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Posts posted by fffanatics

  1. Yeah i serious doubt i will ever need more that the 1gig they first offered when i joined GMail let alone 2.6 gig that they now have. Like seriously, how much email do you all get? I know that people us GMail to store files but if thats what you wnat the space for there are better places to get file storage. Overall, i love gmail and it works amazingly and i never will need all the space they offer us.

  2. Php Nuke is not all it is made out to be. First of all, i really dont care for it but i do use it for my fraternities website since once it is up, i wont have to be the only one updating it. However, my site that is hosted here is written in HTML and PHP and i find it much more satisfying writing the code myself. Secondly, when you encounter an error in php nuke (which you will) they are super hard to debug since you dont know the code since you didnt write it. I would recommend writing your own theme if you are going to use PHP Nuke since you really learn the code and it makes life much easier and to be honest it isnt hard. You just have to learn the file structure Nuke uses and then its as simple as just changing a line or two in someone elses code and creating new images if need.

  3. Wow that is funny that you are complaining about maybe eatting someone's food who cooked it while they were sick. Come on...any meal that you dont have to cook yourself should be worshiped. I am a college student and cook ALL my own meals so when i get the chance, no matter what, to eat someone elses home cooked and great food i take it. Like, you may get sick but how many bacteria actually can withstand being in an oven for like 3 hours (which is how long a turkey cooks)? Not many so the odds are low so u might as well just enjoy the food.

  4. Visually it looks fine. I would fix the background using photoshop so you cant tell it is tiled because u can see the seams. Also, i like the white text but not the red. The red just looks out of place. Content wise, it doesnt look like there really is any content so my advice would be to add that before doing anything else. Also, i would but more information about the band on the main screen since without really looking i had no clue what your site was about and a viewer should be able to see that within the first few seconds of viewing the page.Overall, looks good and original but still needs a few upgrades

  5. If you stick to the HTML standards, your page should look OK in both. However, if you use any DHTML and/or CSS the best thing to do is view it in both browsers and fix the code that doesnt display right. There are ways to write CSS such that one property works only if IE is used since IE doesnt abide by all the standards like Firefox. On a side note, even if the page works fine in IE and Firefox you want to test it in Opera since it also is a popular browser and some things still look different even though they also abide by all the standards

  6. I would recommend not re-formatting you system if you have no way to back up the data. If you can back-up, it is recommended that you reformat your system atleast twice a year to keep it running quick and smooth. If you can't backup i would just reinstall windows over the same partition and if possible create a new partition to store all the files that are important to you so if windows crashes you can reformat just the windows partition and not all the other ones. Also, the comment about not reformatting, windows is very unstable over long periods of time. After roughly a week memory will be leaked and eventually the blue screen of death will reappear. How hard is it to turn off your computer when you go to bed once a week? Plus keeping the computer on all the time isnt good for it cause it tends to eventually overheat and or damage parts of it since any computer card heats up quickly and no matter how well they are made will burn out if kept on for a long period of time.

  7. OK you say it is hard to get credits? It is the easiest thing ever. Seriously start a post that interests you or is to get advice for your website and keep active in it and post lots and you can have credits galore. Before i went to college i was averaging like 30+ credits at all times in my account. However, i dont have as much free time so i just make few posts that interest me every week and stay around 10. Then if i get free time, i sign on, post a bunch more and get back up to like 20+ credits and im set for another month. So before you leave (like the month before) just sign on to this site daily and make like 5 posts a day and you will end with a ton of credits that can last you a long time.

  8. I know what you mean. Plus, the reason i hate flourescent lights is because they drive my eyes nuts. I never have dry eyes when i am working in a "warm" light situation or by natural light but as soon as i start to work in or around flourescent light, my eyes get so dry and it becomes really hard to work. I know they are cheap but come on, productivity would sky rocket is warm light was used all the time

  9. From what i have heard, yes the Razr is a cool phone but it is not built very well. The keys scratch the screen and the average lifetime of the phone is like 3 months until it needs to be replaced. If you get one, get a good warrenty repair plan so it will be replaced after the first year. If not you are screwed. For more information on the phone, go to phonescoop.com and they have tons of phone reviews.

