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Nani Cheri

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Everything posted by Nani Cheri

  1. What about 7Zip??? It can open 7 sort of files including .RAR and .ZIP!!! See website http://www.7-zip.org/
  2. Oooh man! I am so sick of the WC 2006 Haahha every were I got: ORANGE!! ORANGE! Orange flags, orange faces, orange balloons, even orange chocolate!!!Okay for those who dont understand, I come from Holland and thats the color of dutch team!First of all, I am NOT for Holland, I hope they lose first next game they get in to! Brazilll or France Are the wons I would yelling for .....................if...............ike soccer :rolleyes:BRASILLL LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LAAAAdamnn excuse me for my english in my previous post hahaah
  3. Since Prison Break was broadcoasted on the tv here in Holland I've been watching it ever since. I have watched season 1 and looking forward to season 2 that comes in octobre if Im right. I'm sure there are a few people of you who has been watching all episodes of Prison Break too so far . But I was wondering how y'all think the show continues after the last episode (22).Here's what has been told me: If you watch the last minutes of the last episode of PB, you see the prisoners running trough a field with the cops on their back. But if you look closely you see a small light. People say that is a plane with the father of Micheal and Lincoln Scofield, rescueing them. I read this somewhere on the internet so I'm not sure about the reliability of this story, but it kinda has a logical sence in it I think. It could continue like this for the escaped prisoners.How do you think it will continue?
  4. I think you should only say it when you really reallyy mean it. It is true if you say this too often to your partner it is not special when you say it, because it becomes like an sort of automatic phrase you say. Like on the phone, many people end the conversation with 'love ya!', but that is not special anymore, you dont think when you say it. I think you should say I love you but not too often and only when you truely mean so. Otherwise you dont seperate the people you love and the people you reallyreally love unconditional, and thats not what we want right.Why not say I like you to a person you dont really are sure about you love... or to your partner. then you can say at the moments you really need to 'I Love You'
  5. It is so sad to hear about girls at an young age getting pregnant in the first place, but also when they think it is fun only and want to keep the child. They dont think about the consequences about having a child. If you dont have finished school, and dont have a job it is not fun at all. Maybe in the beginning they think it so cute etc. but what when they grow older? They go to school and want to go to danceschools or get pianolessons.. and you cant give them what they want. They will always be sad about it because their friends all can have piano and dancelessons. I mean as a mother or father, you want to give your kind all that he wants right, and want em to be happy???Please think before having unprotected sex teens! Or just be protected when having sex. Especially girls should know 'the pill' is not difficult to take in just do it. THink about your future, and what you want to give your child in the future when you are ready..
  6. Oooh man, I sleep not long enough! I guess you need 6 - 8 hours of sleep right? Hmmm maybe I can get to the 5 hours sleep. I dont know whats the matter with me. I cant fall a sleep before midnight. And after midnight I always get hungry, soo I go make something to eat, which takes time. Then I just do something until I really feel tired. So I always go to bed at like, 02:00 AM orsomething. Its no good I know. I almost sleep through my alarmclock all the time, and come too late for school. So Im always in a hurry in the morning. Its silly really. I guess my biological clock is just messed up. But gosh how hard it is too get it right ahahah, im so used too getting little sleep and go to bed late.
  7. You are so right about these movies nowadays!!! Especially sex/love scenes are annoying the hell outta me man! I mean I cant even watch a movie without people having sex or those scenes were they show people kissing eachother for 5 minutes or something. I mean their in love, I GET THE POINT you know, 5 minutes of kissing and licking and slimy things is not necessary! Sometimes its just totally off subject too. Next I cant even watch a animated movie without kissing and stuff. That really annoyes me. But like you said Madkat, that they even forget to put cellphones and such away when makin a movie made in 1900's! Ahahaha Thats sooo wack. I mean I understand the movie world is not as good as it was back in da days now with illegal dvd's and all, but a little bit quality is not wrong.
