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Nani Cheri

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Everything posted by Nani Cheri

  1. No people!!! You veryveryveryvery FAvourite song...just NUMBER ONE OF ALL TIMES I MEAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I have more songs too, but I mean the one and only good one!!!!!! come on guys
  2. Hi,My favourite song is Happy from Ashanti, cause everytime I hear this song, I associate it with Summertime, and then I always become happy. :)What is yours and why?xxx
  3. Hi, I have made my website lay out in Dreamweaver, mine works fine. If you want to know how it looks go here, If you want to know how I did it you can mail me I will love to help you with it. nanicheri@hotmail.com Okay bye
  4. With which program can I make my own cursors? I do want to make a graphic in PSP first, and the sav it as .cur or.ani for example! So what do I need, a converter? If yes, which one is good? Can't I just save it as .cur in PSP something? Do I need a program???Thanks A Lot
  5. whahaah smoky!!! heellll nooo i aint gonna by that
  6. DEFINITELY NOKIA, the menu is sooo easy to work with, its just good...and i think the quallity is just excellent!
  7. you know, i have the same thing, im with my boyfriend for 2 yrs now, he is so good to me, and he thinks im perfect 2. But i dont really like him as much as he likes me (im not really in love)...but I do love him since its been so long and so much time we spent together because we went with easchother so long. The reason why I dont like him so much as he likes me is, when we started dating, it went too fast, and before i knew we had a relationship. But I KNOW that if I break up, Im gonna regret it. I have feelings for someone else, and he does know that. But that someone else isn't as good as him. Hes kinda gangster hahah.Okay, what I think, she does want you back, because, it's true, when you break up too fast without thinking seriously about it. you gonna regret (because you can never leave someone who you loved just like that). "you dont know what you got until it's gone!" And that's the same thing here, I think she wants you back, because she sees that being without you isn't like she really thought.Im not leaving my bf, altough I really thougt about it. Because i always yell and being mean to him 2!! But now, I think about how it would be if I never saw him again....and even dough I can't live with him sometimes, I certainly cant live without him.
  8. I need a new phone, does anyone has these phone, and can anyone tell me the experience with it. Are you happy with it? And why!??? I just wanna make the right choice, but i like both. Nokia 7260 or Samsung SGH-E530 Thankss!!!
  9. Yeah, I agree with you. They fight, there is war because of religions, but at the end...they all have the same goal: The all price, praise, honour and obey God, or whatever you want to call it. The only bad thing about it is, they don't listen well, and they don't read the 'book' well... 'you must not honour other gods' doesn't mean: 'kill all people (even children) if they don't obey your God'That's really sad..
  10. Your right, you have to believe in something, or you'll wont make it in this world. Really, This world is so bad , I don't even want to make my children on this planet, cause I think it's selfish to do so, since people can't take their hands of childrens.
  11. Maybe it's just the combination with parents and the invironment the child lives in?
  12. Samsung E700 WORTHLESS!!!!! I Hate It
  13. Both of my parents smoke. I don't, my sister neither. I don't like it, cause everytime they take a cig. I imagine their health turning bad. When I'm in a restaurant, I don't have any problem with people smoking, as long as they don't blow smoke towards me...I JUST HATE THAT !! I think, people should decide themself what they want with their life. They make own choices, but as long as they blow there smoke upwards, you won't here me say anything. Enough information, books, articles etc..to know that smoking isn't the best thing to do for your health, so people who chose to do so, know what they are doing. That's Fine.
  14. You can have a formal bond with someone, without papers! That's my point! that god created it, that's another story. When you say I this, I don't agree with you: You can't tell somebody what he wants. They'll decide for themselves if they are 'merely interested in the physical pleasure' Thats *BLEEP* reallly!!! You see all of this too much as black and white, i must say. If it's not this than its the other. - If i don't want to marry , you asume I only want SEX with someone.- Well, let me tell you something, I know a whole bunch of people, who live by the bible of god, and doing horrible things to eachother. So, maybe marriage is a way to get to....but it's certainly not the one and only way to become this close with someone with that you'll love them uncontidionally, till dead parts etc etc. I believe, that my love can be that strong that you don't need marriage to have a bond with someone, or become one and very serious with someone. BUT if you are tryin to tell that marriage is something of God, and only God.... that only people who believe in God should marry and like you've said, really only the simple vows to each other before God. Then I get why -believers- should to get married. But then people who know that they will hurt other people later (by divorcing when having children for ex. but themselves 2) should leave marriage for what it is. I'm not religious, and if it is a God's creation, it is clearly understandable that I didn't understand why people get married at all.
  15. whahah *wow* instrument godess? well I played the piano for 7 years. I started with classical *ofcourse* but I began to hate that when Alicia Keys came on TV!!! She is soooo good! She really is an IDOL for me. So, I said I wanted to play her songs..and I did. I wanted to learn jazz too, but then I had to move to my dad's house. And my mom still has the piano. There's no room for it in here. So, that's why I quit, and I feel quiet sad bout it.
