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Nani Cheri

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Everything posted by Nani Cheri

  1. I think rc-net.net is the best one because people can remember that the best. And its easy to say.
  2. EXACTLY I wonder if they haven't got something else to do. They make themself look so stupid, and I almost think they are jealous at other people the people they hate. I mean, why would you even worry about other persons opinions, beliefs, looks, sexes? What do they accomplish with what they do? I really think it's just the feeling of having power over somebody else, otherwise I really can't think of anyting , why to waist time and effort hating and trying to make another person feel like nothing.
  3. Okay so what about you fall in love with a person and the other person falls in love with you too, but then you find out it is family (not like brother sister or parents, but cousins or something). what would you do? remember you are in love like never before.,..
  4. We are the youngest plante on earth with life on it. Who are we to say Pluto isn't a part of the planets, or whatever, who are we to say this. If there were life on the other planets (but they are died out) I bet they were much smarter than we are. so I think we should just spend or time doing and deciding about more important stuff. Like how we make sure we have enough oil in the future.
  5. The last book was from Mo Hayer (who I think is a great writer) ahe is known from the: BirdmanAnyways I read TOKIO. That book is about a brittish student , a girl who goes to Japan to find the truth about the things happened in Nanking when the Japanes people took over Chinese cities. But man, what you read about them is soo awful. This book is very...very stretching, and very educational. What you get to know about Nanking is so fascinating. Imagine how Mo Hayer just takes you too this world where you dont know anything about, unless you studied Nanking, and still the book is soo good to read. I thinks thats vvery great. Very worth reading
  6. Did you know that often the biggest wish a girl could have concerning her boyfriend, is to actually wanting him to show his feelings.I don't know how you came up with this but I suggest you stop immediately!
  7. That is called a preconception. You hate eachother because you haven't look further than your own preconception about him/her. That way you only see the part on the outside how you want to see it, but not how the person really is. When you actually take the time to get to know eachother, you will find out that what you thought about the other and what the other person thought about you, is wrong. You get to know eachother and eventually the respect for eachother will just come and grow. SO thats basically why people should try to stop now with preconceptions, because the change you meet a great person will only improve that way.
  8. Whaahahah well okay than Bhavesh I've changed the title, guess I forgot the most important things, but thats why I ask second opinons here so you guys can tell me what I have overlooked. I made an english version and it is done Panzer: Thanks for the tip about translating it in Google, but I translated my self already, I saw your reply post too late! Many of you think it's a bit to plain, but I made this template in 2 days and for me that is a very short time actually hahaha, I actually didn't spend much time in it because it had to be done fast. I thought it was to plain too but I was afraid I would mess it up, and besides it doesn't disturb me really. The content is the important thing actually. I want them to concentrate on the content . But if someone has some suggestions for making it less plain, ofcourse you can share it with me I have been very busy, and I have to post more because right now my account is suspended, so untill I have enough credits, and if my account is unsespended I will remove it from Geocities and put it under Trap 17, duhhhhh hahahha So take a look again at my website
  9. WOW You guys realllyyy do that stuff????? Man now that is weird! jacking off on the trough ?? Hey girls kinda cool, lets masturbate above the sink too !!!
  10. why don't you just drop her, somebody who calls every 10 minutes IS a stalker, and knows that. I would just drop her you know , You can worry about her feelings, but what about you , she doesn't worry about the fact she is stalking you, and thats just not respectful ..she can handle it
  11. Welcome at Xisto Bhavesh, I hope you enjoy yourself here, which shouldnt be a problem cause Xisto hosting is the best forum on the internet i think. You sound smart (maths ) lol thats good... well have fun! bye
  12. Thanks for you feedback, I noticd that too that it loaded slow, but I thought that was just my internet... I hope it will get better if I put it under Xisto hosting, or do you think that would not matter? As for the bar on the left, I will do that, that could look better thanks. The blocks I made with Flash, but I actually made them light intentional, because I didnt want that to be very striking.And I will take a look at the welcome part