  8. I don't have a religion too. And I also think the woman who said Ayaan Hirsi Ali actually is not a dutch citizen, after all these years, just tryin to help her image for the ellections wich are coming soon.It's a pity how people still only think about there own life.
  9. Maybe you heard this already on the news: Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a controversial member of the Dutch parliament who has been an outspoken critic of Islam. Originally from Somalia, Ali who in the past has called the Prophet Muhammed a tyrant and a pervert, argues that Europe must stand up to Muslim extremists or lose its right to free speech. Many Muslims cannot find themselves with her point of view and perspectives concerning Islam. Now she want to go to America to try spreading her message, since she has not been able to get to people in the Netherlandss. Years ago Ayaan already said that she has lied concerning her past and why shes escaped to the Netherlands as a refugee. Political opponents want her stripped of her Dutch citizenship and deported. Others say she should be expelled from parliament. What do you think? Do they have to make no exception, or should Ayaan get a valid passport? More information here:
  10. Ofcourse you could have had or stille have problems with that, you missed a parent. But children with lesbian mothers have two parents right, I don't think they know better because they get love from two parents. Although there is no man in theire life, I do think they kind of live with it. Because they dont know better. People who have a dad but didn't grew up with him, actually can have a serious influence not having him there, but thats because you know you have a dad, you miss something. Then it influence the child indeed I think.
  11. Your site is beautiful. I like your style. Really unique. Are you sure its your first attempt at making a flash site? It looks quiet professional too me. I made a flash site too, but yours looks much more professional then mine. Well done! Keep it going.
  12. Its a pity that not all country you can see the streets and buildings. Only the biggest cities, which is understandable. But yeah, I installed GE and its funny indeed
  13. well I understood that, but its still their choice. Is it your problem? Do they hurt anyone? The child will not miss a father figure. It has two great parents who love em if im right. the child will be just fine if the parents explain at a young age why he has two women as parents: a mommy and a mommy-daddy. They can do dad things with him just as well when he would have a man as dad. Those children get used on the fact they grow up with two mommys. They will not be missing anything. I know because I asked my friend who has two mothers and he explained how they feel. Its normal for them. They dont know better
  14. I dont know in what school you are in, but like before university ( caus in holland is quit different from other country's) once you have no friends, it will be hard to get friends, because they always expect something. They want to see you do something they wouldn't dare, or they want you to do something crazy, just something that makes you special, and stand out from the rest. But thats normal. They are cchildren. Once you are on university, it shouldnt be hard to get friends since they are all grown up an experienced much. If you think you do want to make connections with people (cause thats very good for you for anyone), then I should start with talking to people on the street. Have a great smile even if theres nothing funny. I f you walk on the street with an angry fface, you will push people off. Thats not what you want to do. Rather its in the train, or at the laundry service, make sure you just make a chat with the people arround you, no matter what age. Every little thing helps, besides it helps your social skill to develop. Try sportclubs, studentclubs, jobs, and school coadministration council to join. Join everything were you can find people to talk to, to meet! Its very necessary to also stay in contact once you met someone. Dont wait for them to make the first step to come and talk to you. No one gets friends with sitting and just do nothing. Some Action is necessary.Make time for your friends, or people you just met. If you spend too mch time behind on your pc to search friends, or talk to 'cyber'friends, you can't be outside making real friends! duhhhGo out more, dance clubs, lounges cafes!!! Good places too find at least people who want to talk.Most important of all is that you face must radiate joy and openness. So that you attract people towards you. If you walk on the street with a smile on your face you will see that people will do make more effort to make a chat with you. Success
  15. Arent there Bisexuals too? Maybe they like both, but are with a girl, so they call themselve lesbians... But does it really disturb anyone? Let everyone live like they want. As long it doesnt hurts you why bother... sorry dont understand the problemand Im hetero by the way
  16. sounds great but can I see my house too? in Holland!? Wouldnt be surprising if they forget holland it so small counrty.
