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Everything posted by Echo_of_thunder

  1. Yes I do agree but to a point. Some of these file sizes of movies,music and 3D do use a heck of a lot of bandwidth. As much as I hate Comcast I do understand there point. because if they did allow all there they would have to have a big price increse to there custormers. So you tell me would you rather have a limmit on your monthly bandwidth? or be paying double if not triple of what your paying now? Supply and demand is they key here. Notice from jlhaslip: No need to quote the previous posting, especially when you are the first responder.
  2. As someone that loves music I have to wonder sometimes of all this myself. Yes I have listen to Stairway to heaven. Myself? Nothing was there other than a bad beat. Now I do know for a fact though that when your in alot of stores the music that you hear playing will have something hidden in it telling you to buy this or buy that. As for Rihanna, and Tupac? No, and I will tell you why. For the lovely Miss Rihanna, She is on top of the charts with anything she does. Yes people will read into it, and think what they want or hear what they want. As for Tupac, much the same way. he had a lot of big time fans, and with him being gunned down the way he was. again people will hear what they wanna hear. It is the same with say Evis. After he died everyone was playing his music backwards, or at double speed just trying to hear that he was not dead or it was all a joke. '?
  3. Well as said below you would need a white and black list. The one's say that are loaded onto your messenger would be in the white. keeper list. Yes a warning would be great. Say it give the sender a warning message, so if they are a real person they know not to send a link or a full link again.
  4. Have you ever opened up your YIM,MSN or what ever messenger and been bombed by bots selling there sites? Yes you can set up your messengers to only accpet from persons on your list only I know. But has anyone ever thought or seen of comming up with a program that would block out someone that gives out a web address? I know something like this would be almost impossible to do, but think of it. Having a Adon for your messenger that would block out such junk as this. Why Yahoo,MSN and Google has not come up or even thought of this idea I do not know.
  5. What I am curious about is if any of these pay Via Snale mail and not Paypal. Would rather use a Post Office box than have to have to give any thing like a bank account number. Heck I really hate even giving a phone number on line now a days.
  6. I have to really agree, details man Details. What will you be using this build for, Gaming Editing or just surfing.
  7. andything BUT capet. here are reasons why.1. it's a beep if you happen to spill anything on it.2. if you have a pet. well you can figure that out on your own.3. you have to have a vaccume, and have to deal with messy bags. Reasons for a Hard wood or laminate floor.1 a lot easier to keep clean. 2 the look is so much better.But there some draw backs to a hard floor too. If your home has a lot of traffic. the floor will become scuffed and scratched quicky then have to be replaced. and that is costly. So I can see why your fokes picked the carpet. Now a days everyone has to save a dollor anyway they can.
  8. yea I saw on the weather channel that London had snow. so pretty. been trying to get with a friend from there to see if he took any photos. still havent heard a peepl
  9. have used them both, can't stand both. but as for software goes? and if I had to pick one of the two to use. Northon only because they have been around the longest and have the best record.
  10. welcome to Xisto we talked a little yesterday. I know you will enjoy your time here at Xisto greatly. A bunch of good and helpful people and a very large foru, Enjoy.
  11. Google is god god is google because I was just gonna tell you the same thing. that virus you had beeped the software. been there done that many times.
  12. be willing to bet my last $ that they will be. why? think about it. why put IE 7 in the new a new OS when as soon as IE 8 would come out say a week or 2 later everyone will upgrade. Common sence tells you they will be together. But then again it's Microsoft. Just hope they have all the bugs worked out of the IE before they put it into Win 7 and turn it into a vista.
  13. people may think I is spam but honetly the above? So very True. And there is no Difference at all Tramp. I was only saying that would give some the idea. yes I also know you can do all that with E mails IMs and heck even here in the forum if you wanna get right down too it. All I was stating was it would give the
  14. well Disney has always been a roller coaster stock anyways really. If they have a hit show or star there high, if they dont they low. But with the way things are now yes I can see why there theme parks are going. Same with bush gradens, seaworld. And 6 flags here in new jersey was down from what I hear. But you have to remember this also. that was for the 1st quarter, of the fiscal year Oct Nov Dec and Jan. Generally slow months for any outdoor theme park Be it in Fla. Cali or even Japan. Willing to be you though of that 32% 16% was due to the time of year. the rest due to the state of the world and the bad Depression we are in. Yes I said Depression. Don't let anyone tell you that it is a Recession because it's not. and no I dont wanna hear it's Bush's fault. all this goes back way before him. but back to this topic. Yes I have noticed here in New Jersey the same things. as I said 6 Flags was not as busy this year. Our beaches not as packed as normal. Some of the fishing party boats did not even open this past season.
  15. 1st work huh? very impresive. I do agree with JL though, you need both sides to match sizes. Also not to fond of light blue, since it is for a taxie service, yellow and black maybe? so maybe another exact page like that but in english, so you may switch between the two of them. Other than that, 9.5 on the ole Echo Meter
  16. it's bogus. they just want all your info. got that same letter yesterday on my yahoo. the return e mail address should tell you it is.
  17. don't ban just feed him spam

  18. here some snow pics I took with a el cheapo Digi cam I got at wal mart. Could be better but could be worse. Just thought that some of you that maybe have never seen snow would like to see. Snow Pics EDITED added another page of pics. Enjoy all.
  19. lmao You don't have to tell me of the canes and waves. Deal with that stuff all the time.
  20. Well New Jersey had a small Earth Quake Last nite, Not too far from where I live. Did not feel anything from it though. Said it once will say it again. Be Prepard. see full story Here
  21. Oh man, Yes it will not be long, before the smells of gas and burning tires fill the air. Can't wait. Then before we know it my favorit race will be here. the Indy 500.
  22. That is the most important thing you need to do I feel. having your site in both English and Spanish. Also I would think of maybe a better logo. maybe in flash
  23. omg that is just too big. think of all the Beep you can store on that sucker. I would hate to guess of just how many MP3. But honestly, why would anyone want a HDD that big unless your gonna run a major server or something like that.
  24. never read or heard of a november 2010 WWIII myself, and all out nuke war would not distory the earth just mandkind I think. What I have head and read, is that the Earth will be distroyed. I guess the key would or words are Earth and Distoyed. We know by the bible it will not be distoyed by flood. and some say by fire. So using nukes would be Fire. yet to destory? No. Maybe by an Astroid? That is how I see it. WWII would kill millions but not everyone on earth. The way that I understand it, everyone will parrish.
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