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Everything posted by Echo_of_thunder

  1. Welcome Xalor, I have to say I do agree, you are very talented After seeing some of your work I would not be a bit suprised if some here start asking you for a banner or sigs. Again Welcome to Xisto, and I know you will enjoy your time here with us.
  2. Welcome to Xisto MSimple, I also can say I know you will enjoy yourself here on in the forum. a lot of interesting topic to pick from I know. also a active shoutout box too which a lot of members enjoy too. Hope seeing you around
  3. LOL Well Mich I notice my fu pa after I clicked it, so it was too late. also true my spelling is bad but hey I know we all we all have seen worze here with sum of thez people.
  4. This goes back to what all I have said in other posts of globle warming. My theories are this. 1, The Astroid thing. There has been a few hits that we know of on earth big enough to have caused a globle winter. That could have whiped everything but a few. and that few. they have changed over the years for the most part. Yet there some that have not changed at all. take the stergon. no change at all over the billion and billion years. 2. Everyone know I am sure of a solor flare. The Sun could have kicked off a very large flare that could have effected the earth in such a way that again a globle winter. Eather way I am scared we are heading for this once again. when Nobody knows. But be it a astroid or a huge solor flare, something kicked the earth off it's axes and threw it into havac, such as a globle winter. AKA An Ice Age. Globle warming? that will be a day in the park compaired to a Globle Winter.
  5. I was wondering. how many people here have learned something such as programing or computer repair on there own. meaning you didnt go to school to learn. I know myself it was the weather, along with html. Honestly I am still learning the both of them. Both change offen enough.
  6. Me not having a plan? That would be like a hurricane not having any wind or rain. Yes I have a fire action and evac plan for my home and also work. I also have a plan for any other disaster that may come alone such as flood EarthQuake Tornado and of course a hurricane. I feel as every person on earth should have a plan for this. I think most people here know me by now, Mr be Prepeard They are very easy to come up with. Most local and state goverments provide a list of what you need. as well as the American Red Cross.
  7. OMG What a slob and a pig. Geesh I am utterly speachless at that mess. only thing that comes to mind is Dont light a match. POOF!
  8. I havent bought anything since Nov. But however my hosting bill is $1.90 and they take it out around the end of the month. My Domain is not due unt nov also. I have gone to billing and nothing has changed there though. only here in Xisto
  9. I really do not feel as it is dying so to say. I also feel as it is changing. There was a time way back when, when the earth did this before. Back before the dinosours. Something changed the way the eath was, as something will change the earth as we know it now. what that is we really do not know. Some say Globle warming, some say a war.
  10. 1) What online radio do you use? WRBN.NET2) What search engine do you use the most? google3) What do you use the internet for mostly? weather and news4) How long do you spend on the internet? too long5) Who is your ISP? (Internet Service Provider, AOL ect..)? Juno6) Do you have your own website? yes
  11. You know Networker, I have to agree with you. For the last 3 days I have been also in the negs, but I have noticed today that they are comming back up with each post. could be the script had or has detected that dreedful spam. and has had to reset. Only My Guess on this. Someone knowing the real reason please correct me if I am wrong please. But today when I got here I was negative 500 and some points, now just over 100. so who knows what is going on. I do know that Opaque is still working on all this I do believe.
  12. I had to laugh after reading this. I agree. some of these sigs don't really go with the person. I know there is one person here for the longest time I thought that they was a teenager or in his early 20's lol low and behold I found out that they are older than I am. I am 47 bye the way.
  13. Thank you for that post. It has to be one of the best I have seen on how to save a battery. They cost so much to replace now a days, any way you can save them and have them last is great. I know when I used to have a LT the battery was always dying faster than it should. after reading this I now know why.
  14. FANTASY BASEBALL LEAGUE join custom league Id: 28981 Password: baseball09
  15. Welcome to Xisto Tominich I know you will enjoy yourself here. I know there a few other folks here that may be interested in AJAX and Google APPS. I know I have been playing around with them a little myself.
  16. Okay now I am well Beeping Pissed. As someone that is a pet lover, and who is a firm believer in the humane socity and rescue groups, I am apauled by reading that! And From a Dog owner too! Why should I go and put money into a breeders pocket when I can go to the ASAPCA and find a full breed there that is in need of a home. Yes Full Breed! It would suprise you just how many full breed puppies and full grown dogs and cats for that matter are put up for adoption from these shelters. For just a small fee a lot less than you would have to pay from a breeder. Also with buying from a breeder your just putting a dog or cat to death. why? Because of some people think Oh buy from a breeder, when they dont know what they are talking about. I know this is stepping on toes, but I don't give a hoot honestly. I work weekly as a volenteer in a shelter for pets. I dee full breeds all the time there. Pits, Dobies, German sheepers. Even Sheepdogs. All Full breed. True some do not have AKC papers But some Do that have been brought in because there owners have a new job and have to move or other reasons. So saying you shouldnt get a dog from a shelter? Ha! Stop thinking of your pockets and think of the dog.
  17. yes add the link to it. I found it but took me some time, and if others do wanna play they will need it along with the name and password to it.
  18. two words. Same Day. Very simple. they use a lasser to "try" and remove them. Try because they can not get every one out fully. I feel sure your doctor will tell you this better than I can. but yes it is same day so you wont miss a thing.
  19. well I have not seen it as of yet, but will have to look for it for sure. Always have loved that game. Have it here on my PC and play it every nite before going to bed. Good way to keep hands eyes active
  20. I have wondered about that name myself since joining Xisto but been a little scared to ask.
  21. What the? I thought we just elected a new prez with funny ears. Now we are getting the same old BS? gimmy a break Oh well Didnt vote for him anyways and now I am very happy I didnt.
  22. oh yes we would need a lot more informations that your giving out. but with the specs you have given out so far. Kick up your ram to 16 and you can do anything you like lol
  23. Thanksgiving in Feb yummy Deep Fried Turkey Spam From S_M lol and ASMA Is Anti S_M Assn. A little joke on the old man and his tasty deep frid spam.
  24. About spilled my coffee reading that. Maybe we should send him a few Femma Peanuts too lol
  25. Wow Happy to know your having a great day. And great luck on the forum. I know they are hard to get going for sure.
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