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Cars In NFS Most Wanted what cars do you play with
iGuest replied to smyke's topic in Computer Gaming
I think you are wrong about the lambo murc. I used the ford gt and I got a top of 399 kmh+ with performance tuning of course -reply by Speedy -
In Love With A Best Friend i need help really badly
iGuest replied to bluefrostii's topic in Dating And Relationships
in love with my best friendIn Love With A Best Friendok 5 months ago I left my husband. A month after I left I met this guy 14 years younger than me. He is amazing and everything I ever wanted in a guy. We became good friends and about two months later he moved in with me..The problem is we don't have sex we don't kiss but he lives with me and sleeps next to me everynight. We are together all the time. People think we are in a relationship.When anyone asks if we are he says we are just friends. So the other night I texted him and told him how I felt and that I loved him. He never replied to that text and was still texting me. He was gone for 4 days and finally came back around last night. He has never mentioned what I said to him and its like nothing has changed between us. Does he love me back or is this even going anywhere...What do I do cuz I'm going crazy. -question by blueeyes6 -
Muslims Not Allowed To Date having sex not married - discussion
iGuest replied to loyal's topic in Dating And Relationships
summary of this whole issue.must readMuslims Not Allowed To Datethe basic thing is that ISLAM IS A WAY OF LIFE NOT A PART OF LIFE. For instance, we don't just go to mosque on sunday and come home and start drinking and commiting sins all throughout the week and then go back to mosque on next sunday...For us muslims we live an islamic life.Our all actions are guided by islamic way of life...God is present in us all the time and not on sunday for 1 hour...Thats why we pray 5times a day...Also all world religions forbid adultery not just islam.But Musims are fearful of God that they have that concept alive til today...Not like westners who have made exceptions for themselves by changing the christianty...If christianty means believing in Christ then we muslims are better christians than christians themselves bcoz we do believe in Jesus (prophet of God) all these so called modern people wd a huge american influence need to wake up and smell the coffee...The only thing for hating all that muslims believe in is that u wont be able to have sex with hundreds of different idiot men and women.U will have to cover urself and u wont be able to wear bikini and show your figure for people to stare and laugh at...Etc etc I can go on and on ...But I ll say this : did Mary wear bikini?if u know your religion christianty u would have seen all the women covering their bodies and wearing veils... if we only understand this final thing I'm a going to write,,,we ll knw d meaning and truth of life... READ THIS Please IF WE BELIEVE IN A RELIGION BE IT ANY RELIGION ...MOST RELIGION (ALL MONOTHEISTIC RELIGIONS) TEACH THAT THERE IS LIFE AFTER DEATH AND WE HAVE TO PREPARE FOR THAT LIFE IN THIS WORLD...THERE IS A CONCEPT ON SIN,EVIL, GOOD AND BAD.ALL THAT IS FOR REASON.AND IF WE SAY THAT WE ARE CHRISTIANS AND DO NOT DO WHAT CHRISTIANTY TEACHES WHAT IS THE POINT OF US JUST SAYING THAT WE ARE CHRISTIANS.NO ONE WILL DENY THE FACT THAT WE ALL ARE GOING TO DIE ONE DAY. SO WHY don't U SEE THE ULTIMATE GOAL OF HUMAN BEINGS???????????THAT IS SALVATION,DAY OF JUDGMENT, REWARD AND PUNISHMENT...THEN Y R WE WASTING OUT LIVES JUST SAYING THAT WE ARE MUSLIMS OR CHRISTIANS IF WE don't DO WHAT THESE RELIGIONS TELL US... I HAVE CHRISTIAN FRIENDS WHO SAY I don't BELIEVE THAT MARY WAS A VIRGIN ITS BULL****...IS THIS your FAITH IN God AND CHRIST???? WE MUSLIMS BELIEVE THAT SHE WAS VIRGIN BUT U don't?SHAME ON U...WE MUSLIMS CAN NEVER EVEN THINK ANYTHING AGAINST OUR RELIGION LEAVE ALONE SAYING...THIS IS HOW STRONG ISLAM IS. PEACE TO ALL NOTHING CAN CHANGE MY MIND ABOUT ISLAM.I'm PROUD TO BE A MUSLIM.BUT A CHRISTAIN CAN EASILY BE BRAINWASHED. THIS IS THE BLESSING OF ALLAH THE GREATEST,AND don't FORGET ALLAH IS THE SAME God CHRISTIANS AND JEWS BELIEVE IN ITS JUST AN ARABIC TERM FOR God. -reply by fakhra -
iPod Help I need the email address for support
iGuest replied to iGuest's topic in Hardware Workshop
I got the new ipod nano cromatic last year in 2008 for christmas and nothing had been wrong with itIt has a few scratches on the front of it but that is from falling onto the floor. After it fell it hasn't changed at all. It actually started to work faster and better. But now like 5 months after it has fallen there is no image on the screen its just black and I cant do anything.So if you know what I should do about this the please post! thank you -reply by Brittney -
Dont play over crowded serversMaplestoryMost of you guys are right... Some servers wont get noticed because they arent crowded.If Millions of people play one server then maple will notice.. So try to play not so crowded PSEs. The thing that happened to OdinMs is that they grew to big-reply by Zalen
Norton Ghost Tutorial Good computing practice with Norton Ghost.
