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Everything posted by icemarle

  1. Here goes:We have different subjects in my school so...1st QCLE (It's like Character education): 89English: 90Math (Algebra and Statistics): 85 :)Filipino: 87Science (Biology): 89Geography: 90PE: 91Home Ec.: 852nd QCLE (It's like Character education): 89English: 91Math (Algebra and Statistics): 85 :)Filipino: 88Science (Biology): 90Geography: 91PE: 91Home Ec.: 863rd QCLE (It's like Character education): 88English: 90Math (Algebra and Statistics): 86 :DFilipino: 92Science (Biology): 93 B)Geography: 91PE: 88Home Ec.: 894th QCLE (It's like Character education): 85English: 91Math (Algebra and Statistics): 85 :DFilipino: 93Science (Biology): 92Geography: 93 (My fave)PE: 92Home Ec.: 90In my school, If I got no grades below 85 and an average of 90 and above, I'll get an academic award at the end of the year. And that's what I got! By the way, I hardly study... I'm so lazy... *falls*I'm a bit annoyed cause there are some subjects merged together and the grades are just averages... We don't have a solo computer grade at all. It's merged with Home ec. which I hate. I don't like Home ec... I guess my grades aren't so high because I barely participate in class at all. I recited only about 3 times the whole school year! XD Well, at least my exams and other written work are top-notch.I took something that was like SAT. I got the highest Percentile rank in English and I ranked the 3rd in Biology.
  2. Another one of these kinds of topics again? Hm... Considering the myriad of interesting and helpful services Google has compared to Yahoo!, I suppose Google might be better. But I mean... how can you compare companies with DIFFERENT services (come on, Yahoo! doesn't have everything Google has and vice versa)?
  3. No offence but, no one will be interested much if you don't post the game up. If the upload limit is that little, I suggest you move to another free host. Xisto would a good start.
  4. Your forum title kinda confused me a bit. Anyway...There are english servers for most Korean games that are out. Look closer. They may usually start out as Korean or other languages, but if you wait a while, there will be english servers out. I'm currently playing Maple Story, a side-scrolling MMORPG that was originally Korean. They have a Global server now, as well as a South East Asian one.
  5. There have already been topics here about starting their own servers. I'm doing so right now as well. I have Apache running and PHP 5 and an FTP server. It's all I need, and I just might be adding new features when I feel like it. It's not as hard as you might think... setting up a home server... The downside is, it uses up your upload, and sometimes even download bandwidth that may slow down immensely when you end up getting a lot of people to go to your site. You don't necessarily have to setup your server on a Linux OS. It's much better, but not necessary if you don't plan on something big. Linux is more stable and secure, so most people prefer running on on Linux that on Windows. If you only have one computer, you might plan on running it on Dual-boot with windows. However, you might not be able to run windows while running your server on Linux. You can run a server with Linux if you want, but it'd be best if you had an old PC for it.
  6. Viruses aren't always the culprit. That thing happened to me a lot of times... but those happened in Photoshop. I restarted Photoshop or my computer and it usually returns to normal. Things like that happen due to overloaded memory usage. Don't worry about it. There's no virus. Don't blame viruses for everything!
  7. Heh, I remember my non-tech savvy relatives being cautious about viruses. They acutally think that if you don't use a CD for too long, they'd acquire viruses. I could almost laugh thinking about it... Also, one of my classmates asked me for a virus scan installer. They don't even have internet access! They still probably think that those innocent diskettes THEY JUST BOUGHT and put the word files they made contain viruses... It's a bit hard trying to explain to them. I keep telling them it's not big of deal. They just have to watch where they go.
  8. Umm... I believe something like this has sparked publicity before... The privacy issue has been around long since Gmail started. I think the article was a bit too exaggerated. I agree with FirefoxRocks. The ad part they discussed about isn't that controversial. It has nothing to do with Gmail whatsoever, but with Adsense ads! Obviously, they're going to say anything to put Gmail down... and being desperate at that... the ads have nothing to do with it. :)I agree with Kioku. As long as you have nothing to hide, it's all good. You needn't be paranoid over this.
