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Everything posted by icemarle

  1. That's scary. Now I'm afraid to go other sites with Firefox. 0_o Hopefully Mozilla does it as soon as they can. Security threats are just awful.
  2. Pure evil. First Spyware, now being logged in as someone else? They'll lose a lot of reputation from that. Google has become evil! (Although it's just in its Beta stage) Noooo! But I still like Gmail.
  3. It's hard, of course. The way to earn money with no work is when you win raffles. But then, you do a little work there as well. It's going to be hard to earn money using Adsense or Clicksor fast, unless you have a sucessful site, and interesting ads. The only thing to do is keep improving stuff, and when you don't think about it, you'll be surprised to see that you got your paycheck. Good luck on that! I'm going thorugh the same thing and I only have a measly $6...
  4. First of all, it's great to know I'm not alone, though I actually knew this early on since I saw serverph, but here goes...Tagalog:Syempre naman maraming mga Pinoy dito. Kahit saan may Pinoy, talented talaga tayo eh, nagtaka ka pa! ^_- Nagpaparamdam na po!English:Of course they're plenty of Filipino's here. Wherever you look, there're Filipinos, we're talented (haha) and you're still wondering why there're some of us here! ^_- Go Pinoy!
  5. My favorite piece is Waltz of the Flowers by Tchaikovsky. He's my favorite composer, because his pieces make me want to dance like a ballet dancer. 0_o As for the others, My other favorite is Autumn by Vivaldi. I just like it... :(How about you guys? Any classical music you listened to before and liked?
  6. I've been bullied as a new student in my current school (Freshman Jr. High) It's an all-girls school. It was peer pressure bullying, so I handled it OK. *beating is for boys.* Bullying by beating will get them expelled, plus they're girls anyway. Well, at least I have my Aikido moves to defend myself just in case. I hate those guys, it's like they have nothing to do with their lives. They just hang out showing-off and keep telling their peers, "I'm so pretty." (so true, I hear this everyday)I hate girl bullies, they're the worst kind.
  7. I like KFC. IT all tastes good. I like McDonalds too, but when I go to KFC, I love it. I like the Mashed Potatoes even though I know what's in the. (instant mashed potatoes)
  8. 88. I guessed my weight (I'm a little underweight), but I know my height. I'm not sure about this. My dad's grandmother lived to see my dad graduate college. She was about 100+. My dad said it was part of our genes. My grandparents are still alive. I haven't seen any of them die yet (both sides of the family). They're active, my mother's side especially. The father's side grandfather's still doing his engineering and woodworking (framing) even though he's old. I guess we're a pretty active family!
  9. 0_o That's still nuts. I mean, living in a forum for domains? I don't think I could do that, unless I have nothing to do in my life. It'll be much easier if the people were friendly, and the forum, very much alive.I'd chose free hosting anytime! Notice from snlildude87: Post edited for user's request
  10. I already suggested this but snlildude gave me the link to the rules. There's a contradiction here.
  11. Update my siteAdvertise my siteDownload stuffDo researchPlay MMORPGs (not too often)Research ways to earn money online. (OK, not really)Browse the web for any random topic site
  12. I've seen too many Netbux topics and it's driving me nuts. Newly registered people post a new topic and shove referral links into our faces. Maybe there should be a single pinned topic for people who want to advertise their referral links. I've seen many people make a new Netbux topic, say what it does, and shove their link. I suggest that the topic will be about people stating why you should use their referral link. Plus, in a single topic, the people won't have to be persistent and make you want to use their referral link LESS. Those Netbux-Referral link topics are flooding the forum, so Please think about my plea...With quality posts, the forum will be a better place!Thank you for reading,icemarle
  13. Actually, you don't have to purchase those offers. There was one about searching for referrals, but like I said, it's temporarily disabled. I'm hanging around waiting for it to come back I guess. It's Pay-pup from what I know. Pay-pup is down right now soo... the only way to get referrals 100% free is through searching, and referring. Oh, and please don't double post.