iGuest replied to brokebloke's topic in General Discussion
Norton GhostNorton Ghost TutorialNorton Ghost is indeed a great tool. Once installed I do a "One Time Backup" to an external drive or 2nd hard drive installed on my pc.The Norton Ghost disk has a built-in utility that can be used to boot your pc in case of HD failure. As for hogging resources, I run MSCONFIG and uncheck Norton Ghost so it is not running in the background. I don't use it for incremental backups. I created a 2nd partition in my primary HD and use C: for all programs and the logical partition for files. I have restore my HD several times without a hitch. I create a new folder on my USB HD about once per month and date it...Then do a new backup. I keep the previous backup and the current backup and delete older ones (saves space). If you need to restore (new HD or existing one) just pop in the Norton Ghost disk and when prompted "hit any key to boot from CD". Make sure your CD Rom drive is set up as the 1st boot device in BIOS settings. Then...Just follow the yellow brick road. Point it to the path of your backup and it will show the dates...Choose the one you want and sit back. It takes 5-15 minutes depending on file size. There you have it... -reply by Darwin -
How To Ask The Shy Girl Out / How To Read Her Signs-help!
iGuest replied to Chuckarthy's topic in Dating And Relationships
how o go about girlsHow To Ask The Shy Girl Out / How To Read Her Signs-help!ok first off if u wanna get a girl, the things they hate the most are clingy and desperate guys, just treat them like anyone else, and remember have confidence shes just as worried about u liking her as you are of her liking u. Some good things to do are have fun and make her laugh and when out on a date just relax and have fun, don't make it an interview. Good luck guys -reply by riot -
my favesPoll: Best Games Of All Time!I aint no game freak, I just love what I played (and still play) from my childhood. 1. Pokemon Red 2. Super Mario Bros. 3 (all stars version) 3. Pokemon Silver 4. Super Mario Bros.(all stars version) -reply by ross
Responce to room2593New Eragon BookYou have to be kidding me right? Christopher Paolini has an individual since of mind! Besides what do you know about writing? You didn't even read the whole series!! I think he is intelligent for what he's written, not many could write those books with a sense of detail that goes greater beyond the imaginary! I'm a big fan of Tolkien, don't get me wrong, but I think your being a little too harsh with your words about Paolini. His series proves to be great in quality and I have to say that I disagree with you otherwise. -reply by Kelsey
Grapics cardBuying New Graphics Card ... Need Advice On CompatibilityGraphics cards run best when matched to the on-board chip set. It does little good to have a card with features that are unsupported because those features won't function . ManyPoor reviews are generated this way, some people make negative comments about products simply because they don't have the proper bios or drivers to support the graphics card.-reply by Egglet
Computer VirusStop Warez!Everyone is always looking for a good computer virus -- add this one to your collection! It's the ultimate if you want to really piss someone off!DON'T FORGET TO Rename it to anything you want that looks legit!http://www.wheretowatch.com/ by rEtaRdEd cL0wN
Safety Seat Belts & Car Accidents why you should wear seat belts?
