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can my son go for trials?Arsenal Youth Club Academy Currenly Recruting Players ! !hi my name is haris and my little nephew loves football and supports arsenal and wants to do the trials that u lot are holding he is very good. He has been scouted for queen park rangers and reading football club.. but they released him because he got injured. he plays for a team in his area slough.He wants to become a professional so I am trying to help him .So I wrote to u so he could have a go in trials for arsenal academy. thanks a lot... -reply by daeem hasan umran
Cheating Runescape Ban Appeals how to get unbanned
iGuest replied to threesix's topic in Computer Gaming
Wanna know what really doesnt make sense? The fact that it takes so damn long for any appeal to be accepted or denied! I did the dumb mistake of saying sarcastically "can I have a bf with talent" and got muted for 5 days! I think that just saying the words "can", "I", "have", "a", "bf" in the same sentence made some noob feel like they could get back at me for being "a better player". This whole reporting system to be quite honest is a whole mess. What the hell is apealing going to do? Not only are you mortified that your account it being punished, but at the same time, now you feel anxious and restless that they can't even hurry up and respond to the appeal in a decent amount of time. At least pretend you care Jagex! We all know that you simply glance at our appeals that took us fear and anxiety to write and press a yes or no button if you feel like it! I don't even know why I bother! I should make my own game with a bunch of nerdy people that proves just how lame and un-exciting this game can be! And guess what! There wouldnt be some stupid random slaves (Pmods) hired so that Jagex doesn't have to work as "hard" as they should! Hire some REAL people who don't like screwing with peoples gaming experience!~The Kasmik Ali -
Mozilla Firefox Certificate ExpiredFirefox: Invalid Security Certificate ErrorThanks a lot.. It was all in the system date.. The mozilla firefox gives me the old certification instead of the current certificate.. Thanks again... -reply by Mark Alvin
It does work...Creating A Webpage Using Photoshop[Replying to (G)Author Name - e.G. John, Mike,4182,135530]No, this does work. You really do need to have been using photoshop for a while and know at least basic html. Alternativly use a program that lets you edit in a design view such as Microsoft Frontpage. I use Photoshop CS3 and Frontpage to create webpages with ease.
How To Create Usb Boot Form HirenHow To Create Usb Boot Form Hiren's BootcdIf you want to make a Hiren's CD Boot from USB Flash Drive then you may visit this link http://ilearncomp.blogspot.com/. It will show you step by step on how to do it. Hope it help you...
You,ve got it all wrong.Halo BooksYou are a **ol Chefworm. The Arbiter Got the mark of shame because he failed to stop the chief from destroying the ring. He was later made the Arbiter and sent to kill the heretic leader. After this was done, he was sent to Alpha Halo (installation 05)to retrieve that rings index, which the covenant named the "Sacrad icon". After Tartarus (the relly big brute with the white mo-hawk) betrayed him and took the index (the prophets ordered him to do this), the Gravemind captured the Arbiter and The Chief and told the Arbiter of Halos true purpose. He sent them both to capture the index to create a diversion which allowed him to make a slipspace jump into High Charity and infect it. The Arbiter however, went and led an assault on the control room when he, in a Banshee, and Sergent Johnson,in a Scarab formed the alliance with the humans.He, the Elites, and the humans then went back to Earth to try to find the Ark. I REALLY hope this clears things up. -reply by ...OMFG MORON!
Splinter Cell Series Vs. Metal Gear Solid Series Opinions?
