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Posts posted by fffanatics

  1. Since i did ask to be one of your affiliates i definitely wanted to let you know what i thought about your site. For one, let me just say that a few of my comments might not look wierd on your screen but i am running a resolution of 1920x1200. You should have your banner just fill 100% of the width of the screen or just have it tilled but make sure it is aligned to the left since it appears to be centered somewhat so i get a partial slice, the full thing, and then another partial banner. Secondly, your tabs at top i would recommend making a background image for them and accent the edges just because they intersect your title image in a wierd way. They just look kinda out of place. Finally, i would add a side navigation bar on the left or the right just so it is a bit easier to navigate. Overall i like the color scheme and the look but just a few minor changes. Content is good but i recommend getting the look finished first or else you may have to rewrite some content pages to fit it.

  2. Wow that really does suck. In my school, all my computer teachers (aka all 2 of them) knew a decent amount about programming and such since they were the only two computer teachers and each taught languages so we never had any issues with them. However, the administration at the district headquarters really started to cut down on programs that could be downloaded and install and they did yell at you. They just erased them from the hd and then blocked them online. It does suck but i guess from their point of view it is a security issue and could cause a problem.

  3. Yeah you cant have html in a style sheet. Basically your site most likely only will need one style sheet for the whole site. In it you should define classes and ids for different types of styles in your site. So for your links you could have a class called horizontalBar and then have id's for a.hover, etc. Then for your links just make a new class (or dont even use a class) and make the ids to format it the way you want. You do not use style sheets to show data, just to format it so that if you ever decide to change the look and feel of your website, all you have to do is change the style sheet becuase as long as you dont want to change the layout, all the colors and other details are able to be changed from there.

  4. I like the idea but i really dont think you will get many people to change OSs. However, i think it might help many of us linux users who have some questions. I like the website but it is a little too white. I would add some color just so there is a bit more contrast. Besides that, keep up the work

  5. I do not know the actual release date but i am one of those people who did download it. I really liked the movie and the subtitles did not ruin the movie. Subtitles do not ruin movies they actually make them better sometimes since you dont have to worry about having the volume way up to know what is going on. The graphics of this movie were amazing in all way but the plot needed some help. It just was a little random at points.

  6. Wow that is a normal case of what happens in middle school and high school. I have been through my fair share of relationships like that but what you have to remember is that what is meant to happen will happen. Since she broke up with you it just means she wasnt the one for you. You have plenty of time to find the right person and i know it is hard when someone you care about but time will heal the pain. I went through a break up after dating this girl for just under a year and of being exculsive for just under 6 months and well it sucked. However, two weeks later i had a big fraternity event and i just made sure i went out and had a good time. You will find another person that you will care for and since you are younger, you probably will find a bunch more than 1. Just when stuff like this happens move on and keep looking because each time you will discover more of what characteristics you want in a match and more of what you dont want until finally you find someone who matchs all of the criteria and they will be the one. Good luck and just go have a good time with some friends and you will move on. Trust me on that one.

  7. Wow i have never had any trouble with dentists. My denist is amazing. When she cleans your teeth it doesnt hurt and actually feels kinda good. Finally, if they have to do any work, they are so gentle and have not screwed up that i have no reason to complain.

  8. I am udner Verizon Wireless's cell phone service and i have an LG VX8100 and it works great for me. I get really good reception pretty much everywhere unlike my previous phone. Also, the speaker phone is super loud and sensitive. It also plays mp3s store on a minisd card so i use it as a 1 gig mp3 player. The battery life lasts like 3 days without having to charge even if i am on the phone for a long time. Finally, it isnt big and fits comfortably in your hand and on your ear. Hope this helps

  9. Yeah i am a laptop user and i currently run a dual montor display system using the 15.4 widescreen laptop monitor at resolution 1920x1200 and i also use a Mag Innovision 14'' LCD Monitor at resolution of 1024x768. My laptop monitor is super clear but the one by Mag is a 5 year old lcd monitor which does not have the greatest contrast but still is very good and takes very little space which is why i like it.

  10. Create a login script using php and then only let users who have logged in be able to access those pages. This is very easy to do since there are login scripts all over the internet which you can get just by searching for them in google. I wrote my own just because i wanted to know how to do it. Then, to make sure only registered users can get to the pages, first of all only show the links to them if a predicate like logged_in is true and also put a check at the top of the code for those pages that also makes the same check. The reason for the second check is that it will prevent people from just typing in the address of the members only page and being able to see it with out registering. Hope this helps

  11. No they wont since if microsoft can program the TPM then so can Linux developers. The reason they had to support it is since computers are going to be built with it, if they dont support it then the whole operating system would not able to work and would just disappear. It is a great move too since then people will know how to work with the TPM so it will help people get around some of its problems it causes users.

  12. Wow that is pretty cool. Once it becomes more available i will definitely be trying it out. It seems google will be entering the web services field like web hosting sometime really soon since they already have released an easy page designer to host with them. Hopefully they will release a free service that supports server side languages and mysql and such since that is what most of us here demand. However, even if they do ill probably stay here just because i love the forum and it keeps me in touch with the world in many ways i never would be if it wasnt for it.

  13. Doom definitley has to be the best game of all time from your list. The reason for it is becausee it started all the fps and had the best gameplay ever. I honestly say that i come back to playing it all the time when i get bored and just feel like chilling out. IFrst of all, it was extremely long and had a great feel to it. Also, the multiplayer in it was the best one i had played when i was younger. Not only did it have a deathmatch it also had coop which was sooo much fun.

  14. Hey the site looks really good. However, i would recommend a few changes. Starting with the smallest is that i think you need to add a title to the page since it comes up as "Untitiled Document". Secondly, i would get rid of the entrance page and just go straight to the actual site since this is a better practice and you tend to get more viewers and people dont care about the requirements of a site they just want the content. Next, i would get rid of the bright orange behind "News" and such since it just doesnt fit your color scheme. Lower the contrast of it by adding more black to it just to dull it out and it will look a ton better. Finally, i would just move the content up more and just reduce that white ribbon on the top since it just makes the site look a bit wierd. Other than that i love the title image and the color scheme because they are different but done very tastily and they make your site look good and go together. Keep up the good work

  15. Wow i cant believe someone said those rules are stupid and wrong cause they definitley are not. Yes, some girls dont really care about all of them but if you have dated as manyas i have you will find out that some girls prefer certain rules more than others. In the end, you shouldnt just follow those rules if you dont believe they are true, you should just be yourself but keep in mind girls too have feelings and they think differently then us men. Just cause you dont think you did something stupid or wrong doesnt mean they think the same thing. Suck it up and just apologize to them even if you dont think you did something wrong just because it better to not let a girl you care about get away from you over a stupid argument that just could have been settled by two words "Im sorry".

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