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Posts posted by fffanatics

  1. I would recommend modding your old site section by section, peice by peice. This way your site will stay online with full content and not be taken offline even though it probably will take longer to complete the whole project. I personally did start from scratch on mine which is why there is no content but it was different for me. I dont care who sees my site and it is more of a learning area for me since i run my fraternities site and that is the one i care the most about. Also, i got sick of the old layout and such and took advantage of this oppertunity to change the site completely.

  2. I so prefer the darker blue jeans compared to the lighter ones. However, all dark jeans have one problem. The more you wear them and the more you wash them the less dark they get. Thankfully, they (atleast for me) have never gotten light enough to be considered light blue jeans which is good. The reason i like these is that they tend to look less ratty and match way more colors than the light ones.

  3. I totally agree. The old mario, donkey kong, zelda games were so much more fun than most of the new games that are released now a days. They really have set a standard for our generation that has yet to be beat. I know that newer, younger children than myself (i am 19) really dont appreciate those games which is kinda annoying since they definitely are the best ones ever. I really wish the new games of this day and age could go back to their simplicity yet still be different and up to date

  4. Wow i really like those images. The top one i think is cooler than the bottom one just because there is a bit more going on. Unlike the other poster above i like the dark colors becuase i think it brings all the other windows out of the desktop better. Finally, what do you use to make those wallpapers besides like photoshop aka and specific filters or pens, etc. Keep up the good work.

  5. I personally dont think that 21 is old. To be honest, you definitely are still young at heart since that is the first year you can legally drink and go to bars so at 21 you havent grown out of the "having a good time" phase. personally, i think old starts setting in around 28 - 30 since you arent in college anymore, bars arent as enjoyable, you may be married and even have kids, etc. Until then, young as can be

  6. Yeah i know exactly what you mean. We all do. When i was younger, my parents never took me to a movie unless it was G until i was like 10 or so and could actually handle a PG-13 movie. I think little children under 10 should not be allowed into a PG-13 even if their parents are with them because they ruin it for everyone else. However, earlier today i went and saw Narnia and a young girl (i dont know how old cause i couldnt see her) was so halarious with her niave commentary that she actually made the movie better which was a first for me since ive never had a little child make a movie better.

  7. I have and am using verizon still. I love it. I havent ever had any problems besides limited service while inside my house. However, we just were in the middle of 3 towers and they added a new one and now that is fixed. I get atleast 3 bars almost everywhere i go so id recommend them. Plus, their phones rock. Mine even is an MP3 player

  8. If you like dreamweaver and are using linux i would recommend bluefish. It is very similar and easy to use. When i am in windows i use dreamweaver and when im in linux i use bluefish. I think they are almost the same except since dreamweaver isnt free it does have a bunch more options but most of them i dont use anyway.

  9. I agree with leiaah. In order to determine which linux distro is the best you just have to try them and see which one works for you. When i first started using linux i tried out fedora core 2 and then mepis and mandrake linux of which none of them i liked or could i figure out how to load them on an external harddrive. So finally, i tried Suse and it solved all my troubles with the external and i love the user interface and its features and how often it gets updated. So just go out and try some. I just dont recommend trying gentoo linux since you dont know much about linux nor making a kernal and all and this would just cause you major frustration

  10. I would definitely go with the teddy bear. It shows that your support her and have payed attention when she speaks. Also, when she does go away if you will be apart in the hard times she will see the teddy bear and be reminded that you will always be there for her. Its one of those things that might not "have an actual use" but will keep her thinking of you and with you even if you are not there.

  11. i dont think these two products are even in the same category. First of all, how many people carry their psp around to listen to music? Not very many. Secondly, how many people carry around their ipod to watch a movie on it. Not very many. An ipod is mainly used for listening to music while one has to walk to class, run, or travel, etc. Not to watch a movie since the screen is sooo small and who has the time in a day to watch a movie when they arent at home anyway. A psp is used by a different class of people. They carry it around to play games before class, traveling, etc. and not for music or even movies. So in the end these are two separate products in separate categories so they shouldnt be compared.

  12. OK first of all i do know HTML. However, that is not it. I am a computer science student right now so definitely know my share of languages. For web design i know CSS, DHTML, PHP, some .Net. For computers and such i know C, C++, Java, DirectX, MzScheme, MatLab. I will be learning Lisp and Assembly Language in my classes next semester and all so i definitely know quite a few languages.

  13. I date doesnt matter. The basics and all the syntax will be the same since that does not ever change. The only few things that may be different will be style issues like what lines to close the brace on, commenting, etc. However, those are not a big deal especially if you are only writing code for yourself. A few of the more difficult topics could be different just because new and better ways to do them may have been developed but if you are serious about C++ at that point you will end up with a more advanced book anyway. Good luck learning it. It isnt very difficult. The only things that might seem confusing at first are pointers and possibly a few of the data abstraction concepts. If you need help with anything send me a PM and i will try to explain them better.

  14. Currently i use Yahoo! for my spam and random email for internet sites because i could care less about that account. I use Gmail for my good internet site account since i love thier interface and all their updates and such. Then i use aol for my actual account that i read since i have used it for forever and it would be a pain to change. Finally, i use my school account for emails regrading school (obviously) and any jobs and such that come from that. Plus, it is the one i check the most. I think that the more email accounts you have and the more you specialize in what each one does the better since their is soooo much spam if you dont just use an account for perosnal email and such.

  15. Yes, Mac have partnered with Intel for chips for their new PCs. They will contain a authorization chip so that Mac OS cannot be installed on normal PCs which kinda sucks. However, they will be better than the current macs since intel chips out perform the current mac chip. Plus, apple will be able to cut current develoment costs for its chips so hopefully, the cost of the their computers will decrease. I cant wait even though i am trying to get a free minimac. Plus those who say AMD is better, you really dont know what Intel is up to nor what their future hold. They in the end will continue to dominate.

  16. Yeah i noticed that ad too but like it isnt a big deal since it is only for one of googles projects which we pretty much all support anyway. Earlier someone said aim has too many ads and i so agree. I would try google talk but i already use Trillian Pro and i love it. There arent ads and it has soooo many features plus plugins and you can chat using a mic and also using a web cam so it already has those features.

  17. I use Dreamweaver right now because i like a lot of its features like the syncronization and colored text, etc. However, since it isnt a free software, if you dont want to spend a lot of money but still are willing to spend a little, i used to use Coffeecup HTML editor because it has a lot of the same features that dreamweaver has. Yes, it is missing a few but it still is a very good editor. Finally, for those who dont want to spend any money, definitely try Bluefish editor by OpenOffice.org it is a very good editor. I am not sure if it has the features that Dreamweaver has because i have only used it a few times but from my experience it was a great free program

  18. OK this game looks good because it is the first real game to take advantage of the XBOX360's architecture but now just imagine what the PS3 games will look like when it has been shown that the PS3 will have better performance and graphics than the 360. Secondly, a review of the prerelease version said it was a bit choppy because of how hard they pushed the 360's architecture. That should be fixed somewhat in the final release but dont expect this game to perform amazingly since it is the first one to really try and capitalize on the new architecture

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