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Posts posted by fffanatics

  1. What kind of guides would you want. Like once you know the basics all you have to do is basically use those to create complex stuff like login scripts and news scripts and such that suite your needs. Also, if you understand the language just look at the API and use that as a reference or a starting point. There most likely wont be advanced guides for any language.

  2. Yeah just like cmatcmextra said it defeats the point. The point of hosting credits is to maintain an active forum while also providing a very good hosting service. It is not very hard to get hosting credits if you post in the forum daily. I for one do around 2 posts a day and on randoms days earn up to like 10 credits in a sitting. You should have thought about that before you went on vacation and planned accordingly like the rest of us.

  3. Yeah i saw that yesterday...it was interesting to view the moon and all but i wish they had the american flag that was planted in the moon from visible but o well no one is perfect. Also their joke was kinda funny and wierd at the same time cause i definitely was not expecting it when i zoomed in.

  4. It depends on what OS you are planning to make the GUI for. If you are going to make a windows gui, you just need to Google or read up on the WinAPI. If you are writing the software for another OS just search for their drawing api or another similiar term.

  5. I am so surprised that more people did not list the Final Fantasy soundtracks as their favorite VGMs. They so happen to be mine. I love all of Nobuo Uematsu's music so much that i actually own all the OSTs of all the Final Fantasy games. However, i would have to say that the Final Fantasy 7 soundtrack was the best. The reason i think that is because of how much the music makes ones mind relate to the mood of the game and the feelings of the game the specific moments in it. Everytime i hear one of the songs i can relate to the characters and how they feel along with how i feel current at the moment. They just are awesome and i recommend purchasing them and supporting Nobuo Uematsu.

  6. I have never tested my typing speed but it does not affect your scripts that you write. What affects how quickly a script is written has to be your planning and you knowledge of the language. If you have planned out what you need to do and how you are going to do it and if you know how you are going to implement it and are familiar with this form of implementation, then they will be completed quicker and with less errors. However, if the implementation is new to you or you just sit down and try to do the script, then if will take you atleast twice as long to complete it.

  7. This is not a new topic but ill answer again anyway.1.) Trillain - i love all of its features, its gui interface, and the sounds it makes since i can get my weather, control winamp, etc all from it.2.) Shadows Bittorent Client - the easiest to use and most reliable bittorrent client i have used. Never lets me down when dling new linux distros or versions3.) Active Desktop Calendar - my favorite calendar because it allows you to show x number of days events on your desktop so you do not have to open it to see what you need to do plus its very easy to use and you have plenty of options you can personalize.

  8. Well some of you say that the ipod and ipod mini rock but in the end they really are not as good as some of the competition. I recently have purchased a samsung YH-820 and it is a much nicer player. It is smaller and weighs less plus it has a color screen and a 5 gig harddrive and i spent the same amount as a ipod mini or less on it. Apple tends to be over priced most of the time which is why i never have really wanted to purchase any of their items.

  9. Yeah, the only thing that could be considered free photoshop would be a open source program called GIMP. Many people believe it is better then photoshop however, others disagree. In my opinion they both work great but there methods to do numerous tasks are a little different. You might want to check it out since it is free and widely used so many tutorials should be available.

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