  17. It worked well with the parent code rvalkass, thank you so much
  18. Hi, I have this menu on my site which is build in a table. when pointing over a cel with mouse, the background of the cell changes in white and produce a special code: <td align="center" bgcolor="#D6C2B4" class="bodystyle" style="font: 9px Verdana" onClick="location.href='about.htm'" onMouseOver="this.style.background ='#FFFFFF'" onMouseOut="this.style.background='#D6C2B4'">ABOUT</td> The normal linkcode <a href="...'> is replaced by , onClick="location.href='...'" I want to open this link in a iframe. so i thought using target would do like this: onClick="location.href='about.htm'" target=iframe1 etc... but that doesnt work in combination with the code above. however the page does load in iframe and with target=iframe1 etc, with a normal link like this: <a href="about.htm" target="iframe1">Tea Tree.</a> so the page which is linked to is typed correct in the code, and the target name is correct to. So what code should I use to open my menu item(cel) in an iframe??
  19. I think you'll hate every song that the radio in your alarmclock is playing.So...Throw it away, and if you think an annoying beep is better, buy a new alarm clock with an annoying beep. No Laffy Taffy and Im a *BLEEP*ing pimp biatch! anymore. Unfortunatly the problem of being awakened from your dream will stay.
  20. hey, for people who are still interested in sites with tutorials for making slothes in bodyshop for sims 2, I found something for you: click here with these tutorials I was able to create my very first own dress: click if you wanna see it. front back good luck!
  21. I think about a boy I know every day since the day I met him. We live very far away from eachother, so it should be easier for me to forget he ever excists. NOT! He's every day on my mind even for one second. But I just live my life. I call him once in 6 months or something, I see him twice in 6 months I guess. This guy, he also has everyday another chick he goes out with. He is a real *BLEEP* , but I do know why he does that. It's because he thinks every girl is gonna hurt them , he leaves them before they can. But I know, and I told him I really love him, and just tried to make him understand that I will never hurt him. And he knows that. And one time he said to me he could love me so much back, but that he would hurt me, that he was'nt right for me. So I guess, he just has some issues why he's acting the way he does, especially with those different girls all the time. He just tries to protect himself being hurt. Maybe you should let him know how you feel about him. Maybe he's just being afraid of being hurt by these girls too. You never know. I don't want to give you hope, now that you actually think you are actually getting over him. But actually you can get over him, but still think about him. That's what I'm doing actually. I have accepted the distance between us, but I still think about him. But I don't worry about him anymore.
  22. Windows always asks if you wanne download flash player 8 right? and Im sure he will ask his visitors first I mean, that's important. actually I wouldn't want to surf on a website not knowing that there's something being downloaded on my pc. I mean it will be asked if you agree with the download?
  23. yup, thanks for leaving a message on my site by the way! love it
  24. Hey gurl, I'd love to make a website for you if thats what you were suggesting. But... wouldn't it be sooo more awsome if you'd try to make one yourself? Trust me, you'd be much prouder of it then if I would do it for you. However, I can always help you with anything I know about designing in PSP, to make a great template for you're site, and about Dreamweaver, or HTML and Javascript too explain how I get a fade in photo for example (like my photo on my site). Liek those little things. Just PM me, or email me. You can add me to your MSN if you are more comfortable with that too. I would love to help you out, since there were so much people in this forum who helped me out.
  25. Wow thanks everyone.. You advise means a lot to me cause I don't exactly know what I'm doing. I just make what comes up in my head. I know about the cursor, thats because I wanted to test the feature to chenge your cursor. I think I forgot to turn that option off. And the intro page... I kinda liked it at other sites actually. But if it is irritating I'll think about leaving that out indeed. Im sorry about the glitches you guys found on my site, but I really don't know how to fix it or what's the cause of any of those glitches. If you have any suggestions that would be great! Also about making my site load faster is something I don't know anything about. Im sorry fanaticss...I like the colors this way, and I really like the big orange style as topic titles. I should fix my document being Untitled though... thanks!
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