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Everything posted by Echo_of_thunder

  1. honestly never really been to this site so I dont really know. all that I can think of is they may limit you for 2 reasons 1 they want you to join there site and pay a fee to watch. or 2 the people that have the copy rights may ask for a time limit until they the owners of the video can get royalties from it.
  2. wow I just found these posts. How I would have loved to of been around Xisto in 05. that was the biggest year ever for hurricanes with 28 named storms. 1st time ever that the National Hurricane Center ever had to use the greek Afabet for storms. Also the year of Katrina, one of the most deadliest and costly storms in US history. Only 2nd behind Hurricane Andrew.
  3. Here is Dr William Gray's 2009 Atlantic Seasonal Hurricane Forecast. It is in PDF format and a rather long read. But for the last few years, Dr Gray has been very close with his forcasts. Sounds as it is gonna be another banner year fokes. http://tropical.colostate.edu/
  4. Honestly I do not there there as many quakes, as in years past, just that the media is more aware of them now then say 20 years ago. Now we have the internet,cable and so forth. where is way back when we had to rely on the local and national new coverage for them. Now all you have to do is turn on your PC or even your Phone and it is right there in front of you.
  5. well it's been a lot time since I was in school. but I really never did hate it. hated some teachers though, but school in general no. Fact I enjoyed it to be honest.
  6. A little bit? I am still trying to figure out why 1+1=2 lol. No joke though. Very nice info that I know a lot of us need to know. thanks
  7. I have had a site hacked a time or two over the years. All have been from really Bad hosts that had a very poor or no firewall at all. Why these groups love to do this is a Bleeping joke. But it is a way of life here in the World Wide Parking lot. Like the bumpersticker says. Beep Happends.
  8. Not bad at all. Your artwork is very good. one question though, programs or freehand?
  9. depending on the drugs. Pot, Crack, Coke, which drugs? there many drugs that should be legalize, Pot for one. But other? Heck No. Take Crack, you know what that Beep does not only to your body but to your brain? It would be stupid as you know where for any country to make it legal. And if they did? Odds are they are taking drugs themselfs and just looking for a way out to buy them without having there beep cought and thrown in jail.
  10. Wow I feel for you there. We has another small quake about 8 yrs ago. That one I felt. Had no idea what it was at the time, Thought since I lived near a busy road it was just a big truck going by. oh welll what a shock that was finding out later that nite it was a 2.8
  11. Honestly older than I thought. and as someone who's father also split and left my mother to raise a handicapped son and also a teenage daughter. I understand now. But at the age of 25 well Does these words come to mind. Adult and Grow up?
  12. just remember what ever you do of your forum or forums. Back Up Everything at least weekly. that way if something Beeps out you can have a backup. Trust me I found that out the hard way.
  13. your very right willie, there are a lot asking for tons of money. But I feel old are not. Ken Griffey Jr would be a fine welcome to any club AL or NL. Reason's being 1 his time he has spent playing the game. He know's how so many pitchers play there game, also of how each field goes when a ground ball is hit and how it will roll. 2. He has kept himself clean over the years. You have not ever heard anything of HGH or of him pulling any BS like some others I will not bring into this. For these 2 reasons, I do hope someone will pick him up. A season without the old man wouldnt be a season.
  14. If not more. This is a stupid as the the lady a few years ago all because someone broke into her home and stole a pound of pot from her.
  15. I just opened my Yahoo news and saw this. I honestly laughed so hard I think I hurt myself. How dumb can you be. Full story here. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ And here I thought that I had a bad day. Not anymore.
