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Posts posted by fffanatics

  1. First of all, before you make a new topic, you should search for in using the search feature to make sure it is something new and that no one else has already posted it. In your case, there is a whole section on the main window dedicated to google topics and thus this shouldnt even be in this section. Secondly, google is not a new topic or a new idea and we all know all about it. Unless you have something new to talk about, dont waste our time.

  2. The best thing people can do is tell people exactly what they think. If you liked that girl and you told her, thats the best thing you could have done. Since she is awkward and obviously hasnt said she liked you back, you just saved yourself weeks/months/years of worring and trying to court someone who isnt interested. Just go out and meet new people, be her friend and see what happens. She could all of sudden start liking you or you could start liking someone else.What is meant to happen will happen so just dont worry and have a good time. Ive dated tons of girls so far in my life (im only 20) and these are just a few things ive learned through experiences so good luck

  3. First of all it is a very good tactic for Square Soft to release information about products when a new system is very soon to be released even though their current product has not been released. The reason, it brings their name into the media even more before the new release. Secondly, they have always released new product information before the current one is out. Finally, about not buying a PS3? Why do people make judgements about systems before they are released and you see what games are made for them? Without this information and actually experience them, you cant judge or decide which ones to get.

  4. First of all, arent you in the class to learn? I could understand if you were mad that you werent getting to learn new concepts in your computer class because you have to do foxtrot problems but instead you are mad you dont get to play a game? Seriously, you need to grow up then. I was in computer classes in high school very similar to yours just 3 -6 years ago (i took 3 years of them in high school) and i did my share of gaming in the class but it was only when i had completed the current project and other people were still working on it. Plus, if someone needed help i would not continue my game but go help them instead. You are in school to learn and not to play and school isnt always fun but if you are interested in going to college for Computer Science like i am then engrave all those concepts you are learning in high school cause it will make your life mush easier in college. I was basically reviewing all my high school concepts in computer science my whole freshman year which made the transition easier since i didnt really have much work for 1 of my 5 classes then.

  5. Girls are soo confusing a lot of the time however they are worth it. If you like the girl, like other people said, just keep flirting, ask her on a date, etc and show her that you are interested. If you dont show her that you are interested, she probably wont figure it out cause girls have a similar problem of reading men. If she turns you done and what not, then just move on. Go out, meet new girls and move on. Plus, you are graduataing and when you go off to college you want to go single since its hard to carry on a long distance relationship. Good luck man.

  6. Well even if you wanted to purchase the other domain names like gooooooogle.com or what not, it is illegal to use them since the name google is copyrighted and therefore you are infringing. If you had the name before they came out or before the copyright you would be ok with it.

  7. I agree with kl223. It is just a better practice. Also, about ur comment about how c++ is easier to learn than php, they are very similar. PHP just added a few features that make it easier to interact with a database and such that make it seem harder. However, if you know one, you will be fine programming in the other. Also, once you know one language that is a higher level language like C++ or Java, it is very easy to use the other one since all the concepts are the same just different words and a few other syntax differences.

  8. Gaurdro is right. Quantum Mechanics is the correction of Classical (Newtonian) Mechanics so that it works for quantum particles like photons, electrons, etc. The reason for this is when particles move at or close to the speed of light certain phenomena occur that classical mechanics ignores. One of these are time dilation. When a particle is moving at the speed of light, time in their point of view appears to be slower than in our point of view thus we would think the particle would be able to travel x distance but actually it would travel a distance greater than x due to this phenomena. Basically, most of the corrections are fixed by adding the greek symbol gamma to the classical equations and then just adjusting for the correct reference frame. Gamma just is the 1 / square root of (1 - v^2/c^2) which is why quantum mechanics still work for classical mechanics since as v << c (much less than) the square root of 1 just is one so the orginial equation is exactly the same. Hope this helps

  9. I have learned C++, Java, Lisp, PHP, Assembly all through courses in high school and now college. I lot of them is just learning the basics by doing stupid problems in books and then struggling through harder more realistic problems. One of my projects for a class was to write the game Hex. Take it we didnt have to do a GUI for it, but in the end you have all the background you need to add a simple GUI just by changing the pring and input functions. Basically, once you feel like you know the basics (linked lists, trees, search algorithms, classes, data abstraction, and a few others i cant just name off the top of my head) then you should try to make something that interests you. Write a basic text game with some ai. Then teach yourself some GUI and add that to it.

  10. Holographic storage is the storage of the future. However, like he said it still is in the research stage it is no where near perfect yet. This has been around for atleast 5 years now nad they are getting closer but currently they are not at a cost effective solution. Look at this technology in another 5 to 10 years and most likely it will be on the market. Until then, stick with the new types of drives.

