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Nani Cheri

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Everything posted by Nani Cheri

  1. that's the problem, I do use this feature (it's View, Simulate download by the way, in the test moviewindow) but it just hides and at 95% u do see it like it should but, way too late. This had no use. If it only shows at 95% the visitor still can't see how long he must wait for my site to load...
  2. pixel2life.com has dome great tutorials to I think
  3. I've made a preloader in flash. Just a simple one, with percentage progress bar etc. It totally works...butttt!!!!!!! when i test the movie, the loadbar is visible at 95 % for 1 sec orsomething, and then my website is loaded so the bar disapears.So basically the loadbar works, but it can only be seen at like 95% bytes loaded!!! What is wrong? I've mad also other different preloaders, and they all do the same...Wassie had a problem to with preloaders, but is this the same problem? That he loads the preloader first orsomething???
  4. well actually I made it, when i was done i thought noooo i forgot French, but I think thats because my second laguage is french ! hahahaaaa sorry bout that, by the way, if it can mbe edited in anyway by operators, maybe someone would be kind to do that for me
  5. At some of our schools in Holland, you can take extra lessons in languages! You can also learn Chinese now, and it's kinda hard if you only speak dutch. It's also harder for people who are older, to learn a new language than for children.
  6. I know the first old record I had was one from Neneh Cherry, I was like 2-3 years old...and I used to dance in my diapers on her songs ahahaha.My first casette waas from: Kaoma - LambadaMy first cd I think was from: Monica - Don't take it PersonalHahahaha, this topic is nice, it makes me remember things from back in tha days...
  7. Yeah, it really is a pity those policemen. She did went to court though... I told her she just needed to show her call historylist, but at that point she was like *a bit* pissed off, so that totally slipped her mind... But I'm sure, there are (some) good policemen out there, they should teach their colleagues how to do their job properly right? Also, sometimes, when I see 2 policemen walking around in the neigberhood, they have thid face like: u can't touch me, Im too good for y'all, Im a important person , Im a policeman. They walk, act, and talk like they are untouchable. Why is that? Why can't they just walk normal? Talk like an average person would do, not like some asswhol who thinks he's better than you. I have another story by the way Here, if you ride on your bike, at night, without lights, you get a ticket too! A friend of mine was riding on his bike with a friend. He forgot too put on his lights. Than a group of policemen came, on their bikes too, and asked why he has no lights. And my friend finally got a ticket, when he could just turn the ligts on at that moment, if those policemen were not being such asswholes! Is'nt that rediculous? You forget to put you lights on, it's dark, okay I understand, it's dangerous. But as a policeman you can tell that if the person just forgot to do it, there is no crime committed orsomethin. Come on, grow up..I can't understand these things! whahaha, I wonder what I'd do in a situation like this...I'd probablly attacked him (hahaha not true!)
  8. That's very sweet of you. I started doing little flash tutorials. I've done some in pixellife.com and guess what? THere was a very useful tutorial to make a flash site. Everything that I neede to know! Step by step, and very good explained!!! This link <<< is sooo useful for those who want to know the basics for designing a simple Flash site. I guarantee to any Flash beginners like me, that this is very useful. well it has been to me! There are 9 or 10 different tutorials, but you work on the same website... and the one who wrote this explains it all very well. gives good tips and effects 2!!! the tutorials are not movieclips, but it's content as a image. that's not so good especially if you have to put some actionscript, you can't just copy past it, cause its an image... but again, these are very good tutorials to begin with I think....
  9. spy Charly, I'll do that. I didn't knew that.anyway...I tried to save the file to MX Flash files, It worked! Thanks Hell Raiser..I do think it's a pity that Flash has this problem...can't they figure something out for this? I think Flash is a great program, but this open up files problem in a newer version sucks actually hahahabut Im glad it worked
  10. hmmm...thanks! I searched on the internet, and yes, many say flash 8 files can't be opened in flash mx...But I'm going to try to safe those flash 8 files to flash mx 2004 files, so i'll have to reinstall fslah 8 again....:Si'll post to let know if it worked!
  11. Hey everyone!I switched from Flash 8 to Flash MX 2004 pro today... Before I made a little website in Flash 8, and I thought I could open it in Flash MX 2004, but I think I've got a huge problem. When I try to open the .fla file I made in FL8, FL MX gives an error which says: Unexpected file format. He can't open all the files I made in FL 8!!!!!!!!I hope I have not lost them or anything, What can I do to make FL MX open them ???????? I hope there is something to do about it; anyone knows what to do?
  12. Okay, that sounds better! After all, I actually made a template in one scene, made buttons, but wondered how to link to the content...is that what you meant?! Using action script to load external files (the content I want) into empty movieclips?
  13. Nani Cheri