  16. Hahaha , I remember that. It was so stupid. I was in French Guiana with a girlfriend of mine. She brought her *cousin*, a very handsome boy from French Guiana with smooth light brown skin, and lightbrown clear eyes. Gregory was his name... We were swimming, and then my girlfriend said he wanted to kiss me, and she asked if I had done that before. I said YES!!! But actually it was NO!!! But I wanted to learn it and Kiss him so badly!!! So we kissed from a distance from the pool, and he said to me I was a good kisser. I'd never done it before!!! So I was very proud of myself hahahaah but when I think about it, I feel stupid!!! * nice topic *
  17. hey ashiezai!! You know, how you put that...about your girlfriend and everything...I start thinking different about it. Maybe it's because I haven't found a boy who I really am in love with. I have a boyfriend, but I love him more, than that I am in love with him. Kinda brother sister thing... He is in love with me, and that's why we fight all the time, he thinks I don't like him or are interested in him like he is and does. So, maybe when I find someone like you decribe your girlfriend (feeling you do anything for her) maybe I do understand why people feel like marrying eachother, maybe I'm too young and too stubbern and independent to think it's the best thing to do in life! thanks!
  18. Okay, I found that for my self a good reason to marry: it's a tradition, and maybe it feels like an affirmative for your relationship. Perhaps that if you marry you can keep yourself thinking that the relation is built on certainty?
  19. Whahaha your suggesting i see the positive part of live? well if some one is positive about things its me. I didn't say marriage is bad, I just didnt see the special things of it. If I want to be with somebody, I can do that without marrying. When I grow old, I'm sure Ive met a man I want to die with. But to be with someone, I dont have to marry right? Ijust can be with them!!! And I dont care If Im alone! There will always be someone who wants to be with me, but I doubt it that I will be so deperate, cause ive always been an individual person actually. It's not that Onl I grow old, the boys of my age will have the same problem, they grow old to! But the point is, I don't see why I first have to marry someone, before I can say, I love that person and that we can live with eachother for the rest of or life....
  20. I really agree with you about that parents should also be a friend rollmodel for children. Especially for young people who are struggling with their puberty. I had this to, I was so afraid to tell things to my mum, about sex mostly! I didn't even wanted to tell her that I did it for the first time, because I thought she wouldn't understand. I have a really difficult relationship with my mother. We fight about things I did all the time, and with her I always feel like I failed for all the things I should have down right. I think that's really the first reason why I can't communicate with her, we don't act like two friends, but mother and child only. You are SO Right about COMMUNICATION. It's soo much more important than most people think.
  21. Hi!!They say it's every girls dream: MARRIAGE the guy of your desires!!Tha man on the white horse, etc etc..Well, then I'm not normal, cause I think marriage is so not useful! You marry, and then you break up. And if you don't, you live unhappy. (I dont mean the people who founf there soulmates etc.) Why can't you just love eachother without all this stuff? Papers, papers, troubles, money, and if you have to give up the half of you fortune, you get a fight with your ex for free with the package.No thanks, I just thro some party with the same stuff, If I had to so necessarily have the whole thing, dress, birds, flowers, and the whole world looking at you.I'm able to love someone and to show that I want to spend my life with him, without all the marriage...Or is there something els I misses about why marriage is sooo great, and why it's good to show your partner you give him your all with asking him to marry you?
  22. Hi!! Jettison. Liek your name, But WELCOME!! I can assure you, you rainy dayz will now be fun with this forum! Ahahah if your internet works. Im here since, well id ont know, but no so long. Ive learned so much here , and not only about computers, also about just reallife things! Theses guys are th bomb! ahahah me 2!! kidding....
  23. First of all, you DON'T KNOW if it's a lie, because YOU DON"t KNOW, if what the bible says is the TRUTH. The bible says this ...the bible says that... That's really cool, but that doesnt mean that he's is lying. (maybe he just didn't knew !!) Nothing has been proofd what's said in the bible or in any other book or what so ever!. A believe is a believe, the point is, there is no evidence, so you just got to believe what you hear or read! And about that hindu you replied to, you say you find it a very hard concept that life just keeps on going round and round and round and that u keep going without any knowledge of where you keep going. Well, it's the same thought. You have to live good, and respect others, like in the bible: you have to live by the word of god, and you will be "rewarded" too a way 2 heaven. AS FAR AS I HAVE UNDERSTooD (from discussions with hindu groups i went to every week, a month long) Hindu is the same, you live good, and you will be rewarded, like the bible, until you reached nirvana (like heaven). So maybe it's good to first get to know all the information about something, before you going like : "sorry-if-I-offend-here-but... So, now the topic reply: I think there could be life after dead, why not? It isn't proofd that is is absolutely impossible and it will never be proofd cause you can't proof something like that! Even if you could, no 1 would believe you. I also think life could just stop, after dying, but I actually hope that isn't the case, because I love life too much and would be too proud to see what Ive accomplished and been thru, too just to be DEAD and that's it. PEACE
  24. HiI had this discussion at school about young people who become criminal, or don't want to listen any more and become unmanageable. They walk away from their homes, skipping school, are aggressive 2 their parents, or become impolitely and don't have a clue how how to behave themselves in any way!Now the proposition was: 1. That these young people become this way, are the debt of the parents. You look op to them. If they obstruct you in any way, it can influenze your developement worng. If they are too strict, no longer reeel, it goes worng. If they are too soft, and tolerating like everything you do or don't, it'll go wrong. Parents must firstly reflect about what they want to give their children, and wish them the all best. 2. That these young people become this way, are the debt of their surroundings. Middle school, young people start finding thing out like... sex, drugs, alcohol parties... everything comes on their path. Also if you live in a poor, criminal neighbourhood, your children could end up bad, and that is then the fault of the parents. Or do you think that these two propositions are nonsense, and that it are the young people thenselves who make those choices, and therefore they have control of what they do, and therefore how they become, and what he will reach? Let me know, what's your opinion?!
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