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Nani Cheri

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Everything posted by Nani Cheri

  1. WOW everybody uses Colgate except me!!!!!!!!! Hahahah Anybody heard of Paradontax???????? Well I use that and it's ABOSLUTELY NOT, tasty!!! But I kinda had to use that since I was Young. I grew up with that paste hahaha!. But it's ver good though, but a very weird taste: salt and mint . If you uses sweet paste you aint gonna like Paradontax, thats for sure!!!! Think Im gonna use Colgate sometime for the fun
  2. Oh My God I just HATE soccer ahaha Think the of it is because everytimeeeeee i want to watch a nice program on the tv there's soccer! and when there is soccer, I can forget my program! my dad watches almost every match.I do like basketball, and I like to watch tennis, because finally i understand the points some one explained it to me not long ago. Basketball is just such a beautiful sport, even the movements the players make looks like a dance. besides its alwayssssss exciting.
  3. Actually I have different preferences for colors. For example I like Black for clothes, Silver for jewelry, Brown for Make up, And Indigo just because it's a unique color I think.
  4. I really like watching As The World Turns, Las Vegas, King of Queens, Idols (Dutch), and America's Next Topmodel!
  5. About your diet and fysical health you do sound healthy! But I don't think sitting behind the computer for such a long time will make you unhealthy orsomething. It DOES effect you social life ofcourse! So maybe if you think what you are doing is wrong somehow, maybe you should go out more and socialise? Keep you friends contacted? Only if you think Im kinda right ofcourse! If you just have a good social life just like you need, then everything is okay right! You do fysical actions and you eat good! It sounds like you are doing very good?
  6. First, I posted to keep my free hosting! But then, I really enjoyed the people here. I found I could learn lots of things in here, and I really felt like coming and posting just because I really wanted to have my say. But months ago I became very very busy at school. My postcount went negative... but I did wanted to keep my free hosting, so I began posting like mad! Hahaha . So then I posted because I had to make my postcount positive again. Now it is postive, and I'm trying to keep it that way Ahahaha.
  7. Oh mY god, thats sad ! Maybe the siruation with the runescape friend wasn't the reason for suicide but maybe that was just too much for him at that point... But it's so sad, cause people who read this kind of farwell letters on the internet don't know if it's a joke or not. Besides it's hard to stop someone behind a computer! I can't believe people can be so unhappy that they actually can robe themselves from their lives? I just get mad to the people who don't see it coming. But then again, a girl nextdoor killed herself to. But you couldnt see she was unhappy cause she was always smiling. So sometime it is hard to see things like this coming, and sometimes you can do nothing about it I guess..
  8. You are very right! They DO feel insecure! What they say about you doesn't matter. Actually what they do says something about them not you! They just got issues with themselves, so they pick out people to react out on. What's the point of insulting people. Live your life, leave others alone. Dont you got somethig else to do? Funny peepz man..
  9. I use Hotmail. Actually I'm very satisfied with hotmail, that I never decided to use another provider for 7 years now I use Hotmail I think...
  10. hmmmm the first computer I owned was a old Hewlett Packard. Not too long ago I had a Packard Bell for my birthday. And 2 years ago I got to take over my dad's black and beautiful Dell. I like balck computers. I don't know why!
  11. I think you can get to know about how the other person you are communicating with tru inet, is without being distracted by his/her looks. Often people attempt to fall in love with the outside and not the inside of a person. But then again, you can never tell if the person is real, or just hides his real personality from you. So, I don't think you can get to know a person and fall in love with that person only tru internet. I mean, i think it will only happend to a few people that will meet after internetting and be with eachother for a long time. But most of the time, I don't think a relation ship will work. Cause you can't get to know the other, 100%. So if you meet and the rest of the thing you didn't knew about that person are positive, it may have a chance. But I don't think it goes that way very often.
  12. yeah but what are you gaining with that? that's waisting time if you ask me! I mean. I thought magazine are made for people who are interested in it, not for people who like to read what others are interested in! ahahahhaa
  13. My first words at the age of 2 were: Bye and Yes (not very special) But if you do had special first words please let us know and reply! :lol:My wrong spelled words:Tifisy - Televisie (Dutch) - TelevisionTangepoesten - Tandenpoetsen (Dutch) - Brush TeethLocola - Chocolade (Dutch) - ChocolateDid you always spelled words wrong way too when you were a little kid? Reply and tell about it, its funny really !!!
  14. Allright, yeah I'd pick happiness too! How interesting! But longevity stands for health I think? That's very comparing to what OpaQue said yes. Hmmm I think I am going to search google to find more about his, I think this idea is actually very logical. I think it's very hard to have all of these elements fullfilled in your life. If you do have them you life must be perfect!
