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Posts posted by fffanatics

  1. Check what type of DVD it is as in whether it is a DVD-R or a DVD+R and then determine if your DVD drive plays one of those or both. Older ones only supported one format so i would check that out. Also, check out what region the dvd is and what region your dvd player supports. Finally, if none of those work, see if you can access the disk and then rip the dvd to your computer and play it that way since if there is a scratch or a bad sector it will tell you. Good luck

  2. Wow that is sweet. Hopefully it will improve performance and such drastically since harddrive read/write speeds is what limits your computer speed the most since it is slow compared to memory and all other data transfers. For the 10TB space comment by jamson, i would definitely use it. As a developer and such i tend to use multiple operating systems and like to try new ones and versions to see if i should change. Plus, i tend to install a ton of games and do movie editing and such which takes a ton of space. I have like 250 gb worth of space total between my laptop hd and my external and i still run out of room all the time. It would be nice to have 10TB

  3. Ok, here is how you would go about fixing this problem. You would first start by removing all Temporary Internet File and also remove all cookies. Then close your browser and reopen it. See if the page works. Then, if it still doesnt work, disable all firewalls, adaware protection, antivirus software, etc. to determine if those are the culpret. If the site still isnt accessible, try running an up to date virus protection or something like that cause it could just be a piece of software not letting you get there.

  4. I actually really like your design. I think it has a great feel to it but at the same time its simple and easy to find the links and everything. The only thing is that i think you should say what the sites purpose actually is on the main page so that its not just like "wow nice site. what does it do?" kinda thing. Good job and keep up the work.

  5. Mine is R and it is kind a true. I do like smart girls but like it says, a good body is a must. I love athletic girls who like to run around and are active since i never stop moving and love being outside.

    "turned on more quickly by a great mind than by a great body"

    For me this isnt really the case, it normally is the body or just how they present themselves that drives me to a women and not really their intellect. However, the intellect is what really tells me if a relationship would work or not

  6. First of all, when it comes to polls and percentages of appproval, how many of you actaully voted in these? i know i did nor anyone i know. These are not correct numbers and those who study statistics should know that its all a numbers game and that these can be altered very easily to go in the favor of whoever is reporting it.Secondly, like many other have said before me in this forum who arent opposed of the war, look at it from the Iraqi people's point of view, it sucked worse before. Also, i know people all around the world have different religions but isnt one of the many similar concepts, love everyone and stand up for people you dont even know when they are in trouble? Live a good life and treat people right. In going into Iraqi, we are helping those who need it without regret. Help those who arent able to help themselves. Stop being selfish and start living life the way it is meant to be lived.

  7. Your best bet for finding a good beginners guide to c/c++ is to search google for a tutorial on it or go to the library and grab one of the many books like "Teach Yourself C++ in 24 hrs", etc. Like most languages though, you must realize that it will take you a long time to master the skills, ideas, and debugging errors you will get when you first start out programming. My advice, is to start small and do lots of example programs so you get the beginning ideas done very well before you move on.

  8. Looks good but i think the text should be a bit lighter since is bit hard to read sometimes. Also, i would explain the images you have included under graphical design and maybe add some of you r own images and not photographs as samples. finally, under your past projects, i would increase the screen shot sizes since people would get a better view of what you can do without visiting them all.

  9. First of all, the console is supposed to be around 600 - 700 when it comes out. However, as we all know, the first flood of consoles will only come is a bundle like usual so expect it to come in at roughly $1000. However, for all of you that this they are being selfish, the cost of manufacturing the console itself leads them to lose mony on the system and you have to take into account the research and development of the console, the programmers for the firmware and the development kit, the testers, etc and that costs lots of money. They dont expect to come out a head at first but in the long run they will. All system creators lose money on the console itself but make money on the games, rights, and so forth.

  10. flash drives do not have boot records on them since they are not used for booting unless a boot disk is installed onto it. There could be something wrong with the page file, but did my suggestion work or do anything at all because even if it says no media present it will still show up under disk management. Let us know so we can better help you and bit more detail on what it says in this case would help.

  11. OK try this. Right click on My Computer and select manage. Then go to Storage and finally Disk Management. Then it should list all you drives and have pictures of them. If an area is grayed out it will allow you to partition and / or format that drive so it will be accessable with windows and any other FAT32 or NTFS filesystem depending on what you format it as.

  12. well i know i said i wasnt going to change what i used earlier but recently i changed from nortons to zone alarm and then to avast antivirus software. The reasons is that i wanted to reduce the cpu usage and nortons was killing mine. Avast is very good, free and reliable. The company i work recommends the people use it at home where they wont have the coorporate edition of nortons. Finally, for spyware i use windows defender. it is in the beta and is free and will come with vista. It is the best one out there and is free since they actually purchased the old best free spyware company and changed the name and such,

  13. First of all, who cares who actually came up with the first OS and and first GUI because we all know that it was just a matter of time since we are visual beings. Secondly, dont hate on Apple. I am and PC user but my next computer may actually be a Mac. First of all, Macs are not really ment for the the average user who doesnt know anything about computers. It was built on top of linux which is for the computer adept people. Secondly, macs are not slow but are built more for graphical applications than what windows computers are made for. Finally, the IPod complaints. If you were a producer of the most popular player, would you let others sync with it when you could instead for the average user to use your software and use your song store? It is a smart business move for them and if you really want to use it with differnet software, use winamp which works great for it too.

  14. Wow that is very interesting. i wonder how they attached the brain to the computer in order to play the game since it doesnt have any appendages and such. This is a huge step though in helping those people who are mentally disabled or mentally ill maybe gain back their lives and be able to continue to be normal. Plus, it will help with education since we might be able to learn lots of things quicker this way.

  15. Yeah the modules are too wide. I think you should decrease their widths substantiually and also give a bit more room between them and the middle information just because it look cramped. Also, i would make the module area have a that grayish background hta you have above them all the way down the sides where the news is so that it doesnt just go from modules to blue but instead goes modules to a gray border around the news and such so that the site always looks the same width.

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