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Posts posted by fffanatics

  1. To be completely honest, your site sucks.Its too busy between the background image and the foreground images. Tone down the images and the colors and just pick a solid color for the background or a very light and undistracting images. Then instead of going crazy with the other graphics tone them down too. You can use backgrounds but make them blend into the background b/c the user doesnt care about the look they want a friendly site to get the information. AN example of a friendly but iteractive and colorful layout go to FFX Allakhazam.com. Not only does it look good but it navigates well too.

  2. Hey man, i really dont thing the next gen consoles will eliminate PC gaming because they actually use the same technology. Gaming consoles push the limits of the current technology and are not upgradable where as computers use the same technology and can be upgraded.Secondly, with recent advancements in computer graphics and the release of the first ever physics chip to be used on the first computer physics card, pc gaming is going no where. These advancements might actually make the pc games better than consoles b/c of the fact that they can hold more part and more power to the unthinkableOverall, this is a debate that wont be won until the next gen systems are released and we see what happens

  3. Yeah its a portable mulitmedia gaming station. It plays movies (on sony's new format) and games and has about the same firepower as the PS2 so the graphics are nice. It also includes builtin Wi-Fi so you can play wiht your friends and over the internet. Overall it is great but i hear when watching a movie, people are complaining about their hands hurting for holding it for 2 hours. LOL

  4. OK...first you need to know if you have an AGP card slot or just an available PCI slots. Then just go to the store and buy the correct kind of video card (i recommend atleast 128 mb) and then just put it in the correct slot. Turn on the computer, insert their installation cd, install the drivers and reboot. Then you are done

  5. Google definitly is the best of those. The amount of space they give you rocks along with how you can search and add topics to emails rocks. 2 gig of space is more than I will ever need which is nice cause you never have to worry about removing emails and it is easy to find any email.

  6. It would work both ways but for one it is normally common practice to make all enums capital because they act as constants. Ex. enum daysofWeek {MONDAY};Secondly, you can not use it like today = 0; you would have to cast the 1 to a daysofWeek like today = (daysofWeek)0;

  7. Hey everyone. It appears to me that everyone really know what they are doing in this forum and im a pretty new to this PHP and MySQL combo. I know some PHP but not MySQL....I am trying to make a new website but i want to be able to go to a certain update page and change the news on the main index. For example: - The main page show news updates of the last 10 post. - I go to the update page and then fill in the form and it will add this post to the top of the list and still only print the top 10.I have no clue how to do this with MySQL. At the moment i am doing it using a file but i know file reading is slow and annoying so i want to try to avoid it. Any help on how to do this would be wonderful or a link to website explaining it would be nice even if it points to an already written script because i can atleast study the code and write it for myself. Thanks for your help in advance

  8. Well the best way to get on google is not to trust Xisto getting you on to it. The easiest way is to use a few easy helpful websites to test meta word count.. dont remember the name but just google it along with the google toolbar. The reason for this is it gives your page a rank on it so you know where you stand

  9. Dual booting works well but if you do not know what you are doing it is kinda risky. You can easily screw up files on the OS the is current install esp. with XP. I'd recommend gettign an external harddrive if your computer's bios support USB booting. If so, install Linux (i am assuming this would be the second OS) on USB and just do some searching to figure out how to get it to boot. In short, you just have to make a new initrd file so that the USB modules are loaded before the kernel....It isnt too hard once you figure that out. That is my advice and that is exactly what i do. If you need help let me know

  10. Well i voted for Windows because that is what i use most of the time because it is the easiest way to do work at college. The reason for this is because of the software needed for my development classes along with sharing files with other people. However, i try to use linux for web development and for most other things when i am not at school because it is free and can be optimized very easily once you know what you are doing. So it really just depends on the amount of money you have and or your purpose for the computer

  11. I will say FFX was amazing and the gameplay was not linear like someone else said. There were plenty of sidequests and extra things to do to keep you occupied. However, i would like to say teh best RPG was FF7. It had the best gameplay, an amazing story, great sidequest and so forth. It definitely was better than FFX.

  12. Well, since you have played EQ and i guess you've got sick of it...i would recommend EQ2. It is amazing. The graphics rock, the gameplay is similar but is much better. There is no twinking and enemies group and the leveling system has improved. Plus, the quests are actually fun cause they arent all just kill x number of these. SO that is my recommendation

  13. Well, it appears most people here prefer FireFox. I guess i am one of teh few who really like IE. I've always ran Norton Internet Securty and rarely get spyware and dont get popups. TO me, firefox is slower and it does not display many of the web pages i view very well. Also, to be honest i hate tabbed windows because i love using alt-tab and you cannot do that. Finally, i would like to say that if build a website firefox is great for testing because of their debugger and DOM.

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