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Nani Cheri

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Everything posted by Nani Cheri

  1. Hi guys! Im soooo proud of myself. I made a new website. Which is still under heavy construction. But here's a preview of how I want it to become eventually... What do you think of it? click here for NaniCheri.com Thanks! p.s. I love my tagboard, if you want yoou can leave a quick message for me? pleaseeeeeeee
  2. i am happy about my body, but the fatin my body isn shared failry over my body feel what i mean? but what i would like to have is a normal weight. just normal. but i kow how many people have problems with losing weight, thats why i willa lways stay ha[ppy with my body. But there are just people who would like to have a normal weight under us. not that they want to be different or arent happy about it. but there are just things in live that confront you with the fact that you have not enough weight/fat like a normal person. but it mostly isnt the one main problem like people who want to lose weight. its just something we would like too see on our bodies.. But i do understand people think: whats you problem, be happy.!! Im fat and try too lose weight my entire liefe...orsomething like that.
  3. I do. But not because I want to be fat.It runs in my family that we are thin. And I love it! Im not thin like you can see my bones everywhere. And it's not that I'm not happy with the fact that Im thin. I do have fat in my **bottom** and legs and body hahaha but its weird cause my fingers are thin. Im very happy with my body, but I notice that I'm always cold in my hands and fingers!!! I think thats because i dont hold any fat in my fingers.I just would like to have some fat in my arms and fingers hahaha sounds sooooooo weird I know. But just a normal amount of fat. I mean, fat isolates right????? hahahaBecause of my digestrion which is very good I burn my fat and I cant hold it orsomething. I do sport. I do fitness, eat spaghetti, thought that would help gainig weight healthy. But I don't know. maybe I just have to wait untill Im older?? Im 18 know. My sister and mother are normal and are slim, but thats because they have children i think. When you are pregnant things change.I know boys who want to become fatter and bigger too, because there are many boys who are very thin and slim. They don't like it. They want to have normal fat too. I can understand that.
  4. really? yeah I actually find it very bad you can't see javascript result in DW, you have to test it constantly. I have this problem to with a calendar i inserted with javacript in a table. But only in browser I saw that my table stretch with other the calendar, so some of my content in another column strech with it. And in DW itself it looks good. goes the calendar isnt visible yet. don't know what to do about that. But I think theres no solution for that right?
  5. why is it annoying you. its a term we use, we certainly will not compare it to themusic type hardcore! dont get offended by this pleaseeeee crunk is far from hardcore! not even close. so dot bother having to get use to it. it means nothing!
  6. My favourite season is definetely Summer!!! I thank you for posting this topic, cause now in Holland, it has been Winter (most of the time actually) for too long and I'm so sick of it I could scream for Summer from the rooftops. Now I can free this feeling in my post. I'm longing to drink a huge glass of limonade with millions of iceblocks in it in my badingsuit in my backyard with the sun feeeling warm on my skin. I'm longing to not wearing my coat and just leave my house without even thinking of it! Im longing for my flipflops and skirt! Winter is nice if I'm in my home. Not when I have to walk trough rain and storm after sliding on snow to reach my home!I like the fall because it rains alot and alot of thunder and lightening. Only when I am in my bed. It's warm, and hearin the raindrops fallin on the rooftop is just soooooo good when you want to feel a sleep. Even better if you have someone to hold you
  7. Don't hate your parents. Everybody makes mistakes. After rain, there will always be sunshine.
  8. I have to say I was very shy first time meeting some one I don''t know that well. But if you want to make an impression on her, just act like you know her for 10 years!! I do that. I just talk to people like I know them my whole life! It really works. I just imagine what I would ask or say my friends at a point. people you just met, or don't know much about, appreciate it when you act like you know them for a long while. Basically its just about being yourself... If she really doesn't like you for who you are you will notice after a while, but thats mostly not the case. Most people like people who are just being themselves.stop blowing appointments off. she will think you don't want to get to know her, or she ll just think you are a coward.
  9. thats true man, you should talk with your parents about this. or your brotheres or sisters if you have one. or a close friend you truly trust. whatever you decide please do it safe no matter what people tell you. you dont want to have a kid at you age right now, believe me. And a HIV or other sexual deseases aren't cool to walk around with. again: whatever you do: have SAFE sex, always use a condom! just becareful. i know you heard that a 1000 times, but when you are experienced with sex, it gets harder to be clear in you head and think about condoms when you are at that point you just want to rip somebody's clothes off...i think many people can relate to that?
