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Posts posted by fffanatics

  1. Not surprised you like to kick-back when you can. I'll bet it doesn't happen often enough

    Too bad you are wrong. I am a sophmore who is majoring in Computer Science and minoring in Physics so im the same boat as her yet i have lots of free time especially on the weekends. Like you get a lot of work but it tends to come in spurts and as long as you dont procrastinate too much you tend to have time to do lots of stuff. Im in a fraternity and i play club roller hockey yet still have pulled a gpa of 3.79.

  2. Ok Artificial intelligence can have numerous meanings depending on its purpose. The most common definition people think of is a way of programming such that the system thinks and acts like a human only on a computer. However, how do humans think and act. Each one of us is different so a newer definition is an intelligent agent that thinks logically or rationally (depending on the purpose of the agent and its environment) and it doesnt have to be applied to computing only. Hope this helps

  3. Well like everyone else is saying is that you need to get your website onto search engines. Download google toolbar and search google for ways to optimize. What you need to do is get your page rank up. Secondly, find other sites like yours and try to become affiliated with them and do a link exchange because search engine spiders love sites linking to yours. Finally, make sure you have a ton of content so that it will connect with as many people as possible.

  4. Ive have had my current girlfriend for just over 6 months and to be honest, if you and the other person have a connection and you dont do something to really mess it up, a relationship will last. Just be nice and sweet and let them know you are thinking of them because we all know that as a guy you tend to think about girls (esp. a girlfriend) all the time. Girls like this and if you let them know you were thinking of them in particular they will love you. Just care for her and be compasionate.

  5. I like (just like everyone else) the simplicity of the website but there are a few odd looking things that could use fixing. First of all, at the top the Blue bar with nothing really in it until the right side could be changed to add you logo and or something a bit more eye catching. Secondly, the coloring of the boxes in the layout. They are kinda random. I would (like Goosetaf) color code your sections so that they are easily distinguishable. Also, i would add a white section above the quote of the day and make the MSN Messenger title the same color as the rest.Now, navigation. The three links at the top are not enough. I would add a navigation bar to the left or right side of the page so people can just click and go from one place to another. Besides that it simple and good and has content. I would probably update a few images to make them clearer and a bit more entertaining just so people remember your site.

  6. Milk definitely does not make you fat. Even whole milk is only like 2.5 - 3% fat. Its not that bad for you. I drink like 3 glasses a day normally and i am 6 ft tall and only 135 lbs. Trust me, if it made me gain weight i would so drink like 6 - 8 glasses a day but it doesnt. The calcium it contains helps with bones and prevents boneloss (esp. for women since they need more calcium). Also it contains a ton of other vitamins which are good for the body and it also has asidophious bacteria in it which is good for the intestines and helps fight fungus and keep the digestive system on track.

  7. Ok i ran into the same problem when i was first creating my website hosted here at Xisto. What you have to do is link back to the same page with either a post or a session variable now included. So your code for the website would stay the same except you would have an if statement checking to see if _SESSION[...] or _POST[...] existed. If it did then would now just run the function you wanted to run. So all you have to do is make the href="yourpage.php?login=yes"

  8. You all are so wrong. You have just stereotyped all people who consider themselves preppy. I, for one, consider myself a prep. I like to wear clothes that look fashionable and make me look good. Can you blame me? I like collared shirts and i feel like i look good in them. Not all preps are what you have described them to act like. Everyone acts differently and should not be stereotyped and in doing that you have made yourself just as bad as the people you were describing (notice that i did not say "preps" there).

  9. Thanks a ton. I have added the correct doctype and fixed up a bit of my code so it is fullt in xhtml and now it works great. i have never known i should use doctype til now. It was never taught to me in my html classes nor in the books i have read. I guess it is one thing that definitely should be mentioned more often. Once again thanks and if i have any other div problems in IE ill post them here. If not ill make a new topic. Thanks

  10. Hey everyone. I have been designing websites for a long time but i have recently decided to tryout the DIV layout technique instead of just using good old tables. However, this is the biggest problem i have come across. So I have a page where i need to have a table to display a whole bunch of details on armor in a game since the site is for players of final fantasy. However, when i do width="100%" so that the table expands the whole way to the side of the div so it looks the best it now will go past the edge and off the screen at 100%. Below is most of the code. Please help me out since it works fine in Firefox but not IE which is a must.

