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Everything posted by rpgsearcherz

  1. To my understanding it still is active....I just got my old domain moved to the new servers a month or so ago. Before that, I was still using the credit system for one of my accounts. I'm pretty sure the "HOSTED" thing on people's profile still means the credit system is active, but not sure. Xisto seems to be giving people time to switch over(much more time than is needed) so people don't have their stuff wiped from taking a break or something.
  2. I've never heard of Objective C....Is it just C? Another name for it or is it a new language?Because if it's just C...I would vote C over C++ anyday if you want full control over how the memory is allocated and whatnot in your programs. C++ is obviously easier to use.The difference between C and C++ is like a bicycle and car. The bicycle is more efficient(due to workout and all) but is much harder to use.
  3. Thanks for the review! I almost got Eve Online at one point until I found out it was space based...I'm more into the fantasy type where you play an actual character and go kill monsters/other players and stuff.I may end up checking this out for a little though due to the review talking about a trial...Didn't know there was one, .So thanks again!
  4. I can't stand popups, or popunders. They are by far the most intrusive ads I have ever seen - worse even than the "interstitial" ads(where when you go from one page to another you see a full page ad for 5-10 seconds).Banners are fine to me, but when people pop up extra screens it takes away from your goal. Your goal is to find the information you want, not to sit around trying to decipher which pages you can or can not close.There are many times where I have 5-10 browsers open because I'm doing research. When popups start coming out it causes either a slowdown on the PC or mentally because I have to figure out which sites were ones I wanted and which ones are just ads.I will not go to websites more than once when I find out they have popups. It's just a form of harassment to me.
  5. Just wondering if anyone has gotten any success from this program...I'm looking for ways to avoid Adsense if possible.
  6. Yeah, about Adsense, the more I read about them the more I hear negative things...There are many people who went from making thousands a month to being banned for no reason other than Google not wanting to pay them.Google also had ads in videos for when you embed your own videos on your website but they ended that as well...It just seems like Adsense is going downhill.
  7. That's a real low pay...$0.50 for 1000 CLICKS? Even CPM advertisers pay more than that...And those don't even require clicks.
  8. If you really don't want to do HTML you can use Dreamweaver, Frontpage, etc.If you want to *customize* your website you will still need coding, as those programs are efficient for making the site, but add a lot of worthless code. Along with this, there are some things they just can't do(but for general websites it's fine).Instead of HTML, I would suggest going with a CMS though. They use WYSIWYG editors, they're easy to use, and much more efficient.
  9. Assuming they spend billions of dollars to "upgrade their infrastructure" you are forgetting that the "terrorists" who may try to do something to the power most likely already have someone on the inside. Think of it like this... You are wanting to do a major crime but want to wait until there is a weak moment in the economy. So do you just knock out the power? No. You spend years getting someone on the inside, or corrupting someone who is already on the inside, and you wait until there is a huge tax shift over into the protection of said vulnerability. Once the money is poured in, it causes issues and instability in our society because many people will be mad about the raised taxes, some will be mad about the use of the tax money, and others will then become fearful of *why* it was needed to be done in the first place. At this time, the terrorists attack. The point of terrorism is not to *take over*, and instead it is quite different. The point is to cause fear in people. Hence bomb threats, death threats, etc. The chances anyone would mess with the power grid are low, being the economic crisis it puts the *world* in. It would hurt them just as much, if not more, than it would hurt us. And that is not their goal. Their goal is just to instill fear. Either way, if they did feel like attacking, there would be nothing we could do about it. "No matter how smart you are, someone else is smarter."
  10. I would suggest using Joomla, really. There are a lot of themes, tons of addons, etc.I just started a blog yesterday and I'm using Joomla to run it. I'm classifying the various posts based on type and have them in a "list" format.So for example, on the main page you see the latest 5 posts, and it tells where each of them is located at(type), and then if you go into like "Math" it will have a LIST of the math, such as "Pythagorean Theorem - Jan 19, 2009" so that it's searchable.I haven't made it public yet, as I'm deciding whether I want to put it on it's own domain or leave it on my gaming site, but if you'd like to see it toss me a PM here and I'll show you what I mean.