iGuest replied to squeaky's topic in Science and Technology
Replying to berakdAnd you think your friend or grandfather would have been better off flying through the windshield? your grandfather especially would have been screwed even more if he didnt have his seatbelt-reply by don't worry about it -
how to copy xbox-games?How To Copy Xbox-games?Wrong! It is completely legal to copy an xbox game ONLY if you own the game to begin with. If you rent it then copy it THEN it is illegal, but if you own the disk then you are completely in your rights to copy it. I have done it with my own games Call of duty 2 silent hill 4 tiger woods PGA tour 2004 AND 2005 Thrillville Splinter Cell NBA Live 2003 Fight Night 2004 and Shenmue 2. So if you don't know the law then you shouldn't say anything at all. -reply by Sparrow
i cant believe people think fifa is betterBest soccer game - Fifa or PES?Pes is so much better fifa is basically fake look how they header the ball its totally unrealistic I have played a lot of fifa games and PES games and I think is so much better PES 09 you have become a legend which you can play till you retire on fifa 09 you have become a pro and only have that for 4 years so all of yous lot who think fifa is better give your head a bobble -reply by darwin
Paranormal Activity Ever had a paranormal experience?
iGuest replied to Thing's topic in General Discussion
our experienceParanormal ActivityI didn't believe in the paranormal I thought people that were afraid just didn't investigate to see what the noise was. In march my boyfriend and I went to a barn in Russellville, AR. We were told that a little girl named Sally was in this pit in the barn and if we went and called out to her she would visit you that night. We went there and my boyfriend and I went back to the barn he wouldn't go all the way in I went in and then went back by myself nothing happened. Later that night my boyfriend's brother went with us I went to the barn with him. He recorded a few voices asking for help and just saying hello when we were there we heard nothing until we listened to the recording. I still didn't believe. The man that owned the property said to call out to Sally and take a picture I did and my daughter which is 16yrs old and not afraid of anything looks at the digital camera starts screaming and drops the camera. I look at the camera and there is a figure standing behind me about a foot taller than me. I still am not afraid I thought it was just a flute. Later that night we head home which is about an hour an a half away.That night nothing happens. In the morning my 4yr old said that Sally wants to play with her my, 4yr old did not know anything about last night but could have over heard us is what I was thinking. We asked her who Sally is and she said a little girl in my room at this point my 16yr old and boyfriend are a little freaked out. The second night we go to sleep and I have a very bad dream about a demon coming though the window on my side of the bed and taking my 4yr old and me to hell. When I wake up I am out of breathe I look around and realize it was just a dream. As I am going back to sleep I feel something grabbing my ankle thinking that the kids or my boyfriend are playing a joke I get up and check the end of the bed no one is there and everyone is still sound asleep still I think my mind is just playing tricks. About an hour goes by my boyfriend gets up asks why I m up I say I cant sleep. I asked him why he is up and he said I thought something was grabbing my foot and so our story begins. Our the next few months 5 to be exact doors open and close by themselves windows start opening we find DVDs stacked flat against the window no cases just the discs and when my 16yr old walks in the room they fall. We find all the draws and cabinets open one morning and the next they are taped shut none of which we did. We start finding our bibles in the oven and the dishwasher. My boyfriends dad calls some people to help us they study our home and hear some growling. They send our picture to a lady they know that help with some of there cases. She told us things about each of us that we hadn't told each other and that there were 3 black figures in the corner of our bedroom. And then asks if anything has happened to our dining room chairs we say no and thought that was strange. She also said that this thing was not here because of Russellville that it was here because of my boyfriend from the time he was 5 or 6. A few days later my 16yr old calls my at work all freaked out and text me a picture my dining room chairs are stacked on top of my bed. Another time I was taking a bath I had shampoo in my hair someone start rubbing my shoulders and I thought it was my 4yr old I tell her she cant take a bath in the mornings I don't have time that why she takes it at night it stops when I get out everyone is still asleep including her. The most scariest is when I'm talking to my boyfriend and his expressions change and it don't seem like I'm talking to him and then it just seem to be him again. So many time I thought about leaving because we were told we were in danger I was also told if I left my boyfriend would be in danger so my boyfriends mom and dad took my 4yr old and my 16yr old stay with her dad we spent many nights camping away from the house we did hear this thing twice in our vehicle but it was better when we were away from the house. One of the things that did happen we had an argument and we both left the house when I got home all the clothes in one section of the closet we thrown out like someone or something walked out of the closet our crosses were hung upside down bibles moved and turned facing away from us we heard banging out of the closet and growling and many other things. The people that tried to help us said that it would go back being dormant but could start again at anytime. After 5 of the longest months Ive ever had it just stopped. Its kind of funny but now that the haunted houses are here that no longer scares me just mine. The movie paranormal activity sent shivers done my spine to think how lucky we are that it stopped I pray to God it never comes back! -reply by LISA -
