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Everything posted by shigajet

  1. Being a famous entertainer - like a movie star or a prime-time TV host. But being a director or a screenplay writer would be cool as it's a chance to go through the pains to create something and call it yours.
  2. Excellent story! Well, from now on - aside from a few minor problems - things can only get better for both Xisto and Xisto. Allow me to give you another reputation point, Opaque. Going through thoush difficulties, I'd say you deserve a pat on the back.
  3. Since I live in an apartment, I guess it doesn't count. Otherwise, I climb up three flights of stairs to get t my place.
  4. A rough draft? Looks pretty impressive, I must say! I like the blending of the colour shades and the way it fades into the pic. Excellent work!
  5. I agree. It looks a bit busy. Other than that, it's very eye-catching. Good job!
  6. Hmm...I'd personally go for the Viper Guestbook that comes with the hosting package here. It has no ads and I was impressed with some of the sample layouts. Looks very nice, in my opinion.
  7. Sorry about that. There IS an Entertainment forum, but suggest a new subforum anyway and hopefully it will be made.
  8. Sorry about that. There IS an Entertainment forum, but suggest a new subforum anyway and hopefully it will be made.
  9. I stand corrected. There is such a forum, but still, make a suggestion to add an Anime subforum.
  10. Nice button, darkmeca! Very compact and gets the viewer's attention.
  11. One idea is to have a main Entertainment Forum, with Anime/Manga being one of the subforums. Other subforums would be Movies, TV Shows, Local Events, Music, etc. That way, there'd be something for everyone. Only thing is would there be a post count if we request it? Just my two cents.
  12. I would take it that Package 2 is the DEFAULT package as it may be the first option most new members would choose if they wanted hosting. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  13. I hardly use floppy disks nowadays since the USB flash memory drives are becoming more common (not to mention getting smaller AND holding more space). If all else fails, reformat the floppy. Otherwise, I wonder if copying the files from floppy to the HD while in DOS mode is an another option (before reformatting).
  14. Who knows what the future of computers will be? I'm wondering what would become of the Mac vs. PC war. Many people mentioned that the two would combine to make a super computer that has the best from both Apple and Microsoft.
  15. I never attempted to remove IE from my computer and I probably won't. Aside from the risk of Windows not being able to function properly, there are some websites that won't work unless you view it with IE. So, I'll keep both Firefox and IE.
  16. Well, as a student (high school and university...back in the days where I had more time than money), I used to go to the gym and play basketball a few times a week. These days I usually bike or walk to work. Once in a while I'll go hiking.
  17. Welcome to the Xisto community! Hope you enjoy your time on the forums and good luck on building your website. See you around!
  18. Right...here's a list of websites I always come back to:Google (and G-Mail, for that matter)Xisto (and the forums)Gaijinpot (forums and post-JET job search)The Globe and Mail - one fo the best news sources from CanadaEngrish.com - If you want to see some funny English (mostly from Japan), this is the place to go...and yes, these ARE real discoveries.As for personal websites:Artlung.com (I love his banners for his personal blog - he changes them several times throughout the year and he keeps an archive for them...plus he has a really neat colllection of projects in his laboratory)Yongfook.com (What started out as yet another page about his life in Japan has transformed into a detailed critique of snack foods in Japan. Really funny stuff!)
  19. AstaHost and Xisto are run by the same company and both offer the same services. The difference is that in the forums in Xisto deal mainly with conmputer/IT/Web-related technical topics, while Xisto has a wider range of topics from the news to favourite drink, food, etc. Since I like to talk about other things and not just tech-speak, I went with Xisto.
  20. When I saw the "no post count" for all the subforums, I was taken aback as well. It's unfortunate because I like to talk about music and movies, too...not just about technical stuff and the news.
  21. Glad to hear your feedback, mbd5882.I wrote everything myself. My short piece originally appeared in a collection of essays from all the Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) participants in Shiga prefecture. I just made some minor corrections when I wanted to present it on a webpage of my writings and speeches.
  22. Here's the first composition I wrote shortly after I arrived in Japan. I started out living in a town of 13,000 people and this little story reflected my thoughts. It's also a bit of a preview of what you'll see on one of the pages when my website is up. Feel free to read and leave a comment.My New Life in Imazu-choOriginally written: January 2001Edited: June 2003Since I arrived in Japan in late September last year, I encountered many new places and made several interesting discoveries about the country. Perhaps the most important discovery for me here is a greater appreciation for life in the countryside. Having lived in a big city for most of my life back home, I wasn't sure if I would be able to adapt easily to a rural environment. However, shortly after I started my new life in Imazu-cho in Shiga prefecture, I adjusted to my new surroundings very well. Life in a small town seems less complicated, and there is a strong sense of community. The people here are very supportive and will go out of their way to help me if I have any problems. As well, many of the essential services - form the grocery store to the train station to the bank - are within walking distance from my apartment.Most of all, there is something very comforting about being surrounded by nature. Every time I stop to take in the view of the mountains every morning on the way to school, or gaze at the other side of Lake Biwa on a clear day, I feel much more at ease. During a recent school excursion, I truly began to appreciate how beautiful the countryside could be when viewed from the top of a mountain. These few experiences of living in a rural area are just the first of many more to come, and they have raised my interest in visiting more of Japan's quiter areas in my travel plans. Japan does indeed have two sides: the crowded environment in such urban jungles like Tokyo and Osaka, and the quieter, more traditional small towns and farms in the countryside. Thankfully, I am glad to say that it is the rural side of Japan for which I developed a strong appreciation over these past few months.
  23. Well, the last virus warning we heard was some "power point" presentation but would end up wiping one's entire HD. I'm not sure what the next threat would be, but I'm going to be over-cautious of what's out there. I already know enough not to open suspect attachments in an e-mail from someone I don't know.
  24. As for me, I come here about at least three times a day - mainly to post in the forums and contribute as much as I can, other times I play the addictive Army System - or both!
  25. Just saw the update. The toll has risen to 71 dead and 441 injured. There was a long news report (almost 2 hours) last night on NHK, too. Very tragic.
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