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Ugh,nothing works!Error E74? (xbox 360)Yeah,I have the E 74 error too. I've been having it for three days.I partially blame it on my Mom's house,because the first time I brought my Xbox there,it killed my Assassin's Creed game.Now,last Saturday,it KILLED my Xbox.I tried: removing accessories removing cables cleaning the inside of the cords. I don't want to take apart my Xbox to fix it just yet.Is there any other way to fix it? -feedback by Logan
The Next Stage Of Human Evolution mutants or community?
iGuest replied to mitchellmckain's topic in General Discussion
answerThe Next Stage Of Human EvolutionI'm only 18 I am quiet intrigued by the stages of evolution I do not know much of this subject I believe we are constantly evolving if you paid attention to society you would see the changes in young people are getting very tall but that could be due to the hormones injected into foods evolution is up to a person if you remain ignorant to the worlds problems you will seriously regret this this is only my opinion and may not be true -reply by dwane -
Recently(5 days ago from now) I did a payout of 10$ from a siteCalled "10bux.Net" which I don't know is trustable or not. I'm new toPaypal. Do I get the payments received from the site "10bux.Net" to myUnverified paypal account?? If yes how many days it may take...And ifNo what should I do such that I get my payments.. I'm new to this and I'm in need of help. Please do reply! thank you -reply by aling dionisia
China and warChina To Attack UsaActually the U.S has almost surrounded China by deploying it's forces in the Middle East...Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan... India has the power to push into China to support the U.S. Russia would have no other choice to side with Americans in an all out war. Other countries would also follow suite by fear of siding with the enemy? If anyone, the U.S would gain most by declaring war on China...Just think of the U.S debt owed them...What better way to take over the world by forcing China to capitulate and surrender it's mind boggling growth.. In the mist of the constant decline in American supremacy, a master planned last surge for world control is not a far reaching idea in this less than reassuring times we all face as human beings.. America the great...Might turn out to be the catalist for the end of times as we know it... Theory or Reality? -reply by Marc
how much does PS cost?Need To Shrink The File Size Of Web Image? - Photoshop Tricksit seriously costs like 600 dollars. Fireworks is nearly the same thing and its only 299. -reply by Ashley
What Is The Main Difference Between Religions?
iGuest replied to heavensounds's topic in General Discussion
Does you religion explain these? Has it been updated?What Is The Main Difference Between Religions?All you believers of ancient religions just use your brains for a change! Ask yourselves; does your religion explain why there is magma underground which over flows through volcanoes sometimes? Does your religion explain how the Earth was a ball of molten rocks and how only the surface has cooled off till today. Does your religion explain why the continents are floating on molten lava and their movements cause Earth quakes and tsunamis all over the world destroying many places of worship too? Does your religion explain why the continents fit into each other like a massive jigsaw puzzle (look at South and North America and Africa on a world map), which is because the continents have broken apart and moved away from each other within some million years? That also explains why there are similar animals on the West coast of Africa and East coast of South America, and even the rocks and minerals match perfectly.Does any of your religion inform you that the tallest mountain range, Himalayas is less than 100 million years old and the Mount Everest is getting taller by a few centimetres every years? India is pushing into China by about 1 meter every year because of continental shift. This causes earth quakes in Iran and Pakistan. Do any of your religions or prophets tell you that light takes 1.3 second to reach us from the Moon, and over 8 minutes from the Sun? Light travels for 4.3 years to reach us from the second nearest star to Earth, Alfa Centauri, at 300,000 km/sec approx.Speed.Does your religion say anything at all about the hundreds of different dinosaurs that walked the Earth, between 100-250 million BC? Fossils have been discovered all over the world. Their real bones are on display in many museums around the world. Ancient scriptures have only mentioned giants and ugly demons. Our forefathers may have discovered dinosaur bones and thought they were from giants. The Chinese may have found complete fossils of huge lizard like dinosaurs and invented the tales of dragons.Do any of your ancient religions mention that we need oxygen, not carbon dioxide, and electric impulse, not blood alone, to stay alive? Blood can be transfused by litres at