iGuest replied to squeaky's topic in Computer Gaming
... Ugh.. This is a waste of time, there are Fan boys of both series that would kill each other over this question. Having played and beaten all recent update to the series. I'm going hands down to MGS, Much more enticing story line with actual depth and character development. Splinter Cell while being very enjoyable, I found the story and characters to be very hollow and cliche. Hideo Kojima loves easter eggs and giving to his players, creating awesome memorable moments,and adding onto the series' replayability. Splinter Cell is turning into the action movie cliche, betrayed and now revenge. I am looking forward to the new Splinter Cell, but I will enjoy the games on a different level, Comparing it to MGS4 will most likely kill off splinter cell if you think of it in that comparison. What is most likely and probably sadly true is that, those of you who are saying Splinter Cell most definitely beats Metal Gear Solid probably have never played through the series. Either that or your just a fan boy with a rod stuck up your ***. I enjoy both games. Just don't compare them. -
Error Installing Windows Xp -error 7 Ntkrnlmp.exe
iGuest replied to kvarnerexpress's topic in Operating Systems
FILE $win_nt$.~btNTKRNLMP.EXE cannot be open error 7Error Installing Windows Xp -error 7 Ntkrnlmp.exeWell everyone here is right. It's usualy bad RAM or a bad HD run the diagnostics 1st. I had this happen to me on a computer I was working on when I tried to reinstall XP on it. If it's a dell and it's not the RAM or HD, update/flash the bios, then if you have the drivers and utility CD, reinstall the OS system tools. Granted before you do any of this, I suggest you back up your data. -reply by EasyT -
If you're going to even bother listening to something worthwhile, while also semi-sad and border line depressing...Well, the fray? coldplay? staind? THAT'S depressing to me. That right there is horrible music. I'm depressed just seeing the names, let alone hearing the music. Nevermind, it's not horrible music, it's music that inflicts pain to my ears; they bleed. You want sweet and sad melodies to tug at heartstrings? Elliott Smith's "Oh Well, Okay", "2:45 A.M.", "I Didn't Understand" Radiohead's "Motion Picture Soundtrack", "No Surprises", "A Reminder" Sufjan Steven's "Casimir Pulaski Day" Interpol's "The New" The Avett Brother's "Murdered In The City", "The Ballad Of Love And Hate" Seriously, learn. -reply by Callan
IPOD HELPIpod Not Working, Need Helpto fix the problem hold in the middle button and the play button for 5seconds. Should fix it up. -reply by craig
Free ten months of toontownToontown OnlineGo to disneymovierewards.Comand sign up with fake info, click blu-ray watch the whole clip to get points. Then click member benefits, earn bonus points and do the survey listed there. Finally click rewards and bronze,you should see free month of toontown there. It says it will be emailed to you but it also gives you the code when you get it. Make a new movie rewards account and do this all over again to get another month and so on. Your welcome -reply by Colin
Php5 And Apache Tomcat 5.x PHP5 with Apache Tomcat 5.x
iGuest replied to Tuffy's topic in Programming
That outline doesn't work. Followed it exactly, checked, and doubled checked and no luck. Then tried every variation I could think of. Still didn't work. I'd consider it a ***** of time. -
Free Banners Question Can I get real money?
iGuest replied to CodeName_88's topic in General Discussion
how do i upload a banner to adbriteFree Banners QuestionJust want to know how to upload a banner to adbrite. The problem is it said I have to have a file to upload how do I put the banners on file. -reply by bobby -
How To Win A Girls Heart...again A little help...
iGuest replied to Silent-Stranger's topic in General Discussion
How to get her hooked without overwhelming?How To Win A Girls Heart...againI met this really nice girl over Flicker. We both love taking pictures and this started out due to me liking her extremely good shots. This is day three of our communicating via email. The challenge I'm faced with is how to go more about this relationship without over doing it. I'd like to take it slow but slow can soon turn monotonous and thus kill the first spark, but too much at once can also burn that initial bridge. Where's that middle yet progressive and continuous line I'm searching for that leads to something greater? Any tips? -question by shawdowINtheSUN -
In Love With A Best Friend i need help really badly
iGuest replied to bluefrostii's topic in Dating And Relationships
advice 2 u pplIn Love With A Best FriendI think u should ask him if he luv u or his girlfriend and than tell him 2 pick between u or her if he chooses his girlfriend than just forget about him and start being friend ,but if he picks u than he should brake up with his girlfriend because he should not be going out with a girl that he doesn't love it like telling lie 2 her and start going out with u /txtmngr/images/smileys/smiley14.Gif /txtmngr/images/smileys/smiley4.Gif -reply by can't say -
Barbara Blackburn is the worlds fastest typist at 250wpmTyping SpeedThe worlds fastest typist is Barbara Blackburn and you are no Barbara Blackburn at all and I don't believe that you can type over two hundred and fifty words per minute either. She is in the Guiness Book of World Records so I know that this is not correct here. I can type from eighty five to one hundred and four words per minute and that is not bad at all. I have been practicing and doing this for over thirty years now and I am nowhere near her record wish I were though. There are some good typing websites to visit for speed and accuracy they are entitled or the url is http://www.typingmaster.com/, learn2type.Com, and one of my favorites is powertyping.Com. Go and use some of these websites and practice and one of these days you will be able to type over 100 words per minute. I can now say that my speed is around 104 words per minute with accuracy as well. -reply by Danny
well dear, I happen to be one of those scene kids. My name has changed so many times MoniqueMalfunction, MoniqueMystery, MaybeMonique, MoniqueLauren, and lately Monique (Taste My Rainbow) look online and find adjectives that go with G for your name GiselleGorgeous GiselleGentle GiselleGenetic idk there are so many out there its crazy. -reply by Monique
Problem With Drag And Drop (or So It Seems).