  13. Okay, rap started as a sort of way to share others poetry. But indeed, some rappers (I dont know why they started that bull shhit), started rapping about money' ho's and cars. And the best part of it all is that they (and people who are fan and try to be them) actually think they are cool or whatever you want to call it. Well hell no. Rap like the rappers do who actually try to say something is good, but the hiphop thing nowadays... Can't call them smart or whatever, they talk dumb and talk trash. But I do listen to some of that stuff, but I dont listen to the lyrics if its 50 cent or Young Jeezy, I do listen to it when its common, kanye west, or talib kweli. They rap normal things in life. But I do like the hiphop music, even dough it is not as what you said in a band, real music, I think I like the bass and well I dont know, just the beats.
  14. I reallreallyreallly want to become...a MILJONAIR and a succesfull lawyer
  15. Hi! I have made a new website... Its still in Dutch, and I have hosted it thru geocities temporary, because fisrt I have to upgrade my credits...and err well, that can take a while LOL But ehh let me know what you think, ofcourse you wouldnt understand the content of it, but maybe some feedback about the template I made with fireworks, flash and dreamweaver? thanks My Website
  16. wOW I really like the wall thing. very clever. i really like the possibilyties to just leave a short comment to let something know real quick about someones site
  17. I would be spending more time outside my house, with friends hanging more out than I alresdy do. I would not go and watch tv all day I think, maybe reading a book, but really tv doesn't interest me a bit.
  18. well I would choose word because if I had to write all my reports from school down, man I would be busy for hours more! Also the internet is something I wouldnt want to miss on my pc. So much information and communication abilities like msn! Communication tru internet saves so much money. Whoever in invented internet is a genius really!
  19. Wow, that totally influences my choice of laptop I wanted to buy, Dell was one of my choices but now I will think 3 times over before I will get that one. But hasnt this happened before with a mobile from Nokia? That was so weird, and it also makes you think about what if it happends to me? But ofcourse this can happen to everything, its not that I have to worry about the whole Dell company and his quality, actually that is *BLEEP* , Ill still leave Dell one of my first choices to buy a laptop. Especially when I see classmates having those, and throw around with it, let it fall ou of their hands, and it still works! It has to be from good quality
  20. I would like to live in the sims 2 nightlife so that I can go out all day, with my own expensive car, and have the perfect partner, work on any career I want, and even if that didn't work I still would have money in a evil 'motherlode' way . And I could beg death to give my family and friends a new chance to live. Yeahhhh
  21. thanks man very useful tips from all of you. And indeed the content is a bit weird at this moment perhaps, but thats because Im still trying to figure out what and how I exectly ( I know spelled wrong, its late) want my content to be eventually....still experimenting as you can see. But I do not want the eempty space on the bottom, I want to expand it to, but in some kind of way I tried to leave that empty space out, but if I do this, the other columns will change its height.. And then those things on the sides will change position in a way I dont like! Have not figured out how to expand it...any ideas?Blacklaser thanks for useful tips! I will definetely take a look at those borders, and figure out what you mean though, and as far as the vertical cursor, do you know how to get rid of that, because I don't really know how it became that way in the first place hahaha thanksps. And YEAH, I looked at my site concentrating on the // and youre right! I will change that at the end of items 'beauty', 'news' etc. like you said... didn't even noticed thats gonna look a lot better!
  22. Hi, I have been working on my website for a long long time, and because Im so busy I dont have the time to make more content, I did change a little bit, and here and there put some content on how I want it to be. now I have vacation and work on it a few more times. Actually I was wondering If I can do something to make it better for the viewers. It used to load very slow, I hope I fixed that a bit with using little images. let me know what you think http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  23. Nani Cheri

    Noob Talk

    Oh yeah I really hate that plz brb blablabla that stuff sometime cant even understand what my friends are saying when they're typing like that. I usually than just stop reading after the first word
  24. That's not bad, your thoughts about God having a plan for us, and we actually try different things too find out what was meant to be for us. I think you can sit and wait and eventually it comes to you, but maybe if you search and try things, you will find out sooner 'for example what your talent is, which partner is the one for you etc. And maybe like that you can enjoy life longer with it.
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