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Everything posted by icemarle

  1. I had Deja Vu countless times, and I can't remember it all. I was flipping the pages of a book, and I had a friend beside me, when I suddenly told her after I got a strange feeling, I had a dream about this before! It all seemed so precise... Plus, when my mom and I went somewhere, I felt it again... "I dreamt about this!" I guess those were forgotten dreams that become a reality when you experience this.My advisor took it to another level. She went somewhere, and she dreamt about it before. She knew where things are, even though she's NEVER been there before. She knew where the places are as well. Freaky...
  2. Really? It's guh-nome? I just say nome. How do you know it's guh-nome bureX? I'm still confused.
  3. Well, my ideal site should have-In-depth information about what I'm interested in-Ways to communicate (forum)-Awesome graphics (But not excessive and slow-loading)Actually, those are all. I don't have too much standards. Just as it has those things, I'll be bookmarking that site!
  4. I'm too young for it. (OK, I don't know what else to say, so I have to bear this short post)
  5. Little high... little low (Ohh man, I wonder how this'll go when it's the part with the mamamias. )
  6. Seems good. Although I have to admit, one can't get enough money by doing something easy, it's best to save up when there's a chance. It's a shame it doesn't pay out in check... (as they usually are), because I don't have Paypal, e-Gold, and Stormpay. *sighs* Oh well... I guess I have to go hide somewhere and not earn money... *sob*
  7. icemarle