  14. I recently started NOT turning my computer off for about 15 hours. (OK, my dad will flip) I started this downloading program of mine, and I always want it to keep downloading when I'm asleep. Unfortunately, my dad uses this to his advantage, and surfs the net while I'm leaving it on. When I wake up, the downloads were paused. *growls*
  15. I heard from somewhere that they shipped internationally, to see where that was, I'm not sure, I just googled it, like I always do. Actually leiaah, I'm from the Philippines too, so I'm not quite sure either. Let's see if we can "bust" this myth, I mean... bust this site. (But if it's real, I'll be in heaven... I hope...)
  16. I heard some people were never able to fix it. That must be terrible. I heard it loves to close programs. Once again, someone created an infamous virus, making him/her one of the most hated person on earth!
  17. I saw this site recently and it's supposed to give you anything free ranging from an Ipod to $25 in your Paypal Account. They only need your post address, and email, and you need to get the referrals. You can refer yourself using their offers. They had one where you have to search (with Pay-Pup, now temporarily down) 50 times to get yourself reffered. When you get enough referrals, you get your freebie. I'm not sure if any of you will try it... but I'm here to find out if it's true, and if they REALLY give their promised prizes. Come to think of it, they make you do the hardwork. They sign up for ways to earn money, and you have to earn it for them, and when they get enough, they send you the freebie? Is this true, or is this a cheap scam? (Yeah.. I signed up for it to see if it was true. I wonder if they'll really give you the freebie.) Free Tech Shop What do you guys think?
  18. Haha... sent to an island? I think that'll violate some human rights there... That's just awful. I remember seeing one about the youngest pregnant girl was 5 years old. She had her cycle when she was 5 years old! 0_o She was raped too.... I think one out to search it for it at snopes.com if interested.
  19. It's not the only one out there. We don't like it for legitimate reasons. It's very slow at times, it crashes on us, it's easy to accidentally close on our hard-worked projects... OK that was our fault... (no sarcasm intended)It's the most popular one as well, but we're not blaming it on that. Don't tell me to quit using it then, because I did. It just isn't the thing to use on a high temper...
  20. p0ng 0_o You might be a guest... and this might be a Guests forum but still, mind you, this is a topic about your favorite game. My favorite game is Dragon Warrior Monsters. It got me into the Dragon Warrior world, which turns out to be pretty good!
  21. Welcome to this community! I'm sure you'll like it here. The staff are always supportive and friendly. You have very good talents there! You do Chinese Calligraphy? I study writing Japanese myself, but never calligraphy. That's amazing!You're lucky to be home-schooled. I don't like the real school. Too much peer pressure, it affects my studies. (I try not to, but...) I wish I were home-schooled, but I don't think my parents will like the idea. I hope you keep posting here, even after you get your hosting! (If you want to)Once again, you're welcome here, and always enjoy, have fun, and be nice!
  22. I know. But I was implying that if they discovered those remains recently, and since Tolkien lived years before that, how could he possibly know that hobbits were those small people. Unless that was already the vocabulary in those days. I'm not really sure about this. Hold on, did Tolkien invent this word, or did it come form another origin? If he invented it, then it must be no surprise that the scientists will call the small people hobbits. OK, I'm starting to confuse myself.
  23. Anime- Better graphics than the original Manga. Made to be more comical and interesting.Manga- Some strange drawings at times. You'd understand more storylines. You could see the original story and the author's thoughts.I'd go with Manga. I have some Japanese Manga here. I use it to study my Japanese. Plus, in Manga, you'd see those times when the Anime strays far from the original storyline. You see, I'm a big fan of originalism (I'm not sure if there's such a word)If an anime was originally titled Daa! Daa! Daa! (it's true) I'd stick to it. Some people from Italy who translated changed it to UFO Baby. (I was furious)Plus I don't like those Dubbed anime. I'd stick to the original voices. I can't stand people straying from the original. It just might be me, but I believe in this strongly.*hides from alter ego*
  24. No internet? Nooooo! I'll have no dreams. No future job. (I'm planning to get an internet related job when I graduate) No freebies. I'd probably spend my days staring blankly into space. No way to do projects easily. I'd have to search the biiig library. None of those things?*melts*
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