    <div id="noRightMenu">     <?php  	if (file_exists($relPath."leftside.php")) {  	@include($relPath."leftside.php");  }//if		?>     <br>     <div class="centerTable">       <div class="topicTitle">Armor</div>       <div class="news">         <div class="newsContent" style="border-top : 1px solid white;">           <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" class="infoTable">             <tr>               <td colspan="2"></td>             </tr> ...#noRightMenu{	*height : 565px;	min-height : 547px;		margin-left : 165px;	margin-right : 15px;}.centerTable{	background : url("images/tableBg.jpg");	border : 1px solid white;	width : 100%;}.topicTitle {	z-index : 0;	font-size : 20px;	font-weight : bold;		text-align : left;	text-indent : 10px;	border-bottom : 1px solid white;	background: #000040;	width : inherit;}.news {	margin-top : 15px;	margin-bottom : 15px;	width : inherit;	position : relative;}.newsContent {	background:  url("images/tableUpperBg.jpg");	text-indent: 25px;	margin-left : 15px;	margin-right : 15px;		margin-bottom : 3px;	border: 1px solid white;	border-top : 0px;	}.infoTable{	display : table;}.infoTable td{	display : table-cell;	padding-left : 15px;	padding-top : 2px;}.infoTable th{	display : table-cell;	border-bottom : 1px solid white;	font-size : 16px;	font-weight : normal;	text-align : left;	padding-left : 15px;	background-color: #000040;}

    PS It still does this even if i remove the infoTable display : table element or if i put width : 100% in the infoTable class instead of in the table tag.

    Hope someone can help. Thanks in advance.

  11. OK you must really just be stupid if you cant figure windows out and say that it looks bad. To be honest, it look a ton better than windows becuase you can configure so many more things and get many more applications and such.

    1) Drivers for linux are impossible to find and most of them are written by some college nerd that pretty much might be the same person writing viruses for windows.

    This is not true. Many Linux OS' like Suse (which i use) have many of these drivers on their servers and can be installed using their installation system and such. Otherwise, if you actually read the README file and follow its instructions, it really isnt hard. If you get an error, just page up and see what it is. Like it tells you what it is checking during the MAKE INSTALL command and just go to Yast or the other installation utility and install it. You most likely just did not include many compilation / programming tools when you did your basic installtion and most of these are needed if you install other opensource code. Besides that, installation is simple (yes not as simple as windows but its because of why Linux is so good at what it does since it optimizes all installations to your personal computer when you install using make)

    2) The GUIs (desktop manager or whatever they call them  mad.gif ) look terrible. I've downloaded themes for gnome and it still looks like poop.

    Have you ever heard of KDE??? KDE makes your desktop look just like windows and actually better. You have a taskbar just like windows which you can change ever aspect of it or install a theme that already has made those changes. You also could install a slider that can act like the taskbar thus making the Linux desktop look similar if not exactly like a Mac OS which is nice and enjoyable.

    3) Installing applications are impossible. You open up terminal (command prompt thingy) and type a bunch of mumbo jumbo and you still get errors and nothing ever works right. You have to be a rocket scientist to figure that crap out.

    Read my response to 1.) since its just about the same but this really used to be the case. Now that Linux has gained much popularity, many vendors are releasing good drivers for their hardware in both Linux and Windows version and can be installed directly from the Linux OS' server and from their websites. You can optimize the source or just install an RPM that are simple to find and your done and the hardware works. Nothing hard about it.

    4) Everyone who uses linux is some egg head nerd that thinks he knows everything so why would he WANT to help you. Hence, the Linux community are a bunch of snobs. *flips bird*

    No way. The majority people who talk in Linux forums are the newbies who are trying to figure out what they heck they need to do to get it working. The reason this is is because Linux just uses different more exact terminology for the same things that windows does. Once you learn the terminology, it becomes easy. Plus, there are a ton more forums about linux than windows because so many questions can be asked. Yes, you might have to search for a while to get an easy answer if you are newbie in order to get your issue resolved but once to find it, you have learned so much that the hard answer you can understand so in the future you wont have to search as long. Plus, with every update, many of those problems are fixed and you dont have to do anything like that anymore.

