent antivirus/antispyware/antirootkit application) These will track down an stop anything that gets in.I would personally recommentd mozilla firefox. However that is totally based on opinion!Using a good popup blocker (most popular browsers have them built in now) will keep a lot of malicious software out as a lot of it is distributed via popups.Hope this helps.
  21. Of course the correct responce to this depends on what you mean by a "real" website. Im assuming you mean making it in bare HTML.Firstly, you will find very few popular websites are made with only HTML - the language is totally static, and doesnt even allow for basic mathematic functions. If you want to make an impressive website I would recommend learning HTML, CSS and javascript.Anything which involves storing, or processing user input, or logging in etc, will require a server-side language like PHP, ASP.net or CGI. Generally paired with a database language like mySQL.Anyway, learning HTML.HTML is very easy once you get use to it.At first you may have trouble understanding what all the tags are for. But its gets very easy, I have been making websites for about 6 years now, and can create a basic text based page in seconds. I started learning using w3schools.com Which is a very useful site, especially as a reference. But I have always found that a book will be a lot more use. I bought a book to learn HTML, and it taught me a great deadl. I now have a huge pile of books which I have used for learning nearly every programming or web language I know.Once you have made a few sites you get use to everything. A big part of learning HTML is understanding what each tag is for, how to use its attributes, and memorising the important ones (eventually you will know all of them!)Another thing to understand, is that HTML is basically useless without other languages. It just tells the browser what to put on the page. It has trouble telling it where to put it without CSS. Hope this helps somewhat!
  22. I would recommend backing up using Cpanel - it can backup your whole site including databases, and encrypt them if you want.It is a very good idea to back up frequently. Especially if you have a lot of user submitted content in databases.You may want to use automated backups of databases, every day of week or even every few hours. the HTML files should be backup up frequently, but depending how often they are updated.
  23. I would trust Cpanel on this (its never let me down, ever)The different sizes can be explained by different methods of backup, thay can be formatted in a different way, it may be that one is encrypted or compressed.Im not familiar with WRC-SHOP but the restore utility may be designed for backing up a single table or part of a database oposed to a total backup of your SQL databases. You could create seperate smaller backups.Hope this helps.
  24. Your post is a little unclear. So its difficult to really understand some parts.I dont know that much about this kind of thing. But what I do know is that you should see a doctor or go to a sexual health clinic or something similar.It could be pregnancy, could be an STD, or could be a coincidence...
  25. It is really useful.I use it on my HTC S620, and it allows me to use messenger virtally anywhere i go. When my computer is not on, or a leave the room, i can run messenger through wireless broadband, so it doesnt cost anything extra to use messenger, but means i wont miss the sound if anyone tries to talk to me.
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