iGuest replied to Chesso's topic in Websites and Web Designing
drag and dropProblem With Drag And Drop (or So It Seems).When I try to drag and drop, the mouse looks like it is dragging ok, until I try to drop, and nothing happens, the thing I tried to drag just pops back to where it was. I can't drag anything, anywhere. It just ignores me no matter how much I click! lol Well I am rubbish at computers. I keep trying to reboot. I installed a system support thing, and for a moment, that seemed to work. But then it stopped again! :'( Help please! -reply by Annika -
Data Structures -- Binary Tree -- Mirror Image Binary Tree -- Mirror Image
iGuest replied to varalu's topic in Programming
Suppose that you are a financier and purchase 100 shares of stock in Company X in eachOf January, April, and September and sell 100 shares in each of June and November. ThePrices per share in these months wereJan Apr Jun Sep Nov$10 $30 $20 $50 $30Determine the total amount of your capital gain or loss using(I) FIFO (first-in, first-out) accounting and(ii) LIFO (last-in, first-out) accounting[That is, assuming that you keep your stock certificates in (a) a queue or ( a stack]. The100 shares you still own at the end of the year do not enter the calculation.-reply by abuenad -
To order the values as they should be, simply use the SQL ABS function, like so: SELECT * FROM `foo` WHERE b='abc' ORDER BY ABS(price) ASC-reply by IvanW
Installing Glut To Dev C++ A tutorial to install GLUT on Dev C++
iGuest replied to t3jem1405241533's topic in Programming
Help needed....Installing Glut To Dev C++hey everyone XD! I good to see this site, because I'm interested in the C++ programming language, and I have some questions. First, where can I download a NORMAL(WORKING) glut file? Because I downloaded one from the internet, but it doesn't work in the Dev-c++ well... So I need this file. Second I have some problem with the settings in the options. For example = where should I write these commands: -lopengl32 -lglu32 -lglut32 ??? Can you tell me? ThX. I hope, someone can help me, because it's very important to me And I need to do this application Krisztian, 2009 Hungary. -
Answer these few questions as comments pleaseWhat A Hero Means To Me - An Essay Written For English Class. What does the first thing come to your mind when you say the word hero?... Do heroes still exist?... Whom do you call a hero?... The people who come after you call 911 are they heroes?... Or are they people like Mother teresea heroes?... Do heroes still exist?... Is hero a person whom we idolize?... Are heroes people like Phantom or Superman?... Or are they normal people who has done something good for someone?... Is Gandhiji a hero?... For some people Michael Jackson was a hero why?... People say heroes should be famous... Is it true?... Are heroes people who have saved someones life?... Heroes are worshiped why?... Is a scientist a hero?... Is someone who has died for another person a hero?... -reply by Druman
i have big problem with me Problems After Changing DomainI have buy 2 domain from GoDaddy.Com and I change DNS what I have on other hosting company but its not change I wait last 1 week its not work I don't no why not working can any tell me how to work my domain with my hosting how attach I will do every thing ok but domain not showing attach my hosting -reply by warrich
Jucied must be one of the worst racing games i have ever played
iGuest replied to Reaper's topic in Computer Gaming
The game is so sweet!!!!!JuciedThe game is one of the best game among racing games...All of you that is insulting the game, don't know how to play it that is why they keep saying that is worst and stupid...Please go and look bush ...I love this game and I am ready to die for it, this race for pinks and make more money online okay. -reply by pete