  11. This is pretty interesting....I didn't know about these. About the Jotform though..Does it also create the perl script or whatever is needed for the actual document submission?
  12. Really I don't think the change will make *too much* of a difference. I mean if you think about it....The USA has had, has, and always will have terrorists. People always bring up this "9/11" situation and claim it was the beginning of terrorism. First of all, it wasn't the first time the Al'Quaeda(Spelling?) attacked the World Trade Center. They tried 10 years before 9/11 and placed a bomb in the bottom of the building. The only reason it wasn't such a "big deal" is because it barely did any damage(they wanted to crash it from the basement up). Second of all, we have a LOT of domestic terrorists. Take the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City for example, with Timothy Mcveigh(spelling?). That is an example of a terrorist, and he was American. So no matter what the situation is, people will always want to do damage to us, whether it be enemies of the United States, crazy people, or whatever. It's going to happen. So following along with that view, you have to consider that both foreign terrorist organizations, as well as domestic ones, have people who hold high places in office(political), businesses, etc. I'm not gullible enough to believe that there isn't at least one terrorist of some type working at our power grids to begin with. Making the grid accessible to "outside" access will obviously bring about more people who may try to get in, if nothing else for the personal knowledge or for bragging rights, but whether it's accessible to the outside or not there are still people who can take it down. The only true way to fix the vulnerability is to start living without the complete dependence on electricity. And as we all know, that's not going to happen.
  13. The issue with eating just plants is there is no protein(that I know of), there is less energy being transferred, and there are many other nutrients that meat gives to us.Obviously there are negative factors as well, such as fat, but when you really look at it...We're going to die from *something* anyways. Whether it be heart failure, clogged arteries, a car wreck, or anything else.With what I've been reading lately the "fat" in meats isn't even as bad as people claim it is. Of course it leads to the clogged arteries situation, but you can actually get fat just eating fruits as well. It's all about your calorie intake vs. how much you are burning up.
  14. Well, this is what happens when everything is run on computers. These days we could not live without computers. They run our utilities, they run our phones, they run our bank accounts, everything.And the pure nature of computers makes them unsafe in terms of being "unhackable." If someone can make something, another person can crack it. That's just how it is.So in terms of the electricity grid...I mean there's nothing you can do to stop people from hacking and/or cracking their way into the servers that run it. It just reminds me of the guy who was relaxing at his house and "hacked" into NASA's top-secret network because one of their computers had the default password on it(go figure)...All we can do is hope nobody really exploits their ability to control us via our central necessity(electricity).
  15. Nice to meet you Kathryn. I could definitely use assistance in the marketing aspect of the internet. I can do pretty well in terms of quality and information(ensuring that there is fresh content on websites, and good quality), but in terms of getting the site *visited* I'm horrible. I can even do the SEO'ing of websites, I just can not market the site myself, .
  16. I think that your setup is a little overkill really...I spent $450 USD about 8 months ago for:Cheap Asus Mobo3.0 ghz dual core cpu(E8400)8800GT(512 mb video)2 GB ram(non dual channel)500W PSUAnd I can run the Adobe programs and all without issues. I've done video editing, graphical testing, etc. as well as have played a lot of the newest games without any FPS issues or anything else.And for the record, I'm on Vista.It's really all about how well you keep your system cleaned(software wise). If you clutter it up with 50 million programs running at once that you never use to begin with(For ex. if you have AIM, MSN messenger, Yahoo messenger, ICQ all running, why not spike all of those out for ONE 5 mb program - Trillian?)Don't get me wrong...Going ahead of today's new hardware will keep you updated for quite a while, but it will be cheaper next month, the month after that, etc. anyways.So for me, I just go for medium hardware and only spend $400-500 every 3-4 years and yet still get good framerates on all the latest software/games throughout that entire time. I guess it really just depends on how much you want to spend.
  17. Luckily I do not have a Facebook account to begin with...I just don't feel it is "safe" to have Myspace or anything else because too many hiring companies will now search those sites to figure out what kind of person you are and are disregarding some people solely due to their profiles.