    My Vent Today

    Sounds like me, except for that gramatically sensitive part. What exactly happened? I know a lot of people who're like that, and I have to say, they're the kind of people who'll make me want to rip my hair off and scream like a banshee and make me want to strangle when I see them... I know a classmate of mine who's like that, but she's smart, but still, it's not like I can't match her. I'm better at her in most fields... We have the same attitude, and that's why I can't get along with her. It's a good thing it's summer vacation now. (a few weeks to go, and it's school suffering )
  8. I used to read a LOT of books, but since I entered high school, I didn't have too much time on my hands, and my dad's saving money, so I can't get any new ones. My favorite book? I like classics, so I like A Little Princess and Pollyanna. I also like reading other books. I'm not sure if they're my favorites, but I like reading them. I'm just not sure... There's a lot.
  9. That's an avatar. Go to My Controls at the top of the screen. (it's somewhere there) and then, look for avatar settings, and it's pretty obvious what to do from then on. But if you're making a custom picture come up, make sure its 64x64 or smaller, or it will shrink to a thumbnail.
  10. In the Philippines, (it could just be my school) The class starts at 6:30 AM, we have assemblies at 6:30-6:00, we have breaks from 9:00-9:30, and 12:00-1:00. Classes end at 4:00, unless there's a special assembly or you're doing extra-curicular activities.
  11. Strange... I know my computer is running on XP Pro, but I didn't see the Quotes file. That's an interesting tutorial, thanks a lot! Now I'll be alert to see if there's something around the corner in XP. *drools for more secrets*
  12. *Hopes* Please provide free hosting (And lotsa space!) *End Hope*Yes, it keeps growing until it's a massive overload. Of course, it's a good thing for us, because it's free, and free makes everybody happy. Google has a lot of money now, although it may not show it. They earn a lot just by being a very popular search engine. Gmail is also a reliable email service, so Gmail's the best choice!
  13. Global Warming and Pollution. It might be my opinion here, because I live in a sweltering hot place, and I can't take the heat any longer! (OK I'm exaggerating, but it's hard to bear) Sadly, the house I live it absorbs a huge amount of heat, and it doesn't exactly bring in cold air too often. The Aircon's on most of the time, paving the way for more expensive electric bills.I hope the scientists hurry up with the Artificial O3, because the hole won't be getting smaller as the days pass. Why won't people listen and stop ruining the environment? This gets me worked up most of the time. We can't bear this sweltering heat forever! (Good for you people who live in countries with temperate climates, but if you had a day at my house, you'll feel like you were in an oven.)
  14. I don't really know. I can survive watching it, but it's not the best show I've seen. It has pretty interesting humor at times, but it could be a bit boring. It's not that I hate it, but I don't love it either. I prefer watching documentaries to Spongebob. (Especially Criminal Investigation Documentaries) Yum...I wonder how Krabby Patties taste like.
  15. Well, the teachers have favoritism in my previous school. One teacher hated me in particular, and it's pretty obvious, sniping at me all the time, kinda like Miss Minchin in "A Little Princess" (looks kinda like her too). That was terrible. She kept my mom waiting for a conference for hours. (My mom didn't leave, she tried to show her determination ) What a crap teacher...
  16. It takes up a lot of RAM? I take up a lot of RAM normally, so I don't want my computer to crash because of that. It's not like I'll get more RAM soon in the future , so I might try that out months from now. I've always strived to change how Windows looks so...
  17. Well, I hardly visit any "favorite" sites of mine anymore, but I'd say it's here, as I usually go here the moment I'm online, and Gamefaqs for my gamin needs.
  18. It's slow, yes... it's simply annoying at times, but then, I use it anyway. It's not that I hate it, I cry out in desparation at times, but at least I found an ISP that gives free 15 hours everyday (mostly offpeak) The entire thing costs only about $2. (Actually it might just be less than $2.) Sorry, I can't give a rant in a happy mood, but you should've seen my rants about dial-up when I was so pissed off. (That was a months ago)
  19. I installed it, and after that, something strange happened. I can't access my Gmail account. All I see is, Loading... and then, I look at the bottom, it says "Done" and nothing shows up. It didn't happen before I updated it. Should I degrade it? (I don't like saying Downgrade)
  20. Shinde! (just kidding shigajet) I don't know why, but after seeing your post, I had a sudden urge to say something Japanese. Translation: (Die!) Anyway, I've been through Friday the 13th a few times, and it's an ordinary day. I know so many people who haven't had anything happen to them on that day considered as bad luck. In fact, it's merely a coincidence if people have bad luck on that day.
  21. I've had Deja Vu countless times. It feels like something got sucked out of my brain, then I realized that I've been in that situation before. It still freaks me out sometimes. Then I had a dream about my classmate dying (shot by a terrorist *sorry about the spelling* I know, weird dreams) then, a few months later (although not exactly the same) she was almost kidnapped. 0_o
  22. *shakes head in disgust*I knew sometime, a really tempting and popular money making site will turn ugly after gaining a lot of members. That must be what they were waiting for. Lots of members, and turn them down at the peak of popularity. Oh cruel world.
  23. Paypal Scam? I don't have Paypal, but still, those fraud people should get a life. It's a pretty obvious scam, and still (sadly) some people still fall for them. --- I remember the Nigerian Scam email (I hear about people falling for it). I got one. And I replied (LOL) I said, I won't accept anything. They replied ignoring my message and told me to dial a number and they were keen to have me fall for it, too bad. Didn't they read my email? I said I won't have it happen. I'm starting to think those where computer generated mails. Really? I live in the Philippines, so that got me so upset. I wonder how it'll feel to recieve an email about a guy wanting to transfer money from the Philippines, and you LIVE in the Philippines. Anyway Tyssen, I really want to see that email. I hope you didn't delete it! I could report that to the local police, although I highly doubt they'll take much action. It's not FBI quality . But that was interesting.
  24. Grrr.... I happen to be a big Videogaming person myself, and I'm scared of mentioning that to my friends, because they might think just that. I have a life as well, and just because I like Videogames doesn't mean that people should think that we're geeks stuck to the gaming console. About the one about Asians, I'm one myself, and hey, these stereo-typing only occurs because people don't know enough about us. I mean they don't live here, so they base what they know about us in the media, and treat us in that way. Hey, I might live in Asia, but I speak straight English with different accents. I can speak to an American with an American accent, or a British accent, and even a Singaporean accent, etc. I hate stero-typing about cultures the most. Same there. Most people here "stereo-type" Americans being ALL RICH and have great respect for them. When they see something here that's "Made in USA" or something similar, they immediately brand it as The BEST quality.
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