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Everything posted by Echo_of_thunder

  1. well this topic being a year or so old I just hope you have found that realionship by now.
  2. well you both have a very good point there. yes these ad's help pay the way for Xisto. and maybe there should be more of them. but this is just me though. I find a side with a zillion ad's on it a pain in the you know what. So maybe it is a toss up. not sure how it would work but maybe a seperate page so you can have even more ad's yet they would not take up the whole site?
  3. It's not only that, that is wrong with healthcare but a lot of other things too. This all started way back when. Even before GW Bush. It's a little thing called inflation. Also you have so many people getting welfare, that can not pay a doctor or a hospital. they have to get the money someplace. You know if you live in a nursing home in the US you are only allowed 35USD out of your monthly soc sec check? the rest goes to pay for your stay. and then it still isnt paying all of your bill. they main problem is welfare. there so many here in the US that are ripping off hospitals and doctors when all they have to do is get off there lazy blank and get a job. I am not saying your fully wrong in your statement, your not. but that is the main problem with it. So many abusing the welfare system in this country.
  4. that's the thing will will power. being detemand. to set yourself ready to do what you must do, and stick with it. For me it was taking my 1st steps on a walker. 1 simple step, then two then three. I was determand and had the will power to do it. The mind is a funny tool, once you have the will power to set your mind to do something, there is not anything that can stop you from doing it.
  5. I agree on that. why anyone would want to know of when they will meet there maker. I mean say you look at one right after reading this topic. it says you will die tomarrow at 1:32pm. you get up from the pc and fall down dead right then and there. that clock would be wrong. You can not trust them. when its your time its your time. no clock on a pc can tell you when.
  6. Echo_of_thunder


    Welcome to Xisto William. yes it is big here and I think you will enjoy your time here. have fun.
  7. Myself I never trust any add ons for anything for that very reason. But yea and I shouldnt but I have to agree with S_M on this. Kinda makes me think of Google in General.
  8. In other words, It is just easiers and more simple to just report these spammers and have the Moderator and or Admin take care of them, than to spend a few hours of coding. I see your point.
  9. gimmy hold'em any day of the week. Play it weekly with a few friends for match sticks wink. up 300 hehe in the last 6 months.
  10. wouldnt have it at all. One reason I bet that video recorder it has is AVI's which would eat up that 3Gig in a heart beat. also that price. this time next year you might can get that same phone for less than $100Also and most inportant. Who needs a phone with all that anyways. Well maybe the bluetooth. but come on. as long as you can talk and make a call. who cares if it has a cam mp3 windows or wifi. Sorry just my feelings.
  11. Only way a mobil phone is dangerous are 3 ways1 your dumb enough to be talking on it when your driving a car down the highway.2 your dumb enough to be talking on it while crossing a busy street and not looking at what your doing.3 your dumb enough to be talking on it when your skydiving and forget to pull the ripcord.in simple terms no that are not dangerous at all. fact you have a better chance of getting radiation from a microwave oven than your cell phone. Now the old bricks of the late 1970's yes. but these that are out now a days are too well shilded and out out less than 1 watt. so no they are not dangerous. That is unless your better half catches you talking to your boy or girlfriend on it. then your dead meat
  12. 2012 in Dec maybe but there is no way that can put it down to the time. I dont care how good the Aztec calender may have been. I mean come on 11:11 GMT or 5:11EST. there is no way that they could get it down that close. They really didnt even have a true time peice back there other than a sun dial. and best I know they didnt have minutes on it. And if they say that is the day the earth will end, why didnt they say how it would it. would it be by fire water war what?the way thay I see it, this is history that we can not change. if it happends, so be it. we can not change it. So if this so called in of days does happen as the Aztecs thought it would, that's that. But need I remind everyone. Over the years there have been many that said the earth was end on such and such a date. Even early as the year 2000. Hello we are still here arent we? Some said once man stepped onto the moon. the earth would end. we still here. So I say this to you all. Take this with a grain of salt, People say and do things just to make you believe and think. The power of the mind can be transfixed on things like this. So don't worry about it. if it happends it does. there is nothing we can do about it.
