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Posts posted by fffanatics

  1. Do you what else is interesting. We know more about outer space then we know about our own oceans. Like yes we know a fair amount about what lives and relatively shallow areas of the ocean but very little is know about the deepest depths of the ocean like this trench. The reason is that the pressure is so great we have not been able to accomplish the task of getting there plus it seems that funding for those expeditions is lacking thus it is hard to accomplish this.

  2. Woo who ever said GIMP was not that good has never really used it. Yes, if you are used to photoshop it might seem a tad bit strange and hard to use but once u start using it and get used to the way it does things, it is as good as Photoshop. Plus, since it is free many people use it and there are great tutorials online just search google. For a free image software, use GIMP since who actually can afford Adobe CS 2?

  3. It means that something has already been sent to the screen by the script before the header was modified and now it is trying to modify the header and cant. This error stands for a few different things that could be wrong but the most likely is that you have a space or extra line at the end of one of the files probabaly header.php or in index.php. Make sure there isnt one. If that doesnt work google the error message and find out its other meanings

  4. The things i hate about the internet are quite a few but simple / small things. First of all, popups and spam suck but if you have the right software they do not bother you. Secondly, i hate sites that have too many images and take forever to load even with a broadband connection. Don't these people get the idea... Finally, what i hate the most are websites that do not have the content they are supposed to have and are still ranked highly by search engines. I just cant stand wasting my time trying to find something when the place i get refered to doesnt say one thing that it is supposed to. Those are the things i hate

  5. My advice is to never use WYSIWYG editors since the code they produce is normally hideous. In the time it will take you to find a good free WYSIWYG editor, you could have already learned and memorized the basic syntax for an html page. With maybe an extra hour you would know style sheets and would be able to produce the same page with better code and more options then you ever could with one of those WYSIWYG editors. If you are going to make a website you should know what you are doing and not trusting anyone elses work

  6. Ok well long distance relationships never work out and end up sucking. Trust me i have had a few actually since i had a girl friend who went away to college when i was in high school and i had one when i went to college so i am an expert. What happens is that no matter how frequently you talk, you end up having two separate lives instead of getting to share lots of time with each other. That makes it difficult cause people change and in the end, you do not know each other the way you used to. Good luck if you are going to try but i figured i just would warn you. Plus, im at school in delaware so ... jk i would never do that.

  7. Making a CMS really is not very difficult using PHP and MySql. All you have to do is first make a login system that is secure which is simple and can be found on any forum for a working example and then you just make a few admin pages that allow you to add content. From there you just change your pages layout code so it reads from the database instead of just the content from the HTML file

  8. Darn i wished my parents would spend $30,000 on a car for me. Personally, it depends what you need it for. I for one own a 2003 Chevy Cavalier and i havent had a problem with the car and i love it. Plus, it was only like $11,000 new. However, if they will spend 30 grand on a car for you i would recommend the new Pontiac Solstice since for one it is a convertable and it looks amazing. Way better than the Avalon XLS.

  9. You cant really say which browser is better because it is partially a personal preference and it also has to do with compatibility. Yes, firefox is more W3C frinedly and does numerous things the right way but the problem with it is the IE has been around for so long that many websites are specifically made for it, thus appearing wierd to firefox users. That is why i voted for IE just because it is more compatible. In a few years though, this will be a tough choice since a new version of IE is coming out and web designers are starting to go by the standards more and are moving away from making IE only websites.

  10. I use Norton Internet Security since it not only takes care of viruses, malware, adaware, and my firewall but it also is easy to use. I have never had a problem with it and it is easy to configure and does a good job. Right after the install it can be annoying since it will ask you what you want to do for anything that connects to the internet but within a day or two you will never see it again.

  11. My advice is that before you start programming a game in C or C++ not only should you be comfortable with DirectX or OpenGL, i would recommend learning some Lisp or Scheme just because it will improve your skill majorly since data and procedures are the same thing to it and there is no assignment so everything is done recursively. It actually is quite fun to program in since you have to be very abstract but to the point when writing for it. For an average function, they arent longer than like 4 or 5 lines no matter what. So try learning some of those just to touch some concepts that C/C++ are not very good at learning from.

  12. My advice would be to change the layout and design of the page using some css and small images. The way you would do this is using either photoshop or the Gimp, make the layout of your page as an image and make it look however you want it to look and dont just start coding. Then from there slice that image into the parts you need and try to reuse as many images as possible since it will cut load time of the page. Then code the layout or have imageready code it for you and work on it from there. Then you will get a professional looking site that loads quickly. Also i would work on the sizing of the fonts and such because they seem very large to me and i have 1920x1200 resolution which means they should be relatively small. Any coding questions, feel free to PM me.

  13. Well in a MMORPG i look for numerous things. First of all i look for quality in graphics and effects because without those these days, a game just isnt much fun to play since we know how realistics graphics can be. Secondly i look for a very good gameplay system like the difficulty to learn the game and how you can level up and what type of playing options there are. Then i finally look at the storyline. If there are not any quests that build a story i will not play the game since fighting random creatures gets old very quickly.

  14. Ok i know where you are at because i was there just a few years ago (i am 19 now). The thing is everyone here is like "dont rush into it" yet you are 15 so seriously guys, ive known of 1 relationship that has ever lasted since 15 years old so like if you like her tell her and be like "would you like to go on a date sometime." Like what do you have to lose? If she says no, there are soooo many more fish in the sea and since you are young like give it a week and you will be over it and most likely she will be too. It may be ackward the next few times you speak but you still will end up being friends. When i was 16 i asked out like 2 of my friends because i liked them during that year and i was rejected both times and yet i still hang with them today. i have even dated a good friend for 6 months, broken up with them, and still are friends with them. So what i am trying to say is just go for it and what is meant to happen will happen. You are young so dont expect the relationship to last longer than a year or two since you are still changing and in a few years you will be a different person then you are now and so will she thus it is likely you two wont be compatible any more. Just go for it and see what happens. PM if you want to know more information on why i am telling you this.

  15. I would say go with the PSP because the Ipod nano is not worth the price they charge. It only costs Apple $90 to produce an Ipod Nano and they are selling for $200 - $300 which is an insaine profit margin. I would just recommend holding out on a music player til you get a new cell phone and then just buy a memory card for it and use that as an all around music / telephony device like me. It cost me $100 and i have a LG8100 cell phone and a 1gig mp3 player all in one. That is my advice.

  16. Well i would have to say my favorite games have to be all the final fantasy games except 11 since i havent played it, and the everquest series. Not only do these games have great story lines, state of the art graphics, and an unbelievable replay value, they are some of most interesting games to play.

  17. No the XPS is the best gaming laptop out there. I currently have a Dell XPS Gen 1 that is a year old and it still is a top of line computer. I can play EQ2 with high performance settings currently and i played Doom 3 with High Settings and this is a laptop. Most laptops couldnt even play those on medium last i looked so i would recommend it. It hasnt given me any trouble and ive always owned a dell because they last and have good support (if u speak to someone in America).

  18. Personally i like either windows or linux operating systems over macs. The reason is that i build computers and servers so i would not be able to run mac on it. Plus, i play soooo many games that a mac would be useless for those. I know people say, "i never get virus' on my mac" and such and that is true. But you can have the same kind of protection by using linux. Plus, for those mac novices out there, the mac os is built on top of linux therefore it truely is a linux os. Therefore, why spend the extra cash on a mac when u can get a free os on your own assembled computer for a fraction of the price

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