    Gay Marriage

    Yeah It think you are totally right. But I think they are against *happy* marriage because two same kind sex can't make a baby. And that's very important for believers is God. That's what I heard. Somewhere it makes sense if in the bible is written you can not enjoy the sex without having baby's. But that was in the past a big deal. Now, we live in different times. So, those who still think old-fashioned. Look around, things have changed!! Accept that. Accept *happy* people, and just legalize *happy* marriage were it's not yet legalized. Here in Holland it's possible to marry, and the taboo about gays are more and more being forgotten. I'm glad, cause *happy* people are just like anyone else...and like you said,.....please stop looking at others ....let them be....look at your self....first look at your lown ife and get that together first!
  14. This is really nice, I agree with Razor.. Great job....And you certainly have creativity talent :PI also want to make a template to for my website...looks like you could help me out maybe ??
  15. I understand you gotta gave some experience with Flash. And I know how Flash works. I have done basic tutorials etc. Pixel 2 life is a good site, I know... But anyways. If I want to make my website ...it should be one movie I understand, or it would be better if I did this in one movie (so maybe I can create a different scene for each individual page I want to create? and then link between scenes, (I have read an tutorial for this)... Well thanks for the help everybody!!!Truefusion, thanks for the tip. I understand not everyone can view Flash sites If they don't have the plugin.. and shockwave etc..Thanks again, and please, if anyone else has some tips for me as a Flash beginner please post! thanks!!!
  16. Hey everyone, I began making my website with Firworks, and Dreamweaver. But I really want to know how to make a website with Flash. I understand with this program you make 'movies'. I have done some tutorials too, and I get that. But what I want to know is, if the content in the different pages (like home, contact, links etc.) have to be one movie? Or do you use other programs. Like this site below, it's a beautiful site of the Luny Tunes (reggeaton music artistgroup): Luny Tunes But is the whole site a 'Movie', or is there some HTML in it as well, like tables to putyou content in. I can't find any begin tutorials where to start if you want to make a site. Only tutorials for like, photogallery thumbnails, tweening etc. Can anyone Help Me?
  17. yeah, that must be so hard having a family member just having this problem an throwing their lives away with gambling. It's not worth it. And, how can you prevent this? You know your mother in law has this probem, but what I can read, I think you don't really seem to know how you can prevent her from going back to a casino and gamble every cent away. I think this is horrible ... Mostly if you are this close too her, but can't find a way to stop her throwing her live away.
  18. Absolutely right! If they wouldn't be around, you will see what they were good for. Without them, you wouldn't be on this planet. They've created you, so they always have a special place in you heart, even when you sometimes could just hate them like mad.
  19. I love musicals and theathers... I have been to A?da, which is about a egyptian slave who gets with a white rich man. It was beautiful.I would really like to go to the Lion King. I love the disney film, and it would be amazing to see it in a musical. But musicals are so expensive to go to. I havent got enough money to go to Lion King LOLI also like to got to ballet shows, I went to the Swanlake. It was beautiful I love dancing . But you know, the enironment and the feeling is the same in a theater, with musicals.
  20. yup take the initiative, get in touch with her parents. My parents tell always tell me how glad they are with their son-in-law, because he always show some respect and gives them attention and makes sure he let them now Im in good hands good luck
  21. I think it depends. If you can come up on a game she wanted for a long time, and she always talks about it, but can't afford it or anything. I would choose the game. If you doubt about the game, and aren't sure if she wanted that game for a long time, I should choose the teddybear on the second choice...I don't like games, but from what I understand she does, and I think a game that she always wanted would be nicer for her than a teddybear...eventhough thats not a bad present too...I mean I would like to have one especially with the doctor team it sound very cute.
  22. I read your post, but why would people not be normal because of their gothic or other clothes. Clothes have been (next to the fact their just to cover your body) given a function as a material to show people who you are trough you clothes. A symbol, it reflects one anothers personality.I believe clothes do say more about you than the most people think. It says thinks about the person who wear them If everybody wears the same type of clothes, the world would be very insipid don't you think? Moreover, people firstly shoudl put away their preconceptions concerning people and their type of clothes they wear for once, then they will see that they will have much less problems with peole who wear gothic or gangster.
  23. I completely understand how you feel about those people who just run as a herd animals behind each other and those who must follow the recent (sometimes the ugliest or the most horribble) trends, to make sure they belong with the group. They are afraid to be unique, or create their own style.When I just thought I was going crazy was with those shoes: Uggs..Their really UGGly, (the names says it all) but because everybody wears them(the one who started with them were unique, it was kinda nice than) and wears them because they have to wear it because it is the trend. I mean, they even wear it with a clothing combination what makes me think: what in the world were you thinking girl?Anyways, not that after this note people who like Uggs will hate me, It's just my opinion that I don't really like them. but thats the point, thats because of everybody got to have them here at the moment. Its just not unique anymore.So no hard feelings if you do like them okay But you know, for those who have their own style, keep doing what you do...
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