    5) The initial installation process takes like 4 score and 7 years. I mean really, what the heck is it installing all that time? I've tried debain, ubuntu, and fedora, all the same crap.

    This is so not true. My installation for a fully built Linux OS (not Gentoo since it compiles everything) running Suse 9.3 or 10.0 took less time than Windows since formatting takes like 2 seconds. I'd say it to 35 minutes and included KDE, all the Programming Tools, a bunch of games, OpenOffice, Apache and PHP and other web development tools / hosting, and a file server. What else do you need from an initial installation. It takes roughly an hour to install windows and then you have to do all the updates and software thus approximately takes 1 day to fully setup a windows pc where linux takes 1 hr and you only have roughly 1 more hour left to install any misc software.

    Finally, your 6th reason is not a reason at all and you just need to learn that with change comes hardship but once the hardship is passed, the rewards are great. Try Suse it is simple and once you become advanced it still does the job for you.

  12. OK no matter what year it is, when an adolescent wants to get / see pornography, they can always find a way if they really want it. You know, it used to be the dirty mags under the bed and such. Now, it just is a bookmark on the computer. No matter what, parents always catch them at one point in time and they get over it. I know its illegal and all but face it, kids could be getting into way worse things that can mentally and physically mess them up way more.Finally, google definitely is doing the right thing by refusing to give the results to the government. Under no circumstances does the government legally have to right to view a companies data when they themselves are not doing anything illegal and are in a legal dispute because of it. Therefore, google has every right to keep that data to themselves and not share it.

  13. That is so stupid. That company could legally get in tons of trouble. That is why when i purchase a computer, i always purchase the operating system from the vendor and just use that disk if i ever change to a used computer instead of the one i bought and so forth. First of all, it is a legal cd key and as long as you use one computer or use it on a home network the cd key will be valid and validate ok. There is only one time i would say it is ok to use a illegal cd key and that is if you decide you want to try an expensive piece of software. Why would go out and buy a $200 piece of software only to determine you dont like it and would never use it. I know most things have trials but like when windows Vista comes out, im sure ill want to just see what it is like (plus you never buy a new windows OS til atleast a year after its initial release because they always are so buggy) and then just remove it and use your normal OS / other software that is free or you already own.

  14. OK i have worn glasses / contacts since 3rd grade which makes it around 11 years now. To be honest im probably considered legally blind but looking at a computer does not cause bad eyesite. Yes, it can cause blurryness and if so just make sure you think about blinking more often. My eyes havent really changed recently and i stare at a computer more than ever now since i am a computer science student at college. Just make an effort and it wont bother you.

  15. Yeah this was one the google desktop when they first announced it about a week or so ago. I immediately downloaded it becuase almost everything google creates rocks. I did actually not include a few pieces of software because i either already had them or i just had a piece of software that was more powerful like adobe elements instead of picasa. However, it saw that i had them and will update some like trillian and norton even though i didnt download their version of it. It really rocks

  16. There is no easy way to prevent users from stealing the source code from your site and to be honest, as long as they dont copy the whole site (images, layout, designs, etc.) who really cares. All novice web developers finds cool things in peoples websites and look at the code to learn how to do it and add it to their own site. Code is code and no ones code is gonna be a first. It just isnt right when people use all of it and just change a line here and there.

  17. C and C++ probably are the best next steps from VB. I, for one, never actually learned VB because my school did not offer it but they did offer C, C++, and Java. Start with the basics and even if something appears to be useless and tedious, still do it. In the end you will be surprised where those concepts and code and ideas come in handy. If you need help post here or PM me since im actually as Sophmore in college majoring in computer science and i have had plenty of classes in C++ along with more advanced languages like Lisp. But start with the basics and learn to debug especially with cout statements and such cause in the long run it will make your life a lot easier and you wont be dependant on the software you are using to compile. Once you have the basics of the syntax and know if statements and switches, loops, variables, and finally structures, start learning classes cause they are the main difference in C++ from C and they are the most useful thing ever. Once you have mastered and i mean mastered classes, start learning data structures like linked list and trees and hash tables.Finally, one last hint of advice: DO NOT USE THE STANDARD TEMPLATE LIBRARY for anything you have not learned how to code yourself. Yes, theirs is quicker and more optimized but you need to understand everything it does or else you will hit errors and not be able to fix them.

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