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Posts posted by fffanatics

  1. Hmm well personally i use Gmail for my personal email and newsletters that i enjoy reading. However, i have never had a newsletter that caused me this issue but it is nice to know how to fix it. If Google knows that it exists and everyone complains, i am sure that it will be fixed and definitely removed when Gmail comes out of beta (if that every will be).

  2. I use WS_FTP Pro 2006...its a very easy to use and reliable FTP client. I love the way i can just syncronize my site so i dont have to keep uploading the same files over and over again. Plus if i change something on the Xisto server it will download it to my harddrive which is nice

  3. Mainly i know that if you know you are going to die it will be tough. However, wouldn't it make you want to get the most out of the time that is left like do the things you always wanted to do? Like seriously if i knew i was going to die, i definitely would go ski diving and conquer as many of my fears as i could so that when i died i would know that i lived a full life even though it was shorter than i wanted.

  4. Wow you do have immature friends...for one, if you two liked each other enough in the first place, she would not have believed the rumor and would have talked to you about it in the first place. Second, if you both still like each other then there is no reason not to go out again. Finally, every relationship goes through rough times. What makes a relationship strong and able to last is how well the two people communicate and are able to reason with each other without arguing.

  5. Wow, it appears a lot of people here dont like greenday. I for one do. I think that they are a very good and unique alternative rock group. They have a different style than Metallica or Sabbath so they really cant be judged in the same way. Since i like there style and other groups similar, i know i am biased in some ways. However, that does not mean you shouldnt take anything i say as true. All i know is that their style and music is rememberable and catchy while also different and not just the same old alternative rock sounding music that is on the radio these days

  6. My advice would be to do whatever you think is right. To be honest, this is not a situation that anyone else should be able to convince you of what to do since there is no way we can understand exactly what you feel. I for one have been in plenty of relationships (ranging from 1 week to 7 months) and normally do not have a problem moving on since i have always believed that what is meant to happen will happen. So basically do what you think would make you the happiest person you can be.

  7. I voted for the first one but it actually depends on the time of the day and where i am at. For example, if it is in between classes and i have to work to do, i get an empty table and try to do work. However, if a friend comes over i definitely wont turn them down but i might have prefered to be alone at the time. For dinner at the dinning hall, i have to eat with other people or else i feel like a loser and its kind of boring if you ask me

  8. CoffeeCup HTML editor is not a free software so you must buy it to use it. I used to use it but in the end i got Dreamweaver MX 2005 because it does most of the same things but has more functionality. What i really liked was their code cleaner utility that would fix indentations and close tags not closed. This is the one thing that is better in coffeecup HTML editor over dreamweaver. Overall its a decent piece of software especially if you know your code and do not need some extra functionality.

  9. Nice site. The only i can say that i do not like is the layout on the main page. To me i just looks cluttered with all the different languages layed out in a box like that. However, the color scheme, forms, and everything else looks wonderful. The only other thing is it appears that an image is missing in the header because i get a grey square box in the middle of it so you might want to check that out. I am using IE so maybe that is why. Overall i would say 8/10 and a great site.

  10. To be honest the age of the people in the forum does not matter that much. What matters is their knowledge in the topics they are posting in. I for one am 19 years old and a sophmore at the University of Delaware who is a computer science major. Therefore, i know plenty about programming and such and prefer to participate in those types of topics where my expertise can be utilized.

  11. Websites can be very annoying for many reasons so the poll does not do justice to all of them. I for one absolutely hate popups (which i do not get many of anymore) along with tons of advertisements on the page. Those just take away from the content and make the user want to leave the site. I also hate anyone who has copied another site and or used their style because as a web designer it is a very rude and inconsiderate thing to do. Finally, the one major thing i dislike about a website that is not on the poll is a site whose author does not know how to compress images so that they page acutally loads in a short amount of time. I hate waiting

  12. ............................................HARDWARE............................................80 GB hard drive + 160 GB USB2.0 External HD1024 mb RAMIntel Pentium 4 3.4 Ghz with HyperThreading TechnologyATI 128 mb RADEON Mobility 9700 15.4 WUXGA Screen w/ 1920 x 1200 resolutionCreative Audigy 2 NX External USB SoundCardCreative T7700 7.1 Speaker System8x DVD+-RW.............................................OS.............................................Windows XP Media Center Edition SP 2Suse 9.3

  13. Ok i would recommend the Gimp for a free image editing software. It is just as powerful as photoshop but does a few things differently. Also, even though their is text in the image that is a gif, you still would be able to edit it but i would be much more difficult. IF you do not know how to edit images fairly well, your result will not look good. I am just warning you and also maybe iterating the fact that that best website images are ones you personally create. There are tons of tutorials out their to help you learn these programs and create your own images.

  14. Is there any special way on getting the Linuz operating system

    To answer your question, there is two ways to get a Linux OS. You can either download a version of it free legally off of their website or through a hosted torrent file that is put out by the distro or you can buy one of their boxed version either in a store or from the website. The differences is that a boxed version would have more software that contains licenses that they are not legally allowed to put out for free like MP3 support, etc. However, if you know how to set up and use linux, you can get software from the web that is freeware that allows you to use those.

    Also, I personally do not use Gentoo because of the lengthy setup process. I too am a college student but i did not have the time or the amount of bandwidth required to install Gentoo since it downloads the sources and then compiles and installs all the software. Gentoo is a distro recommended for advanced linux users because of the setup and the way it does things. However, since the code is compuled on your computer it is the quickest os. If you are a newbie i recommend Suse Linux because it is easy to install, tons of people use it so there are many forums, and finally it is a very good way for beginners to learn linux.

  15. I totally agree. Copiers will always exist and there is no way to totally prevent against it. Like Tyssen said you can legally try to prevent it. The only other way i know of is to search google for code to prevent a right click and the view source option in IE. Those can be done easily but are not always very effective but atleast they are something

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