A better way!How To Make Your Hard Disk Drive Go FasterI found a very good download. It costs 49.95. But theres a 30 trial version. The name of this program is Disk Configurer. Go to searchsafeguard.Com and search disk configurer. This program allows you to make artificial disk space. -reply by Billy
My husband got so sick in Irak about porn addiction that he prefers the masturbation on line instead of being with me. When I touch his...P.. Nothing does not gets erection. He needs to touch himself and concentrate so he can have an erection, otherwise nothing. He might see me nude, sexy...I try to excite him and he says do not touch me, I'm tired-reply by Ibeth
My husband says he is addicted to adrenaline, but it has to be with sex ?Addicted To AdrenalineWhen I met my husband he told me, he likes cars and he never told me that was because he likes to feel the adrenaline. In 5 years of marriage I have experience with him that he is getting worst with it. Now I found out he was lying to me about the money just to buy parts for his car so it can speed more and feel the adrenaline. Also I found out he was looking at porn sites in my back and he says that when he is not racing his car, at home he is in the need of feeling the adrenaline in other way. Also he says, he feel it when he lies to other person or when he is hiding things he does that he knows is risky against the law. Once he finished with the adrenaline he just turn into eating as a pig, no sex with me and suffers of disfunctional erection.This is crazy! When I met him he was not like that and now he is sicked, he can even control his emotions. Some times I think he is turning the need of adrenaline in his body into gay stuff, because I found out he is even watching shemale videos. I getting the divorce.-reply by Ibeth
BSOD while in FacebookBsod Error & It's CausesHi there. I have been, lately, experiencing BSOD while playing Cafe World in Facebook. I have Windows7. Can anybody help me please. Thanks!
Discriminating against felonsHiring FelonsKeep thinking what you want. However, if you live in Illinois, I hope you do not hire someone because they are simply convicted felons. You will be the first law suit example against discriminating because of background not qualifications. States are starting to pass human right bills that do not allow employers to discriminate against a person due to their criminal background, unless it has a direct relation to the job. For example, a retailer does not have to hire someone with theft on their background. If a person is qualified for a job and can prove they do not pose a threat within the position sought, they should be allowed to work in it. Otherwise face the lawsuit for discriminating against them. Look at Illinois's H.B. 2475. -reply by Anonymous
false information from school-scare tactic b.s.The Mayan Predictionsyou are being told lies.The long count of the calender consist of 144,400 days and starts over. That is all.The same as our millinium going from 1999 to 2000. -reply by rick
x cannot be repeating. it is a constant.Circles Don't Exist?You cannot set x to .9 repeating. That is not a constant not matter what x has to be an exact number. That is the flaw in your equation. -reply by Isaac Smith
Windows7 Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) with Ubuntu 9.04 boxInternet Connection Sharing ProblemsWindows7 Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) with Ubuntu 9.04 box Here's how I did it. Easy steps... 1 - 2 - 3 - 4... The equipment and platforms: Dell Dimension 8300 desktop running Win7 and using a USB and-band WLAN adapter as the connection to the internet (the and-band WLAN router is at the other end of the house and diagonally downstairs). A 5-port networking switch connects the Dell's 10/100 LAN card via standard CAT5 cables to a homebuilt AMD desktop running Ubuntu 9.04, freshly installed and yet to be updated. Had I not had an available switch sitting around, I would have used a cross-over CAT5 LAN cable - it should provide the same experience as the switch as long as one is only using two systems. DSL Modem <===> and-Band Router <>))) (((<> USB WLAN adapter <-> Dell Desktop <===> switch <===> AMD Desktop Essential Preparations: The Dell's WLAN connection was established and verified working and able to browse the internet. Both the WIN7 and the Linux box have identical "name and password" accounts and are running using those same accounts. Convenience over security has both machines automatically defaulting to the desktop of that account at boot. The LAN cards on both boxes are lit and seeing the connection between the units. The lights on the switch confirm the network handshake. ALL connections are set to be automatically assigned an IP and DNS... Except for the one exception listed below, and only then if auto mode doesn't work. The Necessary Steps: 1) In the system tray of the Dell, I left-clicked the networking icon (right-click would work too). I chose "OPEN NETWORK AND SHARING CENTER" from the bottom of the popup. 