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Everything posted by Echo_of_thunder

  1. well I am so happy still that my steelers won. Most superbowls ever at 6! only thing I was not happy with was some of the calls on the Cards. Seemed to be as the ref's was a little bias. And when there should have been a flag, there wasnt. And that little smack talk after the game. was that really needed?
  2. cut and paste huh? in so many ways that could lead to a lot of problems I think. I mean say someone is talking to another and they say something, then the other could cute and paste it to sound like that said something totally differnt. I am not saying anyone would do that but that idea would come to mind for some. Sorry to some of you but we all know how some kids can be so childish sometimes, and honestly there some adults that could be the same way.
  3. Thank you S_M, as I said before Safe mode is your very best bet. Check and see also if anything out of the ordernary (think I spelled it wrong) loads Still have a funny filling you got a bugger.
  4. Time to fire up some Queen We Are The Champions in the old CD. WTG Steeler nations lives!
  5. rainbow far and away is the best
  6. Does the saying Don't hate the player, hate the game, come to mind here? Dude she just wants your jacket or candy. thats it. if she was interested in you she would show it, not just when you have these things but when you dont.
  7. steelers 31 Arz 21, thats how it's gonna be and if you don't like it. Your a Saints fan,
  8. Yea JL is the man when it comes to finding this stuff. and I feel sure he has a lot more and better ones since the start of this post. I have used the http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ myself. only thing is they all seem the same.
  9. I had thought of that too. But he has found some software and now trying to find drivers that with work with and Beeping Vista.
  10. Sounds like you need and MUST start running some software.Myself I use AVG and Bitdefender and I have never picked up anything other than a bad cookie since installing these 2 peices of Free software. Also too you must check your internet settings and some will laugh but make sure you have your windows firewall up too. isnt much but it helps.
  11. did you try and start it in safe mode? also and it sounds as maybe you did not make a system start up disk. It sounds to me as something is is not loading right. Or you picked up a nasty little bugger someplace. there is a virus out there and I forget the name of it but it will make your pc do as it sounds as yours is doing. Now I will go and run for my life because you just may have to reinstall. that or get another ADD and take the old one to someone that can recover your data. sorry bro
  12. Oh come on now Tramp, we all know how to take out the net. You feed it enough spam and it will get so full of it, it will exsplode.
  13. Welcome to Xisto Unveiled. I know you will like it here, great forum and some very good people too. The free hosting with the Mycents isnt bad too
  14. well you know thoughs rich guys over at google IT they have to have a coffee break sometime. Guess one just spilt some on the wrong keybord
  15. Okay 1st off it was NOT my fault I had nothing what so ever to do with it. Maybe it was some of a you know who's spam that caused all of it.
  16. If your using a Sam's unit you should be able to Convert your playlist into php or html, for the 19304 the port, that is a tossup depending on your host. But I myself don't see a problem in it. Consult your host on it though. also Adiorelm.
  17. Well mine is right after my hot shower in the morning Along with a cup of coffee and peice and quiet. I'm in heaven.
  18. Well My Girlfriend is from The Philippines, There an Education is very important. Schools are 6 days a week. also shorter vacation times too. Her Brother has studied in Japan however, where there Highschools are like our 1st year of college here in the USA.
  19. Mt Redoubt in Alaska is about to blow it's top. http://www.weather.gov/afc/ if anyone is interested in this. The Volcano has not Erupted yes. the Ak NWS National Weather Service is still getting the above page in order, so some links may not work as of yet. There is also a webcame of the Mt Reboubt Volcano on the site.
  20. Well after seeing this topic pop up before and now again made me think back to past relationships. Yes it seems as you do gain weight when in a good and loving one. I think because you maybe happy and when your happy you eat more than say when your depressed. Who knows for sure if that is the reason, but yes a good relationship can make you gain weight.
  21. Okay it is time for the elder group here to show there age haha. Digging through some stuff the other day I found a bunch of old Dos Game. So I put them in the PC and been reliving old and good memories. questions is simpleWhat is your most favorit DOS Game of all time and why?Myself it is a toss up between 2 gamesDuke NukemWolfinstineBoth of them are much alike I know but just down right fun. yea yea I know the graphic are down right Yucky and the sounds are poor. but hey There still fun.
  22. JL is wright. Reason is all these artists had not getting the royalties from the music download. Now you have to pay to download most music, to not only pay the royalty fees but to help pay for servers and storage. There are still some music around that is royalty free but very hard to find, and chances are that they have been edited and redubbed.
  23. Ponds I really dont know what the convertion would be in US Dollors right now but most likely I would put some away, send some to My GF and her family in the philippins and then with the rest, love off the interests.
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