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Everything posted by shigajet

  1. Welcome aboard, abazzums. I think you'll really like it here. When you get the chance, feel free to take part in the Army System - trust me, it's addictive.
  2. Come to think of it, when I was in Canada last December, I heard that BBC Canada will start. Since I'm in Japan (and hence not able to watch it), I'd like to hear from those of you who have started to watch it - whether it be occasionally or frequently. So..is BBC Canada good?
  3. Hi, stealthassassin! Welcome aboard! Hope you enjoy posting here and take part in the Army System whenever you have time. (I know I am - check my stats on the left). Anyway, see ya on the forums!
  4. At home, I have a Yahoo BB 26 MB connection, although it's not so fast now that the "hikari" (fiberoptic) connections are available in Japan.
  5. What the hey? Has chatting sunk down to new lows these days? The example in the original post makes me worry - looks more like some code to decipher.
  6. Just check out the three designs. Here's my ranking of each one:Original: 5Not bad, although the background colour made it difficult to see the text. You also should add a graphic to catch the reader's attention instead of empty space.Style 2: 6Same critique as the original. At least the text is easier to see this time.Most Recent: 7Same as before. I like the colour and the text is much easier to see this time.Comments on the above: Try experimenting a little more - or opt for a "cleaner-looking" design.
  7. That's great news...if Square/Enix doesn't delay the release any further. It's been a while since FF X (and X-2) and I'm looking forward to seeing it in action.
  8. Personally, I think it shouldn't matter what the new pope's background is. It's all in the past. As a successor to the late Pope John Paul II, I believe he'll develop into a great leader worthy of everyone's respect.
  9. Wow, that's amazing! I liked some of Adobe's products in the past (FrameMaker, In Design and of course Photoshop) but I also like what Macromedia has, too! (Dreamweaver, Flash and Fireworks). Now that the two companies will be one, I wonder what will happen next? Since Adobe usually develops for the Macintosh/OSX first, will that spill over into future products?By the way, if there is a name change - maybe the Adobe and Macromedia names will be kept intact under an umbrella name like Adobe Multimedia Group. Just a thought.
  10. So Yahoo is now trying to catch up with Gmail and offer what the latter has offered since day one. About a year too late it may be, but this'll heat up the competition for sure.
  11. Wow. Didn't know that much about X-Japan. Then again, I've only heard that one song from the CLAMP movie "X". Guess it's tiem for me to check the book Nippon Pop again.
  12. Welcome aboard, locks of memories! Nice to have another fellow Canadian join the Xisto community. I'm originally from Ontario, although I now live and work in Japan. See you around in the forums!
  13. Thanks. Although frames are an option, I'm not intending to use them for the F.A.Q.I'll try it out and see if it works!
  14. Welcome aboard, Kombo. You found a great community here at Xisto! See you around in the forums!
  15. Hey everyone. I'm currently making a new version of my Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.) page. The old version was a quick facts table followed by a long Q and A section. Although it was a great idea/layout at the time, the downside was that there was a lot of scrolling.I'd like the new version to have a list of questions set at the side of the page, and when the user clicks on a specific question, the answer to that question appears on the main area of the page.Any suggestions are welcome!
  16. Hi, Darker! Welcome to the community! I just read your self-intro and it really sounds interesting - particularly the bits about the animals you have, living close to nature and listening to artists like Tangerine Dream and Ottmar Liebert. Hope to see more of you on the forums!
  17. I visited the site several times, too. Looks great! As for me, I've only been able to upload the "preview" of my enter/index page. I'm working on the other pages at the moment, but I hope to have them up soon. Here's the link to my preview page.
  18. I just took a look at the website myself. Like you said, it's not flashy, but it's simple and it's easy to navigate. Lot of stuff to check out, too!
  19. I just took a look at it myself. Although it loads very fast and it's very simple, I think it would benefit if there were some graphics - even a logo would be nice.
  20. I was intending to put the music on my Xisto host. By the way, thanks for the tip, snlildude87. I'll keep that in mind.
  21. Welcome aboard, Phi. You've found a great community here! Stay cool and see ya around on the forums!
  22. As an alternative, you can also use SwishMax to create Flash animations. Like Macromedia Flash, there is a trial version available. Swish has other nifty programs available too - Feel free to check Swish and try it out.
  23. Ooops! That should be the Radio Blog Club website. It's not my website - I'm currently working on that offline.
  24. Another possibility is to try out the Radio Blog player. I just downloaded it myself and testing it out. Click My Webpage to find out more about it.
  25. Welcome aboard, Sebastian! The same fate happened to my site. It was also on a different host, and then suddenly I received a "Bad Gateway" message the last time I tried to open it. Oh well, it's a good chance for me to revamp it.Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing your ameribass website. See you around on the forums!
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