  15. ABSOLUTELY RIGHT! Normally Im not jalous at all. But i think almost any girl is a little bit unsure about their beauty. My boyfriend and I were watching some R&B clips...Then Monica ft. Missy Eliott - So Gone. A videoclip with Monica singing in ot lingerie and she really looks perfect. So what does my bf say? He and his stupid head said: "Monica is sooo hot. Look at her! I really gonna marry an African American girl like her!!! She is HOT!" And I was LIKE: OKAY SO, 1) Im not AFRICAN AMERICAN 2) I dont have that lingerie 3) I aint her dammit! That really was pissing me off. I immediately thougt.. So why youre dating me?! HELLOOO?? So , DONT EVER, say to your girl, you think a girl on TV is SOOO HOT that she can impossible equals that woman! You can say: hey she's nice isn't she. But hey 1 time is enough. Don't push it! LOL
  16. I didn't knew men like to read magazines dedicated to women! I mean, why would you wanna know about how to deal with your period (they dont have that problem) Or what make up to wear? Which shoes are hot, and what lingerie is not?!I do read men magezines, not the men magazine with naked women content (I can look in the mirror to see that), but I find men magazines more interesting. I mean women magazines are full of make up and fashion *BLEEP*, I can't come up 1 magazine that has interesting topics and news articles or political articles, that men magazine does have!I like Quest, It's a magazine full of answers to questions you never thought of, or always wanted to know the answer to! Lots of knowledge! hahahaha If you dont know it, you should try it sometime, very interesting magazine!
  17. I dont think people who are serious coping with the problem of being in the wrong body will easily spread the word in this topic hahaha but any way, I'm soooo happy I am a woman I dont want to be a man. But as far as my period, I'd like to change sex yes!! Hahahah no Just kidding. I bet boy's have their own problems too, which they like to get rid off.
  18. HI! I found out what to do to get the result what I wanted with this: I just tried something, and then it worked! But I did something different what you said earlier,spy_charly, about _parent!! that was necesary 2! in stead of _root.content, I put _parent.content But I have another problem with the content! The dynamic text shows, but the buttons to scroll I made are not. And when Im in the movie where I put the dyynamic content, it does show! you can see it at the site: CLICK HERE for my site hahahaha or maybe I can send my fla file to you? Only if you got time ofcourse, and if other people think they can help me, please reply..
  19. I have made a couple of buttons in Flash, but not with the button symbols, but as a movieclip. But the problem is that I can't seem to find a way to put this code to those (movieclip)buttons! This code links to external text that will load after clicking on the buttons. I made those buttons with a tutorial from gotoandlearn.com, but it is not explained how to put a function like above to them. So what I'd like to do, is when I click on one of those buttons I made, I want the movieclip 'content' to go away and replaced by another (swf)movie! Does anyone understand what I mean, and if you do can you help me? Please reply. Thank you You can see the buttons on my site! http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  20. I have to wear glasses to actually. I dont really have a problem wearing them, but I never do because I find it a thing which makes me depend on it. If i forget them at home, I shoul go back because I cant see without them. I hate that. Then an option for me is to take contacts, but then again, I heard they say that weraing glasses and contacts only make you eyes more bad than they already are. So I dont want that to happend. A Laser surgery would be a solution, but it costs money, and it requires lots of guts. I think its scary a surgery in your eye, I mean, Ikn ow those surgery are good educated and experts, but Something could easily go wrong. Then your lost both eyes maybe !! Hmm , well I don''t know. Ik do know that being blind is even worser, but having bad eyes, is kinda irritating,WHen I drive I always have to wear my glasses! It's frustrating, but I have to, otherwise I can't see the sign hahaa.well, I hope I can make a choice to wear contacts or not, bnut is that true? That your eyes only become more bad then they already were before wearing glasses and contacts? Isn't it so that you eyes startingto get used to it, and then you cant see without them?Now I mostly don't wear my glasses, I hope I can train them like this, but actually I dont really believe itn it anymore hahaha, I do notice that my eyes get tiredor something after a while without glasses. They have to correct themselves or somethin right? Well anyway glasses are pretty cool I think, if you have a trendy one, not some Harry Potter who looks bad on you. Just find a glasses that fits you good.. But it's such a irritating little -forget- thing. hahaa
  21. hmmm thanksss I thought something like that! ahahhaa
  22. I know this is about taking a screenshot of something on your desktop or whatever, but why 'doesn't it work with movies Ive tried it but ofcourse it doesn't work, but is there another option, or is it impossible to take screenshots from movies in win med player for example?
  23. I didn't knew you could change the width of your scrollbars, do you have any idea how to do that?
  24. Hahaha, hmmm well maybe I heard too many harshness for my own as I speak Dutch... I'd rather choose Spanish or Arabic (but that's only because I want to understand some of my friends )
  25. I noticed that there many of us on this forum who'd like to speak German. I can't seem to find German a beautiful language... it has absolutely no 'rhythm'. But perhaps I think about it this way because I speak Dutch, and that seems to look-a-like.
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