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Posts posted by fffanatics

  1. Definitely stick to Xisto. Google pages for one do not support php and mysql so why would you switch? The whole reason i use Xisto is because of the php and mysql allowances which are amazing. No other webhost has these options. I guess google pages will be good for those who dont know html or how to program but for advanced users it is useless. Don't switch unless you suck at html and cant make your own pages.

  2. Yeah im not really sure why it would freeze and have to be restarted. I run Suse9.3 on my laptop through an external harddrive. It should work for you since you even installed it on the internal. The resolution is not an issue cause im running 1920x1200 on Suse. Good luck. I'd say, maybe try a different distro

  3. Turning off your computer is not a bad thing and leaving it on can do damage. However, the problem with leaving the computer on is that Windows is not the best at memory management and you tend to slowly run out of memory because it eats away at itself. Yes, XP is getting better but Linux you could leave on and not have any issues. Therefore, i tend to restart my computer about once a week and i usually just suspend it over night since there really isnt a need for it to be doing anything during those hours. The comment above about how it actually is bad to restart your computer is completely wrong. Computers are made to go on and off all the time and it will not hurt it. It probably helps it cause it allows the hardware to cool down.

  4. Wow that is pretty sweet but at the same time, i dont really know when i would ever use it. Like most people (esp. my professors) just put up notes in pdf form because they are the simplest to print. I dont normally read or even look at pdfs on my computer so there is no need for the 3d component. Also, when i loaded their sample, it took a ton of CPU to move the images around and such and my computer is still top of the line. I think maybe in a few years it might be useful but not right now. However, lastly i just want to say it is a pretty sweet idea.

  5. When i was in high school a few years ago we had the same thing except since i live in Pennsylvania it was more of an ice storm with snow instead of a 15 inch snow storm. I did not get sick from standing outside because i was a junior and drove to school but instead we had a person get killed in a car crash where the car hit a patch of ice and it slid into a rail. It is the stupidity of the school district that caused this and causes numerous problems just because they want to get out on time in the summer and / or just dont think "anything will happen" under bad circumstances. What is ironic is that in middle school and high school they always preach that us of that age group think we are "superhuman" and nothing would ever happen to us but i really think that the same philosophy can be said about the districts. Hope you feel better and your school doesnt have to go through what mine did just because of a stupid decision they made

  6. I never was going to buy one but i always wanted one. They were too expensive and not worth the money. So i now ended up getting one for free from an online offer and i use my ipod every day. I am a college student and it makes walking to class much easier along with studying at the library or downstairs in my apartment. I just dont have to worry about disturbing anyone and i can listen to music which makes me work better.

  7. OK it seems like you just do too much on the computer. Homework cant be avoided so dont even try to do it else where but to help staying on track here are a few ideas: 1.) Use postit notes and just write each thing you have to do that day on one. When you finish take them off.2.) Keep a calendar and time planner just so you know what you have to do.As for those long breaks, i would get involved or call some friends and do something. Play a sport, go for a run, or even just work out. It all takes time and makes you feel better.

  8. Yeah i agree that the "Welcome to the Bus Stop" colors need to be changed cause i did not even see it. I thought it just was a line. I link the clean layout and you already know you need content. I also would change the right sections such that there was a bit more spacing between each topic in "Latest Posts" along with a bit more spacing between each section on that side. It just looks a bit cluttered. Finally, i would move the Xisto Banner to the bottom or condense it and put it on the side just because it takes away from the name of your site. I didnt even know the name of the site because the banner caught my attention too much. It is nice to promote Xisto but at the same time, you have to do it in a way that it doesnt take away from your site.

  9. You all say that it is the attutude that "gets the points" but how many of you consider a guy who is in a jersey a prep because of his attidude? None of you. I, like i said before, am a prep and not all preps act the way you all descibe. I pop my collar all the time and it makes me look good. Heck, the girls really like it. Do i act snotty against anyone else, heck no. I just dont care what anyone else thinks and just am myself which tends to make me a friend of everyone. Just being nice to people is all you need to be considered cool or even just a good not stuck up guy. Poeple just dont realize that style doesnt matter because we all think we look good in something and it is our atitude and personality that matter...

  10. In almost every programming language it is better to have a new file for each new task. It just allows for better data abstraction and reusability of code. Plus, since there are different files, if you need to update one task, you dont risk changing the other one and you also know exactly where to look. If it just is you editing the code, it probably doesnt matter but in the real world where most programming is done, if 100,000 line programs were in 1 file, it would be sooo hard to work with or understand the code.

  11. OK so i actually really like most movies that were made from books. First of all, both of the movies filmed from the book Dune are amazing. The older of the two, obviously is little but more out there but that has to do with the technology at the time the movie was filmed. However, the newer of the two follows the book amazingly close and is extremely well done. Another good book made into movies was the Chronicals of Narnia. Before the one released by Disney the BBC release the first 6 books in movie form and they were really good. I grew up with them and i still love them (in fact i now have them in DVD). The Disney version also was really good since it was more realistic but it did change a few things which i didnt like but overall it still was goodNow, the Harry Potter movies. We all know the books are amazing but i would have to say that some of the movies were better than the others. Overall, the movies werent bad either but since the books were so long it was hard to make them exactly the sameFinally, there is the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. I would have to say these movies rocked just as much as the books. Thats about it.

  12. Yeah so basically unless you are a newbie web developer you definitely should not be using tables for your site. Instead you need to use css and divs since it is web spider friendly and will improve your rating since it can be indexed better. Plus, it gives you sooo much more flexibility along with a lot easier way to change the look of your site by just editing the css file.

  13. yeah almost all of the comics that have been made into comics have been good. the only except is Hulk that i have seen so far however i have not watch Fantastic Four and i have not heard good things about it. I believe the reason for this is that there are soooo many comics out per title that the story writer has such a plethora to choose from as a story line and these comics have sold well enough that there is a large enough fan base for the movies. I cant wait for X3 to come out.

  14. Ok since i am at college my grades wont come out til the end of semester which is the end of may. However, just to contribute i graduated high school with a 4.2 GPA and now at college i have a 3.758. I plan on getting a 4.0 this semester since i know i can get A's in all my computer science classes and physics is the only other class and i know i can do well in it. It is optics and just is a ton of math.

  15. yeah i run a similar setup except oi have a laptop. I use the laptops screen at 1920x1200 and then have a 14" lcd monitor connected that runs 1024x768 thus i get a huge screen and can test websites on any resolution. I love it and never will go back to 1 screen unless im actually using the laptop as a laptop and not docked

  16. Trillian is definitely a better piece of software than MSN messanger. It has 10x as many features and can have sooo many plugins. Plus it can be used for any client unlike msn. I have been using trillian for roughly 4 or 5 years and i have always used the pro version. I love the fact that it can be skinned but that the original skin rocks. Another great thing about it is that i can get my weather, control winamp, and get my mail all through one side window on my screen. Plus it docks well

  17. I agree with the fact that microsoft makes very good hardware. Part of the reason is that their drivers never stop working and are normally built into the operating system. However, i disagree with the software comment. The reason Microsoft software is "unsecure" and such is because it is what everyone uses so those who want to be destructive target their stuff and to be honest, no matter how good a programmer you are, it is almost impossible to create anything that is 100% secure.

  18. Here is what i think. I really dont thinkr. that you should get a laptop to take notes. I, for one, have used one at college for notes especially in my computer science classes but it tends to create sidetrackions from the actual lesson. I tend to want to search google or post here or research stuff on my own when i had my laptop in class since a ton of things are review. I personally think that having a paper and pen in class to take notes allows people to be less sidetracked and to pay more attention and remember the information better

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