2) Under "View Your Active Networks" and to the right of "Connections" (the first one in my case), I left-clicked on "WIRELESS NETWORK CONNECTION", then chose the "PROPERTIES" button at the bottom of the popup. 3) I chose the "SHARING" tab, then put a check in the first of the two available boxes - that enables ICS. I clicked "OK" on the popup that tells me that it will automatically assign an address of to the LAN connection. I then click "OK" at the bottom of the "SHARING" page. This will bring you back to the NETWORK AND SHARING CENTER where you should see the Wireless and the Local Area connections showing "INTERNET" as each one's Access Type (it sometimes is delayed a few seconds). If not, try repeating step 2, deselecting the check box and again clicking "OK", then repeating steps 2 and 3. If it proves stubborn, reboot and try steps 1 through 3 again. 4) Final step: I then turned to the Linux box, opened the Network icon, and left-clicked on its "auto eth0" connection icon to force it to recognize the new connection. Once reconnected, I could browse the internet and perform updates. If this still doesn't work, try turning off any and all virusscan and firewall and anti-spyware software running in the system tray and try again. Your router should provide enough firewall protection until you figure it out. Just FYI, I use the standard WIN7 firewall, AVAST AV, and no anti-spyware program that runs in the background, and needed to turn off nothing for this to work. If this still isn't working, check the assigned IP address of the Linux LAN card... It has to be 192.168.137.Xxx something - where XXX is NOT equal to "1". If it is not, try manually assigning a static IP address in that format, and make xxx something between 2-254, subnet, default route AND primary DNS each. Then attempt to activate ICS again using steps 1 through 3. This is the "one exception" where automatically assigning IP and DNS may not function correctly - but did in my case. Be aware and BEWARE - ICS [in the WIN7 RC Build 7100 I have, at least] is very unstable and disconnects a LOT. When it does, remove the ICS on the first machine by following steps 1-2, uncheck, "OK", then repeat steps 1-3, and it should reconnect - for another short time, at least. ICS is really only suitable for quick and dirty temporary connections for the purpose of doing experimental work and quickie system updates for friends, for instance, and only when it just isn't practical to run cable to the main router and the computer you are connecting simply doesn't have a WLAN card. A cheap and simple WLAN USB adapter would be much much easier. So would a CAT5 connection to the main router if the distance is short. I only used it in this circumstance because the router is all the way on the other side of the house and impractical to stretch a wire to, and my only USB WLAN adapters are not Linux compatible. I had a couple short cables and a switch, so decided to use them. It took me 2 weeks of off and on research and trial and error... It would have been vastly easier to drag the Linux box downstairs or buy something compatible. Just call me stubborn. -reply by Tearfall
Computer running slow. CPU Usage 100%.What Makes A Computer SlowRead these forums and questions as well as others. SVChost System process for Windows XP seems to be the culprit Low Hard disk space is adding to yhe problem in my case (I may have to extend the partition size) But my suggestion for all Windows XP users is to try and download Ubuntu 8.10 for older computers or 9.04 for newer ones. If you have a spare P.C. Download Xubuntu with a P II 400Mhz and 256 Meg of ram it runs O.K. I have tried to use Virtual Box and this may be good for a P.C. That is working fine until Windows starts to play up either due to a virus (SCV host) as opposed to SVC host or a bug in M.S. Updates. I suggest reinstalling Windows and also installing Ubuntu as a dual boot Operating system. This way if one O.S goes down More than likely Windows you have something to fall back on and boot your system and save your files. It's not as comlicated as it seems as Ubuntu Xubuntu ofers a choice of partition resizing. I suugest 8 Gig partition minimum but this can be smaller. On Xubuntu I used only 2.2 Gig on a older computer running Windows 98SE. With a total Hard disk space of 6.4 Gig. I use Ubuntu for the internet more than Windows as I am frustrated with Windows it has a lot more bugs and requires Anti spy and anti Virus, anti Add programs. And even though I can down load windows programs and files with Linux and transfer them to a windows PC that is not on the internet I still get problems as bugs appear after opening files downloaded with Linux. So windows needs an anti virus program for this as well. I need the P. C. For M.S Office use and like the versatility of Windows but it is frustrating having to spend time fixing the computer almost every six months ifI am lucky. I don't mean to discourage people from Windows or M.S products but there are free alternatives for internet browsing and productivity applications such as open office. Less head ache and more time to do the things you like rather than spending hours in front of a PC trying to resolve problems. Thanks for your time. -reply by Tom Sucic