a time, but if the electricity that flows through your nerves and makes your heart muscles beat stops then you are brain dead. If your heart rate is faulty it can be steadied with a ?pace-maker? which controls the electric impulses. So if your religion says you must not consume blood because it carries life think again about the mistaken belief.One last question- if your mother is dying from a kidney failure, do you take her to a Church, Mosque, Temple or any other place of worship, or do you take her to a man of science who will probably inject her with blood, and may transplant another kidney to save her life. She may need dialysis, which again not mentioned in religious texts. So if you trust science to save your lives then why can?t you trust science to answer queries about Human evolution, formation of our Solar system, Earth, Oceans and seas, atmosphere etc? If the scriptures don?t differentiate between Oxygen and Hydrogen, curse and disease, how can we trust them blindly and believe them about anything else really?We know now that the Sun produces heat, not by Gods miracles, but by a continuous nuclear reaction during which Hydrogen is changing to Helium. Man has also created heat by the same process with Hydrogen bombs. Scientists are planning to produce miniature nuclear reactors to solve our energy problems. So I would urge everyone to start reading science books instead of out dated scriptures. See if you can make a contribution towards the future of mankind. After all we must all know that we will have to fly away from the Earth after a few billion years, before the Sun starts cooling off. No God will come to help us, believe me, like no one came to help during Katrina. We will have to help ourselves with the help of science!!-reply by Intelligent human! -
End of DaysThe End Of The World By December 21, 2012First of all, I love the Internet. It gives us all a platform to express our opinions about any and everything. That includes the End of the World. It's interesting to me that so many of us are fascinated with the end of the world, but we can't even respect each other enough to allow someone to express their opinions without judgment or rhetoric. Some people believe in God or some form of a divine creator. You have Christians, Muslims, Buddhist, etc. Some people don't believe in God, they believe in science. I respect both sides, even if I might not agree sometimes. If the end of the world was going to happen in 2012, then I would think a lot less people would be on the Internet and more would be spending the few years they have left with family and friends, making a difference, maybe traveling...Seeing the world before it all goes to crap! I will say this, I don't know when this system of things is going to end, but I do know this, as a man of science and faith, they both go hand and hand. All things understood do not have to be explained. Roddog71 -reply by Rodney Gray
why does he mess with me emotionally & mentally?Does He Really Like Me Or Just Playing With My Emotions? Please Help!There is this guy I've known for 3 years from 15 and now I'm 18. I met him when I was a new student at this high school I went to. He was after me like crazy but I wasn't interested in him in that way. I just saw him as a friend until finally one day I realized he really did like me. He talked me into falling in love with him & I did. He made it seem like I was the only girl he liked in that way but later on I found out he did that to a lot of other girls and I wasn't the only one he would say things like he told me to. Time past & we didn't talk , so I started dating other guys. But theses guys wouldn't get me as good as he did. Then once I would leave these other guys he would always ask for forgiveness saying he really does love me & that he never meant to hurt me & every time I fall for it. But recently we finally started to date for 2months & just one month ago he did the same thing to me again. I want to know is he just doing this to be greedy with me towards other guys or is he just confused or should I just forget about him no matter what it takes & never talk to him ever again?-reply by bdoll
how come u say that u r not ofensing religion u r saying totally wrong words from quoran .Should We Be Afraid From IslamReplying to alexviiiu r saying so ut its not true cause I know the whole quoran el hamdolelah and it does say to be friends but if they fight u fight , and muslims didn't take slaves and i am not arguing but I am saying that what u r saying is NT TRUE ABOUT ISLAM it's a religion that really if u read it will be improved by all the advices and words in it and really u should read it from a original book not an English one that maybe changing in it like it changing in many other and BTW I don't mean anything but that English changes a lot of words meaning in Arabic and I AM PROUD TO BE MUSLIM AND EGYPTION =D hope u read it and understand what I really mean .-reply by a muslim person
Skinning Windows Xp Do you know how to skin ?
