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Everything posted by icemarle

  1. I agree. I love the original Japanese and I don't want to waste my time watching a good show go to waste just because some people dubbed the voices badly. Why are they showing this to kids by the way? After all, in Japan, not only kids watch anime. Oh, and even outside Japan. Just because it's animation doesn't mean it's for children. Take The Simpsons for example. It's a cartoon right? But is it (just) for kids? Noooo... They keep putting them in Kids channels, sigh. (Well at least there's an anime channel where I live.
  2. I like McAfee. It saved me from Trojans a lot of times, and I've grown really fond of it. It's also agressive.
  3. Have you been warned? If not it might be a bug. I'm sure the Mods or Admins will fix it.
  4. Hmm. Most people here are like that. They're so dense you can see through them. Anyway, if they're trying to start a conversation, why don't you give them a chance? After all, most conversations (first meetings) start with questions. I don't regard those as stupid questions.But here's one that makes me boil. When I was a new student, all these oldies came to me and told me, "Hi Kim, we're friends now!" (the FIRST thing they said and lots of different people at different times said it) What was that? Who are you? Just because I'm new, you have the authority to tell me that you're my friend!? I told the teacher about it when I was so annoyed, and she told me that they were just friendly. Friendly? I don't know them and they say that? That's a bit freaky...*tries to cool down*
  5. Given that I'm in the Philippines too, there're pirated material everywhere you look. It's only about 100 pesos or roughly $2 to get the DVD. Of course, quality isn't great since the official DVD hasn't been released yet. It's just taken from the movie. In fact I saw a pirated movie once, and I even saw a man who stood up (you can see his silhouette (sorry if the spelling is wrong)) in the screen. That was hilarious. Anyway, I don't think it's an easy problem to fix, because it's found EVERYWHERE!I want to see the movie, but I think my dad will just buy a DVD for me, and we could borrow from my uncle's HUGE DVD collection when it come out. As for now, I content myself to watching "The Science of Star Wars" on Discovery Channel. Gotta love those gadgets!
  6. I'm using McAfee Home, and well, startup is torture for me, especially, since I'm an impatient person (LOL and I'm using dialup). I mean, I hate to restart and shutdown my computer. I do, however, thank McAfee for the times it detected a trojan on the spot (and cleaned it) saved me a lot of scanning time. I never had a worm, a trojan or a virus. Since I got it. I pair it up with Spybot S&D, to bid adieu to those Adware. As much I want to increase my startup loading time, I have to put up with it, as I put safety first before comfort. About Antivir, I don't really... trust freeware virus scanning programs much, because I'm not sure if they are really the latest stuff, but correct me if I'm mistaken. I particularly like McAfee for the instant deletion of trojans (warning that it was cleaned popped out of nowhere), and well, it kinda shows me how aggressive it is.
  7. Goodness... that's evil. I pity the repairman. The woman has some anger issues... Sheesh, it's just a TV... and risk being jailed because of that?
  8. We have different problems. My mouse doesn't lag when there's a pause. I can move it, but I won't be able to do much. The pause's duration is about 1-2 seconds anyway, but it still annoys me. I still have to agree with BuffaloHELP, I think it's my memory. I used to get a lot of memory overloads in the past... But how do I free memory...?
  9. It's not exactly lagging. There's this pause... I type, nothing shows up and then... after the pause, the words suddenly appear. It just looks like it's lagging.I NEVER had this happen to me before. OK, I'll free up memory and space, then I'll say what happens. Probelm is, my dad doesn't want to buy me CD-Rs... even though they're so cheap! He's "saving" money so he says, even though I tell him I need it! He's such a cheapskate... But how do I free RAM?As for the opening up the CPU to clean... that's not really a thing I could do. Plus, I don't think my dad will do it anytime soon. (like the CD-R problem)
  10. First of all, please tell me if I'm posting this in the right topic.===========Computer Specs===========Pentium IV 2.00GHz256MB of RAMWindows XP======The War======The first time I was alerted by these pauses, was when I was watching some of my anime. The video went berserk, it played the sound like an open record, but the video was still, then after a few seconds, it ran again.At first, I didn't mind these annoying pauses, but then, I realized it was pausing on EVERYTHING. I was playing a game, it pauses... and then my character moves again...RIGHT NOW, when I'm typing this message... it lags. I'm creating sprites for my game (RPG Toolkit 3.06), it pauses! *When I create sprites and something goes wrong, I go all out, I concentrate a lot*So I waged war against these pauses. I thought to myself... What could be the cause of it? I thought... THE REGISTRY! So I used my two registry fixing programs, RegistryFix and RegistryTuneUP. They didn't work. I tried freeing RAM, didn't work. I tried to use my Adware/Spyware,etc. remover, Spybot S&D... despite removing unsightly Adwares,etc. It didn't work. I tried using McAfee Virus scan, (always up to date), despite clearing out some backup files of the adware, IT DIDN'T WORK...Then, after some time, I noticed that Explorer (not IE) crashes more often. I was about to rip my head apart. But I'm considering my dad. He uses the computer/internet at times, and I wonder if he had anything to do with it, but I still think it's unlikely, because I scanned, (although he left a few Adware,etc. it didn't work against the pause)I started to think back... When did the pause start, and what did I do that day? Honestly, I couldn't remember! I can't system restore either, I deleted all except the recent one. (I'm saving space)I just came from sleep. I had to wake up early to try and fix it (scanning takes ages) but it didn't work. I had to make up for my lost sleep.Have you experienced this before? What is the likely cause, and what would you suggest to me?I'm very sorry if you found it too long, but I had to let you guys know the things I did.Thank you!