  11. Man, just relaxe. Life is a ride that isnt always a good one but in the end it is amazing. We all go through bad times, some worse than others, but rememeber that when you hit rock bottom, the only thing left is up. Just ride it out and everything will turn out ok. Dont worry about the EX. No matter how hard she tries, if you dont want her you dont have to take her back. I know they can be annoying but after a while you get used to it and she will get the message or actually move on. Good luck and remember it will be ok in the end.

  12. Personally i use Suse Linux but because of your size issue, i would recommend downloading Knoppix Linux since it actually just is a live cd. All of the stuff runs off the cd and thus you can use your harddrive for files and such. It is a great utility to use if you just want to try linux and dont want to lose anything. Good luck. If you have linux questions feel free to ask me ive been using it for a while.

  13. Like i said i mistitled this topic. However, i would like to thank tyssen for the website link. After messing with their code for like 10 minutes and disabling javascript in my browser, i still was able to get the code to work the way i wanted it to. I realized that if i put it in a link and not just the surrounding div, that if javascript was disabled, it would change the page to the href thus allowing me to use the post a variable to say show this class. Thanks a ton cuase with out that site i probably would have gone crazy trying to figure this out. Thanks again

  14. Pretty much except i was hoping to do it without and javascript involved so that it would be compatible with non-javascript enabled browsers. I tried that with javascript disabled and it just went to a different page and that would not work for me since i use includes and you just wont ever get the submenu. I will try to maybe fool with it and see if i can get it to work using part of their style.

  15. Ok first of all i screwed up the title. It should be CSS and not PHP. But this is what i want to do without javascript. I want to use the onClick function of the a tag to change the property of a css tag that is not the current links class. Here is an example but it doesnt work:


    .menu { text-decoration : underline; }.subMenu { display : none; }

    <div class="menu" onClick="subMenu.display = block;">Menu</div><div class="subMenu">Submenu</div>

    Thus, i need the onClick of menu to change the property of the subMenu css class. Anyone know how to do this? Sorry about the bad explaination on the previous post but it was late and i was frustrated with it and was looking for some help. Ill be sure to try to make my questions clearer from now on. Thanks again.

  16. Hey everyone. I am currently trying to finish my navigation bar on the left side of my website and i am running in to some trouble with the css. I know how to change the items class when a user clicks it using onClick = "this.class = newClass"; but i need to know have to change a different class when a user clicks that link. AKA, how do i get the this part of a class that isnt that current one. For instance if i have a class called subMenu and i want to change it to showSubMenu when a user clicks a link that is of class menu how would i do this not using javascript but just pure css? Thanks for your help because i just cant really find anything good on google for this and it would be awesome to implent this feature on my navigation bar. Thanks again.

  17. In high school i was always the smart person that got along with everyone and just was myself. Straight A's yet still went out all the the time and just had a good time and always had a girlfriend. Current, at college i still am close to a straight a student (3.78 gpa) and am in a fraternity and have dated a bunch of girls. I just dont care what people think and just am myself but i definitely am fashionable in my attire just cause i like to look good. O and also, i play a bunch of sports and run cause i enjoy doing it.

  18. I have never understood these things. They cost sooo much normally and it is not hard to just plug a audio cable into the headphone jack and play music in normal speakers (mainly computer speakers). Most computer speaker plugs can just be plugged into the ipod and work and they sound great or most soundcards have a audio in jack and go to radioshack get a $5 cord and connect the ipod there and you will save soo much money.

  19. I am pretty sure you are right about the way a dual core processor works and that the speed given is roughly the total speed of the processors when they are run together or by themselves since it shouldnt make much of a difference. To answer moldboy's question about whether to get a 2.2 or 2 ghz processor it is up to you. It shouldnt really make much difference but in the long run (aka a year or 2) the 2.2 might perform better but it just depends on what you use your computer for. If you use it for gaming, i just would go with the 2.2 cause in the long run you will have a better chance of running new games. Finally, i have no clue about the WinXP Pro thing cause i have always used XP Pro so i just dont really know the differences. Try searching microsofts website.

  20. I think this site really needs some work. First of all, the menu at the top is not wide enough and causes the advertisement to move right next to the menu when you try to select something instead of it staying on the right side. Also, the color needs to be changed. It just doesnt match really the ad at the top or the menu. Plus, it makes the black text not super easy to read. Either go lighter or darker (with white font). Finally, a banner whould be awesome just so people know where they are at and remember it insted of just the text it just looks kind of blah. Besides that you have the content now you just need to work on the look.

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