iGuest replied to Inspiron's topic in Operating Systems
Manual SkinningSkinning Windows XpHi So, I have this thing that may or may not be qualified as "manually skinning XP" however, it requires minimal software interference. You definately have to patch the "uxtheme.Dll" - use a reputable source for this, I use one compatible for XP PRO SP3. If you are going to do this "manually" you will then need to consider the state of or if the abovementioned dll is being used or in "service", well, anything besides classic mode (not if you turn off/disable the theme service) - yeah, apologies - means that you will encounter resistance from you system here on. If the "uxtheme.Dll" file is presented as a zip file you would then need to extract the file directly into your Windows/system32 folder - the message you may be prompted to respond is to replace the "uxtheme.Dll", your choice. If that fails stop the theme service by accessing it via start/control panel/administrator tools/services. You may also be prompted by the OS to insert your installation disk as a"vital" or "life threatning" file has been replaced. Your choice for responding however, cancel and then yes you would like to keep the changed / replaced file. All ok, then turn on the theme services if this was your last resort, no need to reboot. Now you can extract, copy or whatever to the Windows/rescources/ folder and access your selection through the right click on your desktop, properties, select the Appearance tab and then select the theme in the drop down menu under Windows and buttons. I am not responsible for the choices you make. Be prudent, patient and think about the process and all will be well... - No animals were harmed in the making of this explanation and please remeber our trees before printing. -reply by Eddy -
how to code message in chatbox at loginRunescape 2 Private Server: Code/guide 1"Runescape 2 Private Server: Code/guide 1Ok first nicely done came in handy but I have a question. How can I change the message that pops up in the chatbox when I log in? -question by SplitBurst " ok you go into client.Java and search for what it says in the chatbox when you log in. that simple. -reply by Dave
Why Does The World Hate America? Is america hated?
iGuest replied to iGuest's topic in General Discussion
American Pop CultureWhy Does The World Hate America?I'm from Scotland (UK). I don't hate Americans. What I hate is American popular culture - mainly because it is being adopted in the UK. I hate hip-hop arrogance, I hate advertisements 24-7, I hate American audiences on TV shows constantly "whooping", I hate the way the news is dumbed down and the fact there always has to be a feel-good story, I hate the greed of the rich, I hate the gulf between rich and poor, I hate the way religion is a part of politics (If Gordon Brown said "God bless Britain" he would be ridiculed), I hate how you're government forces "democracy" on other nations when USA is one of the most undemocratic I have seen - where you can only vote for one of two people (who must be mega-rich!) and when the guy with the most votes doesn't win the election! I hate how your election has turned into the world's biggest game show where policies go out the window. I hate the fact the media care more about the president's dog than thousands of people dying in an asian catastrophe. I hate the Beverly Hills lifestyle that is forced down our throats, the artificial fakeness of it all. I hate the arrogance. I hate the ignorance. I hate Bush. BUT - there are 300 million Americans - only some of them are idiots. Many shudder at the things I mentioned as well. Every individual is different and should be judged on their own merits. -reply by Callum -
How To Set Up A Dedicated Server Counter-Strike dedicated server setup
iGuest replied to DaEmOnFiRe's topic in Software
Setting up java web serverHow To Set Up A Dedicated ServerHi, we have migrated from a hosting company and built our own server.The problem we have is with the installation.The guy who built the server says the root folder should be java apps but my programmer says its the name of the domain the files should be in.Can u let me know where to upload the java file too...This is urgent -reply by shree -
Happened to me also. This is too much of a coincidence that these errors happened when upgrading to Windows 7, so it must be an incompetent installation process. Coupled with the abysmal attitude of Microsoft as regards the upgrade paths I am seriously considering migrating away as soon as it becomes a viable option. Microsoft - you treat your customers, or perhaps you call them suckers, badly and the Windows 7 fiasco must surely rebound on you sooner rather than later. -reply by Chas C
Found this place giving away 7 invites to google on random basisGoogle Wave Invite ExchangeJust read that he has 7 invites in his google wave account. Here is the link http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Remember to drop your email address as they seems giving invites randomly among all readers. -reply by 7 invites to google wave
Which Is The Best Company Of Pen Drive?..
