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Nani Cheri

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Everything posted by Nani Cheri

  1. Dear Seanooi, Reading you topic, it's like I'm the one talking. I met a boy when I was 15 (I'm 18 now). I see him maybe 10-15 times in the week, cause we live far apasrt from eachother. Since the day that I had met him, no day went beyond that I did not think of him. I think that I am in love with him which I have let him know also. He says that he thinks the same way about me, but that he's too much 'player' to actually be able to go with me without hurting me, cause he knows he got some issues;) I also frequently wonder why I fell inlove with him, when I know it is impossible to be with him... Still I keep telling myself that there will come a day that I can be with him. But yes, I have a boyfriend, and that gives problems too sometimes. But I entirely understand what youre feeling at this moment! And I know, you can't get a person like that outta your head for a long time! Hope it turns out well I really do!
  2. Hi!! I come from Holland, we don't have Thanksgiving here...No..the children are all waiting for their little christmas presents unde the christmas tree. Kinda greedy and ungrateful, I think, if there's no occasion to thank your family and friends they are there for you. They actually should celebrate Thanksgiving in the Netherlands too. People can be more consciously about family and friends who they have in their life. I think that it often happends people forget who keep their life worth living. Yes, I would be glad if we had Thanksgivings day in the Netherlands. For people who do celebrate Thanksgiving: Happy Thanksgiving!!!
  3. Hahahah nice story, but why did you choose a Koala? Is that your favourite animal? I think theyre cute, I didn't knew they could be aggressive dough..seems youre a kinda columnist...i thinks you gotta have talent to write like thisNice...hope you'll write some more stories...
  4. HI:D EXACTLY...it would be fun because of the dress, attention etc. maybe? But will it change anything? I don't think so. Yeah their people who rush to get married 2 in Holland .. and the dad and ex-girl thing you talk about too. I still think people don't understand what my point is... Togi, You say you'd be proud if he calls you his wife instead of his girl for example. Why is that? Does he love you more if he says that? I think, that people get married to get a sort of feeling after you said yes, no other person can get between you two. Like a guarentee or something. My point of view about marriage is: I don't need marriage to let the other feel that I want to be with em forever, and that I want to grow old with em. That I love this person with all my heart. I'll make sure that he and I live together with the trust and honesty that is needed to be able to say you want to give your self too the other person. I mean...it is fun...marriage...but I don't need no ring, no title, no paper to live this grow- old- with- you- life that married couples live. I found that someone special (3 years together now) that I could marry, but it didn't cross my mind that I want him to call his wife. I want to hear him say that he loves me, trusts me, is honest and real to me. I don't have to show anyone I belong to him. What have those people to do with our realtionship? Nothing.. I know his mine, he knows I'm his girl... But I do understand, that after you are married it feels a bit different. Cause you DO make a great step if you marry, cause you'll be stuck with him forever (if you don't divorce ofcours ) . But because divorcing is so easy these days...that feeling..that stucking with eachother feeling, will lower a bit I think...
  5. heavensounds, I understand what you are saying here, And in some way I agree with you. But answering the question 'why am I actually a live?' is so hard to answer that it's almost like worrying if the world is going to end someday or not. I don't think we are capable of answering the question on how the world will end let alone how it even started..! But Im sure we all agree that it's not usefull to break our heads about it if we don't need it, but in a debate it won't hurt right??
  6. I've been breaking my brains about it, but I can't come up on any good things in this world...sorry
  7. I really do understand what you saying here, but I know that if I really know I want to completely accept my partner, and get to the partners body but also miond and soul....well... I can do that.... I can give myself to someone, I can really be with one together (like married couples do) , even if Im not married... It's not like I'll become another person if I get married...Im always myself, so I always think about someone the same, and act the same, give the same love, give the same care etc.. I think people get married - because of their religion (or God) wants them to - or the 'guarantee' for not breaking up (because of a child for example), - or because things just get blown up about marriage in the media: movies, and songs (glamour dress, friends, having the most beautiful day of your life etc etc) ... .."so let's marry too honey" (were some people not even think about what they're doin, and get divorced in a couple of months...like J.LO, Britney and... etc..?)
  8. thanks thats really short and clear explained...Ill try that 2!! thanks everyone
  9. In holland we had 2 Eurocent, exastly!!. But thank god they banned those stupid little cents. I like 50 cent better : Go! Go! Go! shorty.. its you birthday!! Just kidding.
  10. Woow!! What .. you all watch Star Wars orsomethin? Most of you actin like you know it all: "End of the world? That's Crap!...etc etc." Also for the people who do think there is an end of the world What are you? Saints? Do you all have sixth senses orsomethin??? We CAN NOT know if there will be one or not! Some things you can not tell for sure, untill you really experience it. And what is the use of forecasting when the end of the world could possibly come. You can say: Yeah, end of the world is crap. There will be no end of the world tomorrow, or over about a millions and billions of years. But what really interesting is: Why do you think the end of the world is crap or not? That looks more interesting to know to me, cause I never heard a motivation for thinking whyu people think the end of the world is coming or not... And Bluekirdy? Why don't you wake up? People aren't always as nice to others as you think. And I don't know which scientists you talkin about but, certainly not the one, involved with all the hurricans, knowing it was coming all along, and not telling everyone on time... People betray and decieve in every kind of way to save their own **bottom**...so don't count on anyone I would say... besides, scientists or not....Nature wil ALWAYS be stronger than the human beings thats for sure..