  9. Personally, I've read the books first before watching the movies. I loved the books, the movies sucked. It was as entertaining as watching a person playing with a plunger. I must admit, the story (book) did get a bit boring. I enjoyed it a lot until book three, but when four came along, I didn't enjoy it as much... Something changed... When the fifth came along... Oh my... Is this the same magical book I picked up years ago? It was bland... boring... and I couldn't bear seeing this happen to a promising book. The sixth book... don't ask. Sometimes, when people write stories for too long, they end up straying from the original plot and start morphing into an overly hyped monster. This is the reason why I love reading short series. I enjoyed The Lord of the Rings a lot, and also the Hobbit (my favorite). As some people mentioned earlier, Roald Dahl books... Ahh those books where the foundations of my childhood. They made me feel very happy. I loved those books so much I visited the library everyday to re-read them! Even though those were meant for children, they could be very entertaining and enlightening to adults even. The BFG, Matilda, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, James and the Giant Peach, everything made me enjoy my youth...Then again, I was straying from the topic... I'm not a Harry Potter hater at all. I gave the books a try (and even the so-so movies they showed). I'm not entirely ignorant about books and I'm very concerened about plot development. For someone like me, Harry Potter had a good start, it started a good fire, but it started to burn out quickly for me... Like burning paper.
  10. Could you provide us with some links? Anyway, I don't think that's far from happening. Microsoft and Yahoo! are having a harder time grasping the people's attention from Google. Google is just offering more than it was made for originally. No one ever imagined that this innocent and simple search engine would unleash a myriad of services under its sleeves. It depends though... on how desperate those two companies are. Let's observe them for a while before we can come to conclusions.
  11. Darn, I was too late... I can see Albus' white border... Albus I recommend you use a black one... It's kinda hard to see... Anyway, if voting weren't over I'd vote for you. I like the fact that it's simple and the text is easy to spot.
  12. Hmm... No wonder I didn't see the shoutbox yesterday. I was thinking I was banned, but I overruled it since it happened before. It's not that disturbing, thankfully...
  13. I really like Avalon's sig. When I looked at Saint_Michael's... I felt that it was a bit too common. Avalon's is simple, crisp, and even if I must admit that it could use a bit of darkening... I like it.
  14. Like I told BuffaloHELP before, I'd rather it'd be a button exchange... I still think banners are too cumbersome. I don't want to put big things in my website. It'll have layout issues. Of course, it's only my opinion. I don't know what other people think about button exchanges. I like the idea, and I'd consider signing up if it weren't using banners. Though generally, I'm more interested in linking up with related sites. I'm also happy with my search engine rankings, so I don't have much purpose, really. But still, I'd support this all the way if it weren't using banners. <_<Edit:Wait, so I've been thinking... There's a small size, right? So that means the people displaying the banners can choose what size they want it to be, right? I'm not far off on agreeing on this. Does this have to be displayed on all pages, by the way? Or can you put it in your links page?
  15. I don't have problems running it. It's just that when I startup my computer, it slows everything down and I hate it. I don't think my computer is the issue anymore. I've heard from people who already experienced the same thing. Apparently it was some spammer who couldn't find anything to do and started spoofing emails he got and making spam be sent using their addresses.
  16. I'm running a server right now, and it's for hosting my site downloads. It's not really web service speed, but it's good enough for a hobby site. I keep my upload bandwidth free enough to send at a rate around 15+kbps. It's not that great, but it does the job for me. Starting up a server isn't as hard as you might think. I personally keep my computer on day in and day out. Server on or not. Thus, running a server that I meant to keep on 24/7 didn't turn me off at all. Actually, it's quite easy to setup. Before you think of starting your own, you should ask your ISP if they allow you to host servers. That's what I did, and it saved me a lot of time and possible hair-tearing moments. Then, I installed apache and made it configure it to my site. You can access your site by typing in your IP. I, then, tinkered with my firewall settings. Set it up in a way that you'll be secure, but can allow people to access your server. Afterwards, you might want to put your firewall to a myriad of tests. See if there are any loopholes that could be potentially dangerous and seal off the open ports using your firewall settings. Other security maintenance programs are a necessity! Don't be lazy to protect your computer! The next thing you have to consider is making your site have a domain. You don't want to advertise your IP to make people access your site, I'm sure. It's even worse if you have Dynamic DNS which changes your IP when your ISP feels like it What you need to do is register a domain, or go to a site like http://freedns.afraid.org/ Upon learning how to use them properly, you can end up having a URL for your site and you don't need to type your IP all the time and have it set to update your IP everytime it changes. For more tips, you can go to sites like... They helped my when I was setting my server. I suggest you give them a try. My "tutorial" isn't actually that in-depth and you might start wondering about stuff later, so it's best you go to those sites if you start thinking of starting up a server. If you do, Good luck!