  10. I would have to say the best google tool is the original tool, there search engine. Yes all the rest of there tools add to how wonderful google is but the main reason it is great is the accurate and reliable results that we get when we need to search for something on the web. Instead of having to browse like 10 pages of results, really the first 3 only matter in google. It is wonderful

  11. First of all, those of you that say the 5th gen ipod should have firewire support just dont know the facts. When transfering data to an IPod, USB2 is just as quick as firewire as shown by numerous reports. Just google it if you dont believe me.Secondly, those of you who are saying that video is good but what is the point is that if you travel alot (subways, planes, etc) it is nice and handy to be able to watch a movie or tv show at your convience. It makes trips much easier.

  12. Every high school is going to have cliques since it is during that age when people are the least secure about themselves and people tend to be attracted to the same type of people when they are looking for friends. However, just because you are part of a certain clique it does not limit you to being friends with other people if u are one of the few who are cool with themselves and just try to be friendly to everyone.

  13. Well here at school i have numerous strange nicknames that kinda do not have any meaning. One of them is Dominican and my actual name is Rob. The reason this is wierd is that i do not look like anything a dominican. I am German descent and have blonde hair and blue eyes. Besides that I also am called "Gollum Latte" and once again i definitely do not look like Gollum from the Lord of the Rings. O well, it actually is fun being called strange names since you know who someone is talking to and you will be remembered by a ton of random people.

  14. Wow as i guy who has a girlfriend i definitely will say those points are 99% true. There are a few that are not exact but very close. If you have most of those points with someone, then you know it is a good relationship. If you are missing most of those, then most likely it wont work out unless you work on it and the thing is, if you really like that person, most of these come as second nature and that is what is so wonderful about being with them

  15. I used to have motorola phones and they USED to rock. However, lately they have not been very good for Verizon Wireless thus i moved on sadly. My new phone is an LG VX8100 and i really like it. ALL of its features work perfectly and i have yet to have an issue with it plus service is good in all areas. So now a days i would not recommend Motorola and i would recommned LG

  16. I have a LG8100. My plan just had hit 2 years about a month ago so i upgraded and got my phone for free. I definitely recommend it for runners or those who want an MP3 player and dont have one. I for one, just bought a 1 gig SDmini card and now my phone is also an MP3 player. The sound quality with and without headphones is surprisingly good. Plus the phone plays movies which means i can go to class and watch laguna beach if i know its not an important class and that i wouldnt learn anything. Ok the runners part, its pretty light and since its an MP3 player, you can run and if something were to happen you still could call for help which i think is very reassuring since you never who what could happen

  17. OK for the person who said

    Look what hes done to our economy. It was great when Bill Clinton left. People lost jobs, they're getting shot, and he thinks 9/11 is connected to The War on Iraq.

    you just dont understand how the economy works and that an economy does not just change over night. First of all, an economy of the United States at any current moment is due to the policies of the PREVIOUS president and previous policy makers. So technically when you say look at the economy, the only person you can blame is Ex-President Clinton and his policies.
    Next, the war with Iraq. I understand that people do not agree that American citizens should be dying overseas for "no reason" but sadly people do not want to face the fact that there is a reason. Think about it, when the majority (no all) terrorists came from Iraq, Afganistan, Pakistan, and other middle east countries and those people use those acts of terrorism again our citizens that there is not a cause to try and reduce there number? Do you value your life and other lives that little that you believe that acts of terrorism should go on with consequences. Yes, we are losing citizens every day in this war but that is a casuality and i for one would risk my life to help prevent thousands of other from dying from an act of terriorism.

    Finally, i know there are foreigners who post here to and not to disrespect all of you but do you all really believe everything that you read in the newspaper. Any logical person knows that newspaper articles and tv news reports and manipulated so that the best ratings and the most money can be made from them so they cannot be trusted in entirely. Yes, most of the facts are not fabricated but it does not mean that there are other facts that balance out the bad ones they publish and this is shown in many times of our era (especially in the US during the Cuban Missle Crisis and the Cold War).

    So basically my point is that people should not make statements without first obtaining all the facts and evaluating the how truthful they may be. This is technically the first step in any logic class. Make logical and correct inferences. Thus, without all the facts a truthful inference cannot be made. Finally, for those who live the USA, i have one last point to make. How many people do you know who dislike PRESIDENT Bush? Probabaly a bunch but how many people do you know like Bush. Probably very few since is supporters voted him into office and basically have no reason to fight an argument already won. Us supporters have no need to go complaining and wineing to everyone we know about how good the President is since we are better than that. Since when in life do you wine about everything you lose in. Take it like a man (no offense to the ladies but im just using the phrase) and accept your loses and move on. Get over you lose and just go vote in the next election. It is a democracy for a reason.
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