  11. Dolls were around back then. From simple baby dolls, to the extravagant hourglassy-figured dolls of today. Dolls are to help stimulate the imagination. Back then, it was to help children develop a sense of caring, now, the popular dolls stimulate the children to imagine being a teen, having a boyfriend (Ken), and being a snob.It just evolved the wrong way. *sigh*
  12. Nice... I bet it'll be hard to distribute your games made by that, I'm guessing the files will be big... Anyway, that's worth looking forward to. I'm not really happy about RPG Maker XP.
  13. Yes it happened to me... It may be that your PPC had memory overload before. PPCs can be unpredictable sometimes, so expect the strange to happen. I had to delete my stuff as well. Now my PPC has its battery drained. I can't open it. I should've taken more care of it. I can't even stand to look at it. My dad still hasn't bought me a new battery for it.
  14. Hmm... Sharks aren't mindless man-eating machines. They prefer fish to us, and they'll come near you if they're curious. I hate that misconception about scary sharks... But I have to admit, some sharks are deadly, but most of them aren't! I'd rather be with the bears anyway, I can't swim very well... Plus I agree you wouldn't have much to escape to unlike the bear part, so it's quite an easy choice... Bears are terrifying. They're very very strong, they can crush your bones with one swipe, and even if you survive, you won't look pretty... I've been watching a lot of documentaries lately, and I see how those bears do. *shudder* To be more specific, I was watching "Animal Face-off" in Discovery Channel, where you can see how powerful certain animals are and how they fare when they battle against others. EX. Lion vs. Tiger- The Lion won, etc.
  15. Yay! Go Firefox! Ever since my friend recommended it to me, my stressful moments when IE crashed on me, or when it slowly loaded pages are gone. Now I have this useful browser that could do what I want and even better! Sure, it still has some problems, but it's pretty obvious that it'll outshine and outdo IE someday. *gives a cake to the fox*Oh, what fond memories I had with you...
  16. I think it's too good to be true, so it probably isn't true. I'm sure it's a scam, I've seen that site on a lot of scam listing sites. It's either they don't pay you or the site goes down and the payment is reset to nothing... It seems very fishy, and I won't believe it until I see it. (Although I hope such too-good-to-be-true sites exist as a real and honest thing.) That would be7862362454235169979 to 1 I guess...
  17. Wow thanks for that! I've always considered using Game Maker, but I found it tedious and hard at first, and I gave it up... That's a useful link, thank you! Although I've used RPG Toolkit, and got used to it for a while, I still think learning Game Maker is the harder part. I also wanted to make games using the major programming languages, but I never learned how.. thanks! (Although my main problem would be graphics design, which I'm no good at)
  18. Honestly, I wouldn't exactly call that spyware... but an operating system that spies on you when your computer has a problem. It's virtually impossible to avoid problems... Isn't there supposed to be an option not to send info? But if it works very similar to a black box... That means it records everything?
  19. That's pretty cool! Although I don't have a lot of time on my hands to program games and all... >_< It's nice to know that Microsoft wants to bring the relationship between game makers to a new level. Pretty helpful...
  20. Hummm...Favorite things? Reminds me of the Sound of Music...Anyway...-My Pocket PC-Sushi-Wasabi (mmm)-Internet-Swimming-Learning Japanese as well (wanted to because I want to be able to read my Japanese games and talk to my cousins *don't want to be left-out*)-Playing Video GamesCan't think of anything else right now...
  21. It looks good. (I hope my forum's like that *sob*) Mine's so bare... I'm the only one who posted in it. (because my site's not in search engines yet)I'd love to join, but with school coming up, I won't have time to be too active.
  22. Maybe it's just me, but it must be that Google wants each person to only use 1 email in their entire lifetime, so an entire lifetime of emails will pile up to 2+GB? Who knows... they're probably trying to get everyone to use Gmail, and they'll only need Gmail, so for their whole lives, they'll use up more than a GB of mail? Anyone else catching my drift here? Or maybe I'm just thinking too much...
  23. icemarle


    That's a bit selfish, keeping your woman all to yourself. You should respect her and give her some room. Sometimes, other things could be urgent, and come first. You wouldn't like it either, when you want to do something you're really looking forward to, and your wife wants you to do something for her. Honestly, that reminds me of men. But of course, anyone can do that, but it usually happens to be men more often. OK, so you can get angry about that, but won't you try to be a little more patient? You could make her FEEL MORE LOVED, and she'll be even more willing to do things for you and to follow your directions. Trust me, I know... I'm a woman. But you said... So are you saying you just married to get a maid? So you're saying wives are just there to follow your directions their whole lives married to you!? Be sensitive, she's human too! She wants to do her things, and you do yours! Being married means a lot of responsibility. You should each do your part. It's not like I'm against you or anything, I understand that you got angry with that, but you should think about why she's doing these things... Is something bothering her? Is she spacing out? Why don't you ask her? Maybe you're the only one who can make her better. Good luck with that!
  24. Nice... it seems fun and I can use it to pass time, but I definately won't get a high score. I find it funny making a game out of Google though. Maybe it's just me.
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