iGuest replied to tinoymalayil's topic in Hardware Workshop
I really need to buy pen drives and I'm stuck on which one to choose. San disk has always been my option but for now I'm not getting it. All the shops I visit don't have it and they suggest I try transcend. I don't know how good that one is though... -reply by solomon -
Disproving Mormonism A few facts that disprove the mormon faith
iGuest replied to Prox's topic in General Discussion
Stephen said "the bible, in which it says that we would instantly die if we saw God the Father because he cannot be around sin." Does that not disprove all christian religions? is it not correct that in the Bible God appeared before many men who were not instantly killed by his presence? -
Cadences Lyrics to some cadences Ive learned..
iGuest replied to rejected's topic in Art & Creativity
I don't want no aged queen.I just want my M-14.If I die in the combat zone.Box me up and ship me home.Pin my medals upon my chest.Tell my mom I've done my best. --------------------------------- C-130C-130 rolling down the stripAirborne daddy?s going to a little tripWhen the plane gets way up highAirborntroopers gonna dance in the skySee those Airborne?s in the skyThe living proof that **** can flyStand up, Hook on, Shuffle to the doorStarted jumping but fell on the floorThey stout me up and pushed me to doorJump right down and counted to fourAnd if my main doesn?t open wideI?ve got an other one by my sideAnd if that one should fail me tooLook out below, I?m coming throughBirdy, Birdy in the skyDropped some **** right in my eyeI?m no sissy, I won?t cryI?m just glad the cows don?t flyAnd if I die on the old Drop ZoneBox my up and ship my homePut my medals on my chestAnd tell my mom I've done my bestBury my body 6 feet downTill you hear it hits the groundWhen it hits the ground you'll hear me sayI want to be a drill instructorI want to cut off all my hearI want to be a drill instructorRun with me if you dare ----------------------------------------------- These are a couple that I've picked up from the Air Training Corps -reply by Ozzy -
I Can't Turn Off My Computer problem with turning of computer...
iGuest replied to tamuna90's topic in Hardware Workshop
i cannot turn off my computerI Can't Turn Off My ComputerI can not turn off my computer but I trying to use log off then switch use user name then now should restart and shut down in my windows XP give me advice what should I do? my computer cannot turn off properly. Because I need to go switch user name so I can restart or shut down pls.. Some reply from my question,, -
Difference Between Servlet Programming And Jsp?
iGuest replied to tinoymalayil's topic in Programming
Mobile to Servlet via URLDifference Between Servlet Programming And Jsp?Hi Nitin Reddy This is Soumya Maitra. I am new to java. May be my question is little fuzzy to you, please pardon me for that. I have come to know that j2me can also talk JSP or a servlet to get some database stored information. And I have developed an application that can talk to a servlet too. But my question is how can I make sure that the connection is secure that is unreadable by a hacker? Can you suggest me urls where I can read steps to secure my Mobile to server connection? -reply by Soumya Maitra -
Paranormal Activity Ever had a paranormal experience?
iGuest replied to Thing's topic in General Discussion
comforting entityParanormal Activitymany years ago, I would say when I was about 10 or 11. My moms first husband left at about 4 in the afternoon and went to the daytona 500. The same night he left, approximatly 6 hours after, my mom was folding the laundry in her room directly upstairs from mine. I then heard a loud thud and she was screaming. I ran up the stairs to find my mom curled up and crying uncontrollably. I took her downstairs and finally got her to calm down and she told me "I heard a mans voice right behind me say 'everything is gonna be just fine, he'll be ok." she swore up and down it was Bill's (her husband) voice. But he was gone, and there was no one there besides her, my sister and me. Needless to say we moved out of that house about 3 weeks after that incident happened. -reply by Allan Brinkler -
How to embed any rich text editor in a php pageWeird Formatting: Embedding Php Into HtmlI want to use a rich text editor in my php page. Please tell me how to embed/ include that rich text editor so that it will save the content and show it. Thanks -reply by shubhaanshu
A better FactStrange But True FactsThe Extra skin on the elbow has no nerves, and is called a Wenis. -reply by Logan Sheptycki
Crazy Painful Itching All Over Body In Winter
iGuest replied to Waqas ahmed's topic in Health & Fitness
I have the same problem. sweating is the best solution, I think as it hydrates the skin form inside also. So add some workout to your routine. Scrubbing and moisturizer helps but not much specially when the itching is under the skin, no solution yet.