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Everything posted by rpgsearcherz

  1. I think the best option would be to look for odd jobs (freelancer work) on places like freelancer.com or guru.com. Since you're able to get information on the projects available before accepting, it'll allow you to see if you're capable of the tasks. Doing that should pay a lot more than $2 an hour, .
  2. Thanks for the heads-up! I wasn't even aware a new version was coming 'soon.' I'm wondering if they'll end up releasing new free student-only versions as well ('express').
  3. I've gotten pretty close. It's not 51 per day, either. It's 51 maximum that can be banked up. I remember doing 15-20 a day at one point and after a few days I was running low on available posts. I don't know what the maximum per day is now though, or how quickly they refill.
  4. Mine's always Google as that's the site I use the most. Other things (like email or whatever) I usually start typing and let autocomplete finish it, as it's quicker than going through favorites.
  5. The total number of members doesn't take into consideration how many are active. This site has been around a LONG time. It's kind of like how a game may have 5 million registered accounts but only 20k active players. As I'm posting this now there is just one member logged in as well. It's been quite a while since I saw more than 2-3 people on at once (excluding guests).
  6. Yeah, I think it's something that is doable but will need a lot of refinement. Sort of how we didn't go straight from gas to all electric cars, and instead it went from gas to hybrid to all electric. Time will allow more experimenting and knowledge, and so in the meantime we may have gas/electric/air hybrids or something like that. The big problem though is that the new technology is always expensive. Even in electric cars that are 'cheap,' replacing the battery can cost 5-10k.
  7. rpgsearcherz


    I live out in the middle of nowhere as well and I never had an issue with my address. I input it a long time ago though so the checks may have changed since, but the system shouldn't care how you enter your address as you can have items shipped anywhere...
  8. Going to agree with this. There are many sites for ebooks of textbooks though. So if anyone is interested in them, simply search for (bookname ebook) on Google. There are a lot of sites, but each one usually has different books, so that's the easiest way to find what you want. I've found, however, that buying used textbooks (the real physical kind) are significantly cheaper than ebooks. Usually the ebooks are only like 5-10% off normal price (and sometimes cost the same as the retail book), but of course you can get the used books at a significant discount, PLUS resell most of them later.
  9. I think it's justified, not because of Facebook, but because she basically went against what her father liked. I'm sure he's the one that bought it for her, so it's not like he was mad at her and destroyed her property. He was destroying what was basically his. And I believe he had every right to do so. Though I have mixed feelings about the video... I can see where he's coming from and all, I just think it may have been a little extreme.
  10. PPC depends on the type of traffic you get and how well you can monetize it. For example, if you're on a network geared towards, say movies, yet your site is about home repair, you will have a very low conversion rate. So while it can work well, it can also work against you. The answer to your question, therefore, is quite hard to answer.
  11. This is not necessarily true. Something I learned in the past is that you can tell what a particular group of people values most by looking at how many synonyms there are for words. For example, IIRC it's French that has a lot of words for love. So while language does definitely play a huge part in our lives, and each group of people, English is just like the others. It's not plain, it just values things different than others might (I forgot what English values most though...).
  12. While the two do the same thing, the only thing I'm seeing here is that one is "easier to use," basically? Are there any differences in terms of the efficiency SQL-wise? Or does the system itself do the same thing regardless?
  13. I'm actually all for it. "Xisto" always seemed a bit risque (reminding me of Kama Sutra), which I'm sure I'm not the only one!When does the change come though?
  14. This is actually a pretty awesome guide. I'm going to adapt it as well as I assume it's also the same way we'd customize text inputs and stuff (to alter the height and whatnot).
  15. Well, money also doesn't have any true value, only a perceived one. This is why we have things like inflation. So even if we could make our own money, it would just lead to everything being extremely expensive, and the end result would be that things would be like they already are now (just instead of being paid $10 and spending $5, we'd make $500 and spend $250.
  16. Really, it depends on how you look at it. While games don't have a "true value" to a lot of people, it depends on the game itself and your mentality towards it. There are tons of educational games, and a lot of hardcore gamers have much more in-depth analytical skills and faster reflexes (due to having to constantly think and react in some games, like FPS's). And you can learn about history and stuff from some games as well.
  17. I love the auto-updating of gmail (including the title bar) so I can easily tell when I get an email, as soon as it happens. That's enough to make me choose Gmail over the others. Not to mention it has a clean, slick design and a lot of space!
  18. Just FYI they are showing up now as well. And you can post to both forums and they will still both be calculated.
  19. People often disagree with me but I'd say something along the lines of Scream (and the later ones), because it's based on something that's not only entirely possible but also happens daily (murder). "Scary" movies that aren't based on factual things and/or don't seem real to begin with don't bother me. It's the ones that are based on things that are happening all the time.
  20. I completely disagree with this. The ability to adapt and the desire to are two very different things. If people are doing something wrong and you don't want to do it as well, you're not unable to, you simply choose not to. In many cases, people just flat out don't care. If it's not a big concern to someone, that's still not an inability, but rather a choice.
  21. Reading elsewhere there seem to be a lot of problems with that host. They only give (iirc) 2% of server resources as well, and if you go over that you are banned. Without even knowing what the server resources are it's hard to judge what you can and can not do, and that also means that if you have a site running PHP+SQL you can barely have any visitors or you're banned.
  22. Well, there's also the theories that there are multiple universes and that "we" don't really exist in our true form. It's all based on a belief system though, and while I don't believe that time travel will ever be possible, there's been quite a few things people have accomplished that I could have said the same thing about.
  23. I like having pets around because they love you unconditionally. My dog is always happy to see me when I get home, and it makes me feel a lot better. She does get annoying at times, though, as she likes to bark at anything and everything (birds, people, cars), but at the same time that can also be seen as a sense of security, knowing that if anything comes near us she'll notify me.
  24. I think it is different from person to person as well. There are many families that have to rely on long-distance relationships, such as military families (where the military person can be gone for a year or longer sometimes). I will say that it requires a lot of trust though. Especially with longer timeframes, trust is necessary or it won't work out. I've seen these go south quite a bit for college students, where a couple goes to separate schools.
  25. The topic's pretty old but the information is still good. I just ran into this yesterday in fact -- somehow had been trying to log into CPanel with the wrong password and then when I reset it I'd just get errors. Contacted support and they asked for my IP, after which I was unblocked shortly thereafter. So if any of you have the same problem (this also includes inability to see your site), contact support w/ your IP.
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