  11. (friendships) Love is a need that a human being has to fulfill to stay a life. Next to Food, Drinks, and clothes and a home. Food without someone to share with, makes you eat yourself to death.A home without someone to share it with isn't worth a dime.Clothes without someone to take them off for you, come on...that aint no fun...!! Notice from wassie: Removed image, some people found it offensive.
  12. Hahahha, well I think that you can ask a girl if she wants to go out with you anytime/anyhow. She will run away if she doesnt like you anyway and if she does like you, she won't hesitate. I won't.
  13. Im not religious, but I do stand open for different religions. Im just finding my own way of believing...and I'm still learning about different religions...but anywayA week ago I went to the church with my sister who recently totally have 'givin'her self 2 God. She believes. Actually I never (or very often) go 2 the church. But this time there was a ceremony with this Cuban preacher called mr. Santos. He was preaching about some christian nowadays not being the real christians God meanted for those to become, when saying that they believe in God. His point was, they believe, but they don't read the bible. That some of the christian think that; oh well yeah, if I go to the church that's enough...I believe, so now I can go too heaven...It's not like that, he says. He says God's want them to learn about what they believe in through the Holy Spirit (Im repeating what mr Santos said litterly!!)I think there can be a part of truth in there, cuz I often see people who claim to be christian, but do things (like saying bad words, doing bad things, that Isn't mentioned in the bible at all, or whut sounds everything but good to do to me!)I think that, if you say you believe in God and the bible, you should act like it. Okay Im sounding like a christian 2 at this moment, but I'm not. Im still learning about the bible but also other religions. Please understand that im not tryin too push anybody or hurt anybody's feelings about what Im telling about this all.To go back to what I actually wanted to tell, is that mr. Santos something said about the 'end of the world'. He said: You do these things, but what will you do when the end of the world comes? (he carefully linked to the hurricanes, if I understood this correctly, but didn't say this with many words.)Im just wondering. The end of the world...what should I imagine when thinking of this? I mean...the hurricanes...is this the end of the world...or absolutely not and do you think this is crap.Im not trying to involve religions with allt his orsomething, but because of the man (mr Santos) said this in his preach...I wondered what you all think about it. Please don't feel bad, or try to defend you religion or whatever,,,, just discuss and tell me what you think....okay?
  14. Hey Wassie , Please don't be disappointed like this too quick...NL can STILL be on the list 2 man!!! hahaha I mean you never know..
  15. Ooh thanks guys, I know eventually It's me who's gonna need to just make me pass the exam, but with your tips I should do great! Thanks alot!!and if anybody got more tips for me, please reply thanks
  16. maybe this will help a bit.. With this handguide you need to use photoshop for your sims But everything is explained in the website click here for the site
  17. Hi!! The 2th of November I have my practical drive exams (hope I say this correctly). But I'm so nervous.. Don't have a clue how strict they'll look at how I do.Anyone who got their driving license have any tips or anything for me what I should know preparing for my exam???Thanks alot...SO NERVOUS
  18. WOW! This is beautiful. An dyou do this all with PSP?? I made some things with PSP but I never knew I could make these things with it. Are there any lessons on the internet to show you how to do this or any tricks orsomething! It's beautiful.
  19. I've never been cheated. I've cheated my boyfriend once. But it was a long story. I still have feelings for one other person and that'll never go away because he was my first.Anyway, in the beginning I thought my bf wasn't serious and I was young, so I was very naive. I thought...ooh well...we beb breeaking up month later anyway and you know...just thinking stupid etc.It wasn't planned or anything. The boy I cheated him with often comes to my sisters house because he is close to her bf. So, it's not that I could avoid him orsomething cause we had to sleep in the same room...and we hadnt seen eachother for a long time. But anyway, after I cheated I imediately broke up with my bf, cause I felt like I was very wrong doing what I did, ofcourse. After 2 weeks I told him everything, because we kept coming back together. I told him I still got feelings for the other boy. He almost cried for me! And at that point I finally figured out he really loved me.I was so impressed that he still wanted me back. And I started to get to know him better, and I start loving him back. Since then I never cheated him again, cause he showed me (even after what I did) he would do anything to stay with me. I can understand why people cheat if they were in the same thing as me. But not, when people just do it fr one nightstand with someone you don't even know...plus...when cheating when you KNOW your bf/gf loves you and you are for a long time together. And you promised not to cheat ever.okay don't ever do it....
  20. Hi, well some gave you very good advice about where to go, and how to start over again. Very Useful. About your daughter: just tell her why you didn't finish highschool, and what the consequences are.. well she can see that actually herself right now..but just let her know why you didn't finish school and why it's important that she learns from the consequences you are in now. She will always think your her rollmodel anyway, rather you finished school or not...
  21. Im half french half surinameese(? sorry dunno how to spel that in English):How to say I Love You:In French: Je T'aime In Surinam: Mi Lobi Yu
  22. my boyfriends uncle calls me Anaconda..... Guess he tought that's the perfect name forme, since my name is Ananda and I can be like a Snake if you act stupid
  23. whahah daddy long legs????? What a cute name for a spider! better then arschna...yup:P??
  24. Nani Cheri

    Men! WHY?

    Where the hell do you live????????? Or are you just very angry??
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