  13. What was the source of this information. I have not seen anything about this at all.
  14. Well to be honest with you and everyone here I have had to deal with Depression on and off all my life. Best thing that I have leared is being around other people. I know that sounds strange for someone that is and has battled depression but being around others will help to keep your head clear and off of things that you shouldnt think about if you know what I mean. Also having a hobby, something that you like to do and that will make you use not only your hands but also your mind. with me it is well weather. It will make you think twice because it can change in a heart beat.
  15. I have use PSP on and off for years, but here of late I have well and this is gonna sound strainge with all the nice graphic programs out. but Got into using Windows Paint again. True you cant do near what you can with it as say a paint shop but I still like it for some reason.
  16. Switchview, not really knowing much of rapidboards, really dont know. but may I suggest AEF They already have a shoutout box that comes with the board and many templets. Most of all it has a very easy interface. Only problem I see you having is convert over. but with you on a free hosting board I am not sure if you could get to your database or not which I kind of dought anyways. Good Luck
  17. Longhorn then BlackComb by any other name it was not XP but Vista's code names and it Bit the dust.
  18. I hate to admit it but your right S_M but but you have to admit there some people around that do like that sort of thing. Yes you can make them yourself and make them all flashy and nice. but there some that honestly do not have time to sit down and do all that coding and need something fast and temperory.
  19. really like that sig you have there. so cute too. I would have blue bear in white though.
  20. I happend to be surfing the net tonight looking at all the ways that dropdown menus can be made and happend to find this Fantastic site. I think anyone that is needed a Drop Down Menu will agree. http://www.opencube.com/index.asp
  21. Simsons? Family Guy? Huh? lmao I like my MTV. lol but honestly never really liked both of them. So don't have a cow man, or I will send Stewie after you with his Ray Gun
  22. oh man a topic I can relate too. I do love old school computing. Kind of funny this topic would pop up too. because I happen to be digging around in the basement and found a old Coo Coo lol With a copy of Dos. So brought it upstirs along with a old B&W TV. Yes you got it for a monitor. will fired that puppy up. annd works fine. Even had a few old Dos games in it and a Dos Copy of Juno Mail lol. but on to the topic at hand.1 Dos. so very simple Thank god for copycon.2 Windows 3.1 3 old style modems. 4 When you could get into a chatroom such as AOL Meeting nice and friendly people.5 See 1 thru 4
  23. Welcome to Xisto Gothx. I know you will really enjoy yourself here. a great forum and a wonderful bunch of people here with lots of great information.
  24. Okay all time to put on your thinking caps because I got a problem.When I open Yahoo Mail using IE it will not open fully. Only Sender and Subjet boxes and no place for your texted. Yet I go to Fire fox and it open's fine alone with Google Chrome. I have run Anti Virus, clean, Also Cleared everything. Even have rest web setting and it still will not open. No big deal really because I only use my Yapoo mail as my junk mail.
  25. yea I found that too. Thing is the PDF maps are not very clear if you need them in a hurry. Also my state of NJ true we only have about 3 or 4 tornados a year. most being in the EF-0 or EF-1 range. which as tornados go. isnt that bad. as for Quakes? There are always small trimmers in the NE USA just so small you rarely here of them. Believe it or not you have a fault line that runs right through NYC! Hurricanes? Well the last hit new jersey had was in Sept of 1903, so you see we are long over due. And with the patterns changing in the hurricanes as they have over the last 5 yrs. Our chances are up to 11.5 percent. which is up from the 8.2 of last and the 5.0 of the year before that. Yes people here in not only NJ but all of the NE have become naive as you say. But and some day I am crying wolf but. they best have there stuff together, because it will happen oneday. Maybe this year. maybe next. who really knows. But look at it this way. 106 yrs is a long time without a direct hit of a hurricane. something has gotta give.
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