  16. Well tell me this much. if it is not a good idea to mix a Banana and Butter Milk together, what about Butter milk Ice Cream? I mean a lot of us do love our sundays, and yes Some of us do love Ice Cream made with butter milk. I really can not see why mixing the 2 would be bad. I can think of other things that would be worse than butter milk and a banana
  17. Never have I had a day go as bad as this one. EVER!As some of you may know I am in a wheelchair. Well, this morning I got up around 7am as I nomally do to find That I had a Flat tire. No biggy it happends I know. But, As I was changing the tube Kaboom! not only did the tube pop but the tire came off the rim and was cracked. So I pick up the phone and call my local Medical Supply to see if they could send me out a Tire and Tube. The woman that I had always delt with told me yes they could but it would be atleast 3 hours. That was about 9:00am well 12:00 came and they had not shown up. Well she did say at least 3 hours. so I figured I would give them 1 more hour before calling again. The guy finally showed up here about 1:20pm with tire and tude. He even was nice enough to put it on for me. But catch this. For the tire and tube the price was a total of $23.95 which really is not that bad concidering they brought it out to me. But They charged on top of that a service call of $45.00 for a grand total of $68.95! How anyone could charge that much for something someone must have and need is a Beeping Joke! I mean to charge that much for a service call when the item cost less? come on. There needs to be a law or something saying if a item is say $10 the service call or delivery fee should not be more than the item. Well I paid the $69 bucks but I then turned right around and called the place back and told them what I thought. They had always treated me very nicely and even sometimes cut me a deal if I needed tires or tubes or other equipment. Well I talked with the Owner being the woman I normally deal with had gone to lunch. He did not come out directly and say it but was like, Well if you don't like how we do things. Beep you!I am now looking for another supply and have run to Wal Mart and got some Bike tires and tubes that will fit. ( I hope ) because I will not be going back to that Blank Blank Blank again.
  18. AVG for sure, followed by Bitdefender. Both I feel are the best out there. since inalling them I have had ZERO Viruses or spyware on my PC in the last 6 months!
  19. Yea your now getting what is left of that system that I had Tues. I only got 5.4 inches, not sure what that would be in cm though. Enjoy it while you can. Before long Summer time and heat
  20. Your thinking of Ytunnle Hippy. Which is no longer free anymore. I would love to come up with something kind of like that, but would work on all messengers. And I know, In the Pool League I used to have, we all ran Ytunnal, due to Other leagues and trouble makers and such.
  21. Ye ole days of spring. The Crack of the wooden bat, the smell of freshly cut grass. A hint of pinetar in the air. Batter Up! Wow another great season is about to start. Yes my friend's it should be a great year of baseball. Now the Mets staff is all but a done deal, as most clubs. But what I do find strange is there are so many players that are still on the market. I guess in 5 more years the roll for hall of fame will be a lot bigger. Hence Ken Griffey Jr. Why nobody has picked him up yet I can not understand at all. yes he has been hurt a lot. but still has a good pop in the bat. fairly good speed and glove. I think he would do any club good. Even them Stankee's.
  22. Today I had to upload a few photos to my gallery. well Page 1 through 6 are fine but when I get to #7 it shows up as just a white page. No photos or anything. the file is there, as I have uploaded it also when I vew source it can be seen. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ any ideas??
  23. I think Harrison is so very right, you must eat healthy foods. Stay away from thoughs so called high entergy things. they are a load of Beep. Eat a good and healthy 3 meals a day. But I would not eat chips, but fruits.
  24. Updating my GE as I type, Will be fun to look at but and I don't mean this to sound as a downer, but I think Google should update the earth a little more, than to show mars or anything that we really can not go to in real. To me that's just a fantasy land. What I feel google should do would be to update there Earth shots more offen, even on there free version that they have. Would be nice seeing something like say Galviston Texas Before During and After Hurricane Ike. Or being able to say to zoom into your house one day and then say a day or 2 later being able to do the same thing,and see a change such as your car has moved or someone standing in the yard.
  25. well in ways yes it is a sport. I mean with all the Texas Hold'em TV show's and the big money pots that are to be made, yes it could be called a sport. But the avg person would just call it a game, like football or baseball. Yet even some would call it a Job. There some that only play poker 12 months a year.
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