  17. I used to have McAffee, but it didn't work for me anymore. It was becoming bothersome and starting-up was always a nightmare, since it took years. :/ I changed my password back to how it was. I'm going with the possibility that someone just spoofed my address. It's the most likely thing right now.
  18. Analytics should be put there...I have more than one favorite, so I'll list 'em down. <_<1. Search - I never go online without doing a search in Google. It's also the heart and soul of Google. :lol:2. GMail - This one revolutionized the email industry! I also use this everyday for personal use. I love GMail sooo much! :33. Analytics - This is invite-only and is in its beta stages. It lets me keep track of my site status and is very informative! This is one neat feature that will make webmasters drool!
  19. I'm a girl, but I found that red one funny anyway. I wish I got mail like this... All I ever get are sucky chain letters that usually contain threats or false promises in glaring colors and huge font sizes that made me think the writer was near sighted. (I don't open 'em) These are fun~
  20. That adware was already exterminated by the way... I delete them right after the scans. They send spam to that address all the time... I know about them harvesting emails and spamming them, but the real scary thing is when you find out that you've been sending spam email using your address!? Evil!!! Anyway, I don't think it's the Cydoor adware that's been doing it, because it's mainly supposed to do pop-up advertisements and is bundled with some programs... How evil they are to use my email address to send spam mail! Urgh! Anyway, I don't think they had access to my inbox at all. I think they just spoofed my email address and it bounced back to my real one. :/ That doesn't make me breathe easier though.
  21. icemarle

    I Hate School!

    True true... The main purpose why I hate going to school is because of those brats who try to get what they want with me and taunt to no end. They really need to get lives. :/ As for the homework... I don't mind them. But I remember a teacher of mine giving us this kind of homework: "Interview a successful entrepreneur and get contact details and a map to the place" (to confirm the existence) And it was due in 1 week! Plus, the whole weekday was a wholeday SportsFest! It means that you only have the weekend to do that report... Well, my mom knew someone who ran a restaurant... thankfully. I survived! O_O
  22. Let's see... I'm very quiet and mysterious... People are afraid to talk to me because I freeze them (kill the conversation). I have a selective group of friends. I also get high grades in school except for Math... I hardly study anything. When I'm at home, I usually settle myself onto my computer chair and do my stuff My mom sometimes wonders how I manage to get high grades when I hardly study. It's all in the mind! I love to listen in class, so I retain what I hear in my head. There's no need to study!
  23. Yup, they're all up to date. But the thing is... I never sent an email to those groups. I don't know anything about them at all! I was shocked to see an email I never remember sending bounced back to me and had a spam message in it! (Advertisements) The annoying thing is... It has my email address in the "From" form! So the question is, why would I be sending mass spam emails to random MSN groups? MSN groups won't allow you to mail a post in their group unless you're a member which I'm obviously not because I never even heard of those groups in the first place! I changed my password, by the way...
  24. I was happily browsing the web so I decided to check my Yahoo! email. I got like 4 emails that were bounced back by Mail-Daemon. Apparently, I had tried to send this spam mail to some MSN groups!? It was bounced back to me because I had to be a member of that group to send emails. (Whew!) I was shocked and ran all the scans I could think of (Adware/Anti-virus) and deleted this Cydoor adware. I'm not sure that was what caused it, and I'm starting to freak out, because my Yahoo! email is one of my most advertised email. (I use it as my spam sucker and to register in things) I'm starting to get scared because I don't want it to get blacklisted by anything. I use a firewall, by the way... I'm not sure if this has been going on for a long time... I run my virus scan everyday (AVG) and my Anti-adware software (Spybot) occasionally. In fact, I found no viruses and only 1 adware. My firewall is always on and I've also run numerous tests on my firewall... Besides changing my email password, what could you guys recommend?
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