  10. Well I if you worry about your comupter, start worrying about your energy that you have to pay at the end of the month, or your parents!. Did you know that even leaving your monitor on, spills energy? Even leaving your tv on stand-by, you pay for that! Like you music stereo.. or printer! It's true! Just try to always close you computer if you thik you will not be behind your pc for a 15 minutes. It really does safe you alot of money, and if you don't pay you bills, and you still at home, you parents will probably ask what you did because of the bill that is payable this month! hahaha no .. but leaving your pc on is bad for your wallet thats for sure! hahahahhahahaha
  11. Me, I don't have an iPod myself. But, so what if everyone wants them/got them? What's wrong with wanting to have one? If you personally think and are convinced that you want it and think you need it, you just buy it...duh! It almost becomes sounding jalous saying everybody wants an iPod and it's stupid that everyone has one. I would like to have one 2, but it's simple, I don't have the money for it, so I wait until the trendytime is over. Then they will become cheaper I hope. I have my mp3 now, and it works perfect at this moment. But, why I would like to have a iPod instead is because: - When you are going on a vacation, you have enough choice in songs you want to listen. (To hear 20 numbers of songs in the plane for 9 hours gets very boring)- It just looks great and neat- If the quality of an iPod is better, then that would be one of the reasons too why I would like to buy one. Cause my Mp3 sometimes even gives me a headache in terms of the bad quality sound.But also what I noticed about people with an iPod is this: In the train, metro, bus... everywhere you go everywhere you go you will see people stare ahead of them like a bunch of zombies. People who are caught deeply in their thoughts and seem to be playing in their own musicvideo. That's before you start noticing all these people have those white little things in their ears. They live in their own world listening to their iPod. A complete new group type of people. An IPod sect! Hahaha, unforunaltely for the social ineractions which normally take place instead of those iPods. Yes, many people will think it is annoying. Those who are used to have social contact and expect that they can make a chat in the public transport. But I actually prefer people not talking to me in the bus. I would prefer my music instead of one of those grandma's and their lifestory.
  12. First, I think you are making an even worst mistake by replying this topic, since you haven't figured it out yet that I am not asking for medical help with my post! I suggest you see a optician. maybe that'll help reading better? second, if most of y'all ARE minors up in here, spot or cicatrices of impurities in the face are a frequently attentive things in at a teen age right? looks like a great and useful topic to me.. there you go.. What I am asking is if someone heard from this rumor, and if someone tried it and experienced that it works. Im happy for you your acne is gone, and you have no spots. I do have to say I don't have acne or something, Im just talking about beauty/health things here. by the way Nova, what medicine are you talking about, since there aren't any "doctors" in here, some explanation would help I think?
  13. Hi!!I hope this is the right section to post this topic. I have Corel PSP X, and downloaded some custom brushes. I know where to find them in PSP 7, but I can't find them in Corel PSP X. I think most of you use Photoshop and all, but if anyone works with PSP: hope you can help me out? Thanks.
  14. I would really want an even skin in my face. I have cicatrices and spots. Guess what I heard?! Those spots from sqeeuzed pimples in your face, can be removed with a cream used for piles!! This is something I heard for many times now... It's weird but is this true????????????
  15. I cant seem to be able to fall asleep before midnight!! And I really need it, because most of the times I can't wake up so I'am always late at school! by the way, gotta try to go to sleep cause I gotta get up at 6 tomorrow:(
  16. cant see the harm in signaturing you post. if its a habit its innocent i think... if it is a sentence like: Then I understand the problem yes... But I bet people don't even thought about that their name could be influencing the anmount of credits they get for their post
  17. You lucky YOU! I did fell from a stairs once! But that was when I was little. I fell down a stairs made of stone! Now I still got this mark on my face, on one side of my nose. Everybody asks me if I had a piercing once in my nose because of the mark...and then I have to explain it alll over again hahahaLOL
  18. Try a detective hat and some BIG BIG D&G sunglasses tomorrow!! You gotta make sure they don't regocnise you in anyway! Hahaha LOL. No, just go...it won't be that bad...it would be worse if the water went all over your teachers desk with tests on it...
  19. whahahah mumbo jumbo!! yeah... I totally agree... hahaha they just decided to stop wasting their time to invent time... It's not wrong to share opinions about the end of the world and the end of human kind, but I also agree that it must not give you worries, and make you stop enjoying life, and live each they to the fullest exactly! I think that if there would be a end of human kind, I think it's because the earth hits another planet or comes to close to the sun, or a meteor hits earth or something... that's some thing the best scientist, or biologist couldn't help from coming.
  20. maybe people with un overthought statements should perhaps do some research, read the koran and such before they even say things like that. I do think some peeps just dont know what they're even talking about!1
  21. ...actually I dont know how many words or so you need to earn 1 credit. But I dont think it works that way... as far as I understand it depends on how good and how long your post is .
  22. I don't mean msn, than your back behind your pc again. thats the problem. \i mean you friends in reall life, if you dont come out the house, will they not feel left out? orsomething. \ Or you gotta have friends who like to be behind the pc all day too! thats a good solution
  23. yeah useful if you are planning to play 007 someday haha
  24. Yeah thats true cops. If a baby is not wanted it is nog good for their and the mother's life! Besides if a woman was raped she will always see her rapist in front of her when seing her child.. that should be awful. and incest is very bad too. Can be confusing for the child to.
  25. AHAHAHAHHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAa If Im going to die it's because I cant stop laughing because I read this part!! AHahaha that's a very funny comment man!!!! But the 13 ways for a girl to know if a boy likes her are making me think about something actually hahaha which makes me hope this is so untru!!!!
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