  18. The only games I clearly remember on DOS were "Spot"(Yes, like the 7up one,lol...) and...I don't remember the name of the other one for sure. I think it was The Oregon Trail though...Where you are playing as pilgrims or something and are traveling and you have to keep the people alive as they get sick, get attacked by animals, get hungry, etc...
  19. We did not really study how they came up with this information...There is some of it I can understand..I would say the 4+ year old judgements, but anything before that throws me off. Kids that young can not really explain their feelings. Sure, they can speak, they can think of things they want/need(restroom, drink, food, etc.) but to tell what they are and are not capable of knowing just...I don't believe it.So in light of their research, I see two possible ways of them getting the information.1)They may just be looking at what you know in the beginning(more or less just watching to see how babies act) and later on, and attempting to fill in the blanks.2)There is a possibility(although I think small) that they hook the babies up to brain synthesizers or whatever they're called, to help measure brain waves. I guess this could be use to show what parts of the bring are being used, therefore showing what they know/have the capability of knowing as well. In this case, "knowledge" isn't so much knowing names and all as it is knowing right from wrong, love from hate, etc.Regardless as to if either of those is right or not, all psychological principles are said to be dynamic...It's like a theory. Psychology has not gotten to the point where things can be "proven," because nearly everything has the whole "there are exceptions" property to it.(For the record, I am also a psychology enthusiast. I'm in school studying clinical psychology right now - I want to be a crimal profiler...So I've taken some classes already and am still in them. I'll give input on anything you come up with. The worst case scenario is I learn something from your posts, )
  20. First of all, it is called "repartitioning" and it can be done in Windows.Second of all...It will not speed up your pc,lol...The only way to "speed" it up by HDD's is to get another physical drive...Think of it like this.You have one pencil and a piece of paper. You're writing on it.Now you rip the paper in two, but still have the one pencil. You are still writing at the same speed, but you have 2 sections to write on.But with another HDD, it's like having two pieces of paper and 2 pencils. You can write much faster.So if you are doing it for speed, don't. It will not help you.
  21. By "on top" I think you just mean virtual machined? I mean, with VM you can make your other OS full screen as well. I used to do that on my PC here.. I would run XP with Linux in a virtual machine on it, and when I wanted to mess w/ Linux I would make it full screen(alt + shift I think, or something like that) and it would make it look as if Linux is the only OS even on the pc.
  22. You can't have wireless electricity because there will be no grounding for it. In order for it to work properly there *has* to be a ground.Along with this, I have the feeling that it would cause a lot of side effects - like tumors and whatnot. They are already finding that cell phones used for extended periods can cause them.It's because we are electric in nature..If you add too much electricity you completely offset our balance.Either way - nothing is going to work without the ground, . Even batteries use ground(That's why there is both positive and negative ends).It was a pretty good idea though, just not practical enough.
  23. I definitely agree with you on the psychology section.Really there is nothing else that even compares to psychology, so it does need its own section.In there could be posts relating to mass murders and why they do it, why people act/do the things they do, etc.There would be a lot of enlightenment for those who are ignorant to the whole psychology scene. I learn new things with every class I go to!
  24. On the note of running virtual machines, would running Windows XP under something like Ubuntu be fine for gaming? My reason for asking is that when I run Linux machines under XP, the Linux system is pretty slow and laggy. But I'm assuming that is just because Windows has horrible ram/cpu management and rolling XP through Linux would be better? I'm a newb to Linux really, but I've heard too many positive things to write it off. I would love a system that I can use for all of my normal things and then a way to play games(I would use the Virtual Machine solely for running XP during game times). I considered dual booting but I do not want to reboot everytime I go from a game to normal computing and back again. It would just be too much of a hassle.
  25. I have never heard of smallbasic.For the record, I remembered(found) the .net I was speaking of.It is called Microsoft Visual Basic .net 2008 Express.It is 100% free and you can use it just like the commercial version(only commercial has more features when it comes to debugging and whatnot). It is perfectly fine for most normal use though, just not corporate environments.Along with this, you can get visual C++ .net, visual c# .net, and other programs from them.
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